Sparta Electronics
Sparta Electronics
1022 Dual Output Card Schematic
1018 Microphone Preamplifier Schematic
1020 Line Amplifier Schematic
1022 Dual Output Card Schematic
1025A Monitor Cue Amplifier Schematic
A-15B Console
A-20B Audio Console. 1970. Contributed by Dave Dunsmoor.
AS-30B Audio Console.
ASC-305B Stereo Studio Control and Remote Unit. Consists of two 12 inch turntables, two TEP-3S stereo turntable preamplifiers, an MCA-1 monitor amplifier, and an AS-30B stereo audio console.
GT-12 turntable
ST-220 Professional Stereo Tone Arm.
TEP 3S_M Power Supply Schematic
TEP-3 mono or stereo turntable preamplifier.
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