
Note: You are viewing an old revision of this page. View the current version.


Emphasis: // for italics, ** for bold, **//...//** for both, ## for fixed width.
Lists: * for bullet lists, # for numbered lists; use multiple * or # for nested lists.
Headings: "==", "===", "====", etc. make headings.
Preformatted text: Enclose text in {{{...}}} or <pre></pre>.
Indented text: Indent the paragraph with whitespaces.
References: use double square brackets for a [[page link]] or URL [[]].
References: use pipe | to name the links: [[page link|some text]] or [[|some text]].
Preventing linking: Prefix with "~": ~DoNotHyperlink.
Misc: "\\" makes a linebreak, "----" makes a horizontal rule.
Allowed HTML tags: b big i small tt em strong s strike abbr acronym cite code dfn kbd samp var sup sub
More: tables, images, table of contents, plugins

More explanations: Help:TextFormattingRules

Character Formatting


  • Use a double slash (//) for emphasis (usually italics)
  • Use a double asterisk (**) for strong emphasis (usually bold)
  • Mix them at will: bold italics
  • Emphasis can be used multiple times within a paragraph, but cannot cross paragraph boundaries:

// this

will not work//


Monospace text is made using two hashes:

This sentence contains ##monospace text##.

This sentence contains monospace text.


Superscript text is made using two carets:

The XX^^th^^ century.

The XXth century.


Subscript text is made using two commas:

Water is H,,2,,O.

Water is H2O.


There's no syntax for font tags.

Color Text

It is possible to write text in color.

%color=green% green text %% and back to normal

will give:
green text and back to normal

The easiest way to do it is to use the COLOR button in the Edit Toolbar. The text will be in green by default. You can then change the color.

Allowed colors are:

  • an HTML color number (# followed by 3 or 6 digits),
  • the following predefined color names:































Note: you can put the headers in color, but only if you do not have a table of content. For now, the table of content is incompatible with color headers.

Escape Character

The tilde '~' is the Escape Character:

  • A single tilde '~' followed by nothing gets rendered as a single tilde. => ~
  • Two tilde '~~' get rendered as a single tilde. => ~
  • A single tilde before a link ('~') prevents linking. =>
  • Two tildes before a link ('~~') produce a tilde followed by the hyperlinked URL. => ~
  • A tilde inside an URL gets removed, unless it's formatted inside square brackets.
  • Two tildes inside an URL (without brackets) become a single tilde. => or

Special Characters

All special non-whitespace HTML characters are displayed as-is. Exceptions below.


  • Don't indent paragraphs
  • Words wrap and fill as needed
  • Use blank lines as separators
  • Four or more minus signs make a horizontal rule
  • "\\", "%%%" or "<br>" makes a linebreak (in headings and lists too)


Unordered lists

Recommended syntax (Wikicreole):

  • asterisk for first level
  • double asterisk for second level, etc.

Be sure to put a space after the asterisk.

You can also use indented asterisk for second level (indent at least two spaces).

Ordered lists

Recommended syntax (Wikicreole):

  • # for first level
  • double # for second level, etc.

Be sure to put a space after the hash sign.

You can also use indented # for second level (indent at least two spaces).

Definition lists





Items may contain multiple paragraphs and other multi-lined content, just indent the items


Wikicreole syntax (recommended)

  • '==' at the start of a line makes a large heading (h2)
  • '===' at the start of a line makes a medium heading (h3)
  • '====' at the start of a line makes a small heading (h4)
  • '=====' at the start of a line makes a smaller heading (h5)
  • '======' at the start of a line makes a tiny heading (h6)

Classic Phpwiki syntax

  • '!!!' at the start of a line makes a large heading (h2)
  • '!!' at the start of a line makes a medium heading (h3)
  • '!' at the start of a line makes a small heading (h4)

Preformatted text

Place the preformatted text between three opening curly brackets and three closing curly brackets:

Preformatted text. ~WikiLinks do not work.


Preformatted text. WikiLinks do not work.

If you want Wiki interaction, place preformatted lines inside <pre>:

Preformatted text. WikiLinks still work.


Preformatted text. WikiLinks still work.

Indented Paragraphs

Two or more whitespaces signal indented text. Indents may be nested.

This is an indented block of text.

This block is even more indented.

E-mail style block-quoting is supported as well:

> This is block-quoted text.

renders as

This is block-quoted text.


  • Hyperlinks to other pages within the Wiki are made by placing the page name in double square brackets: this is a page link. Single brackets or WikiWords will also work.
  • Hyperlinks to external pages are done like this:
  • You can name the links by providing the hyperlink or pagename, a pipe (|) and then the name: PhpWiki home page, the front page
  • You can suppress linking to URIs by preceding the word with a '~', e.g. NotLinkedAsWikiName,
  • Also, the old way of linking URL's is still supported: precede URLs with "http:", "ftp:" or "mailto:" to create links automatically as in:
  • URLs ending with .png, .gif, or .jpg are inlined if in square brackets, by themselves:
  • You can create footnotes by using [1], [2], [3], ... like this here #[|ftnt

_ref_1][1]. See footnote for counterpart. (If the [ is in the first column, it is a footnote definition rather than a footnote

reference [1].)

  • In-page hyperlinks are made by placing a named anchor and referring to the anchor in a hyperlink:

    • Named anchors:

      • #[[foo]]: An anchor around the text "foo" with id "foo".
      • #[[|foo]]: An empty anchor with id "foo".
      • #[[howdy|foo]]: An anchor around the text "howdy" with id "foo".
    • References to name anchors are made thusly:
      [[#hyperlinks]], [[OtherPage#foo]], [[OtherPage#foo|named]].
  • Semantic links are named links like: is_a::WikiPage and attributes like size:-4000.
  • A pagelink within square brackets starting with ":" is not backlinked.


An inline image is created with curly brackets. An alternate text can be put after a pipe. If there is none, an empty alternate text will be created.

{{myimage.png|this is the alt text for my image}}
[[some link|{{myimage.png}}]] - if you click on the image, will goto "some link"
[[some link|{{myimage.png|alt text}}]] - same with alternative
[[|{{myimage.png}}]] - same as above: picture links to url
[[|{{myimage.png|alt text}}]] - same with alternative


Wikicreole tables

All cells are separated by single pipes. Leading spaces are permitted before the first cell of a row and trailing spaces are permitted at the end of a line. The ending pipe is optional.

You can embed links, bold, italics, line breaks, and nowiki in table cells.

Equal sign directly following pipe defines a header. Headers can be arranged horizontally or vertically.

|=Heading Col 1 |=Heading Col 2         |
|Cell 1.1       |Two lines\\in Cell 1.2 |
|Cell 2.1       |Cell 2.2               |

will give:

Heading Col 1 Heading Col 2
Cell 1.1 Two lines
in Cell 1.2
Cell 2.1 Cell 2.2

Mediawiki tables

See Help:MediawikiTablePlugin.

Definition list style tables

Definition list style tables are written just like definition lists, except that you replace the trailing colon on the term with a "pipe" (|).

Term 1 |
   Definition 1 begins here.
   Term 1.1 |
      Definition 1.1
   Term 1.2 |
      Definition 1.2
   This is part of definition 1.
Term 2 |
   Here's definition 2.

will give:

Term 1

Definition 1 begins here.

Term 1.1 Definition 1.1
Term 1.2 Definition 1.2

This is part of definition 1.

Term 2 Here's definition 2.

Old-style tables

See: Help:OldStyleTablePlugin

HTML Mark-Up Language

  • Some in-line markup is allowed through the use of HTML tags: b, big, i, small, tt, em, strong, abbr, acronym, cite, code, dfn, kbd, samp, var, sup and sub
  • < and > are themselves
  • The & characters will not work

Creating various kinds of special links

See Help:MagicPhpWikiURLs for gory details on how to write various kind of wiki maintenance and other special links.

Inserting plugins

Several plugins permit embedding additional functionality to Wiki pages. For example,

<<BackLinks page=HomePage info=hits>>


247 pages link to HomePage:
|<<   << - 1 / 5 - Next >>   >>|
|<<   << - 1 / 5 - Next >>   >>|
Page Name. Hits.
Help/TextFormattingRules 6324
PhpWikiAdministration 626
Help/EditMetaDataPlugin 621
Help/RedirectToPlugin 652
TextFormattingRules 3962
OldTextFormattingRules 241
RedirectToPlugin 254
NewMarkupTestPage 253
OldMarkupTestPage 246
IncludePagePlugin 318
AmperexElectronicCorporation 805
DeltaElectronics 1319
EimacDivisionOfVarian 627
GatesRadioCompany 7695
GatesRadioCatalog99 318
GeneralElectric 1680
GeneralRadio 7755
HallikainenAndFriends 7348
MoseleyAssociatesInc 2273
Motorola 658
National 655
NemsClarke 583
RCA 8230
WesternElectric 1078
Technics 755
Westinghouse 667
MilitaryRadio 2846
Historic Papers 4445
Station Histories 2335
Ratheon 246
Raytheon 918
EfJohnson 682
American Electronic Laboratories 987
Victoreen Instrument Company 694
Anton Electronic Laboratories 823
Collins Radio 7047
HoweTech 672
Belar Electronics Laboratory 1661
Ampex 5791
Harris Corporation - Broadcast Division 5161
Dorrough Electronics 1844
Radio Engineering Laboratories 615
Standard Electronics 606
Amalgamated Wireless (Australiasia) Ltd. 1200
Byer Industries 582
Circuit Research Laboratories 1171
Bauer Electronics Corporation 679
Trimax 569
United Transformer Corporation 601
template 270
Philips 699
McMartin 1568
ITA 737
Continental Electronics 1984
Magnecord 564
TFT, Inc. 3402
Schafer Automation 952
Gentner 3664
Texar 742
Langevin 798
Altec 1323
CBS Labs 1823
Pultec 601
Sony 1920
3M 2449
UREI 1417
Frese and Kaping 773
Revox 1879
Federated Purchaser 523
CCA 1566
LPB 2195
Hollyanne 553
Telfax 544
Help/OldTextFormattingRules 257
AmministrazioneDiPhpWiki 259
Help/NewMarkupTestPage 260
Help/NewMarkupTestPage 260
Help/NewMarkupTestPage 260
Help/OldMarkupTestPage 253
Help/OldMarkupTestPage 253
Help/OldMarkupTestPage 253
Larcan 936
Tepco 670
Standard Telephones & Cables. Australia 530
Presto 623
Straight Wire Audio 541
Arrakis Systems, Inc 1270
Consolidated Electronic Industries 586
Aphex Systems Limited 843
QEI 2027
Multronics 576
ITC 2173
Machlett Laboratories 691
Cutting Edge Technologies 535
Bext 876
Tektronix 1934
Electronics Research, Inc. 521
Advanced Research & Technology 1188
Marantz 637
Microcon 562
Broadcast Television Systems 562
Bosch 689
dbx 1642
Otari 749
Crown 1610
Broadcast Electronics 5761
ATI 915
Scully 639
Marti Electronics, Inc. 1380
Harman Kardon 632
Potomac Instruments 1390
Broadcast Audio 1312
Andrew Corporation 1440
Audio Arts 754
Bird Electronic Corporation 10508
Dumont 953
Autogram 2229
Radio Engineering 256
Heathkit 2572
Mullard 597
NBC 698
Amperite 818
McIntosh 907
Inovonics 909
Neotek 1144
Moulic Specialties Co. 534
Engineering Services 601
IRC 835
ESE 1400
Comtech Antenna Corporation 740
Panasonic 2882
Orban 1512
Studer 583
Coastcom 634
Clear-Com 579
Dolby Laboratories 1321
CSI 1265
Bell Telephone Laboratories 922
Pacific Recorders and Engineers 902
Hewlett Packard 2022
Sparta Electronics 2304
Tapecaster 1482
Scala 697
Marconi Wireless Telegraph Company 748
Energy-Onix 1143
Modulation Sciences 1175
Burk Technology 1334
Auditronics 1651
Jampro Antenna 992
Dayton Industrial 3104
Thompson-CSF 848
Rust Industrial Company, Inc. 966
Accurate Sound Corporation 1273
IGM 808
SMC 794
Radix 925
Fidelipac 1939
Hughey & Phillips 968
Microwave Radio Corporation 1121
Broadcast Tools 2345
Symmetrix 1040
GatesAir 640
Hallicrafters 1297
Kenwood 1000
Kyocera 1068
Teac 1796
Wheatstone Corporation 1071
Gorman-Redlich 866
Studer International AG 685
Data Systems Design 753
Dana Electronics 1207
American Data 1097
Teletronix Engineering Company 907
Tentel 747
Taber Manufacturing and Engineering Company 853
Standart Tape Laboratory 711
Extel 820
Russco 723
Automated Broadcast Controls 845
Electrovoice 711
Jennings 748
Wegener Communications 680
Midwest Communications 682
Aston 971
Farallon 715
Kenneth A. Bacon Associates 600
J. G. S. Engineering Inc. 706
Continental Satellite Systems 678
ComStream 957
Conex Electro Systems 652
Denon 812
Multi-technical Services 664
Electronic Signal Products 792
Lorain Products Corporation 681
C & D Batteries 1132
Nova Systems, Inc. 632
Nortronics 1312
Norcom 859
Lambda Electronics Corp. 858
US Audio 667
Jensen Transformers 727
Garner Industries 658
Sescom 797
Soltec 766
Peak Audio 633
MCI 962
MEI 1311
Minicom Division of 3M 1005
Metrotech 1131
Lang Electronics 660
Kinght-kit 952
Cetec Broadcast Group 1250
Computer Concepts 831
Dataworld 803
National Association of Broadcasters 964
Link, Fred M 705
Weston 957
Yokogawa Electric Works 840
Measurements 986
Electronics Digest 1024
Gregg Laboratories 743
Leeds & Northrup Company 733
Video Systems of America 583
Simpson Electric Company 751
Triplett 612
Boonton Radio Corporation 637
Ohmite Manufacturing Company 869
Contel ASC 418
Audi-Cord Corporation 448
Johnson Electronics 432
Telefile Computer Products, Inc. 642
Realistic 272
Thordarson 285
Sine Systems 343
Telos 337
Harris Allied 265
Broadcasters General Store 395
QRK 382
BME - Broadcast Management Engineering Magazine 1142
Radio Business Report 256
UMC Beaucart 204
Armstrong Transmitter Corporation 4282
Cablewave Systems 169
Aristocart 206
Elgin Electronics 221
Goldline 172
NAD Electronics 575

For more information on plugins see Help:WikiPlugin, and PluginManager for a list of all plugins.