Differences between current version and previous revision of Help/PluginManagerPlugin.
Other diffs: Previous Major Revision, Previous Author
Newer page: |
version 6 |
Last edited on 17 January 2022 3:00 |
by harold |
Older page: |
version 5 |
Last edited on 9 September 2007 0:16 |
by harold |
Revert |
@@ -1,34 +1,63 @@
a dynamic list of plugins on this wiki.
+The **~PluginManager** [[Help:WikiPlugin|plugin]] provides
a dynamic list of plugins on this wiki.
- <?plugin PluginManager info
=args ?>
+<<PluginManager info=args>>
-info _(default: args)_:
- Display the arguments also. Default: enabled
- To disable use something like info
+{| class="bordered"
! Argument
+! Description
+! Default value
+| **info**
+| Display the arguments also. To disable use info=0.
+| enabled
-define('REQUIRE_ADMIN', true) in the sourcecode to disable general usage.
+##define('REQUIRE_ADMIN', true)## in the sourcecode to disable general usage.
-<?plugin PluginManager ?>
PluginManager ?
-! Author
PhpWiki:JeffDairiki ?
PhpWiki lets you extend it with new functionality via a plugin
+mechanism. In short, you extend a PHP class we provide and customize
+it to print out the content you want. For more information see
:WikiPlugin]], [[Help:HelloWorldPlugin]], and view the source of the files in
+If there is no example page for the plugin, or you need more
+information, the best place to go is the source of the plugin. Under
+your wiki's root directory, the folder ##lib/plugin## contains all the PHP
+files for the plugins.
+== External Requirements ==
+Some plugins require correctly configured PLUGIN_CACHED and external libraries
+not provided with ~PhpWiki or PHP, such as
+* [[php-function:ref.image|PHP with GD support]] for the [[Help:text2pngPlugin|text2png]] plugin,
+* [[ftp://ftp.dante.de/tex-archive/support/latex2html|LaTeX2HTML]] for the [[Help:TexToPngPlugin|TexToPng]] plugin and [[Help:TeX2pngPlugin|TeX2png]] plugin,
+* [[http://graphviz.org|graphviz]] for the [[Help:GraphVizPlugin|GraphViz]] plugin and [[Help:VisualWikiPlugin|VisualWiki]] plugin,
+* [[http://ploticus.sourceforge.net|ploticus]] for the [[Help:PloticusPlugin|Ploticus]] plugin,
+* ##USE_DB_SESSION = true## (default for the peardb or dba backends) for the [[Help:WhoIsOnlinePlugin|WhoIsOnline]] plugin,
+* ##--with-xml## support (with expat or libxml2) for the [[Help:RssFeedPlugin|RssFeed]] plugin (~ProjectSummary, ~RecentReleases) and ~HtmlParser support (~ImportHtml, ~HtmlAreaEditing),
+* PHP Mail functionality (##php.ini##: SMTP + sendmail_from on Windows or sendmail_path) for email ~PageChangeNotifications and [[ModeratedPage]]'s,
+* a [[http://www.google.com/apis/|Google license key]] for the [[Help:GooglePluginPlugin|GooglePlugin]] plugin,
+* optionally ##apache/mod_log_{my}sql## for fast, external log analysis if ##ACCESS_LOG_SQL=1## (Referer, Abuse Prevention). See ##lib/Request.php## and [[http://www.outoforder.cc/projects/apache/mod_log_sql/]]
+== Author ==
+* [[Help:Jeff Dairiki|Jeff Dairiki]] ?
-PhpWikiDocumentation Help:WikiPlugin
PhpWikiDocumentation]] [[CategoryWikiPlugin]]
current version
The PluginManager
plugin provides a dynamic list of plugins on this wiki.
<<PluginManager info=args>>
define('REQUIRE_ADMIN', true) in the sourcecode to disable general usage.
PhpWiki lets you extend it with new functionality via a plugin
mechanism. In short, you extend a PHP class we provide and customize
it to print out the content you want. For more information see
Help:HelloWorldPlugin, and view the source of the files in
If there is no example page for the plugin, or you need more
information, the best place to go is the source of the plugin. Under
your wiki's root directory, the folder lib/plugin contains all the PHP
files for the plugins.
External Requirements
Some plugins require correctly configured PLUGIN_CACHED and external libraries
not provided with PhpWiki or PHP, such as
PHP with GD support for the
text2png plugin,
LaTeX2HTML for the
TexToPng plugin and
TeX2png plugin,
graphviz for the
GraphViz plugin and
VisualWiki plugin,
ploticus for the
Ploticus plugin,
- USE_DB_SESSION = true (default for the peardb or dba backends) for the
WhoIsOnline plugin,
- --with-xml support (with expat or libxml2) for the
RssFeed plugin (ProjectSummary, RecentReleases) and HtmlParser support (ImportHtml, HtmlAreaEditing),
- PHP Mail functionality (php.ini: SMTP + sendmail_from on Windows or sendmail_path) for email PageChangeNotifications and ModeratedPage's,
- a
Google license key for the
GooglePlugin plugin,
- optionally apache/mod_log_{my}sql for fast, external log analysis if ACCESS_LOG_SQL=1 (Referer, Abuse Prevention). See lib/Request.php and