Diff: Help/RateItPlugin
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Differences between version 2 and previous revision of Help/RateItPlugin.
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Newer page: | version 2 | Last edited on 22 May 2014 3:01 | by harold | Revert |
Older page: | version 1 | Last edited on 17 January 2022 18:35 | by harold | Revert |
version 2
RateIt: A recommender system, based on MovieLens and "suggest".
Store user ratings per pagename. The wikilens theme displays a navbar image bar with some nice Javascript magic and this plugin shows various recommendations.
There should be two methods to store ratings:
- In a SQL database as in wikilens
The most important fact: A page has more than one rating. There can be (and will be!) many ratings per page (ratee): different raters (users), in different dimensions. Are those stored per page (ratee)? Then what if I wish to access the ratings per rater (user)?
Wikilens plans several user-centered applications like:
- a) show my ratings
- b) show my buddies' ratings
- c) show how my ratings are like my buddies'
- d) show where I agree/disagree with my buddy
- e) show what this group of people agree/disagree on
If the ratings are stored in a real DB in a table, we can index the
ratings by rater and ratee, and be confident in
performance. Currently MovieLens has 80,000 users, 7,000 items,
10,000,000 ratings. This is an average of 1400 ratings/page if each
page were rated equally. However, they're not: the most popular
things have tens of thousands of ratings (e.g., "Pulp Fiction" has
42,000 ratings). If ratings are stored per page, you would have to
save/read huge page metadata every time someone submits a
rating. Finally, the movie domain has an unusually small number of
items-- I'd expect a lot more in music, for example.
For a simple rating system one can also store the rating in the page metadata (default).
Recommender Engines:
- Recommendation/Prediction is a special field of "Data Mining"
For a list of (also free) software see
- movielens: (Java Server) will be gpl'd in summer 2004 (weighted)
- suggest: is free for non-commercial use, available as compiled library (non-weighted)
- Autoclass: simple public domain C library
- MLC++: C++ library
Note: The wikilens theme or any derivate must be enabled, to enable this plugin!
<<RateIt>> just the widget without text <<RateIt show=top>> text plus widget below <<RateIt show=ratings>> to show my ratings TODO: <<RateIt show=buddies>> to show my buddies <<RateIt show=ratings dimension=1>> TODO: <<RateIt show=text>> just text, no widget, for dumps
Argument |
Description |
Default value |
pagename |
The page to execute upon |
current pagename |
version |
false |
version |
false |
id |
rateit |
imgPrefix |
(empty) or BStar or Star |
(empty) |
dimension |
false |
small |
false |
show |
false |
mode |
false |
- Dan Frankowski (wikilens author),
Reini Urban (as plugin)
See Also
To do
- finish mysuggest.c (external engine with data from mysql)