Diff: Help/WikisUsingPhpWiki
Differences between current version and previous revision of Help/WikisUsingPhpWiki.
Other diffs: Previous Major Revision, Previous Author
Newer page: | version 3 | Last edited on 17 January 2022 3:00 | by harold | |
Older page: | version 2 | Last edited on 26 July 2020 17:48 | by harold | Revert |
@@ -1,36 +1,57 @@
Here are some wikis using ~PhpWiki:
-|= URL
|= ~PhpWiki release
-| http://bayernprovider
| 1.4.0RC1
-| http://bh.hallikainen.org/
| 1.4
-| http://crdo
| 1.3.14
-| http://danm
| 1.3.14
-| http://dev.cmeerw.org/HomePage
| 1.5
-| http://esk
| 1.3.14
-| http://www.hollenback
| 1.4
-| http://helpdesk
| 1.4
-| http://ifellner
| 1
-| http://iwant2know
| 1.4
-| http
| 1
-| http://mtswiki
| 1.4.0RC1
-| http://nextdoordiscount
| 1.4.0RC1
-| http://pcsgwiki
| 1.3.14
-| http://www
| 1.4
-| http://php-rql
| 1.4.0RC1
-| http://profit
| 1.3
-| http://rec
| 1
-| http://rhythsmbox
| 1.4
-| http://sldr-test
| 1.3.14
-| https
| 1.3.14
-| http://stardrive
| 1.4
-| https://www
| 1.4
-| http://utenmelk.no/wiki
| 1.4
-| http://wac-tk.drni.de/
| 1.3.11p1
-| http
| 1.4
-| http://wiki.inde-mayenne
| 1.3.14
-| http://www-bd.lip6.fr/ens/li345-2011/index.php/Accueil
| 1.4.0RC1
-| http
| 1.3.14
-| http
/ | 1.3.14
-| http://www.e38
/phpwiki/ | 1.3.14
-| http://www
| 1.4
-| http
/ | 1
+|= URL
|= ~PhpWiki release |= Theme
+| http://alsach
| 1.4.0RC1 | default
+| http://bh.hallikainen.org
| 1.6
.0 | Sidebar
+| http://www
+| http://churchofvirus
| 1.3.2-jeffs-hacks | Virus (custom)
+| http://crossfamily
/ | 1.2.7
+| http://www.dairiki.org/HammondWiki/
| 1.3.5pre | default
+| http://dev.cmeerw.org
| 1.6
.0 | Sidebar
+| http://dkbush
| 1.3.14
+| http://drtedwilliams
| 1.3
.14 | MacOSX
+| http://e38
| 1.3
+| http://echolalie
| http://forge
.es/wiki/g/optimiza/ | | Fusionforge
+| http://forkedcedarandscuppermongfarm
| 1.2
+| https
| | Gforge
+| https://gforge
.fr/gf/project/redice/wiki/ | | Gforge
+| http://gforge
/gf/project/vre/wiki/ | | Gforge
+| https://www
+| http://glhrn.org/NoPlaceToGo/
| 1.4.0RC1 | Sidebar
+| http://gouwm
| 1.2.11
+| http://hollenback.net | 1.5
.4 | Sidebar
+| http://joomlacode
.org/gf/user/mat978/userwiki/ | | Gforge
+| http://kcpralumni
/wiki/ | 1.6.0 | Sidebar
+| http://kqlives.sourceforge.net/
| 1.3.14 | kq (custom)
+| http://matthieuachard
| 1.2
+| http://meanwhile
| 1.4.0RC1 | ~MonoBook
+| http://mtswiki
| 1.6
.0 | Sidebar
+| http://mupad
| | default
+| http://muthanna
.html | ?? (wikidump)
+| http://netfrag
| 1.5
.5 | Sidebar
+| http://nukemclan
.fr | 1.2.10
+| http:
| 1.3.2-jeffs-hacks | ~DigiLog (custom)
+| http
.gnustep.org | 1.3.2
+| http://people
| 1.3.5pre | default
+| http://raczkowscy
.pl | 1
+| http:
| 1.3
.11p1 | default
+| https://senseis
+| http://squibbett.vacationhomesonnantucket.com
| 1.2
+| http://swimuu.org/cu2c2-board/
+| http://the-bees-knees.info/phpwiki/ | 1.5.4 | default
+| http://utenmelk.no/wiki2
| 1.6
.0 | Wordpress
+| http://wac-tk.drni.de
| 1.3.11p1 | Crao
+| https
://wiki.cyberleo.net | 1.5.5 | MacOSX
+| http:
| 1.2
+| http://wiki.wlug
| 1.3.11p1 | WLUG05 (custom)
+| http://www.allpsych.uni-giessen.de/wikidump/HomePage.html | ?? (wikidump)
+| http://www-bd.lip6.fr/ens/li345-2011/index.php/Accueil
| 1.4.0RC1 | default
+| https
| ?? (wikidump)
+| https
+| http://www.student
+| http://xmlhack
| 1.3
+== See also ==
+* [[https
/]] for a Phpwiki demonstration
current version
Here are some wikis using PhpWiki:
See also
https://www.opensourcecms.com/phpwiki/ for a Phpwiki demonstration.