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!!! Summary Makes an 'album' by displaying a set of photos listed in a text file with optional descriptions. !!! Usage <verbatim> <?plugin PhotoAlbum src=http://server/textfile mode=[column|row] align=[center|left|right] desc=true sort=false height=100% width=100% weblocation=>false ?> </verbatim> !!! Arguments _Only the ='src'= parameter is mandatory._ *src*: Url or local path to a CSV textfile which separates filename and description of each photo. Photos listed in the text file have to be in same directory as the file. Descriptions are optional. If the the local path points to a directory, is relative from PHPWIKI_DIR, and the main script is in PHPWIKI_DIR, weblocation must not be given, and all pictures from this directory are displayed. *url*: defines the the webpath to the srcdir directory (formerly called weblocation) *mode*: Specifies how the images are arranged. * "normal" - Normal table which shows photos full-size * "thumbs" - WinXP thumbnail style * "tiles" - WinXP tiles style * "list" - WinXP list style * "slide" - slideshow mode, needs javascript on client *showdesc*: "none" - No descriptions next to photos %%% "name" - Only filename shown %%% "desc" - Only description (from textfile) shown %%% "both" - If no description found, then filename will be used %%% *link*: true or false If true, each image will be hyperlinked to a page where the single photo will be shown full-size. Only works when mode != 'normal' *align*: center|right|left. Default is ='center'=. *desc*: Display any descriptions given in the text file. Default is true. *sort*: Sort images by file name. By default the order in the text file is followed. *bgcolor*: Default: #eae8e8 cell bgcolor (lightgrey) *hlcolor*: Default: #c0c0ff highlight color (lightblue) *height*, *width*: Height and width are calculated compared to original metrics retrieved by [php-function:getimagesize] and can be absolute (50px) or a percentage (e.g. "50%"). *attrib*: attrib arg allows multiple attributes: attrib=sort,nowrap,alt 'sort' sorts alphabetically, 'nowrap' for cells, 'alt' to use descs instead of filenames in image ALT-tags *cellwidth*: cell (auto|equal|image|75|100%) Width of cells in table. Either absolute value in pixels, HTML style percentage, "auto" (no special action), "equal" (where all columns are equally sized) or "image" (take height and width of the photo in that cell). *tablewidth*: (Optional) table (75|100%) *p*: (Optional) "displaythissinglephoto.jpg" only *h*: (Optional) "highlightcolorofthisphoto.jpg" only !!! Examples !! Text file Possible content of a valid text file: <verbatim> photo-01.jpg; My girlfriend and I photo-02.jpg christmas.gif; Merry Christmas! </verbatim> !! Sample Albums local dir: <?plugin PhotoAlbum src="themes/Hawaiian/images/pictures/" ?> or via external url: <verbatim> <?plugin PhotoAlbum src="" </verbatim> ?> [ /Slides ] !!! Plugin Authors * [Ted Vinke|] Original author * [ReiniUrban|PhpWiki:ReiniUrban] local fs * [ThomasHarding|PhpWiki:ThomasHarding] slides and thumbs ---- PhpWikiDocumentation Help:WikiPlugin
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