This simple plugin allows blog-style entries on a page. Try making a few entries, and then look at RecentChanges to get an idea of how things work.
This plugin shows 'blogs' (comments/news) associated with a particular page and provides an input form for adding a new blog.
Argument |
Description |
Default value |
page |
page which is blogged to |
Current page |
order |
normal |
mode |
show,add |
Add <<WikiBlog>> at your PersonalPage and BlogArchives and BlogJournal will find the Blog entries automatically.
Now it is also the base class for all attachable pagetypes: "wikiblog", "comment" and "wikiforum"
To have the blog show up on a separate page:
On TopPage, use <<WikiBlog mode=add>> Create TopPage/Blog with this page as actionpage: <<WikiBlog pagename=TopPage mode=show>>
To have the main ADMIN_USER Blog appear under Blog and not under WikiBlog/Blog or UserName/Blog as for other users blogs, define BLOG_DEFAULT_EMPTY_PREFIX=true use the page Blog as basepage and user="" (as default for ADMIN or current user) and pagename="Blog" in the various blog plugins (BlogArchives, BlogJournal)
You must be logged in to add blog entries.
- Michael Van Dam, major refactor by
Jeff Dairiki (as AddComment)
- Changed as baseclass to AddComment and WikiForum and EditToolbar integration by
Reini Urban.