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General Radio
General Radio was purchased by IET Labs in the year 2000.
- General Radio Historical Society
- WMRA collection of photos of GR equipment.
- Catalog 919 - Early catalog of Quality Radio Apparatus
- Bulletin 931 catalog of Quality Apparatus. 1928
- Service and Maintenance Notes
- 617-C Interpolation Oscillator
- 631-B Strobotac
- 648A Strobolux
- 916-A Radio Frequency Bridge. 400 kHz to 60 MHz.
- 1000-p6 Crystal Diode Modulator. 1952
- 1181-A Frequency Deviation Monitor. 1953. 8.6MB
- 1606-A RF Bridge. Scanned by Fred Greaves Jr. 49MB.
- 1650-A Impedance Bridge. 1961
1931-A Modulation Monitor
General Radio Experimenter
- Announcing a New General Radio Service for Experimenters - GenRad Experimenter 1926
- The "B" Battery Eliminator - GenRad Experimenter July 1926
- The Design and Use of the Speaker Filter- GenRad Experimenter Aug 1926
- The Status of "A" Battery Retrofit Elimination - GenRad Experimenter Oct 1926
- An Effective Method of Measuring Amplification Nov 1926 - GenRad Experimenter Nov 1926
- An Effective Method of Measuring Amplification Nov 1926 - GenRad Experimenter Dec 1926
- Design And Testing Of Plate Supply Devices - GenRad Experimenter Jan 1927
- A Study Of Coil Resistances At 40 Meters - GenRad Experimenter Feb 1927
- A Discussion Of Condenser Plate Shapes - GenRad Experimenter March 1927
- New Tubes For Old - GenRad Experimenter April 1927
- A Review Of Coupling Methods - GenRad Experimenter May 1927
- The Design And Use Of The Radio Frequency Choke - GenRad Experimenter June 1927
- Compete A.C. Operation A Practical Reality - GenRad Experimenter July 1927
- Further Data On New A.C. Tubes - GenRad Experimenter Aug 1927
- Unique Method Of Voltage Control Adapts Unit To Any Standard Type Of Receiver - GenRad Experimenter Sept 1927
- Power Amplification - GenRad Experimenter Oct 1927
- An A.C. Operated Amplifier With A High Quality Power Output - GenRad Experimenter Nov 1927
- Factors Governing The Choice Of Power Tubes - GenRad Experimenter Dec 1927
- The Development and Use of the Hydrophone - GenRad Experimneter Jan 1928
- Equipment of the Service Laboratory GenRad Experimenter Feb 1928
- Factors Concerning the Use of the Type UX 250 Power Amplifier Tube - GenRad Experimenter March 1928
- A Phonograph Amplifier - GenRad Experimenter April 1928
- The Development and Use of the Hydrophone - GenRad Experimenter May 1928
- Magneto-Striction Oscillators - GenRad Experimenter June 1928
- A Direct to Consumer Policy - GenRad Experimenter July 1928
- Magnetostriction Oscillators - GenRad Experimenter Aug 1928
- Notes on Group Address Systems - GenRad Experimenter Sept 1928
- The Development and Use of the Hydrophone - GenRad Experimenter Oct 1928
- Rating of Radio Receiviers - GenRad Experimente Nov 1928
- How and Why the Talkies - GenRad Experimenter Dec 1928
- Units of Electrical Transmission - GenRad Experimenter Jan 1929
- A New Relay - GenRad Experiimenter Feb 1929
- Frequency Determination - GenRad Experimenter March 1929
- A New Frequency Standard - GenRad Experimenter April 1929
- Permalloy - GenRad Experimenter May 1929
- Production Testing of Audio-Frequency Amplifiers - GenRad Experimenter June 1929
- The Importance of Mutual Conductance in Testing Vacuum Tubes - GenRad Experimenter July-Aug 1929
- Improving The Precision of Setting In A Tuned-Circuit Wavemeter - GenRad Experimenter Sept 1929
- A Low-Frequency Oscillator - GenRad Experimenter Oct 1929
- Notes On Power Measurement In Communication Circuits - GenRad Experimenter Nov 1929
- Television: A Comparison With Other Kinds of Electrical Communication - GenRad Experimenter Dec 1929
- An Equal-Arm Capacitance Bridge - GenRad Experimenter Jan 1930
- Piezo-Electric Quartz Plates - GenRad Experimenter Feb 1930
- The Standard-Signal Method of Measuring Receiver Characteristics - GenRad Experimenter March 1930
- A Tuning-Fork Audio Oscillator - GenRad Experimenter April 1930
- Th Dynatron - GenRad Experimenter May 1930
- We Celebrate A Birthday - GenRad Expermenter June 1930
- The Continuous Recording of Pulse Rates - GenRad Experimenter July 1930
- Accuracy Considerations In The Use of Tuned-Circuit Wavemeters - GenRad Experimenter Aug 1930
- Electrically-Driven Tuning Forks - GenRad Experimenter Sept 1930
- The Frequency Stability of Piezo-Electric Monitors - GenRad Experimenter Oct 1930
- The Frequency Stability of Piezo-Electric Monitors II - GenRad Experimenter Nov 1930
- The New Home of The Engineering Department - GenRad Experimenter Dec 1930
- Field Intensity Measurements - GenRad Experimenter Jan 1931
- Attenuation Measurements On Telephone And Telegraph Lines - GenRad Experimenter Feb 1931
- Modulation Measurements On Broadcast Transmitters - GenRad Experimenter March 1931
- A Continuous-Film Camera For The Oscillograph - GenRad Experimenter April 1931
- Electron Oscillations - GenRad Experimenter May 1931
- Volume Control In Voice Circuits - GenRad Experimenter June 1931
- What's New In Radio - GenRad Experimenter July 1931
- Speeding Up The Standard Signal Generator - GenRad Experimenter Aug 1931
- Some Uses For A Precision Chronograph - GenRad Experimenter Sept 1931
- Thermocouples - GenRad Experimenter Oct 1931
- A Bridge-Type Frequency Meter - GenRad Experimenter Nov 1931
- A Piezo-Electric Oscillator of Improved Stability - GenRad Experimenter Dec 1931
- A Universal Bridge - GenRad Experimenter Jan 1932
- Frequency Characteristics - GenRad Experimenter Feb 1932
- The Michelson Velocity of Light Experiment - March 1932
- Testing Radio Receivers On The Assembly Line - GenRad Experimenter April 1932
- New Measuring Instruments - GenRad Experimenter May 1932
- Waveform Studies With The Cathode-Ray Oscillograph - GenRad Experimenter June 1932
- Bridge Methods For Measurements At Radio Frequencies - GenRad Experimenter July 1932
- Telephone Transmission Measurements - GenRad Experimenter Aug 1932
- Inexpensive Noise-Measuring Equipment - GenRad Experimenter Sept 1932
- The Wavemeter Yields - GenRad Experimenter Oct 1932
- A Signal Generator For The New Receiver Tests - GenRad Experimenter Nov 1932
- The Stroboscope - GenRad Experimenter Dec 1932
- Recent Developments In Mica Condensers - GenRad Experimenter Jan 1933
- Mixer Controls For Dynamic Microphones And Ribbon Microphones - GenRad Experimenter Feb 1933
- Mixer Circuits That Work - GenRad Experimenter March 1933
- The Convenient Measurement Of C, R, And L - GenRad Experimenter April-May 1933
- Some Improvements In Cathode-Ray Oscillographs - GenRad Experiimenter June-July 1933
- Chronograph Measurements In Chemistry - GenRad Experimenter Aug-Sept 1933
- Simplifying Experimental-Equipment Construction - GenRad Experimenter Oct 1933
- Cathode-Ray Oscillographs And Their Applications - GenRad Experimenter Nov 1933
- Improvements In Radio-Frequency Bridge Methods For Measuring Antennas And Other Impedances - GenRad Experimenter Dec 1933
- Recent Developments In Frequency Standards - GenRad Experimenter Jan-Feb 1934
- The Measurement Of A Small Inductance - GenRad Experimenter March 1934
- The General Radio-Hazeltine Reactance Meter - GenRad Experimenter April 1934
- How Dials Are Made - GenRad Experimenter May 1934
- New Developments In Electron Oscillography - GenRad Experimenter June 1934
- Impedance Matching - GenRad Experimenter July-Aug 1934
- Power Factor Measurements In Oil Analysis - GenRad Experimenter Sept-Oct 1934
- A New Moving-Film Camera - GenRad Experimenter Nov-Dec 1934
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