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* [Model 6080A, 6081A|Upload:harold/6080 - 6081A RF Calorimeter.pdf] RF Calorimeter.
* [Model 6090|Upload:harold/6090 RF DIGITAL CALORIMETER.pdf] Digital RF Calorimeter. 1 kW, 3.5 GHz.
* [Model 6091|Upload:harold/6091 - 6091P RF POWER CALORIMETER.pdf] RF Calorimeter.
* [Model 6100 Series|Upload:harold/6100 Series RF WATTMETERS 611 - 612 - 61.pdf] Termaline RF Wattmeter. 30 MHz to 1 GHz, 80 watts. [Another version|Upload:harold/6100 Series RF WATTMETERS.pdf]
+* [Model 6104|Upload:harold/6104 RF WATTMETERS.pdf] Termaline RF Wattmeter.
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-* [[Upload:harold/6104 RF WATTMETERS.pdf]]
version 469
Bird Electronic Corporation
Model 43 Wattmeter
Model 67 Termination Wattmeter
Model 80 Series 50 ohm Load Resistor
Model 81 - 50 Watt Coaxial Load Resistor
Model 81B - 80 Watt Coaxial Load Resistor
Model 502 - 25 kW Water Cooled Coaxial Load Resistor
Models 611, 612, 61, 67, and 67C RF Wattmeters
Model 640 - Peak Reading Wattmeter
Model 670 - 500 Watt Terminating Wattmeter
Model 693 (TS-118A) 400 Watt Terminating Wattmeter. Uses thermocouple to measure RF voltage.
Model 694 1 kW Terminating Wattmeter, 2 - 30 MHz.
Model 883 1 kW Coaxial Resistor, DC to 2.5 GHz.
Model 884 1 kW Coaxial Resistor, DC to 3.3 GHz
Model 887 1.2 kW Coaxial Resistor, DC to 2.5 GHz
Model 888 1.2 kW Coaxial Resistor, DC to 2.5 GHz
Model 889 50 kW RF Load, DC to 220 MHz
Model 3122 and 4342 Thruline Dual Needle Directional RF Wattmeter. 1W to 10 kW, 2 MHz to 2.3 GHz. Model 3122 is 19 inch rack mount. The 4342 is portable.
Model 3126, 3127, 3128 Wattcher RF Monitor/Alarm.
Model 3142 Power Reduction Test Set. 1 kW PEP, 250 W average. Includes RF wattmeter (50 W and 1 kW full scale) and attenuated output ( 0 to 15 dB).
Model AT-100 Antenna Tester. Measures VSWR, Return Loss, Rho, and relative field strength 2 to 136 MHz.
Model 3170, 3171, 3172, 3173 Thruline High Soeed Wattcher. 100 mW to 250 kW.
Model 3180 FM Deviation Indicator. Thruline coupler with 50 MHz FM receiver.
Model 3316A Filter Coupler to measure peak output power of
TACAN transmitters.
Model 3900 Frequency Counter / Wattmeter
Model 4029 Power Sensor Calibrator. Used to set calibration factors for different frequencies in the 4020 series power sensors.
Model 4030 Relative Field Strength Element. Plugs into model 43, 4430, or 4431 wattmeter and drives the wattmeter's meter with a current proportional to the received RF field. The element has a small antenna and is sensitive to 1 MHz to 1 GHz. 1 watt at 150 MHz 8 feet away will cause full scale deflection.
Model 4110 Series RF Test Set. A meter and thruline screwed together. By choosing elements, measurements from 2 to 76 MHz and 5 to 100 watts can be made.
Model 4111 Series Thruline Wattmeters. Models 4111, 4112, 4113, 4114, 4115, 4116, 4118, and 4120 cover 50 watts to 1.26 kW over various ranges between 2 to 512 MHz.
Model 4127 RF Test Set for
AN/PRC-70 radio. Thruline meter with termination. 2 to 76 MHz. 5 watts to 40 watts full scale. Termination rated at 15 watts continuous or 40 watts intermittent (2 minutes on, 10 minutes off).
Model 4130 Tactical Radio Test Set. Includes a thruline wattmeter from 0.5 to 100 watts between 30 and 90 MHz. Also includes an RF generator that is frequency modulated. The outputs are every 5 MHz from 30 MHz to 90 MHz and at a level of 0.45 uV. Finally, the 4130 can measure relative field strength.
Model 4130B - Same as
Model 4130 except uses 8 D cells instead of a 9V battery.
Model 4131 Tactical Radio Test Set. Tests 30 to 90 MHz FM transceivers. Includes frequency counter, wattmeter with load, and frequency modulated 0.5 uV RF output every 5 MHz from 30 MHz to 90 MHz. A 50 MHz FM demodulator is included, along with a relative field strength meter.
Model 4159 OEM thruline wattmeter. 225 to 400 MHz, 250 W.
Model 4198 OEM Thruline Directional RF Probe. 40 mW to 2 W. 4.4 to 5 GHz.
Model 4201 Series Multichannel RF Wattmeter. Input selector switches select one of 12 or 24 Thruline sensors to drive the forward and reflected meters.
Model 4301 Instructions Addendum
Model 4307 Thruline RF Wattmeter, 75 ohms, 2 MHz to 1 GHz, 25 W to 5 kW. the meter and sample can be separated by up to 3 feet for installed applications.
Model 4310 Peak Reading RF Wattmeter. 50 ohms, 50 W to 10 kW. 2 MHz to 1.26 GHz. An adjustable DC bias is applied in series with the diode detecting the RF. The resulting demodulated RF plus DC is observed on an oscilloscope. As the DC bias is adjusted, the lower power portion of the waveform on the scope disappears. The variable DC voltage drives the meter calibrated in watts. The power at any portion of the waveform can be determined.
Model 4311 - 4314 Thruline RF Wattmeter. 1 W to 10 kW average or peak. 450 kHz to 2.3 GHz.
Models 4320, 4321 Peak Reading Amplifiers. Place between Thruline sensor and model 43 meter to detect peak power instead of average power.
Model 4324 Peak Reading Wattmeter.
Model 4337 Addendum to
Model 43 Wattmeter. Changes from 50 ohms to 75 ohms.
Models 4340, 4341 Laboratory Standard RF Wattmeter. 2 MHz to 1 GHz. 100 W. 50 ohms.
Model 4345 Peak Reading Wattmeter. 950 MHz to 1.3 GHz. 50 ohms. 250 W to 5 kW.
Model 4350 Series HamMate Directional RF Wattmeter. 1.8 to 30 MHz or 50 to 150 MHz. 1,000, 2,000, or 400 watts
Model 4370 HamMate Directional RF Wattmeter. 10, 25, 100, 500 watts full scale. 25 to 520 MHz.
Model 4371 Thruline Wattmeter with digital display. 25 to 520 MHz. 1, 10, 100 watts full scale.
Model 4380 Series Power Analyst. Microprocessor based instrument that reads forward and reflected power (peak or average) and amplitude modulation percentage. Through the use of different plug in elements, it measures 100 mW to 250 kW (across the various models in the series). 450 kHz to 2.3 GHz across the models in the series.
Model 4380A-232 RS232 Interface box for
Model 4380 Series Power Analyst. Interfaces with
Model 4380 Series Power Analyst through 15 pin plug that includes keyboard and multiplexed BCD data. Uses ASCII commands over RS232. Also includes logging at set interval, though only one value is saved (value must be read by external computer before next reading is captured).
Model 4380A-488 IEEE 488 Interface box for
Model 4380 Series Power Analyst. Interfaces with
Model 4380 Series Power Analyst through 15 pin plug that includes keyboard and multiplexed BCD data. Uses ASCII commands over IEEE 488. Also includes logging at set interval, though only one value is saved (value must be read by external computer before next reading is captured).
Model 4391 Multipurpose Thruline Wattmeter Power Analyst. Based on plug in elements, the system measures 450 kHz to 2.3 GHz at powers of 100 mW to 10 kW.
Model 4410 RF Directional Wattmeter Test Set. With different elements, the instrument covers 200 kHz to 2.3 GHz.
Model 4410P Panel mount version of the
Model 4410.
Model 4411 -
Model 4410 but with AC or battery operation.
Model 4420 Microprocessor controlled power meter with analog meter. Linearization and calibration data is stored in the power sensor modules (4020 series).
Model 421-110 Power Meter
Model 4421-488 Programming Card
Model 4450 Thruline Wattmeter. Designed for measuring power in power line carrier systems. Measures up to 100 watts at 20 kHz to 1 MHz.
Model 4600 and 4800 Specifications
Model 4640 and 4840 - Same as
Model 4600 and 4800 except the
Model 4640 and 4840 are designed for 4 1/16 inch rigid line instead of 3 1/8 inch line.
Model 4700 Series Thruline Wattmeters for 1 5/8 inch line. Depending on model, covers 2 MHz to 1 GHz, up to 25 kW.
Model 4900 Thruline RF Wattmeter. 2 to 100 MHz, up to 250 kW. 6 1/8 inch line.
Model 5000 Digital RF Power Meter.
Model 5000-EX Digital RF Power Meter.
Model 6010 High Power RF Calorimeter. 15 kW to 50 kW, DC to 1.3 GHz.
Model 6020 High Power RF Calorimeter. 1.2 kW, DCto 3.5 GHz.
Model 6030 High Power RF Calorimeter. 10 kW, 1.4 GHz.
Model 6070 High Power RF Calorimeter. 5 kW, DC to 2 GHz.
Model 6080A, 6081A RF Calorimeter.
Model 6090 Digital RF Calorimeter. 1 kW, 3.5 GHz.
Model 6091 RF Calorimeter.
Model 6100 Series Termaline RF Wattmeter. 30 MHz to 1 GHz, 80 watts.
Another version
Model 6104 Termaline RF Wattmeter.
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