Here's a list of all recently changed pages on this wiki, not just the most recent ones found in RecentChanges. (See RecentEdits for all recent minor edits and changes).

All created new pages are listed below.
28 August 2022
17 January 2022
- (diff) (hist) . . San Diego; 18:35 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . PhpWikiAdministration/SearchReplace; 18:35 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . PhpWikiAdministration/Purge; 18:35 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . area; 18:35 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . Help/LinkSearchPlugin; 18:35 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . Copyrights; 18:35 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . Help/SemanticSearchAdvancedPlugin; 18:35 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . Help/FacebookLikePlugin; 18:35 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . located_in; 18:35 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . Template/Talk; 18:35 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . NewPagesPerUser; 18:35 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . WikiBlog; 18:35 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . Help/ListRelationsPlugin; 18:35 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . UserRatings; 18:35 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . Help/Wikicreole; 18:35 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . Help/WikiBlogPlugin; 18:35 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . population; 18:35 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . The PhpWiki programming team; 18:35 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . AllPagesByAcl; 18:35 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . PhpWikiAdministration/DeleteAcl; 18:35 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . Help/UriResolverPlugin; 18:35 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . AllUserPages; 18:35 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . Help/SpellCheckPlugin; 18:35 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . GeneralDisclaimer; 18:35 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . UriResolver; 18:35 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . BlogArchives; 18:35 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . Help/Reini Urban; 18:35 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . Template/UserPage; 18:35 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . Help/WikicreoleTablePlugin; 18:35 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . RecentChanges; 18:35 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . Help/Jeff Dairiki; 18:35 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . MyRatings; 18:35 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . Help/DebugRetransformPlugin; 18:35 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . SystemInfo; 18:35 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . BlogJournal; 18:35 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . Help/CurrentTimePlugin; 18:35 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . Help/GoogleLink; 18:35 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . Help/ProcessingPlugin; 18:35 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . CategoryActionPage; 18:35 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . is_a; 18:35 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . CategoryWikiPlugin; 18:35 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
19 July 2021
2 November 2020
14 March 2016
- (diff) (hist) . . Marconi Wireless Telegraph Company; 0:53 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
22 December 2015
3 May 2015
2 May 2015
26 May 2014
- (diff) (hist) . . HelpAddingPages; 19:47 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . HelpHowToUseWiki; 19:46 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . HAROLD; 19:02 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
22 May 2014
- (diff) (hist) . . Help/WantedPagesOldPlugin; 3:01 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . Help/Adobe Flash; 3:01 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
9 May 2014
6 May 2014
- (diff) (hist) . . Coastcom; 20:15 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (Add Rockwell and Pinzone notes on Coastcom 412. hh)
30 April 2014
27 March 2014
17 January 2014
- (diff) (hist) . . AddingPages; 11:09 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . EditText; 11:09 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
18 November 2013
19 October 2013
1 October 2013
19 September 2013
23 August 2013
26 July 2013
25 July 2013
- (diff) (hist) . . [UploadStanleyAdams/Westinghouse 50Gv2 Intro Manual v2.pdf; 20:31 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
13 May 2013
6 May 2013
7 April 2013
3 August 2012
11 July 2012
29 June 2012
8 February 2012
27 January 2012
26 January 2012
- (diff) (hist) . . Multronics; 22:21 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (revert to version 3)
- (diff) (hist) . . Pultec; 21:51 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (revert to version 1)
- (diff) (hist) . . NewMarkupTestPage; 21:27 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (revert to version 4)
- (diff) (hist) . . Audio Arts; 21:23 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . Trimax; 19:53 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (revert to version 7)
- (diff) (hist) . . Straight Wire Audio; 19:40 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (revert to version 5)
- (diff) (hist) . . ChercherUnePage; 18:53 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (revert to version 1)
- (diff) (hist) . . EimacDivisionOfVarian; 16:00 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (revert to version 13)
- (diff) (hist) . . Machlett Laboratories; 14:43 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (revert to version 9)
- (diff) (hist) . . Help/PageGroupTestFour; 14:10 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (revert to version 1)
25 December 2011
- (diff) (hist) . . HowToUseWiki; 13:39 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (revert to version 3)
- (diff) (hist) . . CreatePagePlugin; 12:50 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (revert to version 3)
22 December 2011
- (diff) (hist) . . GoodStyle; 5:46 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (revert to version 2)
- (diff) (hist) . . AmministrazioneDiPhpWiki; 1:42 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (revert to version 1)
12 July 2011
25 May 2011
- (diff) (hist) . . Broadcast Television Systems; 20:30 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bosch; 20:29 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
28 April 2011
21 February 2011
30 October 2010
18 January 2010
17 January 2010
29 November 2009
- (diff) (hist) . . Amalgamated Wireless (Australiasia) Ltd.; 16:47 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
29 October 2009
- (diff) (hist) . . ; 7:51 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (pGEdnc <a href="http://esonsgopjioi.com/">esonsgopjioi</a>, [url=http://ciivyeoorjrh.com/]ciivyeoorjrh[/url], [link=http://ltoapilxlamd.com/]ltoapilxlamd[/link], http://xmmvmwisltir.com/)
- (diff) (hist) . . PluginHtmlPur; 1:26 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (revert to version 1)
28 October 2009
- (diff) (hist) . . Victoreen Instrument Company; 9:30 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (revert to version 11)
12 March 2009
- (diff) (hist) . . Consolidated Electronic Industries; 5:39 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
28 December 2008
24 December 2008
- (diff) (hist) . . Standard Telephones & Cables. Australia; 18:14 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (Fixed link for 4-SU-55B. hh)
18 December 2008
9 September 2007
- (diff) (hist) . . Help/PageGroupTest; 0:16 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . Help/_PreferencesInfoPlugin; 0:16 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . Help/OldMarkupTestPage; 0:16 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . PgsrcTranslation/sv; 0:16 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . Help/NewMarkupTestPage; 0:16 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . Help/_WikiTranslationPlugin; 0:16 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . Help/PageGroupTestOne; 0:16 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . Help/_GroupInfoPlugin; 0:16 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . Help/_AuthInfoPlugin; 0:16 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . Help/WikiAdminMarkupPlugin; 0:16 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . Help/PageGroupTestTwo; 0:16 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . LisaNova; 0:16 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . Help/PageGroupTestThree; 0:16 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . Help/_BackendInfoPlugin; 0:16 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
29 July 2007
- (diff) (hist) . . OldMarkupTestPage; 4:18 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . ; 4:18 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . SteveWainstead; 4:18 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . PhpWiki; 4:18 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
4 July 2007
- (diff) (hist) . . Behind the Scenes at a Broadcasting Station; 4:38 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
27 June 2007
- (diff) (hist) . . ; 23:59 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . ; 23:59 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . Textformateringsregler; 23:59 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . ; 23:59 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . ; 23:59 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . BraStil; 23:59 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . RedigeraText; 23:59 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . Framsida; 23:59 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . ; 23:59 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . ; 23:59 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . ; 23:59 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
19 June 2007
- (diff) (hist) . . ThuisPagina; 16:08 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . TekstFormatteringsRegels; 16:08 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . OudTekstFormatteringsRegels; 16:08 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . PhpWikiBeheer; 16:08 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . GebruikersVoorkeuren; 16:08 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . PhpWikiBeheer/Verwijder; 16:08 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . ZoekPagina; 16:08 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . RecenteVeranderingen; 16:08 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . PhpWikiBeheer/Vervangt; 16:08 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . GoedeStijl; 16:08 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . MeestBezocht; 16:08 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . RecenteBezoekers; 16:08 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . HoeWikiTeGebruiken; 16:08 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . MeerOverTechnieken; 16:08 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . JanNieuwenhuizen; 16:08 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . UitgaveNoten; 16:08 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . ToverPhpWikiURLs; 16:08 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . ZandBak; 16:08 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . VeranderTekst; 16:08 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
17 June 2007
- (diff) (hist) . . Help/OldTextFormattingRules; 13:57 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . VolltextSuche; 13:57 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . AlteTextFormatierungsRegeln; 13:57 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . TextBearbeiten; 13:57 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . LeereSeiten; 13:57 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . SeitenGruppenTest/Zwei; 13:57 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . PhpWikiSystemverwalten/Chmod; 13:57 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . Hilfe/HochLadenPlugin; 13:57 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . BeobachteSeite; 13:57 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . KategorieKategorie; 13:57 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . Hilfe/VorlagePlugin; 13:57 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . StartSeite; 13:57 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . LinkSuche; 13:57 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . ; 13:57 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . ListeRelationen; 13:57 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . PhpWikiSystemverwalten; 13:57 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . InterWikiKarte; 13:57 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . Hilfe/PhotoAlbumPlugin/Diashow; 13:57 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . SeitenGruppenTest/Drei; 13:57 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . VorlageBeispiel; 13:57 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . WieManWikiBenutzt; 13:57 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . ; 13:57 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . SeiteFinden; 13:57 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . EditiereText; 13:57 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . AlleSeitenEditiertVonMir; 13:57 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . StartSeiteAlias; 13:57 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . ; 13:57 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . ListeSeiten; 13:57 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . WikiTechnik; 13:57 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . TextFormatierungsRegeln; 13:57 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . InterWikiListe; 13:57 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . PhpWikiSystemverwalten/Umbenennen; 13:57 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . AlleSeitenErzeugtVonMir; 13:57 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . GleicheSeiten; 13:57 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . SeiteSpeichern; 13:57 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . Hilfe/HalloWeltPlugin; 13:57 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . SandKasten; 13:57 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . SemantischeRelationen; 13:57 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . PhpWikiSystemverwalten/SuchenErsetzen; 13:57 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . SeitenGruppenTest/Eins; 13:57 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . PhpWikiDokumentation; 13:57 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . Hilfe/NeueSeitePlugin; 13:57 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . NeueSeite; 13:57 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . ; 13:57 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . WikiAdminAuswahl; 13:57 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . AutorenProtokollPlugin; 13:57 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . SeitenGruppenTest/Vier; 13:57 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . AlleSeitenImBesitzVonMir; 13:57 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . HochLadenPlugin; 13:57 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . VerwaisteSeiten; 13:57 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . NeueSeitePlugin; 13:57 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . DebugGruppenInfo; 13:57 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . GuterStil; 13:57 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . SeitenGruppenTest; 13:57 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . PhpWikiUmfrage; 13:57 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . Hilfe/GraphVizPlugin; 13:57 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . SeitenInfo; 13:57 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . SeitenErzeugen; 13:57 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . WerIstOnline; 13:57 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . ; 13:57 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . SandKiste; 13:57 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . PhpWikiSystemverwalten/Chown; 13:57 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . Hilfe/AktionsSeite; 13:57 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . WunschZettelSeiten; 13:57 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . FuzzySuche; 13:57 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . Hilfe/WikiPlugin; 13:57 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . InhaltsVerzeichnisPlugin; 13:57 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . ZufallsSeite; 13:57 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . Hilfe/InhaltsVerzeichnisPlugin; 13:57 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . Einstellungen; 13:57 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (RedirectTo Benutzer Einstellungen)
- (diff) (hist) . . SeitenProtokoll; 13:57 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . ; 13:57 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . BenutzerEinstellungen; 13:57 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . AlleBenutzer; 13:57 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . HalloWeltPlugin; 13:57 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . HochLaden; 13:57 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . TitelSuche; 13:57 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . AlleSeiten; 13:57 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . ; 13:57 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . PhpWikiSystemverwalten/AclSetzen; 13:57 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . VorlagePlugin; 13:57 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . MeistBesucht; 13:57 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . Hilfe/AutorenProtokollPlugin; 13:57 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . Vorlage/Beispiel; 13:57 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
15 June 2007
- (diff) (hist) . . ModificaIlTesto; 19:04 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . VarieSulFunzionamento; 19:04 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . RicercaSuTutto; 19:04 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . PaginaPrincipale; 19:04 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . TutteLePagine; 19:04 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . BuonStile; 19:04 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . RegoleDiFormattazioneDelTesto; 19:04 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . RegoleFormattazioneTesto; 19:04 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . CambiamentiRecenti; 19:04 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . PaginaDiProva; 19:04 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . VisitatoriRecenti; 19:04 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . AmministrazioneDiPhpWiki/Rimuovi; 19:04 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . AggiungerePagine; 19:04 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . RicercaDelTesto; 19:04 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . ComeUsareWiki; 19:04 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . TrovaPagina; 19:04 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . NoteDiRilascio; 19:04 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . PiuPopolari; 19:04 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . ScatolaDiSabbia; 19:04 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
12 June 2007
- (diff) (hist) . . ReglasDeFormatoDeTexto; 13:53 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . AgregarPaginas; 13:53 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . TodasLasPaginas; 13:53 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . ViejoReglasDeFormatoDeTexto; 13:53 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . KBrown; 13:52 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . ComoUsarWiki; 13:52 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . ; 13:52 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . MasPopulares; 13:52 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . EditarElTexto; 13:52 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . CajaDeArena; 13:52 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . CambiosRecientes; 13:52 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . VisitantesRecientes; 13:52 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . BuenEstilo; 13:52 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . MasAcercadeLaMecanica; 13:52 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . ; 13:52 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
11 June 2007
- (diff) (hist) . . PageAccueil; 8:12 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . PagesOrphelines; 8:12 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . PluginTeX2png; 8:12 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . RechercheParTitre; 8:12 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . ; 8:11 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . PluginRedirection; 8:11 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . ; 8:11 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . DocumentationDePhpWiki; 8:11 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . ; 8:11 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . PluginAlbumPhotos; 8:11 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . TousLesUtilisateurs; 8:11 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . ; 8:11 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . ; 8:11 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . AdministrationDePhpWiki/Supprimer; 8:11 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . InfosAuthentification; 8:11 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . AjouterDesPages; 8:11 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . PageTestNouvellesMarques; 8:11 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . ; 8:11 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . ToutesLesPages; 8:11 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . TestGroupeDePages/Deux; 8:11 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . ; 8:11 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . TestGroupeDePages/Trois; 8:11 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . PluginColorationPhp; 8:11 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . GestionDesPlugins; 8:11 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . ; 8:11 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . PluginRechercheExterne; 8:11 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . ; 8:11 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . AdministrationDePhpWiki/Renommer; 8:11 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . AdministrationDePhpWiki/Chown; 8:11 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . ; 8:11 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . ; 8:11 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . PluginBeauTableau; 8:11 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . PluginListeDuCalendrier; 8:11 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . ; 8:11 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . PluginWiki; 8:11 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . AdministrationDePhpWiki/Droits; 8:11 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . ; 8:11 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . PluginRessourcesRss; 8:11 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . NotesDeVersion; 8:11 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . ClassezLa; 8:11 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . PluginHistoriqueAuteur; 8:11 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . ; 8:11 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
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- (diff) (hist) . . PluginTableauAncienStyle; 8:11 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . ; 8:11 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . SondagePhpWiki; 8:11 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . AliasAccueil; 8:11 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . ; 8:11 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
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- (diff) (hist) . . SommaireDuProjet; 8:11 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . PierrickMeignen; 8:11 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . ; 8:11 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . ; 8:11 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . ; 8:11 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
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- (diff) (hist) . . PluginInclureUnePage; 8:11 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . InfosSurLaPage; 8:11 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . ; 8:11 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . ListeDePages; 8:11 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . ; 8:11 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . ; 8:11 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . RechercheInterWiki; 8:11 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . URLMagiquesPhpWiki; 8:11 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . StyleCorrect; 8:11 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . TraduireUnTexte; 8:11 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . ; 8:11 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . TestDeCache; 8:11 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . TestGroupeDePages/Un; 8:11 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . PluginListeDesSousPages; 8:11 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . TestGroupeDePages; 8:11 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . PluginInclureUnCadre; 8:11 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . ; 8:11 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . HistoriqueDeLaPage; 8:11 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . PluginBonjourLeMonde; 8:11 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . AdministrationDePhpWiki/Remplacer; 8:11 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . ; 8:11 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . PluginCalendrier; 8:11 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . QuiEstEnLigne; 8:11 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . ; 8:11 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . LienGoogle; 8:11 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . PagesSemblables; 8:11 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . ; 8:11 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . PageTestAnciennesMarques; 8:11 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . AdministrationDePhpWiki; 8:11 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . ; 8:11 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . OldStyleTablePlugin; 3:53 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . PgsrcTranslation_sv; 3:53 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
9 June 2007
19 May 2007
- (diff) (hist) . . United Transformer Corporation; 19:50 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
10 April 2007
20 February 2007
29 January 2007
31 December 2006
19 November 2006
17 August 2006
22 June 2006
14 June 2006
9 June 2006
21 April 2006
15 December 2005
30 November 2005
- (diff) (hist) . . EfJohnson; 3:08 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . EFJohnson.pdf; 1:33 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
26 November 2005
15 October 2005
14 October 2005
25 September 2005
- (diff) (hist) . . AboutWiki; 5:40 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . InterWiki; 4:16 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . TeX2pngPlugin; 4:16 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . CalendarPlugin; 4:16 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . PagePermissions; 4:16 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . PhpWikiAdministration/Replace; 4:16 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . RawHtmlPlugin; 4:16 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . _AuthInfo; 4:16 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . TemplatePlugin; 4:16 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . PhotoAlbumPlugin; 4:16 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . MagicPhpWikiURLs; 4:15 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . PgsrcTranslation/nl; 4:15 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . WikiWikiWeb; 4:15 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . TranscludePlugin; 4:15 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . AuthorHistoryPlugin; 4:15 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
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- (diff) (hist) . . ListPagesPlugin; 4:15 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
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- (diff) (hist) . . PageGroupTest; 4:15 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . PgsrcTranslation/fr; 4:15 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
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- (diff) (hist) . . OldTextFormattingRules; 4:15 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . UpLoadPlugin; 4:15 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded 100.php3)
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- (diff) (hist) . . PageGroupTestThree; 4:15 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . PageGroupTestFour; 4:15 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . PgsrcTranslation/de; 4:15 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . PgsrcTranslation; 4:15 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
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- (diff) (hist) . . PhpHighlightPlugin; 4:15 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
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- (diff) (hist) . . PgsrcTranslation/ja; 4:15 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . PageGroupTestOne; 4:15 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . PhpWeatherPlugin; 4:15 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . AnalyseAccessLogSqlPlugin; 4:15 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)