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Create generic and enhanced forms, with various options: * - editbox[] name=.. value=.. text=.. autocomplete=0|1 * - checkbox[] name=.. value=0|1 checked text=.. * - radio[] name=.. value=.. text=.. * - pulldown[] name=.. value=.. selected=.. text=.. autocomplete=0|1 * - combobox[] name=.. value=.. text=.. method=.. args=.. * - hidden[] name=.. value=.. * - submit[] * - action, submit buttontext, optional cancel button (bool) * - method=get or post, Default: post. Valid arguments for pulldown and editbox: autocomplete=1, Default: 0<br> If autocomplete=1, additional arguments method and args may be used. autocomplete together with dyn-methods (see below) should be used to handle larger lists (> 500).<br> If no method is given, value will be used to fill in the valid values.<br> <verbatim> method="xmlrpc:name [optional args]" method="dynxmlrpc:url [optional args]" method="url:http://server/wiki/method" method="dynurl:http://server/wiki/method" method="array:jsvariable" method="plugin:pluginname [optional args]" </verbatim> The plugin must return a pagelist.<br> args are optional arguments, space seperated, for the method.<br> A combobox is a pulldown with autocomplete=1.<br> Author: Reini Urban - Values which are constants are evaluated. - The cancel button must be supported by the action. (just some wikiadmin actions so far) - improve layout by: nobr=1 - some allow values as list from <!plugin-list pluginname args !> ! Samples <?plugin WikiFormRich action=dumpserial method=get checkbox[] name=include value="all" editbox[] name=directory value=DEFAULT_DUMP_DIR editbox[] name=pages value=* editbox[] name=exclude value="" ?> ---- <?plugin WikiFormRich action=dumphtml method=get editbox[] name=directory value=HTML_DUMP_DIR editbox[] name=pages value="*" editbox[] name=exclude value="" ?> ---- <?plugin WikiFormRich action=loadfile method=get editbox[] name=source value=DEFAULT_WIKI_PGSRC checkbox[] name=overwrite value=1 editbox[] name=exclude value="" ?> ---- <?plugin WikiFormRich action=TitleSearch method=get class=wikiadmin nobr=1 editbox[] name=s text="" submit[] checkbox[] name=case_exact checkbox[] name=regex ?> ---- <?plugin WikiFormRich action=FullTextSearch method=get class=wikiadmin nobr=1 editbox[] name=s text="" submit[] checkbox[] name=case_exact checkbox[] name=regex ?> ---- <?plugin WikiFormRich action=FuzzyPages method=get class=wikiadmin nobr=1 editbox[] name=s text="" submit[] checkbox[] name=case_exact ?> ---- <?plugin WikiFormRich action=AppendText buttontext="AddPlugin" radio[] name=s value=<!plugin-list BackLinks page=WikiPlugin limit=5 !> ?> ---- <?plugin WikiFormRich action=AppendText buttontext="AddPlugin" combobox[] name=s text="" style="width:60px" value=<!plugin-list BackLinks page=WikiPlugin !> submit[] ?> ---- <?plugin WikiFormRich action=AppendText buttontext="AddCategory" pulldown[] name=s text="Categories: " value=<!plugin-list TitleSearch s=Category !> ?> ---- <?plugin WikiFormRich action=SemanticSearch buttontext="AddRelation" combobox[] name=relation method="xmlrpc:listRelations" submit[] checkbox[] name=case_exact text="Case-exact?" ?> ---- <?plugin WikiFormRich action=AppendText buttontext="InsertTemplate" combobox[] name=s text="Template: " method="plugin:titleSearch s=Template*" submit[] ?> ---- <?plugin WikiFormRich action=GoTo editbox[] name=page text="GoTo: " method="dynxmlrpc:titleSearch s=H" style="width:100px" autocomplete=1 submit[] ?> ------------- PhpWikiDocumentation Help:WikiPlugin ReleaseNotes ReleaseNotes ReleaseNotes ReleaseNotes
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