Rust Industrial Company, Inc.
Rust Industrial Company, Inc.
1954 Remote Control Ad from Broadcasting Yearbook
- AL-100(R) Chart recorder based transmitter logging. Add the R suffix for remote logging.
- 15 kW stereo FM transmitter
- 5 kW stereo FM transmitter
- 1 kW stereo FM transmitter
- General Electronics FME FM stereo exciter. Interesting design consisting of a Serrasoid modulator followed by a frequency multiplier driving a phase modulator. Stereo and SCA subcarriers drive the phase modulator.
- General Electronics FMX subcarrier generator. Another interesting design. Audio modulates a 100 kHz carrier using a Serrasoid modulator. The output of the modulator is frequency multiplied to 10.8 MHz to increase the deviation to +/- 7.5 kHz. The 10.8 MHz signal is then heterodyned back down to the desired subcarrier frequency (30 kHz to 70 kHz).
- General Electronics SCX-B stereo subchannel generator. Uses matrix to generate L+R and L-R. L+R drives the exciter main audio input (generally driving a Serrasoid modulator) while the pilot and L-R DSBSC signal drive a multiplex input on the exciter (generally driving a phase modulator after frequency multiplication of the Serrasoid modulated signal). It must have been a challenge to get phase alignment required for channel separation.
- Series F remote control. Appears similar to the GatesRadioCompany RDC-10.
- Series S remote control. Appears to be an extension metering system that uses 21 conductors.
- Series C remote control. 10 channel DC system.
- Series D remote control. 24 channel DC system.
- Autolog transmitter logging system.
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