Das HochLaden Hilfe:WikiPluginHochLaden:" InterWikiKartePhpWiki:InlineUploadedImages
<?plugin UpLoad ?>
- logfile
- autolink
- page
- Die Seite auf der hochgeladene Dateien aufgelistet werden, wenn 'autolink' auf true gesetzt ist. Vorgabe: current page.
- The user must be authenticated to be able to upload.
- The filename may not end with certain disallowed extensions, to prevent from abuse.
- MAX_FILE_SITE is configured by the config.ini option MAX_UPLOAD_SIZE, which defaults to 16MB. Your webserver and php may add another limit.
- Already existing uploaded files are NOT overwritten.
- Certain internal php problems for Windows and MacOSX have been fixed with 1.3.9.