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* [SL9003Q|Upload:harold/MoseleySL9003Q.pdf] Digital Studio Transmitter Link. 1998.
* [TCS-2A|Upload:harold/MoseleyTcs2a.pdf] remote control system. 1980. 6MB.
* [TGR-340|Upload:HaroldHallikainen/Moseley_TGR-340_Manual.pdf] Audio Gain Rider was designed to automatically ride gain on a program line, providing maximum modulation on a long-term basis, with a minimum of audible or measurable byproducts. Contributed by Tom Osenkowsky. Scanned by Gary Blau. 1979. 4.6MB
* [TRC-15A|Upload:MoseleyTrc15a.pdf] remote control system. about 1975 - 12.3M
- *[TRC-15A Teardown|http
+ *[TRC-15A Teardown|https
!! Other
* [GE Quadraphonic] - Jim Tonne has contributed photos and history of the development of quadraphonic transmission equipment for General Electric by Moseley Associates.
current version
Moseley Associates, Inc.
Data Sheets
Remote Control Timeline
Moseley was a major supplier of transmitter remote controls. Here's a brief list of the ones I worked on.
- WRC-32 - I'm not sure of the model number on this one. It was vacuum tube based. It had a telephone dial to select channels and a stepper switch at the transmitter site. Control was done with tones. Step and reset were done by interrupting a single tone with the telephone dial. Metering was DC over the phone line.
- PBR-15 - This replaced the telephone dial with a set of push buttons and digital counters. Pushing a button resulted in a tone interruption (reset), followed by a series of pulses emulating a telephone dial. The transmitter site continued to use a stepper for channel selection. Metering was audible FM (voltage to frequency converter) over the telephone line or subaudible over AM or SCA. I seem to recall a DC metering module was also available.
- PBR-30 - A 30 channel remote control. Used a series of plug-in cards for the various functions. A stepper relay selected the analog sample and did raise/lower routing. One station I worked at routed the 220VAC control lines from a Collins 1 kW transmitter directly through the PBR-30. Control was achieved with multiple tones on the phone line (one for each function, such as raise, lower, step). Metering could be either DC on the control line, an audible tone on the same line (voltage controlled oscillator where the sample voltage is represented by frequency), or subaudible tone on the main AM carrier. The PBR-30 included a telemetry fail safe which was required for television.
- TRC-15A - This replaced the stepper at the transmitter site with individual relays. Otherwise, it was similar to the PBR-15. Metering was either audible or subaudible voltage to frequency.
- TCS-2A - Microprocessor (MC6802) based system using XR2206/2211 modem with Bell 202 frequencies at 1200 bps. Since Bell 202 is half duplex, this could be a multisite system.
- DRS-1A - This was a modem and UART based system. On the metering side, the voltage to frequency converter of previous systems was replaced with a digital panel meter. The digital output of this was formatted and sent to a UART, then to a modem for transmission to the studio. Similarly, button presses at the studio were translated to signals for the UART driving a modem to the transmitter site.
- MRC series - This was the first microprocessor based remote control system by Moseley.
- See also
Steam Powered Radio
MRC-1 Remote Control System (1980)
Quick Reference Cards
Remote Terminal - 75MB
Remote Terminal (another copy) 86MB
Power Fail Memory Option
CIP-2 Command Interface Panel. 1980. 5MB
MRC-1600 Remote Control System. Fourth Edition, 1984
MRC-1600 Remote control system. Rev C. 1988. 12 MB.
MRC 1600 to MRC 1620 Conversion
MRC-1602LP, Remote Control System. 1993
MRC 1620LP Remote Control System. 1995. 9MB.
PCL-303/C Composite STL. 1968. 13MB
PCL-505/C Composite STL, 1978
PCL-606/C Composite STL. 1985. 25 MB
PCL-606/C Comosite STL. 1987.
PBR-21A 15 channel remote control. 1966. 17MB
SCG-4T Subcarrier Generator, 1972 - 1.7MB
SCG-6/SCD-6 Subcarrier System. 1968. 2.8MB
SL9003Q Digital Studio Transmitter Link. 1998.
TCS-2A remote control system. 1980. 6MB.
TGR-340 Audio Gain Rider was designed to automatically ride gain on a program line, providing maximum modulation on a long-term basis, with a minimum of audible or measurable byproducts. Contributed by Tom Osenkowsky. Scanned by Gary Blau. 1979. 4.6MB
TRC-15A remote control system. about 1975 - 12.3M *
TRC-15A Teardown
- GE Quadraphonic - Jim Tonne has contributed photos and history of the development of quadraphonic transmission equipment for General Electric by Moseley Associates.
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