Diff: PluginManager
Note: You are viewing an old revision of this page. View the current version.
Differences between version 4 and predecessor to the previous major change of PluginManager.
Other diffs: Previous Revision, Previous Author
Newer page: | version 4 | Last edited on 25 September 2005 4:16 | by The PhpWiki programming team | Revert |
Older page: | version 3 | Last edited on 22 May 2014 3:01 | by harold | Revert |
version 4
PhpWiki lets you extend it with new functionality via a plugin mechanism. In short, you extend a PHP class we provide and customize it to print out the content you want. For more information see WikiPlugin, HelloWorldPlugin, and view the source of the files in lib/plugin.
If there is no example page for the plugin, or you need more information, the best place to go is the source of the plugin. Under your wiki's root directory, the folder lib/plugin contains all the PHP files for the plugins.
External Requirements
Some plugins require correctly configured PLUGIN_CACHED and external libraries not provided with PhpWiki or PHP, such as
PHP with GD support for the text2png plugin,
LaTeX2HTML for the TexToPngPlugin and TeX2pngPlugin,
graphviz for the GraphVizPlugin and VisualWikiPlugin,
ploticus for the PloticusPlugin,
phpweather for the PhpWeatherPlugin,
highlight for the SyntaxHighlighterPlugin,
- a browser with
<iframe> support for the TranscludePlugin,
- USE_DB_SESSION = true (default for the peardb, adodb or dba backends) for the WhoIsOnline plugin,
- --with-xml support (with expat or libxml2) for the RssFeed plugin (ProjectSummary, RecentReleases) and HtmlParser support (ImportHtml, HtmlAreaEditing),
- PHP Mail functionality (php.ini: SMTP + sendmail_from on Windows or sendmail_path) for email PageChangeNotifications and ModeratedPage's,
- a
Google license key for the GooglePlugin,
- optionally an external recommender engine (none yet, php only so far) and the wikilens theme for the RateIt plugin,
- optionally apache/mod_log_{my}sql for fast, external log analysis if ACCESS_LOG_SQL=1 (Referer, Abuse Prevention).
See lib/Request.php and
List of plugins on this wiki.
Plugin | Description | Arguments |
AddComment Help/AddCommentPlugin |
Show and add comments for [pagename]. | pagename=[pagename] order=normal mode=add,show jshide= noheader= |
AllPages Help/AllPagesPlugin |
List all pages in this wiki. | info= exclude= author= owner= creator= sortby= limit=50 paging=auto cols=1 azhead=0 comma=0 commasep= listtype= ordered= linkmore= nopage= pagename= locked= minor= mtime= hits= size= version= external= noheader= include_empty= userpages= |
AllUsers Help/AllUsersPlugin |
List all once authenticated users. | info=pagename exclude= author= owner= creator= sortby= limit=50 paging=auto cols=1 azhead=0 comma=0 commasep= listtype= ordered= linkmore= nopage= pagename= locked= minor= mtime= hits= size= version= external= noheader= include_empty=1 |
AnalyseAccessLogSql Help/AnalyseAccessLogSqlPlugin |
Show summary information from the access log table. | mode=referring_domains caption= local_referrers=true period= count=0 |
AppendText Help/AppendTextPlugin |
Append text to any page in this wiki. | page=[pagename] pages= s= before= after= redirect= |
AsciiMath Help/AsciiMathPlugin |
Render ASCII Math as MathML. | |
AsciiSVG Help/AsciiSVGPlugin |
Render inline ASCII SVG. | width=200 height=200 script= onmousemove= |
AtomFeed Help/AtomFeedPlugin |
Atom Aggregator Plugin. | feed= description= url= maxitem=0 titleonly= |
AuthorHistory Help/AuthorHistoryPlugin |
List all page revisions edited by one user with diff links, or show a PageHistory-like list of a single page for only one user. | exclude= noheader= includeminor= includedeleted= author= page=[pagename] info=version,minor,author,summary,mtime |
BackLinks Help/BackLinksPlugin |
List all pages which link to [pagename]. | info=pagename exclude= author= owner= creator= sortby= limit=50 paging=auto cols=1 azhead=0 comma=0 commasep= listtype= ordered= linkmore= nopage= pagename= locked= minor= mtime= hits= size= version= external= include_self= noheader= page=[pagename] |
BlogArchives Help/BlogArchivesPlugin |
List blog months links for the current or ADMIN user. | user= order=reverse info=month,numpages month= noheader=0 |
BlogJournal Help/BlogJournalPlugin |
Include latest blog entries for the current or ADMIN user. | count=7 user= order=reverse month= noheader=0 |
BoxRight Help/BoxRightPlugin |
A simple plugin for <div class=boxright> with wikimarkup. | |
CacheTest Help/CacheTestPlugin |
This is a simple example using WikiPluginCached. | text='This is a simple example using WikiPluginCached.' font=3 type=png |
Calendar Help/CalendarPlugin |
Calendar | prefix=[pagename]/ date_format=%Y-%m-%d year= month= month_offset=0 month_format='%B %Y' wday_format=%a start_wday=1 display_weeknum=0 |
CalendarList Help/CalendarListPlugin |
CalendarList | prefix=[pagename] date_format=%Y-%m-%d order=normal year= month= month_offset=0 next_n_days= next_n= last_n_days= last_n= month_format='%B %Y' wday_format=%a start_wday=1 |
Chart Help/ChartPlugin |
Render SVG charts. | width=200 height=200 type=line color=green legend= data= |
Comment Help/CommentPlugin |
Embed hidden comments in WikiPages. | |
CreateBib Help/CreateBibPlugin |
Automatically create a Bibtex file from linked pages. | pagename=[pagename] |
CreatePage Help/CreatePagePlugin |
Create a wiki page by the provided name. | s= initial_content= template= vars= overwrite= |
CreateToc Help/CreateTocPlugin |
Create a Table of Contents and automatically link to headers. | extracollapse=1 firstlevelstyle=number headers=1,2,3,4,5 indentstr= jshide= liststyle=dl noheader= notoc= pagename=[pagename] position=full version= width=200px with_counter= with_toclink= |
CurrentTime Help/CurrentTimePlugin |
Display current time and date. | format='%Y-%m-%d %T' |
DeadEndPages Help/DeadEndPagesPlugin |
List pages which are not linked to by any other page. | noheader= include_empty= exclude= info= sortby= limit=0 paging=auto |
DebugAuthInfo Help/DebugAuthInfoPlugin |
Display general and user specific auth information. | userid= |
DebugBackendInfo Help/DebugBackendInfoPlugin |
Get debugging information for [pagename]. | page=[pagename] notallversions= |
DebugGroupInfo Help/DebugGroupInfoPlugin |
Show Group Information. | |
DebugRetransform Help/DebugRetransformPlugin |
Show a markup retransformation of page [pagename]. | page=[pagename] |
Diff Help/DiffPlugin |
Display differences between revisions. | pagename=[pagename] versions= version= previous=major |
DynamicIncludePage Help/DynamicIncludePagePlugin |
Dynamically include the content from another wiki page. | page= rev= quiet= bytes= words= lines= sections= section= sectionhead= state= |
EditMetaData Help/EditMetaDataPlugin |
Edit metadata for [pagename]. | page=[pagename] |
ExternalSearch Help/ExternalSearchPlugin |
Redirect to an external web site based on form input. | s= formsize=30 url= name= useimage= width= height= debug= button_position=right |
FacebookLike Help/FacebookLikePlugin |
Display a Facebook Like button. | width=450 height=35 colorscheme=light show_faces=false layout=standard action=like |
FileInfo Help/FileInfoPlugin |
Display file information like size, date... of uploaded files. | file= display= format= quiet= |
FoafViewer Help/FoafViewerPlugin |
Parse an RDF FOAF file and extract information to render as HTML. | foaf= original= |
FullTextSearch Help/FullTextSearchPlugin |
Search the content of all pages in this wiki. | info=pagename exclude= author= owner= creator= sortby=-hi_content limit=50 paging=auto cols=1 azhead=0 comma=0 commasep= listtype= ordered= linkmore= nopage= locked= minor= mtime= hits= size= version= external= s= hilight=1 case_exact= regex=auto noheader= quiet=1 |
FuzzyPages Help/FuzzyPagesPlugin |
Search for page titles similar to [pagename]. | s= debug= |
GoTo Help/GoToPlugin |
Go to or create page. | size=32 |
GoogleMaps Help/GoogleMapsPlugin |
Display a marker with further infos (when clicking) on given coordinates. | Longitude= Latitude= ZoomFactor=5 Marker=1 InfoText= MapType=Hybrid SmallMapControl= width=500px height=400px |
GooglePlugin Help/GooglePluginPlugin |
Make use of the Google API. | q= mode=search startIndex=1 maxResults=10 formsize=30 |
GraphViz Help/GraphVizPlugin |
GraphViz image or imagemap creation of directed graphs. | imgtype=png alt= pages= exclude= help= debug= |
HelloWorld Help/HelloWorldPlugin |
Simple Sample Plugin. | salutation=Hello name=World |
HtmlConverter Help/HtmlConverterPlugin |
Convert HTML markup into wiki markup. | |
IncludePage Help/IncludePagePlugin |
Include text from another wiki page. | page= rev= quiet= bytes= words= lines= sections= section= sectionhead= |
IncludePages Help/IncludePagesPlugin |
Include multiple pages. | pages= exclude= page= rev= quiet= bytes= words= lines= sections= section= sectionhead= |
IncludeSiteMap Help/IncludeSiteMapPlugin |
Include recursively all linked pages starting at [pagename]. | exclude= include_self= noheader= page=[pagename] description='Include recursively all linked pages starting at [pagename].' reclimit=2 info= direction=back firstreversed= excludeunknown=1 includepages=words=50 |
IncludeTree Help/IncludeTreePlugin |
Display Dynamic Category Tree. | exclude= include_self= noheader= page=[pagename] description='Display Dynamic Category Tree.' reclimit=2 info= direction=back firstreversed= excludeunknown=1 includepages=words=100 category= dtree=1 |
InterWikiSearch Help/InterWikiSearchPlugin |
Perform searches on InterWiki sites listed in InterWikiMap. | s= formsize=30 |
JabberPresence Help/JabberPresencePlugin |
Display Jabber presence. | scripturl=http://edgar.netflint.net/status.php jid=@jabber.com type=image iconset=gabber |
LdapSearch Help/LdapSearchPlugin |
Search an LDAP directory. | host= port=389 basedn= filter=(cn=*) attributes= user= password= options= |
LikePages Help/LikePagesPlugin |
List page names which share an initial or final title word with “[pagename]”. | info=pagename exclude= author= owner= creator= sortby= limit=50 paging=auto cols=1 azhead=0 comma=0 commasep= listtype= ordered= linkmore= nopage= pagename= locked= minor= mtime= hits= size= version= external= page=[pagename] prefix= suffix= noheader= |
LinkDatabase Help/LinkDatabasePlugin |
List all pages with all links in various formats for some Java Visualization tools. | info= exclude= author= owner= creator= sortby= limit=50 paging=auto cols=1 azhead=0 comma=0 commasep= listtype= ordered= linkmore= nopage= pagename= locked= minor= mtime= hits= size= version= external= format=html noheader= include_empty= exclude_from= |
LinkSearch Help/LinkSearchPlugin |
Search page and link names. | info=pagename exclude= author= owner= creator= sortby= limit=50 paging=auto cols=1 azhead=0 comma=0 commasep= listtype= ordered= linkmore= nopage= pagename= locked= minor= mtime= hits= size= version= external= s= page=* direction=out case_exact= regex=auto noform= noheader= |
ListPages Help/ListPagesPlugin |
List pages that are explicitly given as the pages argument. | info=pagename exclude= author= owner= creator= sortby= limit=50 paging=auto cols=1 azhead=0 comma=0 commasep= listtype= ordered= linkmore= nopage= pagename= locked= minor= mtime= hits= size= version= external= pages= dimension=0 |
ListRelations Help/ListRelationsPlugin |
Display the list of all defined relations and optionnally attributes in this entire wiki. | info=pagename exclude= author= owner= creator= sortby= limit=50 paging=auto cols=1 azhead=0 comma=0 commasep= listtype= ordered= linkmore= nopage= pagename= locked= minor= mtime= hits= size= version= external= mode=relations |
ListSubpages Help/ListSubpagesPlugin |
Lists the names of all SubPages of the current page. | info= exclude= author= owner= creator= sortby= limit=50 paging=auto cols=1 azhead=0 comma=0 commasep= listtype= ordered= linkmore= nopage= pagename= locked= minor= mtime= hits= size= version= external= noheader= basepage= maxpages=0 |
MediawikiTable Help/MediawikiTablePlugin |
Layout tables using a Mediawiki-like markup style. | |
ModeratedPage Help/ModeratedPagePlugin |
Support moderated pages. | page=[pagename] moderators= require_level= require_access=edit,remove,change id= pass= |
MostPopular Help/MostPopularPlugin |
List the most popular pages. | info= exclude= author= owner= creator= sortby=-hits limit=20 paging=auto cols=1 azhead=0 comma=0 commasep= listtype= ordered= linkmore= nopage= pagename=[pagename] locked= minor= mtime= hits= size= version= external= noheader= |
NewPagesPerUser Help/NewPagesPerUserPlugin |
List all new pages per month per user. | userid= month= since= until= comments= links=1 |
NoCache Help/NoCachePlugin |
Don't cache this page. | nocache=1 |
OldStyleTable Help/OldStyleTablePlugin |
Layout tables using the old markup style. | caption= cellpadding=1 cellspacing=1 border=1 |
OrphanedPages Help/OrphanedPagesPlugin |
List pages which are not linked to by any other page. | noheader= include_empty= exclude= info= sortby= limit=0 paging=auto |
PageDump Help/PageDumpPlugin |
View a single page dump online. | s= page=[pagename] format= download= |
PageGroup Help/PageGroupPlugin |
PageGroup for [pagename]. | parent= rev= section=Contents label= loop= |
PageHistory Help/PageHistoryPlugin |
List PageHistory for [pagename]. | days= show_minor=1 show_major=1 limit=100 page=[pagename] format= |
PageInfo Help/PageInfoPlugin |
Show extra page Info and statistics for [pagename]. | page=[pagename] version=[version] |
PageTrail Help/PageTrailPlugin |
Display PageTrail. | numberlinks=5 invisible= duplicates= |
PasswordReset Help/PasswordResetPlugin |
Allow admin to reset any users password, allow user to request his password by e-mail. | user= |
PhotoAlbum Help/PhotoAlbumPlugin |
Display a set of photos listed in a text file with optional descriptions. | src= url= mode=normal numcols=3 showdesc=both link=1 attrib= bgcolor=#eae8e8 hlcolor=#c0c0ff align=center height=auto width=auto cellwidth=image tablewidth= p= h= duration=6 thumbswidth=80 |
PhpHighlight Help/PhpHighlightPlugin |
PHP syntax highlighting. | wrap=1 string=#DD0000 comment=#FF8000 keyword=#007700 bg=#FFFFFF default=#0000BB html=#000000 |
Ploticus Help/PloticusPlugin |
Ploticus image creation. | device=png -prefab= -csmap= data= alt= help= |
PluginManager Help/PluginManagerPlugin |
List of plugins on this wiki. | info=args |
PopUp Help/PopUpPlugin |
Create a clickable popup link. | link=HomePage title= text= width=500 height=400 resizable=no scrollbars=no toolbar=no location=no directories=no status=no menubar=no copyhistory=no close=no |
PopularNearby Help/PopularNearbyPlugin |
List the most popular pages nearby. | pagename=[pagename] mode=nearby limit=5 noheader= |
PopularTags Help/PopularTagsPlugin |
List the most popular tags. | limit=10 mincount=5 |
PreferenceApp Help/PreferenceAppPlugin |
Analyze preferences based on voting budget and ratings. | category= lockedBudget= pageTextLabel= group= roundCalc=true neutralRating=3 declareBudget=true |
PrevNext Help/PrevNextPlugin |
Easy navigation buttons for [pagename]. | prev= next= contents= index= up= first= last= order= style=button align=left class=wikiaction |
Processing Help/ProcessingPlugin |
Render inline Processing. | width=200 height=200 script= onmousemove= |
RandomPage Help/RandomPagePlugin |
Display a list of randomly chosen pages or redirects to a random page. | info= exclude=RandomPage,HomePage author= owner= creator= sortby= limit=50 paging=auto cols=1 azhead=0 comma=0 commasep= listtype= ordered= linkmore= nopage= pagename= locked= minor= mtime= hits= size= version= external= numpages=20 pages= redirect= hidename= |
RateIt Help/RateItPlugin |
Rating system. Store user ratings per page. | pagename=[pagename] version= id=rateit imgPrefix= dimension= small= show= mode= |
RawHtml Help/RawHtmlPlugin |
Provide for raw HTML within wiki pages. | |
RecentChanges Help/RecentChangesPlugin |
List all recent changes in this wiki. | days=2 show_minor= show_major=1 show_all= show_deleted=sometimes only_new= author= owner= limit= format= daylist= difflinks=1 historylinks= caption= category= pagematch= |
RecentChangesCached Help/RecentChangesCachedPlugin |
Cache output of RecentChanges called with default arguments. | days=2 show_minor= show_major=1 show_all= show_deleted=sometimes only_new= author= owner= limit= format= daylist= difflinks=1 historylinks= caption= category= pagematch= |
RecentComments Help/RecentCommentsPlugin |
List basepages with recently added comments. | days=2 show_minor= show_major=1 show_all=1 show_deleted=sometimes only_new= author= owner= limit= format= daylist= difflinks=1 historylinks= caption='Recent Comments' category= pagematch= |
RecentEdits Help/RecentEditsPlugin |
List all recent edits in this wiki. | days=2 show_minor=1 show_major=1 show_all=1 show_deleted=sometimes only_new= author= owner= limit= format= daylist= difflinks=1 historylinks= caption= category= pagematch= |
RecentReferrers Help/RecentReferrersPlugin |
Analyse access log. | info=pagename exclude= author= owner= creator= sortby= limit=15 paging=auto cols=1 azhead=0 comma=0 commasep= listtype= ordered= linkmore= nopage= pagename= locked= minor= mtime= hits= size= version= external= noheader= |
RedirectTo Help/RedirectToPlugin |
Redirect to another URL or page. | href= page= |
RelatedChanges Help/RelatedChangesPlugin |
List of changes on all pages which are linked to from this page. | days=2 show_minor=1 show_major=1 show_all=1 show_deleted=sometimes only_new= author= owner= limit= format= daylist= difflinks=1 historylinks= caption='Related Changes' category= pagematch= page=[pagename] |
RichTable Help/RichTablePlugin |
Layout tables using a very rich markup style. | |
RssFeed Help/RssFeedPlugin |
Simple RSS Feed aggregator. | feed= description= url= maxitem=0 titleonly= debug= |
SearchHighlight Help/SearchHighlightPlugin |
Hilight referred search terms. | s= noheader= hits= case_exact= regex= |
SemanticRelations Help/SemanticRelationsPlugin |
Display the list of relations and attributes on this page. | page=[pagename] relations= attributes= units= noheader= nohelp= |
SemanticSearch Help/SemanticSearchPlugin |
Search relations and attributes. | info= exclude= author= owner= creator= sortby= limit=50 paging=auto cols=1 azhead=0 comma=0 commasep= listtype= ordered= linkmore= nopage= pagename= locked= minor= mtime= hits= size= version= external= s=* page=* relation= attribute= attr_op=:= units= case_exact=1 regex=auto noform= noheader= |
SemanticSearchAdvanced Help/SemanticSearchAdvancedPlugin |
Parse and execute a full query expression. | info=pagename exclude= author= owner= creator= sortby= limit=50 paging=auto cols=1 azhead=0 comma=0 commasep= listtype= ordered= linkmore= nopage= pagename= locked= minor= mtime= hits= size= version= external= s= page=* case_exact= regex=auto noform= noheader= |
SiteMap Help/SiteMapPlugin |
Recursively get BackLinks or links. | exclude= include_self= noheader= page=[pagename] description='Recursively get BackLinks or links.' reclimit=4 info= direction=back firstreversed= excludeunknown=1 includepages= category= dtree= |
SpellCheck Help/SpellCheckPlugin |
Check the spelling of a page and make suggestions. | pagename=[] |
SqlResult Help/SqlResultPlugin |
Display arbitrary SQL result tables. | alias= ordered= template= where= sortby= limit=0,50 |
SyncWiki Help/SyncWikiPlugin |
Synchronize pages with external PhpWiki. | url= noimport=0 noexport=0 noupload=0 label=SyncWiki passwd= sid= |
SyntaxHighlighter Help/SyntaxHighlighterPlugin |
Source code syntax highlighter (via http://highlightjs.org/). | syntax= style= color= number=0 wrap=0 |
SystemInfo Help/SystemInfoPlugin |
Provide access to PhpWiki's lower level system information. | |
TeX2png Help/TeX2pngPlugin |
Convert Tex mathematicals expressions to cached PNG files. This is for small text. | text='$$(a + b)^2 = a^2 + 2 ab + b^2$$' |
Template Help/TemplatePlugin |
Parametrized page inclusion. | page= vars= rev= section= sectionhead= |
TexToPng Help/TexToPngPlugin |
Converts TeX to an image. May be used to embed formulas in PhpWiki. | tex= magstep=3 img=png subslash=off antialias=on transparent=off center=off |
TitleSearch Help/TitleSearchPlugin |
Search the titles of all pages in this wiki. | info= exclude= author= owner= creator= sortby= limit=50 paging=auto cols=1 azhead=0 comma=0 commasep= listtype= ordered= linkmore= nopage= locked= minor= mtime= hits= size= version= external= s= auto_redirect= noheader= case_exact= regex=auto format= |
Transclude Help/TranscludePlugin |
Include an external web page within the body of a wiki page. | src= title='Transcluded page' height=450 quiet= |
TranslateText Help/TranslateTextPlugin |
Define a translation for a specified text. | lang= pagename=[pagename] translate= |
UnfoldSubpages Help/UnfoldSubpagesPlugin |
Include the content of all SubPages of the current page. | info=pagename exclude= author= owner= creator= sortby= limit=50 paging=auto cols=1 azhead=0 comma=0 commasep= listtype= ordered= linkmore= nopage= pagename=[pagename] locked= minor= mtime= hits= size= version= external= quiet= maxpages= smalltitle= words= lines= bytes= sections= section= sectionhead= |
UpLoad Help/UpLoadPlugin |
Upload files to the local InterWiki [[Upload:filename]] | logfile=phpwiki-upload.log autolink=1 page=[pagename] mode=actionpage |
UriResolver Help/UriResolverPlugin |
Converts an URI-escaped identifier back to an unique XML-ID. | |
UserPreferences Help/UserPreferencesPlugin |
Allow any user to adjust his own preferences. | |
UserRatings Help/UserRatingsPlugin |
List the user's ratings. | dimension=0 userids= pageids= category= pagename=[pagename] exclude= limit=0 noheader= userPage= nobuds= info=pagename |
Video Help/VideoPlugin |
Display video in HTML5. | width=460 height=320 url= file= autoplay=false |
VisualWiki Help/VisualWikiPlugin |
Visualizes the Wiki structure in a graph using the 'dot' commandline tool from graphviz. | |
WantedPages Help/WantedPagesPlugin |
List referenced page names which do not exist yet. | info=pagename exclude= author= owner= creator= sortby= limit=100 paging=auto cols=1 azhead=0 comma=0 commasep= listtype= ordered= linkmore= nopage= pagename= locked= minor= mtime= hits= size= version= external= page=[pagename] withlinks=0 noheader= exclude_from=PgsrcTranslation,InterWikiMap |
WatchPage Help/WatchPagePlugin |
Manage notifications e-mails per page. | page=[pagename] mode=add |
WhoIsOnline Help/WhoIsOnlinePlugin |
Show summary information of the current user sessions. | mode=summary pagename=[pagename] allow_detail= dispose_admin= |
WikiAdminChown Help/WikiAdminChownPlugin |
Change owner of selected pages. | s= author= owner= creator= only= exclude= info=pagename,owner,mtime sortby=pagename limit=0 paging=none user= |
WikiAdminDeleteAcl Help/WikiAdminDeleteAclPlugin |
Delete page permissions. | s= author= owner= creator= only= exclude= info=most sortby=pagename limit=0 paging=none |
WikiAdminPurge Help/WikiAdminPurgePlugin |
Permanently purge selected pages. | s= author= owner= creator= only= exclude= info=most sortby=pagename limit=0 paging=none |
WikiAdminRemove Help/WikiAdminRemovePlugin |
Remove selected pages. | s= author= owner= creator= only= exclude= info=most sortby=pagename limit=0 paging=none |
WikiAdminRename Help/WikiAdminRenamePlugin |
Rename selected pages. | s= author= owner= creator= only= exclude= info=pagename,mtime sortby=pagename limit=0 paging=none updatelinks=0 createredirect=0 |
WikiAdminSearchReplace Help/WikiAdminSearchReplacePlugin |
Search and replace text in selected wiki pages. | s= author= owner= creator= only= exclude= info=some sortby=pagename limit=0 paging=none |
WikiAdminSelect Help/WikiAdminSelectPlugin |
Allows selection of multiple pages which get passed to other WikiAdmin plugins. | s= author= owner= creator= only= exclude= info=most sortby=pagename limit=0 paging=none |
WikiAdminSetAcl Help/WikiAdminSetAclPlugin |
Set individual page permissions. | s= author= owner= creator= only= exclude= info=pagename,perm,mtime,owner,author sortby=pagename limit=0 paging=none p=[] |
WikiAdminSetAclSimple Help/WikiAdminSetAclSimplePlugin |
Set simple individual page permissions. | s= author= owner= creator= only= exclude= info=pagename,perm,mtime,owner,author sortby=pagename limit=0 paging=none p=[] |
WikiAdminUtils Help/WikiAdminUtilsPlugin |
Miscellaneous utility functions for the Administrator. | action= label= |
WikiBlog Help/WikiBlogPlugin |
Show and add blogs for [pagename]. | pagename=[pagename] order=normal mode=show,add noheader= |
WikiForm Help/WikiFormPlugin |
Provide generic WikiForm input buttons. | action=upload default= buttontext= overwrite= size=50 |
WikiFormRich Help/WikiFormRichPlugin |
Provide generic WikiForm input buttons. | action= method=post class=wikiaction buttontext= cancel= nobr= |
WikiForum Help/WikiForumPlugin |
Handles threaded topics with comments/news and provide a input form. | pagename=[pagename] order=normal mode=show,add info= noheader= |
WikiPoll Help/WikiPollPlugin |
Enable configurable polls. | page=[pagename] admin= require_all=1 require_least=0 |
WikiTranslation Help/WikiTranslationPlugin |
Show translations of various words or pages. | info=pagename exclude= author= owner= creator= sortby= limit=50 paging=auto cols=1 azhead=0 comma=0 commasep= listtype= ordered= linkmore= nopage= pagename= locked= minor= mtime= hits= size= version= external= languages= string= page= what=pages match=* from_lang= include_empty= nolinks= noT= |
WikicreoleTable Help/WikicreoleTablePlugin |
Layout tables using the Wikicreole syntax. | |
YouTube Help/YouTubePlugin |
Embed YouTube videos. | v= browse= time= category= language= index=0 style=inline size=medium autoplay=0 width=425 height=350 |
text2png Help/text2pngPlugin |
Convert text into a PNG image using GD. | text='text2png testtext' lang=en _force=0 fontsize=18 with_shadow=1 fontcolor=#000000 shadowcolor=#AFAFAF backcolor=#ffffff |
PhpWikiDocumentation WikiPlugin