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The ~UnfoldSubpages WikiPlugin is used to display all or some subpages of the current or a given page. This gives a overview for a WikiBlogPlugin, CalendarPlugin or similar subpages. Warning: Don't use it with subpages with non-existant sections! The section extractor is currently quite unstable. ! Usage: <verbatim> <?plugin UnfoldSubpages ?> or <?plugin UnfoldSubpages sortby=-mtime words=50 maxpages=5 ?> or <?plugin UnfoldSubpages quiet=1 smalltitle=1 ?> or <?plugin UnfoldSubpages sections=2 words=100 ?> or <?plugin UnfoldSubpages lines=3 ?> or <?plugin UnfoldSubpages pagename="PhpWikiAdministration" section="Plugin Arguments" sectionhead=1 ?> </verbatim> !! Plugin Arguments: <strong>pagename</strong>: Any pagename or if empty the current page. Default: "" <strong>quiet</strong>: Print no header. Default: false <strong>sortby</strong>: Sort by + (ASC) or - (DESC) and one column. Multiple columns like sortby="-hits,-mtime" not yet supported. Supported columns: ~[+|-]pagename, ~[+|-]mtime, ~[+|-]hits. Default: "pagename" <strong>maxpages</strong>: Maximum number of pages to include or all if not defined. Default: false <strong>sections</strong>: Maximum number of sections per page to include or all if not defined. Default: false <strong>section</strong>: Include this named section per page only if defined. Default: "" <strong>sectionhead</strong>: When including a named section show the heading. Default: false <strong>smalltitle</strong>: If set, hide transclusion-title, just have a small link at the start of the page. Default: false <strong>words</strong>: Maximum number of words per page to include. Default: false <strong>lines</strong>: Maximum number of lines per page to include. Default: false <strong>bytes</strong>: Maximum number of bytes per page to include. Default: false ! Deprecated Arguments: <strong>pages</strong>: deprecated. renamed to maxpages. <strong>sort</strong>: 'asc' or 'desc'. deprecated: use "+" or "-" before the column name with sortby. ! Example: <?plugin UnfoldSubpages pagename=PgsrcTranslation limit=20 ?> ------------- PhpWikiDocumentation WikiPlugin
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