Diff: Frese and Kaping
Differences between current version and previous revision of Frese and Kaping.
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Newer page: | version 4 | Last edited on 4 March 2019 3:28 | by harold | |
Older page: | version 3 | Last edited on 3 September 2012 17:47 | by harold | Revert |
@@ -1,5 +1,9 @@
!!! Frese and Kaping
+! Video
+* [George Frese Autobiography|https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0aUt5Rg_SSU] - The autobiographical stories of George M. Frese from his early years through college, his time in the army in World War II and after.
* [AP-4|Upload:HaroldHallikainen/Frese-Audio-Pilot-AP4-Instruction-Manual.pdf] Audio Pilot. 3.4MB. 1967. Scanned and contributed by Bob Schwenkler. Also see http://www.bobschwenkler.com/technical-posts/frese-ap4-audio-pilot-manualschematics/ .
current version
Frese and Kaping
George Frese Autobiography - The autobiographical stories of George M. Frese from his early years through college, his time in the army in World War II and after.
AP-4 Audio Pilot. 3.4MB. 1967. Scanned and contributed by Bob Schwenkler. Also see
http://www.bobschwenkler.com/technical-posts/frese-ap4-audio-pilot-manualschematics/ .
Data Sheets
Audio Pilot - Of the Audio Pilot, George Frese writes "In the 60's I made and sold 40 of them at $2500 each. My policy was that I would install it for nothing, and if it didn't do for the broadcaster what I said it would do, I would take it out with no trial charge. From that I lost one sale in Tillamook. They needed to cover a town 20 miles to the south at night which was dead in their null. Up until then,the Audio Pilot had performed doing all that was ever expected and sometimes more, so I said I would try it.
Well it did very well. It was solid up to about a mile before it's destination, and then the signal was gone, dead, not there.. It was dominate until there was no carrier, and then it was dead. It didn't do the job and so I took it out as agreed upon. I was happy though, because I learned what the ultimate limit really was for the device. Limiting the modulation lever to 125% positive peals and it could not do that so I never made any more. Too bad. It did not create an more side band interference than a 100% limit on both peaks." File Size: 4.6MB
- Here are a couple photos of an installed Audio Pilot contributed by Jack Ondracek. This is the installation at KGY in 1975. The equipment list, from top to bottom, is
- RF control. This unit demoded a sample from the transmitter & provided the control voltage for the second compressor stage.
- The 2-stage compressor/limiter & gate.
- Polarity sensor & float clipper.
- Power supply for the compressor unit.
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