Differences between current version and previous revision of Help/PloticusPlugin.
Other diffs: Previous Major Revision, Previous Author
Newer page: |
version 6 |
Last edited on 17 January 2022 3:00 |
by harold |
Older page: |
version 5 |
Last edited on 22 December 2011 4:25 |
by harold |
Revert |
@@ -1,124 +1,109 @@
-The Ploticus WikiPlugin passes all its arguments to the ploticus
-binary and displays the result as PNG, GIF, EPS, SVG, SVGZ
or SWF
+The **
Ploticus** [[Help:
passes all its arguments to the Ploticus
+binary and displays the result as PNG, GIF, EPS, SVG or SVGZ
Ploticus is a free, GPL, non-interactive software package
for producing plots, charts, and graphics from data.
See http://ploticus.sourceforge.net/doc/welcome.html
Ploticus uses a cache expire date of days.
Ploticus device||=png [ploticus options...]
Usage ==
Ploticus device||=png [ploticus options...]
multiline ploticus script ...
or without any script: (not tested)
Ploticus -prefab vbars
- data=myfile.dat delim=tab y=1
- clickmapurl="http://mywiki.url/wiki/?pagename=@2"
- clickmaplabel="@3" -csmap
Ploticus -prefab vbars
data=myfile.dat delim=tab y=1
clickmaplabel="@3" -csmap
-TODO: PloticusSql - create intermediate data from SQL. Similar to [SqlResult|
+TODO: ~
PloticusSql - create intermediate data from SQL. Similar to [[
] plugin
just in graphic form.
For example to produce nice looking pagehit statistics or ratings statistics.
Ploticus has its own sql support within #getproc data, but this would expose security information.
-! Plugin
-__device__: |
- gif, png, jpeg, svg, svgz, eps, swf. Any -T parameter supported by ploticus. Default: png
-__data__: |
- optionally add data by <!plugin-list !> pagelist plugins. See Help:WikiPlugin
-__alt__: |
- alt text for the image
-__-prefab__: |
- use the given prefab script (may need PLOTICUS_PREFABS)
-__-csmap__: |
- If a clickable map should be produced (not yet tested)
- passed to ploticus as -csmap -mapfile $tempfile.map
-__help__: |
- Show a help screen
-All other arguments are used as source
to ploticus
+{| class="bordered"
+! Argument
+! Description
+! Default value
+| **device**
+| gif, png, jpeg, svg, svgz, eps. Any -T parameter supported by Ploticus.
+| png
+| **data**
+| optionally add data by <!plugin-list !> pagelist plugins. See [[Help:WikiPlugin]]
+| **alt**
+| alt text for the image
+| **~-prefab**
+| use the given prefab script (may need PLOTICUS_PREFABS)
+| **~-csmap**
+| If a clickable map should be produced (not yet tested) passed
to Ploticus as -csmap -mapfile $tempfile
+| **help**
+| Show a help screen
+All other arguments are used as source to Ploticus.
-# For windows you need either a gd library with GIF support or
- a ploticus with PNG support. This comes only with the cygwin
- build so far.
Optional Configuration
+For Windows you need either a gd library with GIF support or
+a Ploticus with PNG support. This comes only with the Cygwin
+build so far.
Optional Configuration ==
- PLOTICUS_EXE = pl.exe (on windows
+ PLOTICUS_EXE = pl.exe (on Windows
PLOTICUS_EXE = /usr/local/bin/pl (elsewhere)
prefabs need the environment variable PLOTICUS_PREFABS. Default: /usr/share/ploticus.
Maybe also set by the config variable PLOTICUS_PREFABS.
-See also [WikiPluginCached|
Help:WikiPluginCached] options in config.ini.
+See also [[
] options in config.ini.
-<?plugin Ploticus device||
-#proc page
-#if @DEVICE in gif,png
- scale: 0.7
-// specify data using {proc getdata}
-#proc getdata
-data: Brazil 22
- Columbia 17
- "Costa Rica" 22
- Guatemala 3
- Honduras 12
- Mexico 14
- Nicaragua 28
- Belize 9
- United\nStates 21
- Canada 8
-// render the pie graph using {proc pie}
-#proc pie
-firstslice: 90
-explode: .2 0 0 0 0 .2 0
-datafield: 2
-labelfield: 1
-labelmode: line+label
-center: 4 4
-radius: 2
-colors: yellow pink pink pink pink yellow pink
-labelfarout: 1.05
-The pie chart above was produced by this code from the ploticus
Ploticus device||=png alt="Sample Pie Chart"
Ploticus device||=png alt="Sample Pie Chart"
#proc page
#if @DEVICE in gif,png
scale: 0.7
// specify data using {proc getdata}
#proc getdata
-data: Brazil 22
- Columbia 17
- "Costa Rica" 22
- Guatemala 3
- Honduras 12
- Mexico 14
- Nicaragua 28
- Belize 9
United\nStates 21
- Canada 8
Brazil 22
Columbia 17
"Costa Rica" 22
Guatemala 3
Honduras 12
Mexico 14
Nicaragua 28
Belize 9
United\nStates 21
Canada 8
// render the pie graph using {proc pie}
#proc pie
firstslice: 90
@@ -129,15 +114,17 @@
center: 4 4
radius: 2
colors: yellow pink pink pink pink yellow pink
labelfarout: 1.05
+== Author ==
+* [[Help:Reini Urban|Reini Urban]]
-! Author
+== See Also ==
+* [[Help
-! See Also
-PhpWikiDocumentation Help:WikiPlugin
PhpWikiDocumentation]] [[CategoryWikiPlugin]]
current version
The Ploticus
plugin passes all its arguments to the Ploticus
binary and displays the result as PNG, GIF, EPS, SVG or SVGZ.
Ploticus is a free, GPL, non-interactive software package
for producing plots, charts, and graphics from data.
Ploticus uses a cache expire date of days.
<<Ploticus device||=png [ploticus options...]
multiline ploticus script ...
or without any script: (not tested)
<<Ploticus -prefab vbars
data=myfile.dat delim=tab y=1
clickmaplabel="@3" -csmap
TODO: PloticusSql - create intermediate data from SQL. Similar to
SqlResult plugin,
just in graphic form.
For example to produce nice looking pagehit statistics or ratings statistics.
Ploticus has its own sql support within #getproc data, but this would expose security information.
All other arguments are used as source to Ploticus.
Known Problems
For Windows you need either a gd library with GIF support or
a Ploticus with PNG support. This comes only with the Cygwin
build so far.
Optional Configuration
- config.ini
- PLOTICUS_EXE = pl.exe (on Windows)
PLOTICUS_EXE = /usr/local/bin/pl (elsewhere)
prefabs need the environment variable PLOTICUS_PREFABS. Default: /usr/share/ploticus.
Maybe also set by the config variable PLOTICUS_PREFABS.
See also
Help:WikiPluginCached options in config.ini.
Sample Pie Chart:
<<Ploticus device||=png alt="Sample Pie Chart"
#proc page
#if @DEVICE in gif,png
scale: 0.7
// specify data using {proc getdata}
#proc getdata
data: Brazil 22
Columbia 17
"Costa Rica" 22
Guatemala 3
Honduras 12
Mexico 14
Nicaragua 28
Belize 9
United\nStates 21
Canada 8
// render the pie graph using {proc pie}
#proc pie
firstslice: 90
explode: .2 0 0 0 0 .2 0
datafield: 2
labelfield: 1
labelmode: line+label
center: 4 4
radius: 2
colors: yellow pink pink pink pink yellow pink
labelfarout: 1.05
See Also