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version 62
Bird Electronic Corporation
Model 43 Wattmeter
Model 67 Termination Wattmeter
Model 80 Series 50 ohm Load Resistor
Model 81 - 50 Watt Coaxial Load Resistor
Model 81B - 80 Watt Coaxial Load Resistor
Model 502 - 25 kW Water Cooled Coaxial Load Resistor
Models 611, 612, 61, 67, and 67C RF Wattmeters
Model 640 - Peak Reading Wattmeter
Model 670 - 500 Watt Terminating Wattmeter
Model 693 (TS-118A) 400 Watt Terminating Wattmeter. Uses thermocouple to measure RF voltage.
Model 694 1 kW Terminating Wattmeter, 2 - 30 MHz.
Model 883 1 kW Coaxial Resistor, DC to 2.5 GHz.
Model 884 1 kW Coaxial Resistor, DC to 3.3 GHz
Model 887 1.2 kW Coaxial Resistor, DC to 2.5 GHz
Model 888 1.2 kW Coaxial Resistor, DC to 2.5 GHz
Model 889 50 kW RF Load, DC to 220 MHz
Model 3122 and 4342 Thruline Dual Needle Directional RF Wattmeter. 1W to 10 kW, 2 MHz to 2.3 GHz. Model 3122 is 19 inch rack mount. The 4342 is portable.
Model 3126, 3127, 3128 Wattcher RF Monitor/Alarm.
Model 3142 Power Reduction Test Set. 1 kW PEP, 250 W average. Includes RF wattmeter (50 W and 1 kW full scale) and attenuated output ( 0 to 15 dB).
Model AT-100 Antenna Tester. Measures VSWR, Return Loss, Rho, and relative field strength 2 to 136 MHz.
Model 3170, 3171, 3172, 3173 Thruline High Soeed Wattcher. 100 mW to 250 kW.
Model 3180 FM Deviation Indicator. Thruline coupler with 50 MHz FM receiver.
Model 3316A Filter Coupler to measure peak output power of
TACAN transmitters.
Model 3900 Frequency Counter / Wattmeter
Model 4029 Power Sensor Calibrator. Used to set calibration factors for different frequencies in the 4020 series power sensors.
Model 4030 Relative Field Strength Element. Plugs into model 43, 4430, or 4431 wattmeter and drives the wattmeter's meter with a current proportional to the received RF field. The element has a small antenna and is sensitive to 1 MHz to 1 GHz. 1 watt at 150 MHz 8 feet away will cause full scale deflection.
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