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You can easily **use images in the wiki**. == Uploaded images == First, image files need to be uploaded in the wiki. For that purpose, you will use the [[Help:UpLoadPlugin|UpLoad]] plugin. === Toolbar === Once the image is uploaded, the easiest way to insert it is to use the toolbar. Click on the {{/themes/default/images/ed_image.png|Insert Image or Video}} icon and you will be shown a list of available images. Select an image and click //Insert//. The image will be inserted without options or alternative text. === Syntax === You give access to the uploaded image with the following syntax. {{{ {{myimage.png}} }}} or {{{ [[Upload:myimage.png]] }}} will inline the image. {{{ {{myimage.png|this is the alt text for my image}} }}} inlines the image with an alternative text. {{{ [[some link|{{myimage.png}}]] }}} if you click on the image, will goto "some link" {{{ [[some link|{{myimage.png|alt text}}]] }}} same with alternative {{{ [[|{{myimage.png}}]] }}} same as above: picture links to url {{{ [[|{{myimage.png|alt text}}]] }}} same with alternative {{{ Upload:myimage.png }}} shows a plain link {{{ [[Upload:myimage.png | my image]] }}} shows the image under a link named "my image". For Mediawiki compatibility, the keyword {{{Upload:}}} can be replaced by {{{File:}}} or {{{Image:}}}. === Options === Using the {{{Upload:}}} syntax, options are allowed to change the appearance: {{{ [[Upload:myimage.png size=40x25 align=center]] }}} Separate options by spaces. The allowed options are the following: * size: ''width "x" height'' or ''num + "%"'' * align: ''string'' * border: ''number'' * hspace: ''number'' * vspace: ''number'' == URL images == You can also use "external" images by providing a URL. In that case, you simply put the URL between double brackets or double curly brackets: {{{ [[]] }}} or {{{ {{}} }}} will give: [[]] == See Also == * [[Help:VideoPlugin]] * [[Help:Wikicreole]] <noinclude> ---- [[PhpWikiDocumentation]] </noinclude>
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