Diff: Help/EditMetaDataPlugin
Differences between current version and previous revision of Help/EditMetaDataPlugin.
Other diffs: Previous Major Revision, Previous Author
Newer page: | version 6 | Last edited on 17 January 2022 3:00 | by harold | |
Older page: | version 5 | Last edited on 9 September 2007 0:16 | by harold | Revert |
@@ -1,13 +1,39 @@
plugin allows you to add/edit/delete metadata key/value pairs for a given page. You must be logged in as the administrator to do this. The page's metadata contains things like the page hit count, last edit time and so on.</b>
+The **~EditMetaData** [[Help:WikiPlugin|
allows you
to add/edit/delete metadata key/value pairs for a given page.
You must be logged in as the administrator to do this.
The page's metadata contains things like the page hit count,
last edit time and so on.
-<b>Editing the metadata for the homepage would look like this:
EditMetaData page="HomePage" ?
-<b>With no arguments the plugin defaults to the current page:</b
-<?plugin EditMetaData ?>
<<EditMetaData argument
+== Argument ==
-PhpWikiDocumentation Help
+{| class="bordered"
+! Argument
+! Description
+! Default value
+| **page**
+| Which page to edit
+| Current page.
+== Examples ==
+Editing the metadata for the [[HomePage]] would look like this
+<<EditMetaData page="HomePage">>
+With no arguments the plugin defaults to the current page:
+[[PhpWikiDocumentation]] [[CategoryWikiPlugin]]
current version
The EditMetaData plugin allows you
to add/edit/delete metadata key/value pairs for a given page.
You must be logged in as the administrator to do this.
The page's metadata contains things like the page hit count,
last edit time and so on.
<<EditMetaData argument>>
Argument |
Description |
Default value |
page |
Which page to edit |
Current page. |
Editing the metadata for the HomePage would look like this:
<<EditMetaData page="HomePage">>
With no arguments the plugin defaults to the current page: