
Upload Pages

Contributed manuals and catalogs are GREATLY appreciated! Use the form below to select the file to upload. Add a link to it on the appropriate page.

The prefered format for uploaded files is pdf. I generally scan at 300dpi. If the page is text only, I use 1 bit pixels. If the page has black and white photograps, I use 8 bit pixels. If the page has spot color, I use 8 bit pixels. If the page has full color photographs, I use 24 bit bit pixels. Finally, I suggest running the Adobe Acrobat Optical Character Recognition option on the file. Adobe calls this "paper capture." Set it so the OCR text is "in the background," and the image is in the foreground. This allows people to see the page without OCR errors, but allows copy and paste of the text out of the page, and, more importantly, allows search engines to index the document.

If you have any problems with the upload or anything else, please email me at harold@hallikainen.com and we'll fix the problem!