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!!! Ampex <b>Manuals</b> *[Ampex Manual Archive|] at Individual image files on on audio tape recorder manual pages. * [200A Schematics|Upload:HaroldHallikainen/Ampex200aSchematics.pdf] * [201 Manual|Upload:HaroldHallikainen/Ampex201.pdf], 1949 * [350|Upload:harold/Ampex350.pdf] Audio Tape Recorder - 1953. 42.9MB. Contributed by Glen Kippel. * [Head replacement instrucions|Upload:harold/350heads.pdf] for Ampex 300, 350, 400, 450, and 3100 series by Minneapolis Magnetics. * [352|Upload:harold/Ampex-352-International_version_manual-schematics.pdf] - International version. * [354|Upload:harold/20140710132548.pdf] Magnetic Tape Recorder/Reproducer. 1962. 48MB. * [375 Precision 60 Hz Capstan Motor Amplifier|Upload:HaroldHallikainen/375schem.gif] schenatic. Uses a tuning fork oscillator to generate 60 Hz. 1954. Scanned and contributed by Gary Glaezner. 97.5kB * [30512-1|Upload:HaroldHallikainen/352-06%20Elex.pdf] Electronic Assembly. Scanned and contributed by Gary Glaezner. 9.7MB. * 30960 * [Schematic|Upload:harold/30960 Schematic.pdf] * [Replacement Parts List|Upload:harold/30960 replacement parts.pdf] <b>Technical Notes</b> * [Technical Notes on Multi-Channel Recording|Upload:AmpexMultiChannelRecording.pdf] - Discusses applications and technology behind multichannel recording, especially audio applications. Discusses signal to noise ratio verus track width, dealing with crosstalk, synchronous recording with playback of adjacent track. 1959. 13.6M. Contributed by Tim Hughes. * [Application Engineering Bulletin #9|Upload:AmpexAEB9.pdf], March 1965. Provides details of quad, helical, and longitudinal video tape recording. Contributed by Frederick R Vobbe. File size: 2.6MB * [Field Engineering Bulletin 70178|Upload:harold/Ampex head assy-s.pdf] - 1976, part number list for tape heads. <b>Case Histories</b> <b>Other</b> * [The Ampex Story|Upload:HaroldHallikainen/TheAmpexStory.pdf] *[Ampex Virtual Museum|] - Dedicated to preserving the history of the most important manufacturer of magnetic recorders, the Ampex Virtual Museum provides online access to Manuals, Schematics, and Service Bulletins; Repair, Maintenance, and Modification Tips; Parts and Repair Sources; Catalogs, Sales Brochures, and Similar Literature; Pictures of Ampexes (mostly); Biographies of some Ampex Mailing List subscribers; Pictures of Ampex Mailing List parties; Ampex history & Other Historical Information; Audio Clips of Interviews with Former Ampex Employees; Alignment Instructions; Links of Interest to Ampex Users; Obituaries; Illustrations Accompanying Dale Manquen's Posts on Flutter; Literature Scanning Project * [Low Cost Precision Magnetic Recorder for Professional Use|Upload:HaroldHallikainen/AE-4908-Stolaroff-Ampex_300.pdf], Myron J. Stolaroff. Describes the Ampex 300. 1949. Scanned and contributed by Gary Glaenzer. 9.5MB ---- Back to HomePage<br> Contribute Documents? <?plugin UpLoad ?>
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