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Gates Radio Company


  • Class A FM Antenna 2M
  • AM-80 AM modulation monitor. 1974. 735kB. Contributed by Bob Meister.
  • BC-1E 1kW/500W/250W AM Transmitter

    • Brochure Scanned and contributed by John T. M. Lyles. 1.9MB
  • BC-1G 1kW/250W AM transmitter.

    • Brochure Scanned and contributed by John T. M. Lyles. 3.9MB.
    • Catalog page Scanned and contributed by John T. M. Lyles. 589kB
  • BC-1H AM 1kW Transmitter. Has transistorized RF oscillator and buffer amps, then conventional vacuum tube driver and plate modulated final. Contributed by John T. M. Lyles. 4.4MB.
  • BC-1J - 1kW AM Transmitter (1955)

    • Manual - Scanned and contributed by Gregory Cotton (38MB)
    • Schematic - Scanned and contributed by Gregory Cotton

      • 18x24

      • 36x70 - Entire transmitter
  • BC-1T AM 1kW Transmitter. 1958
  • BC-250GY-1 250W AM transmitter. 1963. Scanned and contrributed by Anton Steenbakkers.
  • Criteion Series Playback and Amplifier tape cartridge machine. 1966
  • Executive Audio Console
  • FM-1B 1kW FM Transmitter. 1961. File Size: 9.1MB.
  • FM-1G *Schematic, Scanned and contributed by Robert Williams, 126kB
  • FM-3H 3kW FM Transmitter, 1967. File Size: 7.9MB. Schematic (1.9MB)
  • FM-10H3 10kW FM transmitter with TE-3 Solid Statesman FM exciter. 33MB
  • FM-20H3 20kW FM Transmitter, including TE-3 Solid Statesman FM exciter. 1973. 30MB
  • FMC Series] Circularly polarized FM antennae. 1967 3.54MB
  • I.B. 804 - Instructions for installing, servicing, and operating Gates SA series equipments -

    • SA7 Power Supply
    • SA8 Volume Indicator
    • SA10 Monitoring Amplifier
    • SA17 Switch and Fuse Panel
    • SA20 Program Amplifier
    • SA22 Cueing Amplifier
    • SA66 General Purpose Amplifier
    • SA70 Pre-Amplifier
    • SA71 Pre-Amplifier
    • SA72 Pre-Amplifier
    • SA77 Power Supply
    • SA78 Power Supply
    • SA79 Power Supply

*I.B. 805 - Instructions for MO 2890 Frequency Monitor and MO 2639 Modulation Monitor (1948). 1.3MB. *IB-833 - Instructions for Installation, Operation, and Maintenance of the Gates FMR-250B 250 Watt FM Transmitter. 1956. 4.4M

*M5167 - Sta-Level Amplifier - 4/30/56, 2.6MB

  • M5167 - Sta-Level, another copy scanned by Dale Cook. 14MB
  • M5381 - Studioette Console. 1962. 17MB. Scanned and contributed by Anton Steenbakkers.

*M5534 - FM Exciter Unit - 7/28/60, 6.9MB *M6543 - Solid Statesman Limiter - 1/31/68 *MM5546 - Level Devil audio processor. File size 2.1MB. Another version. File size: 470kB. Contributed by Earl Arbuckle. 1958. *M5693 Modulation Monitor (6/9/1959) - Instruction manual on AM modulation monitor.

*M-6540C Stereo Statesman Console. 1971. Contributed and scanned by Lane Lindstrom. File size: 722kB. Schematic

  • M6543 Soild Statesman Limiter. Scanned by Dale Cook. 7.8MB
  • MO-3625 Gain Set. 1950. 2.4MB

*SA-39A Limiting Amplifier. (1951). 1.4MB

*TE-3 FM Exciter, 1975-1981, 5.5M *TV-10 Audio Control Console for Televisi*on


  • Gates 1950 transmitter booklet. Contains data on BC-5B, BC-10B, BC-1F, BC-500D, BC-250D transmitters, the GYU-48 "Complete Radio Station (includes transmitter, monitors, audio limiter, etc.), MO-2890 AM frequency monitor, MO-2639 AM modulation monitor, model 44 antenna coupler, model 47 "tower termination equipment," directional phasors, lighting chokes, rack cabinets, and suggested studio designs. low resolution (3.3M), high resolution (9.7M). Scanned by John T. M. Lyles.
  • Gates 1950 Communications Catalog - Radiotelephone and radiotelegraph transmitters for 2 to 22 MHz. The telegraph transmitters can do 600 WPM. The radiotelephone transmitters are available as communications or broadcast models. The broadcast models include a modulation reactor. The communications transmitters run the final RF amplifier through the modulation transformer secondary.
  • Gates 1958 Catalog - Due to the large number of photographs, the files ended up pretty large. To get them down to a somewhat reasonable size, the catalog is broken into parts. Contributed by Jerry Gillivan *Pages 1 - 100

    *BC-50B 50kW AM transmitter, Supervisory Control Console, BC-100B 100kw AM transmitter, BC-20B 20kw AM transmitter, BC-5P 5kw AM transmitter, BC-10P 10kw AM transmitter, BC-1T 1kw AM transmitter, BC-500T 500w AM transmitter, BC-250T 250w AM transmitter, Radio Transmission Systems (transmitters and monitors), BC-250GY 250w AM transmitter, GY-60B Accessory Equipment Cabinet, *BF-E-10B 10w FM transmitter, BF-E-50B 50w FM transmitter, BF-R-50C 50w FM relay transmitter (40-220MHz), FM-250B 250w FM transmitter, FM-1B 1kw FM transmitter, M-5633 and M-5633A multiplex subcarrier generators, FM-5B 5kw FM transmitter, *Antennas for FM and TV, *108E phase monitor, 120D field meter, *electric generator plants, *BT100A 100w TV transmitter, BT1A 500w TV transmitter, *directional phasing equipment, antenna couplers, tower chokes, isolation coils, sampling loops, remote meter kit, M-4990 AM frequency monitor, MO-2639 and MO-2639A AM modulation monitor, CCD-2 transmitter control console, RDC-10 remote control system, RDC-200 deluxe remote control system, remote control accessories, packaged AM radio stations, Dualux dual speech input equipment, Gatesway speech input equipment, 102MB

    • Pages 101 - 200 - Audio consoles, monitor amplifiers, audio limiters, audio preamps, VU meters, patch panels, audio equalizers, studio cabinetry, turntables, program automation, rack cabinets, audio proof equipment, "sound effects wagon," remote broadcast equipment, utility amplifiers, communications and short wave transmitters, 494MB
    • Pages 201-238 - VHF transmitters, FM relay transmitters, communications limiters/filters, totalizing recorders, voltage regulators, capacitors, inductors, transformers, open wire transmission line, coaxial cable, tower lights, tape recorders, disc recorders, loudspeakers, Conelrad receiver, loudhailer, control room chair, tape, disc, and film cabinets, mobile phone, tone arm, tape splicer, phono equalizer, headphones, studio cable, audio terminal block, stylus force gauge, telegraph key, oscilloscopes, FM modulation monitor, tube testers, telephone pickup coil, tape eraser, VOM, VTVM, communications receivers, communications radio remote control, CB transceiver (450MHz), AM band VFO, stage lighting, TV rebroadcast receiver, microphones, film projectors, studio television cameras, camera control units, sync generator, video switcher, slide projectors, RF dummy loads, tubeless AM modulation monitor, index.
    • Price List - 1.4MB
  • GatesRadioCatalog99 - Scanned by Bob Newberry, WBRC, Birmingham, AL.

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