
General Radio

General Radio was purchased by IET Labs in the year 2000.


  • 617-C Interpolation Oscillator
  • 631-B Strobotac
  • 648A Strobolux
  • 805-C Standard Signal Generator. 16 kHz to 50 MHz. 100 nV to 2 V output. Amplitude modulated at 400 Hz or 1 kHz from an internal oscillator or modulated with an external audio signal.
  • 916-A Radio Frequency Bridge. 400 kHz to 60 MHz.
  • 1000-p6 Crystal Diode Modulator. 1952
  • 1181-A Frequency Deviation Monitor. 1953. 8.6MB
  • 1606-A RF Bridge. Scanned by Fred Greaves Jr. 49MB.
  • 1650-A Impedance Bridge. 1961
  • 1931-A Modulation Monitor

General Radio Experimenter

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