Here's a list of recently edited pages on this wiki. All minor changes are shown also, not just the most recent ones.
See RecentChanges for the most recent non-minor changes.

All major edits are listed below.
19 February 2025
30 September 2024
22 July 2024
- (diff) (hist) . . FTGH; 22:02 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (Delete FTGH manuals shipped to WRH.)
4 July 2024
12 June 2024
14 April 2024
- (diff) (hist) . . ATI; 22:07 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/AtiDa208.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Harman Kardon; 22:00 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/HarmanKardonPm645.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . NAD Electronics; 21:56 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/Nad5330.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . NAD Electronics; 21:56 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . Marantz; 21:52 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/MarantzPmd201.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Goldline; 21:49 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/GoldLineAsa10.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Goldline; 21:49 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . Panasonic; 21:45 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/TechnicsSp10mk2.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Elgin Electronics; 21:41 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/ElginEc30a.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Elgin Electronics; 21:41 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . Aristocart; 21:38 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/AristocartFoneBox.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Aristocart; 21:38 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . Cablewave Systems; 19:38 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/Cablewave412399a.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Cablewave Systems; 19:38 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . Harman Kardon; 18:38 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Armstrong Transmitter Corporation; 4:20 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/ArmstrongFM500sc.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Armstrong Transmitter Corporation; 3:53 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 3:53 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
3 April 2024
- (diff) (hist) . . Autogram; 20:49 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/AutogramIc10Lc10.pdf)
27 March 2024
24 March 2024
- (diff) (hist) . . Inovonics; 23:41 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/Inovonics222.pdf)
20 March 2024
- (diff) (hist) . . Sparta Electronics; 17:44 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/SpartaAs30b.pdf)
19 March 2024
- (diff) (hist) . . UMC Beaucart; 18:27 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/Umc10-20.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . UMC Beaucart; 18:26 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 18:25 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
16 March 2024
- (diff) (hist) . . Dorrough Electronics; 23:11 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/DorroughDap310_78.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . FTGH; 1:15 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
29 February 2024
21 February 2024
- (diff) (hist) . . Radio Business Report; 2:24 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/RbrSourceGuide1994.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Radio Business Report; 2:20 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
19 February 2024
- (diff) (hist) . . BME - Broadcast Management Engineering Magazine; 20:37 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/bme7910.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . BME - Broadcast Management Engineering Magazine; 20:33 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
17 February 2024
- (diff) (hist) . . Historic Papers; 0:01 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/TelevisionTraining1-a.pdf)
16 February 2024
- (diff) (hist) . . Symmetrix; 20:03 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . FTGH; 3:23 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . Broadcasters General Store; 2:58 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 2:37 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
7 February 2024
5 February 2024
- (diff) (hist) . . QRK; 23:42 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/Qrk5.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . QRK; 23:42 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . MoseleyAssociatesInc; 0:22 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/MoseleyMrc160094.pdf)
4 February 2024
- (diff) (hist) . . Broadcasters General Store; 23:22 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/BroadcastersGeneralStoreCatalog.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Broadcasters General Store; 21:17 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
3 February 2024
- (diff) (hist) . . Harris Allied; 20:26 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/HarrisAlliedCatalog.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Harris Allied; 19:18 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . Telos; 19:09 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/TelosCsm.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Telos; 18:50 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
1 February 2024
- (diff) (hist) . . GeneralElectric; 22:33 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/Ge4bt50a1.pdf)
31 January 2024
- (diff) (hist) . . Sine Systems; 23:31 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/SineRfc1bProgramming.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Sine Systems; 23:27 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . Belar Electronics Laboratory; 3:12 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/BelarFmma-1.pdf)
30 January 2024
- (diff) (hist) . . DeltaElectronics; 23:46 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/DeltaOib1.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . ComStream; 22:18 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/ComStreamAbr202.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Marti Electronics, Inc.; 21:10 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/MartiRpt30.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . SMC; 19:26 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/Smc350.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Symmetrix; 18:47 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/Symetrix TI-101.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Symmetrix; 18:33 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Texar; 2:35 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/TexarAudioPrism.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Texar; 2:34 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
29 January 2024
- (diff) (hist) . . Otari; 2:22 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/OtariMx5050Bii.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Otari; 2:22 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
27 January 2024
- (diff) (hist) . . Wheatstone Corporation; 20:46 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/WheatstoneA-20new.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Wheatstone Corporation; 20:45 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Thordarson; 20:37 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/ThordarsonCatalog76.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Thordarson; 20:36 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . Realistic; 20:20 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/Realistic43-212.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Realistic; 20:20 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 20:19 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Burk Technology; 20:00 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/BurkARC-16.pdf)
17 November 2023
25 October 2023
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 19:05 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (Added history of computer communications.)
16 October 2023
- (diff) (hist) . . Historic Papers; 18:39 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (Added Kahn Patent 2,666,133 on amplification of SSB.)
23 September 2023
14 August 2023
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 17:33 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (Added Mullard CRT manufacturing video)
26 June 2023
- (diff) (hist) . . Telefile Computer Products, Inc.; 3:43 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/TelefileDc16c.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Telefile Computer Products, Inc.; 3:42 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
25 June 2023
- (diff) (hist) . . Broadcast Tools; 22:58 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/BtiUi4ii.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Johnson Electronics; 4:08 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/JohnsonSt4a.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Johnson Electronics; 4:08 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . Audi-Cord Corporation; 0:24 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/Audicord100.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Audi-Cord Corporation; 0:23 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
24 June 2023
- (diff) (hist) . . Larcan; 19:25 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/TtcXlfm.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Contel ASC; 19:12 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/ContelAscC100.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Contel ASC; 19:11 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 19:10 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . ITC; 19:06 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/Itc893-0064-003.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Wheatstone Corporation; 19:03 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/WheatstoneA-6000.pdf)
4 May 2023
2 May 2023
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 23:13 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . UREI; 22:58 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/UreiBL40.pdf)
20 April 2023
9 April 2023
9 February 2023
- (diff) (hist) . . IRC; 16:41 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/irc-1933-catalogue.pdf)
27 December 2022
- (diff) (hist) . . Ohmite Manufacturing Company; 5:06 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/Ohmite58.pdf)
18 December 2022
- (diff) (hist) . . Ohmite Manufacturing Company; 22:02 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . Boonton Radio Corporation; 20:41 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/Boonton245b.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Boonton Radio Corporation; 19:15 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . Triplett; 17:22 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/Triplett3490.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Triplett; 17:06 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
17 December 2022
- (diff) (hist) . . Simpson Electric Company; 4:18 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/Simpson389-3L.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Simpson Electric Company; 4:18 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
16 December 2022
- (diff) (hist) . . Video Systems of America; 23:05 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/VsaVm114.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Video Systems of America; 22:57 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
13 December 2022
- (diff) (hist) . . Leeds & Northrup Company; 23:13 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/LeedsNorthrupGalvonometers.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Leeds & Northrup Company; 23:06 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 23:05 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Dumont; 22:31 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/Dumont241.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Dumont; 22:31 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . RCA; 22:17 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/Rca69c4.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . RCA; 22:16 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Tektronix; 21:50 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/TekCircuitComputer.pdf)
5 December 2022
- (diff) (hist) . . Gregg Laboratories; 19:42 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/Gregg Laboratories TELEMIX.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Gregg Laboratories; 19:41 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 19:39 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
4 December 2022
- (diff) (hist) . . GE Quadraphonic; 22:25 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (Updated photo links in GE Quadraphonic)
- (diff) (hist) . . MoseleyAssociatesInc; 22:14 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
7 October 2022
4 October 2022
23 September 2022
- (diff) (hist) . . Fidelipac; 3:41 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/FidelipacDynamaxCtr10.pdf)
13 September 2022
10 September 2022
- (diff) (hist) . . GeneralRadio; 20:47 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/GR 916-A BRIDGE.pdf)
8 September 2022
- (diff) (hist) . . Hewlett Packard; 20:08 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/HP 200CD MANUAL.pdf)
28 August 2022
- (diff) (hist) . . Measurements; 17:29 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/Measurements111.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Measurements; 17:17 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . Yokogawa Electric Works; 6:07 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/YewL-3C.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Yokogawa Electric Works; 5:51 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 5:51 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
24 August 2022
11 August 2022
24 July 2022
17 July 2022
- (diff) (hist) . . Harris Corporation - Broadcast Division; 4:07 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/HarrisZ5CD.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Circuit Research Laboratories; 0:02 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/CrlSmp900aPrelim.pdf)
16 July 2022
15 July 2022
- (diff) (hist) . . GatesRadioCompany; 22:49 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/GatesFM-20B.pdf)
11 July 2022
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 3:13 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Collins Radio; 2:44 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/CollinsFundamentalsOfSingleSideband.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Collins Radio; 1:45 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
10 July 2022
22 June 2022
2 June 2022
- (diff) (hist) . . Dayton Industrial; 19:18 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/AF610NOAAManual.pdf)
3 May 2022
- (diff) (hist) . . Weston; 1:53 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/Weston772.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Weston; 1:53 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . Raytheon; 1:44 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/RaytheonTubeData1941.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . RCA; 0:16 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/Rca69c.pdf)
2 May 2022
- (diff) (hist) . . Link, Fred M; 23:30 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/LinkModelB.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Link, Fred M; 23:27 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 23:27 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
30 April 2022
18 April 2022
- (diff) (hist) . . GeneralElectric; 20:43 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/GE BC35.jpg)
29 March 2022
7 March 2022
- (diff) (hist) . . National Association of Broadcasters; 21:20 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/nab1983.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . National Association of Broadcasters; 21:17 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 21:16 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Dataworld; 5:04 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/dw98.pdf)
22 February 2022
- (diff) (hist) . . Dataworld; 0:03 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 0:02 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
14 February 2022
11 February 2022
- (diff) (hist) . . Station Histories; 4:19 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/wor5.pdf)
3 February 2022
- (diff) (hist) . . CBS Labs; 1:42 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/CbsFmVolumax4100_4110_1972.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Computer Concepts; 1:02 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/ComputerConceptsTSA.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Computer Concepts; 1:02 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
2 February 2022
- (diff) (hist) . . Broadcast Electronics; 22:53 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/BeControl16data.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Automated Broadcast Controls; 22:39 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Broadcast Controls; 22:36 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/BroadcastControls1600Sdata.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Broadcast Controls; 22:33 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
1 February 2022
- (diff) (hist) . . Cetec Broadcast Group; 21:31 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/Cetec7000.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Cetec Broadcast Group; 21:29 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 21:29 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Circuit Research Laboratories; 21:27 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
31 January 2022
- (diff) (hist) . . HallikainenAndFriends; 18:36 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/W1XBS.pdf)
30 January 2022
- (diff) (hist) . . MilitaryRadio; 4:33 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/UsafTO_31-1-141-12.pdf)
29 January 2022
- (diff) (hist) . . LPB; 1:43 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/Scan_0343-03.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Ampex; 1:24 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/Scan_0347-01.pdf)
24 January 2022
- (diff) (hist) . . Sony; 17:22 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/Sony777svc.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Kinght-kit; 4:18 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/KinghtKx60Assy.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Kinght-kit; 4:17 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . Lang Electronics; 3:51 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/LangPeq-2.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Lang Electronics; 3:42 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . American Data; 3:06 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/AmericanDataSeries900.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . McIntosh; 2:06 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/McIntoshCatalog.pdf)
20 January 2022
19 January 2022
- (diff) (hist) . . Metrotech; 0:16 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/Metrotech500-AseriesDs.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Metrotech; 0:15 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
18 January 2022
- (diff) (hist) . . MCI; 22:19 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/MciJH-100.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Minicom Division of 3M; 20:25 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/Minicom700.pdf)
17 January 2022
- (diff) (hist) . . harold; 18:35 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 18:35 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . Help/LinkSearchPlugin; 18:35 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . DebugBackendInfo; 18:35 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . PhpWikiRecentChanges; 18:35 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . Help/PluginManagerPlugin; 18:35 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . Help/SemanticSearchPlugin; 18:35 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . Help/FuzzyPagesPlugin; 18:35 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . Help/PageDumpPlugin; 18:35 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . Help/UnfoldSubpagesPlugin; 18:35 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . Help/RichTablePlugin; 18:35 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . Help/PopularTagsPlugin; 18:35 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . RandomPage; 18:35 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . Help/RedirectToPlugin; 18:35 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . ReleaseNotes; 18:35 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . PhpWikiAdministration/Purge; 18:35 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
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- (diff) (hist) . . Help/RecentCommentsPlugin; 18:35 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . Help/WikiAdminChownPlugin; 18:35 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . PhpWikiAdministration/SearchReplace; 18:35 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . Help/SemanticRelations; 18:35 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . Help/VisualWikiPlugin; 18:35 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . RelatedChanges; 18:35 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . InterWikiSearch; 18:35 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . Help/RandomPagePlugin; 18:35 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . Template/Attribute; 18:35 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
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- (diff) (hist) . . RateIt; 18:35 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . Help/WikiAdminSetAclPlugin; 18:35 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . Help/AuthorHistoryPlugin; 18:35 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
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16 January 2022
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15 January 2022
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- (diff) (hist) . . MEI; 20:15 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
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- (diff) (hist) . . MEI; 4:20 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
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- (diff) (hist) . . MEI; 4:18 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
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- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 4:12 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . MEI; 4:11 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
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- (diff) (hist) . . MEI; 4:07 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
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- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 4:02 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . MCI; 3:56 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . MCI; 3:55 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/MciServiceBulletins.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . MCI; 3:54 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 3:53 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
14 January 2022
- (diff) (hist) . . Langevin; 3:41 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Langevin; 3:36 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/LangevinAudioEquipment1967.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Ampex; 1:13 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Ampex; 1:12 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/Ampex4010066.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Ampex; 1:09 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Ampex; 1:06 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/AmpexAg600b.pdf)
13 January 2022
- (diff) (hist) . . Ampex; 23:28 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Ampex; 23:26 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/AmpexTapeCareFeed.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Ampex; 23:11 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Ampex; 23:10 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/AmpexProfessionalAudioCatalog1970.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Ampex; 23:03 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Ampex; 23:02 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/AmpexMarkTen.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Ampex; 22:53 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Ampex; 22:52 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/AmpexAudioTestTape.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . HallikainenAndFriends; 18:22 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . HallikainenAndFriends; 18:14 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/Drc190-851114.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . HallikainenAndFriends; 17:48 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . HallikainenAndFriends; 4:13 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Ampex; 4:09 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Ampex; 4:06 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/AmpexAtr700.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Ampex; 1:50 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Ampex; 1:48 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/AmpexVr-1200GuideServoKit.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Ampex; 0:03 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
12 January 2022
11 January 2022
- (diff) (hist) . . Panasonic; 23:37 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Panasonic; 23:36 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/Scan_0333-04.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Panasonic; 23:33 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Panasonic; 23:32 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/Scan_0333-03.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Panasonic; 23:29 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Panasonic; 23:28 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/Scan_0333-02.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Panasonic; 23:26 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Panasonic; 23:24 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/Scan_0333-01.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Ampex; 23:18 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Ampex; 23:17 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/Scan_0332-04.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Ampex; 23:14 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Ampex; 23:13 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/Scan_0332-03.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Ampex; 23:11 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Ampex; 23:09 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/Scan_0332-02.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Ampex; 23:07 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Ampex; 23:05 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/Scan_0332-01.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Ampex; 23:03 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Ampex; 23:01 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/Scan_0334-02.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Ampex; 23:00 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Ampex; 22:58 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/Scan_0334-01.pdf)
10 January 2022
- (diff) (hist) . . Ampex; 3:45 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Ampex; 3:42 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/AmpexAutoTrackingKit.pdf)
9 January 2022
- (diff) (hist) . . Ampex; 4:43 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Ampex; 4:40 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/Ampex1058mk3.pdf)
6 January 2022
5 January 2022
- (diff) (hist) . . Gentner; 5:13 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Gentner; 5:12 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/GentnerDigitalHybrid.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Philips; 4:51 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Philips; 4:50 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/PhilipsPM6667-6668.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Soltec; 3:58 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Peak Audio; 3:58 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Peak Audio; 3:57 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/PeakAudioTimeSaver.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Peak Audio; 3:57 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 3:56 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Soltec; 3:05 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Soltec; 3:05 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/Soltec540PD.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Soltec; 3:02 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 3:01 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
1 January 2022
- (diff) (hist) . . Panasonic; 1:10 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Panasonic; 1:09 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/PanasonicSV3700svc.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Panasonic; 1:08 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
31 December 2021
- (diff) (hist) . . Sescom; 19:20 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Sescom; 19:19 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/SescomSB-1mk2.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Sescom; 19:18 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 19:18 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Garner Industries; 19:11 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Garner Industries; 19:10 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/GarnerDegaussers.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Garner Industries; 19:09 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 19:08 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
30 December 2021
- (diff) (hist) . . Panasonic; 0:12 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Panasonic; 0:10 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/SinglePDF0642-01.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Panasonic; 0:08 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Panasonic; 0:06 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/SinglePDF0641-01.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Panasonic; 0:04 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Panasonic; 0:02 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/SinglePDF0640-01.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Panasonic; 0:02 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
29 December 2021
- (diff) (hist) . . Panasonic; 23:58 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/SinglePDF0639-01.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Panasonic; 23:58 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Panasonic; 23:48 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/SinglePDF0638-01.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Panasonic; 23:47 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Panasonic; 23:44 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/SinglePDF0637-01.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Panasonic; 22:37 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Panasonic; 21:57 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/PanasonicSV-3500.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Panasonic; 18:43 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Panasonic; 18:41 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/PanasonicWV3110v4.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Panasonic; 18:34 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Panasonic; 18:32 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/PanasonicWV3110v3.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Panasonic; 18:15 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Panasonic; 18:14 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/PanasonicWV3110v2.pdf)
28 December 2021
- (diff) (hist) . . Panasonic; 3:29 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Panasonic; 3:27 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/PanasonicWV3110v1.pdf)
27 December 2021
- (diff) (hist) . . Dolby Laboratories; 22:45 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Dolby Laboratories; 22:19 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/Dolby422.pdf)
22 December 2021
10 December 2021
2 December 2021
- (diff) (hist) . . Jensen Transformers; 20:40 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Jensen Transformers; 20:39 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/JensenJE-11SSP-6M.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Jensen Transformers; 20:39 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 20:38 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . HallikainenAndFriends; 20:11 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . HallikainenAndFriends; 20:07 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/HfITO177.pdf)
30 November 2021
- (diff) (hist) . . Heathkit; 3:42 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Heathkit; 3:40 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/HeathIp27Assy.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Heathkit; 3:11 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Heathkit; 3:10 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/HeathIg72Schematic.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Heathkit; 3:06 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Lambda Electronics Corp.; 3:02 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Lambda Electronics Corp.; 3:01 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/LambdaOvervoltage.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Lambda Electronics Corp.; 2:57 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Lambda Electronics Corp.; 2:56 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/LambdaLra.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . US Audio; 2:47 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . US Audio; 2:45 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/UsAudioGateX.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . US Audio; 2:38 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 2:37 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Altec; 2:36 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . C & D Batteries; 2:33 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . C & D Batteries; 2:32 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/CdInstallationStationaryBatteries.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . C & D Batteries; 2:20 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . C & D Batteries; 2:19 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/CdBatterySingleCellCharger.pdf)
29 November 2021
- (diff) (hist) . . C & D Batteries; 4:58 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . C & D Batteries; 4:56 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/CdAutoregHandbook.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Lambda Electronics Corp.; 4:01 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Lambda Electronics Corp.; 3:54 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/LambdaLCS-B.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Lambda Electronics Corp.; 3:31 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 3:30 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . CBS Labs; 3:29 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
28 November 2021
- (diff) (hist) . . McMartin; 5:14 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . McMartin; 5:13 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . McMartin; 5:10 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/McMartinSMR-1.pdf)
26 November 2021
- (diff) (hist) . . Norcom; 4:33 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Norcom; 4:32 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/NorcomMaxitelDS.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Norcom; 4:28 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Norcom; 4:26 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/NorcomMaxitel.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Norcom; 4:26 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 4:25 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Nortronics; 4:11 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Nortronics; 4:03 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/Nortronics7213A.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Nortronics; 4:03 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/Nortronics7194.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Nortronics; 4:03 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/Nortronics7077B.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Nortronics; 4:02 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/Nortronics7145C.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Nortronics; 4:02 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/Nortronics7079L.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Nortronics; 4:01 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 4:00 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . CBS Labs; 3:44 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . CBS Labs; 3:42 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/Cbs4100-4110.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . CBS Labs; 3:08 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Nova Systems, Inc.; 3:04 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Nova Systems, Inc.; 3:01 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/Nova620s.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Nova Systems, Inc.; 2:24 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 2:23 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
24 November 2021
- (diff) (hist) . . Panasonic; 23:34 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Panasonic; 23:32 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/SinglePDF0621-01.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Panasonic; 23:30 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Panasonic; 23:28 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/SinglePDF0622-01.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . C & D Batteries; 22:45 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . C & D Batteries; 22:43 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/SinglePDF0623-01.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Panasonic; 18:37 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Panasonic; 18:29 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/PanasonicSV-DA10.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . C & D Batteries; 2:22 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . C & D Batteries; 2:21 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/CdAutoreg.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . C & D Batteries; 2:21 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 2:20 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
22 November 2021
- (diff) (hist) . . Lorain Products Corporation; 4:44 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Lorain Products Corporation; 4:42 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/LorainFlotrolU2500A.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Lorain Products Corporation; 4:32 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 4:31 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Fidelipac; 4:08 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Fidelipac; 4:07 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/FidelipacAudiomax.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Fidelipac; 4:01 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Fidelipac; 3:59 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/FidelipacBroadcastTapeProducts.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Fidelipac; 3:49 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Fidelipac; 3:48 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/DynamaxTapeCartridges.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Fidelipac; 3:42 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Fidelipac; 3:39 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Fidelipac; 3:38 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/DynamaxDcr1000.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Fidelipac; 3:21 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Fidelipac; 3:19 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/FidelipacMxSeries.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Electronic Signal Products; 2:41 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Electronic Signal Products; 2:28 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/Esp2015.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Electronic Signal Products; 2:18 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 2:17 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Multi-technical Services; 2:03 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Multi-technical Services; 0:50 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/MTS1000.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Multi-technical Services; 0:27 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 0:26 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
21 November 2021
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 22:37 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 18:42 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
19 November 2021
- (diff) (hist) . . Denon; 4:26 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Denon; 4:24 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/DenonDn961FA.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Denon; 4:15 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 4:13 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Panasonic; 3:57 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Panasonic; 3:54 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/PanasonicSV3700.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Broadcast Tools; 3:39 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 3:35 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 3:31 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/Bird8085.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Conex Electro Systems; 2:41 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Conex Electro Systems; 2:39 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/ConexDt40.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Conex Electro Systems; 2:38 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 2:36 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
18 November 2021
- (diff) (hist) . . Hughey & Phillips; 20:46 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Hughey & Phillips; 20:36 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/HugheyPhillipsMBD4423F46S.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . ComStream; 4:34 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . ComStream; 4:30 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/ComstreamAbr700.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . ComStream; 4:03 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . ComStream; 4:02 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/ComstreamDac700.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . ComStream; 3:23 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 3:22 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Crown; 2:14 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Crown; 2:13 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/CrownD75.pdf)
17 November 2021
- (diff) (hist) . . Gentner; 23:40 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Gentner; 23:39 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Gentner; 23:37 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/Gentner10a.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Continental Satellite Systems; 4:51 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Continental Satellite Systems; 4:50 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/ContinentalSatellite12.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Continental Satellite Systems; 4:50 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 4:49 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . J. G. S. Engineering Inc.; 4:42 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . J. G. S. Engineering Inc.; 4:41 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/JgsSA.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . J. G. S. Engineering Inc.; 4:41 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 4:40 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Kenneth A. Bacon Associates; 4:35 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Kenneth A. Bacon Associates; 4:35 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/Kaba4track.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Kenneth A. Bacon Associates; 4:35 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 4:33 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Farallon; 4:26 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Farallon; 4:25 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/Farallon6120142-00-04.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Farallon; 4:25 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 4:23 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 4:23 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Aston; 4:18 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Aston; 4:17 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/Aston108.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Aston; 4:16 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 4:15 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
16 November 2021
- (diff) (hist) . . Midwest Communications; 2:58 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Midwest Communications; 2:56 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/Saturn3.1.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Midwest Communications; 2:44 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 2:42 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Comtech Antenna Corporation; 2:35 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Comtech Antenna Corporation; 2:34 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/Comtech750.pdf)
15 November 2021
- (diff) (hist) . . Ampex; 3:09 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Ampex; 3:04 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Ampex; 3:03 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/SinglePDF0592-01.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Ampex; 3:01 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Ampex; 2:56 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/SinglePDF0591-01.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Ampex; 2:53 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Ampex; 2:49 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/SinglePDF0590-01.pdf)
11 November 2021
- (diff) (hist) . . Microwave Radio Corporation; 22:07 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Microwave Radio Corporation; 21:56 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Microwave Radio Corporation; 21:55 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/MicrowaveAssociates8932.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Ampex; 18:51 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Ampex; 18:49 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/AmpexVr-1200VideoHeadOptimizerKit.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Help/PopularTagsPlugin; 18:21 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Help/WikiAdminDeleteAclPlugin; 18:21 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Help/WikiAdminSetExternalPlugin; 18:21 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
10 November 2021
- (diff) (hist) . . Ampex; 0:04 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Ampex; 0:03 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/SinglePDF0573-01.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Ampex; 0:01 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Ampex; 0:00 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/SinglePDF0574-01.pdf)
9 November 2021
- (diff) (hist) . . Ampex; 22:54 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Ampex; 22:36 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/Ampex1090.pdf)
8 November 2021
- (diff) (hist) . . Collins Radio; 19:03 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Collins Radio; 19:01 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/SinglePDF0565-01.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Collins Radio; 18:59 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Collins Radio; 18:58 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/SinglePDF0566-01.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Collins Radio; 18:56 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Collins Radio; 18:55 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/SinglePDF0567-01.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Collins Radio; 18:51 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Collins Radio; 18:50 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/SinglePDF0568-01.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Collins Radio; 18:48 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Collins Radio; 18:46 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/SinglePDF0569-01.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . HallikainenAndFriends; 18:45 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . HallikainenAndFriends; 18:43 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/SinglePDF0570-01.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Collins Radio; 5:03 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Collins Radio; 5:02 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Collins Radio; 4:59 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/Collins831G-1.pdf)
7 November 2021
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 23:54 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 23:54 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/BirdPrice19880620.pdf.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 23:50 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 23:49 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/BirdPrice19880401.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 23:48 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 23:47 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/Bird4300-400-11-88.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 23:45 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 23:44 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/Bird4304A-4-88.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 23:42 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 23:41 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/Bird4308-4-88.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 23:39 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 23:38 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/Bird4278-1287.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 23:36 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 23:35 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/Bird43--11-88.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 23:32 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 23:31 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/Bird8891-415_488.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 23:30 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 4:26 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 4:21 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/BirdCatalogGC-86A.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 3:56 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . MilitaryRadio; 3:53 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . MilitaryRadio; 3:51 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/LegalAspectsCounterinsurgency.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . MilitaryRadio; 3:35 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . MilitaryRadio; 3:33 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/Subcourse_100.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . MilitaryRadio; 3:05 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . MilitaryRadio; 3:03 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/SSTS56008A.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . MilitaryRadio; 2:43 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . MilitaryRadio; 2:28 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/Subcourse106.pdf)
6 November 2021
- (diff) (hist) . . MilitaryRadio; 23:31 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . MilitaryRadio; 23:27 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/ST11-674.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . MilitaryRadio; 21:54 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . MilitaryRadio; 21:52 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/IB511-1.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . MilitaryRadio; 21:13 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . MilitaryRadio; 21:10 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/SSTS56007.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . MilitaryRadio; 5:33 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . MilitaryRadio; 5:21 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/SIG660-85.pdf)
5 November 2021
- (diff) (hist) . . MilitaryRadio; 20:53 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . MilitaryRadio; 20:52 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/SSTS56000C.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . MilitaryRadio; 20:16 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . MilitaryRadio; 20:14 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/SSTS56001F.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . MilitaryRadio; 5:00 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . MilitaryRadio; 4:52 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/SSTS56002A.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . MilitaryRadio; 4:09 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . MilitaryRadio; 4:08 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/STSS56004A.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . HallikainenAndFriends; 3:26 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . HallikainenAndFriends; 3:24 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/Hf1241psSchematic.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . HallikainenAndFriends; 3:09 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . HallikainenAndFriends; 3:07 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/HfLog121Tapetronics.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . HallikainenAndFriends; 2:51 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . HallikainenAndFriends; 2:49 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/Tva142addendum.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . HallikainenAndFriends; 2:44 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . HallikainenAndFriends; 2:43 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/Sescom66JD120.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . HallikainenAndFriends; 2:38 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . HallikainenAndFriends; 2:36 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/Hf0040-1429.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . HallikainenAndFriends; 2:18 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . HallikainenAndFriends; 2:17 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/Hf1351psLayout.pdf)
3 November 2021
- (diff) (hist) . . HallikainenAndFriends; 4:56 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . HallikainenAndFriends; 4:55 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/TEL-171ProductionTestProcedure.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . HallikainenAndFriends; 4:47 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . HallikainenAndFriends; 4:43 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . HallikainenAndFriends; 4:42 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/HfTxDisplayComponentPlacement.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . HallikainenAndFriends; 4:36 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . HallikainenAndFriends; 4:34 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/Hf1221TRcomponentPlacement.pdf)
2 November 2021
- (diff) (hist) . . HallikainenAndFriends; 4:53 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . HallikainenAndFriends; 4:52 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/1231TDcomponentPlacement.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . HallikainenAndFriends; 4:45 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . HallikainenAndFriends; 4:44 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/HfPriceList810701.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . HallikainenAndFriends; 4:38 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . HallikainenAndFriends; 4:24 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
30 October 2021
29 October 2021
- (diff) (hist) . . GatesRadioCompany; 23:59 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/SinglePDF0564-01.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . GatesRadioCompany; 23:57 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . GatesRadioCompany; 23:55 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/GatesCB-11turntable45.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . SMC; 23:47 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . SMC; 23:46 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/SinglePDF0563-01.pdf)
27 October 2021
- (diff) (hist) . . HallikainenAndFriends; 23:44 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . HallikainenAndFriends; 23:08 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . HallikainenAndFriends; 23:07 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/HfTvaSeries.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . HallikainenAndFriends; 23:03 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . HallikainenAndFriends; 23:01 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/HfNetworkControl.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . HallikainenAndFriends; 22:45 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . HallikainenAndFriends; 22:44 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/HfPriceList790201.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . HallikainenAndFriends; 22:38 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . HallikainenAndFriends; 22:37 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/HfNewsletter7812.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . HallikainenAndFriends; 22:13 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . HallikainenAndFriends; 22:08 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/ITO-178.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . HallikainenAndFriends; 22:04 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . HallikainenAndFriends; 21:56 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/Tel171Data2.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . HallikainenAndFriends; 21:38 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . HallikainenAndFriends; 21:36 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/AN7901.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . HallikainenAndFriends; 21:22 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . HallikainenAndFriends; 21:21 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/PriceList780401.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . HallikainenAndFriends; 21:17 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . HallikainenAndFriends; 21:15 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/TvaSeriesData.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . HallikainenAndFriends; 20:39 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . HallikainenAndFriends; 20:38 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/TEL171data.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . HallikainenAndFriends; 20:28 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . HallikainenAndFriends; 20:28 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/Tax161.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . HallikainenAndFriends; 20:19 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . HallikainenAndFriends; 20:18 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/ProgramLoggingSystem.pdf)
26 October 2021
- (diff) (hist) . . HallikainenAndFriends; 22:29 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . HallikainenAndFriends; 22:28 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/HfProfile1990.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . HallikainenAndFriends; 21:17 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . HallikainenAndFriends; 21:12 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/Drc200.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . HallikainenAndFriends; 19:27 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . HallikainenAndFriends; 19:22 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . HallikainenAndFriends; 19:21 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/Drc190Data.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . HallikainenAndFriends; 18:27 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . HallikainenAndFriends; 18:25 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/TvaDataSheet.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . HallikainenAndFriends; 5:22 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
24 October 2021
- (diff) (hist) . . HallikainenAndFriends; 15:42 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . HallikainenAndFriends; 4:41 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
23 October 2021
21 October 2021
- (diff) (hist) . . Sam's Photofact; 4:54 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Sam's Photofact; 4:45 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Sam's Photofact; 4:38 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Sam's Photofact; 4:33 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Sam's Photofact; 4:28 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Sam's Photofact; 4:13 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Sam's Photofact; 3:46 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Sam's Photofact; 3:38 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
20 October 2021
- (diff) (hist) . . Sam's Photofact; 22:48 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Sam's Photofact; 22:40 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Sam's Photofact; 4:56 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Sam's Photofact; 4:37 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Sam's Photofact; 4:31 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Sam's Photofact; 4:13 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Sam's Photofact; 4:04 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Sam's Photofact; 3:53 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Sam's Photofact; 3:43 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Sam's Photofact; 3:36 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
18 October 2021
- (diff) (hist) . . Sam's Photofact; 4:19 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Sam's Photofact; 4:05 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Sam's Photofact; 0:10 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
17 October 2021
- (diff) (hist) . . Sam's Photofact; 23:45 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Sam's Photofact; 23:34 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Sam's Photofact; 22:52 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Sam's Photofact; 22:39 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Sam's Photofact; 22:34 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Sam's Photofact; 22:28 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Sam's Photofact; 21:13 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Sam's Photofact; 21:04 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Sam's Photofact; 5:04 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Sam's Photofact; 4:55 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Sam's Photofact; 4:50 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Sam's Photofact; 4:44 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Sam's Photofact; 4:38 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Sam's Photofact; 4:33 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Sam's Photofact; 4:27 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Sam's Photofact; 4:13 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Sam's Photofact; 3:57 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Sam's Photofact; 3:32 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Sam's Photofact; 3:26 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Sam's Photofact; 3:21 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Sam's Photofact; 2:59 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . HallikainenAndFriends; 2:56 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
15 October 2021
12 October 2021
- (diff) (hist) . . HallikainenAndFriends; 23:11 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . HallikainenAndFriends; 22:56 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . HallikainenAndFriends; 22:53 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
11 October 2021
9 October 2021
- (diff) (hist) . . Sam's Photofact; 5:28 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Sam's Photofact; 5:00 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Sam's Photofact; 4:34 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
8 October 2021
20 September 2021
- (diff) (hist) . . Collins Radio; 17:30 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (Updated link to manual archive at Collins Collectors Association)
14 September 2021
- (diff) (hist) . . Historic Papers; 19:49 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (Replaced link to Kahn patent 3,060,389.)
4 September 2021
2 September 2021
1 September 2021
31 August 2021
- (diff) (hist) . . Sam's Photofact; 23:45 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Sam's Photofact; 22:26 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
29 August 2021
- (diff) (hist) . . Sam's Photofact; 2:27 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Sam's Photofact; 1:38 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Sam's Photofact; 0:44 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Sam's Photofact; 0:10 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
28 August 2021
- (diff) (hist) . . Sam's Photofact; 22:41 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Sam's Photofact; 22:30 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Sam's Photofact; 22:04 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Sam's Photofact; 21:35 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Sam's Photofact; 20:41 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Sam's Photofact; 19:52 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 19:49 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
21 August 2021
17 August 2021
30 July 2021
- (diff) (hist) . . MilitaryRadio; 21:33 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (Added Tape Relay Operations.)
28 July 2021
- (diff) (hist) . . MilitaryRadio; 1:29 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (Added Manual Teletypewriter Procedures.)
- (diff) (hist) . . MilitaryRadio; 1:29 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/TapeRelayOperations.pdf)
25 July 2021
- (diff) (hist) . . MilitaryRadio; 22:26 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (Added US Army Introduction to Automatic Data Processing.)
- (diff) (hist) . . MilitaryRadio; 22:26 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/ManualTeletypewriterProcedures.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . MilitaryRadio; 21:14 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (Added Control of Cryptomaterial.)
- (diff) (hist) . . MilitaryRadio; 21:14 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/IntroductionToAutomaticDataProcessing.pdf)
21 July 2021
- (diff) (hist) . . Dorrough Electronics; 20:55 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (Added Dorroigh DAP610.)
20 July 2021
19 July 2021
- (diff) (hist) . . RCA; 3:50 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (Added RCA BA-4A monitoring and recording amplifier.)
- (diff) (hist) . . RCA; 3:33 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (Added RCA BA-2A booster amplifier.)
- (diff) (hist) . . RCA; 3:33 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/RcaBa4a.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 2:54 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 2:42 . . test (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . TEST; 2:41 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
18 July 2021
- (diff) (hist) . . RCA; 23:16 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (Added RCA BX-1A preamp power supply.)
- (diff) (hist) . . RCA; 23:16 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/RcaBa2a.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . RCA; 23:04 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (Added RCA BA-3A.)
- (diff) (hist) . . RCA; 23:04 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/RcaBx1a.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . RCA; 22:04 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/RcaBa3a.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . RCA; 22:04 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (Added RCA BA-13A program amplifier.)
- (diff) (hist) . . Wegener Communications; 21:44 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (Added Wegener 1601, 1651 Mainframe.)
- (diff) (hist) . . Wegener Communications; 21:38 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/Wegener1601-1651.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Wegener Communications; 21:38 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 21:38 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Hallicrafters; 20:52 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (Added Hallicrafters SX-28-A.)
- (diff) (hist) . . RCA; 20:08 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (Added RCA BTF3-B.)
- (diff) (hist) . . RCA; 20:08 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/RcaBa13a.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Jennings; 1:17 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (Added Jennings catalog CAP105.)
17 July 2021
- (diff) (hist) . . Jennings; 2:14 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . Jennings; 2:14 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/JenningsCap105.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 2:13 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Accurate Sound Corporation; 2:13 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . American Electronic Laboratories; 1:59 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (Added AEL FM-25KG.)
- (diff) (hist) . . Technics; 1:38 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (Added Technics SL-PG340 Compact Disk Player Operating Instructions.)
- (diff) (hist) . . GatesRadioCompany; 1:08 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (Added Gates 5235 turntable preamp.)
16 July 2021
- (diff) (hist) . . Electrovoice; 18:38 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Electrovoice; 18:33 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/Electrovoice664.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Electrovoice; 18:33 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 18:33 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Automated Broadcast Controls; 18:25 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (Added Automated Broadcast Controls 2500S (VT).)
- (diff) (hist) . . Automated Broadcast Controls; 18:04 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/AutomatedBroadcastControls2500SVT.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Automated Broadcast Controls; 18:04 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 18:03 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Russco; 17:58 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (Added Russco T112.)
- (diff) (hist) . . Russco; 17:50 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/RusscoT112.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Russco; 17:50 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 17:49 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Extel; 17:42 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (Added Extel AE/AF teleprinters.)
- (diff) (hist) . . Extel; 17:02 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/ExtelAeAf.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Extel; 17:02 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 16:59 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 16:59 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . MoseleyAssociatesInc; 4:43 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (Added Moseley MRC-1600.)
- (diff) (hist) . . Ampex; 1:59 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (Added Ampex 351.)
15 July 2021
- (diff) (hist) . . IGM; 23:03 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (Added IGM Instacart.)
- (diff) (hist) . . Potomac Instruments; 21:32 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (Added Potomac RC16+.)
- (diff) (hist) . . MoseleyAssociatesInc; 20:20 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/MoseleyMrc1600revC.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . MoseleyAssociatesInc; 20:20 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (Added Mosley MRC 1620LP.)
- (diff) (hist) . . MoseleyAssociatesInc; 18:29 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (Added Moseley MRC1600 to 1620 conversion.)
- (diff) (hist) . . MoseleyAssociatesInc; 18:29 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/MoseleyMrc1620LPrevC.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Gentner; 18:11 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (Added Gentner VRC code card.)
14 July 2021
- (diff) (hist) . . Gentner; 1:28 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/GentnerVrcCodeCard.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Gentner; 1:28 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (Added Gentner VRC-100 Technical Manual.)
13 July 2021
- (diff) (hist) . . Gentner; 2:14 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (Added Gentner VRC-1000.)
- (diff) (hist) . . Gentner; 2:14 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/GentnerVrc1000TechB.pdf)
12 July 2021
- (diff) (hist) . . dbx; 23:19 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . ITC; 23:17 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (Added ITC RP Series.)
- (diff) (hist) . . ITC; 22:38 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (Added ITC 811-0055-001 New reproduce amplifier for SP, WP, RP, RPD, and 3D machines.)
- (diff) (hist) . . ITC; 22:38 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/ItcRpSeries.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . ITC; 22:27 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/ItcNewReproduceAmp.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . ITC; 22:27 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (Added ITC RA/WRA Addendum.)
- (diff) (hist) . . ITC; 22:20 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/ItcRaWraAddendum.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . ITC; 22:20 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (Added ITC RA and WRA Record Amplifiers.)
- (diff) (hist) . . ITC; 21:47 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/ItcRaWra.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . ITC; 21:47 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (Added ITC PD-II series.)
- (diff) (hist) . . Jampro Antenna; 21:21 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (Added Jampro DI-10 deicer.)
- (diff) (hist) . . Harris Corporation - Broadcast Division; 21:02 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (Added Harris external SCA module for MS-15.)
- (diff) (hist) . . Gentner; 20:54 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (Added Gentner VRC-100 command relay accessory.)
- (diff) (hist) . . Gentner; 20:54 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/GentnerVrc1000.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Gentner; 20:43 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (Added Gentner VRC-1000 barrier strip assembly.)
- (diff) (hist) . . Gentner; 20:43 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/GentnerCommandRelay.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . McMartin; 20:30 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (Added McMartin BFM-2001.)
- (diff) (hist) . . Orban; 18:01 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (Added Maintaining Audio Quality in the Radio Plant by Bob Orban.)
- (diff) (hist) . . MoseleyAssociatesInc; 17:32 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (Added Moseley TCS-2A.)
- (diff) (hist) . . MoseleyAssociatesInc; 17:32 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/MoseleyMrc1600to1620Conversion.pdf)
11 July 2021
- (diff) (hist) . . MoseleyAssociatesInc; 22:43 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (Added Mosley PCL-606/C.)
- (diff) (hist) . . MoseleyAssociatesInc; 22:43 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/MoseleyTcs2a.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Tektronix; 0:24 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (Added Tek AX-3266 AM Broadcast Measurements Using The Spectrum Analyzer..)
- (diff) (hist) . . Tektronix; 0:11 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/TekAX-3266.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Tektronix; 0:11 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (Added 1977 version of Tek FM Broadcast Measurements Using The Spectrum Analyzer.)
10 July 2021
- (diff) (hist) . . Tektronix; 23:55 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (Added Tek FM Broadcast Measurements Using The Spectrum Analyzer.)
- (diff) (hist) . . Tektronix; 23:55 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/TekAX-3582-1.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Tektronix; 23:38 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/TekFmBroadcastMeasurementsUsingTheSpectrumAnalyzer.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Tektronix; 23:38 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (Added The Tektronix Cookbook of Standard Audio Tests using the 5L4N frequency spectrum analyzer.)
- (diff) (hist) . . Harris Corporation - Broadcast Division; 23:12 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/HarrisExternalScaModule.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Harris Corporation - Broadcast Division; 23:12 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (Added Harris Integrated Circuit Turntable Preamplifier.)
- (diff) (hist) . . Scully; 6:02 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (Added Scully 250/255 series.)
9 July 2021
- (diff) (hist) . . Standart Tape Laboratory; 23:52 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (Added Standard Tape Laboratory catalog 886.)
- (diff) (hist) . . Standart Tape Laboratory; 23:46 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Standart Tape Laboratory; 23:46 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/StandardTapeLaboratory886.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Standart Tape Laboratory; 23:44 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 23:43 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Taber Manufacturing and Engineering Company; 23:42 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Taber Manufacturing and Engineering Company; 23:40 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . Taber Manufacturing and Engineering Company; 23:40 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/TaberBrochure.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 23:39 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Tapecaster; 21:50 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Tapecaster; 21:47 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Tapecaster; 21:47 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/TapecasterRelays.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Tapecaster; 21:38 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (Added Tapecaster parts price lists.)
- (diff) (hist) . . Tapecaster; 21:38 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/TapecasterPartsPriceList1984.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Tapecaster; 21:33 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Tapecaster; 21:33 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/TapecasterPartsList1970.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Teac; 21:15 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (Added Teac A-650 Parts List.)
- (diff) (hist) . . Teac; 21:01 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/TeacA-650PartsList.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Teac; 21:01 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (Added Teac A-650 Service Manual.)
7 July 2021
- (diff) (hist) . . Teac; 4:10 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (Added Teac A-100 Owner's Manual)
- (diff) (hist) . . Teac; 4:10 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/TeacA-650ServiceManual.pdf)
6 July 2021
- (diff) (hist) . . Teac; 23:43 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (Added Teac 450 instructions.)
- (diff) (hist) . . Teac; 23:43 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/TeacA-100OwnersManual.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Teac; 23:27 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/Teac450InstructionManual.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Teac; 23:27 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Teac; 23:16 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/TeacA-450OwnersManual.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Teac; 23:16 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (Added Teac A-450 Parts List.)
- (diff) (hist) . . Teac; 20:47 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (Added Teac A-450 Electrical Checks and Adjustments.)
- (diff) (hist) . . Teac; 20:47 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/TeacA-450PartsList.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Teac; 20:30 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/TeacA-450ElectricalChecksAndAdjustments.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Teac; 20:30 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (Added Teac Stereo Cassette Deck Information Supplement.)
- (diff) (hist) . . Teac; 1:08 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/TeacCassetteDeckInformationSupplement.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Teac; 1:08 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (Added Teac A-450 service manual.)
- (diff) (hist) . . Tentel; 0:53 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Tentel; 0:50 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/TentelCatalog.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Tentel; 0:50 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 0:50 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Teletronix Engineering Company; 0:49 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Teletronix Engineering Company; 0:31 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (Added Teletronix LA-2.)
- (diff) (hist) . . Teletronix Engineering Company; 0:30 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . Teletronix Engineering Company; 0:30 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/TeletronixLA-2.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 0:30 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Revox; 0:11 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
5 July 2021
- (diff) (hist) . . Revox; 23:09 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Revox; 23:09 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/RevoxB77SpecialVersions2.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Revox; 23:02 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Revox; 23:02 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/RevoxB77-HS.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Revox; 22:52 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Revox; 22:52 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/RevoxB77-Sync.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Revox; 22:38 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/RevoxB77-auto.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Revox; 22:38 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
3 July 2021
- (diff) (hist) . . Revox; 23:40 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/RevoxB77-SLS.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Revox; 23:40 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Revox; 23:31 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Revox; 23:31 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/RevoxB77-LS.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Tektronix; 22:35 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (Added Tek 26W-4889.)
- (diff) (hist) . . Tektronix; 22:35 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/TekCookbookStandardAudioTests.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Tektronix; 22:19 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (Added Tek 20W-7058)
- (diff) (hist) . . Tektronix; 22:19 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/Tek26W-4889.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Tektronix; 18:28 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (Added Tek 26W-5256)
- (diff) (hist) . . Tektronix; 18:28 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/Tek20W-7058.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Tektronix; 5:25 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/Tek26W-5256.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Tektronix; 5:25 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (Added Tek 26W-7037-1)
1 July 2021
- (diff) (hist) . . Ampex; 18:10 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/Ampex351.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Ampex; 18:10 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Ampex; 18:08 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
30 June 2021
- (diff) (hist) . . Tektronix; 22:31 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/Tek26W-7037-1.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Tektronix; 22:31 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (Added Tek 26W-5360 - Fundamentals of Spectrum Analysis)
- (diff) (hist) . . Tektronix; 2:11 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Tektronix; 2:11 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/Tek26W-5360.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Tektronix; 2:11 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (Added Tek application note 20W-7076)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 2:03 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 2:01 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
29 June 2021
- (diff) (hist) . . American Data; 23:49 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (Added American Data 558.)
- (diff) (hist) . . American Data; 23:47 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/AmericanData558.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . American Data; 23:47 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 23:46 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Revox; 23:26 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/RevoxB77SpecialVersions.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Revox; 23:26 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (Added Revox PR99)
- (diff) (hist) . . RCA; 22:52 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . RCA; 22:52 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/RcaBtf-3b.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . RCA; 22:51 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (Added RCA FL Line Operating Instructions.)
- (diff) (hist) . . Dana Electronics; 18:33 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (Added Dana Price List 1976.)
- (diff) (hist) . . Dana Electronics; 18:28 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/ExactPriceList1976.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Dana Electronics; 18:28 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (Added Dana 121.)
- (diff) (hist) . . Dana Electronics; 18:23 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (Added Dana 822)
- (diff) (hist) . . Dana Electronics; 18:23 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/Dana121.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Dana Electronics; 18:17 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/Dana822.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Dana Electronics; 18:17 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Dana Electronics; 18:14 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/DanaExactCatalog.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Dana Electronics; 18:14 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 18:13 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Data Systems Design; 4:35 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Data Systems Design; 4:34 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (Added DSD 440/480 Service Manual.)
- (diff) (hist) . . Data Systems Design; 4:32 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/Dsd440-480ServiceManual.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Data Systems Design; 4:32 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 4:31 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
28 June 2021
- (diff) (hist) . . Revox; 2:38 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/RevoxPR99.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Revox; 2:38 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Revox; 2:37 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (Added Revox 1948 - 1979.)
- (diff) (hist) . . Studer International AG; 0:43 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (Added Studer Telephone Hybrid.)
- (diff) (hist) . . Studer International AG; 0:41 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . Studer International AG; 0:41 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/StuderTelephone Hybrid.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 0:40 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
27 June 2021
- (diff) (hist) . . ITC; 23:36 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/ItcPd2.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . ITC; 23:36 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (Added ITC 3D.)
- (diff) (hist) . . ITC; 22:52 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/Itc3D.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . ITC; 22:52 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (Added original ITC Delta manual.)
- (diff) (hist) . . ITC; 22:02 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/ItcDelta.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . ITC; 22:02 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . ITC; 21:51 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . ITC; 21:49 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (Added ITC 99B tape cartridge macine.)
27 March 2021
- (diff) (hist) . . Gorman-Redlich; 14:45 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Gorman-Redlich; 14:40 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . Gorman-Redlich; 14:40 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/Gorman-Redlich Model CEB.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 14:39 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
28 December 2020
22 December 2020
- (diff) (hist) . . Wheatstone Corporation; 2:58 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Wheatstone Corporation; 2:58 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Wheatstone Corporation; 2:56 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/WheatstoneA32-A20.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Wheatstone Corporation; 2:56 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . Wheatstone Corporation; 2:56 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/WheatstoneA32-A20.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Wheatstone Corporation; 2:56 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 2:56 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 2:56 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . TFT, Inc.; 2:53 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . TFT, Inc.; 2:53 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Teac; 2:51 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Teac; 2:51 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/TeacA-450.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Teac; 2:51 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Teac; 2:49 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/Teac3.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Teac; 2:49 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Teac; 2:49 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/Teac3.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Teac; 2:49 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 2:49 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 2:49 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Neotek; 2:48 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Neotek; 2:48 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Neotek; 2:47 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/NeotekSeries3.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Neotek; 2:47 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Neotek; 2:47 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/NeotekSeries3.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Neotek; 2:47 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Modulation Sciences; 2:44 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Modulation Sciences; 2:44 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Kyocera; 2:42 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Kyocera; 2:42 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Kyocera; 2:40 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Kyocera; 2:40 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/KyoceraDA-01svc.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Kyocera; 2:40 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Kyocera; 2:40 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/KyoceraDA-01svc.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Kyocera; 2:35 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/KyoceraDA-01op.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Kyocera; 2:35 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Kyocera; 2:35 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . Kyocera; 2:35 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/KyoceraDA-01op.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 2:35 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 2:35 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Kenwood; 2:33 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Kenwood; 2:33 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Kenwood; 2:30 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/KenwoodDA-3500.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Kenwood; 2:30 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . Kenwood; 2:30 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Kenwood; 2:30 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/KenwoodDA-3500.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 2:28 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 2:28 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Hallicrafters; 2:28 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Hallicrafters; 2:28 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/HallicraftersSX28A.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Hallicrafters; 2:28 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Hallicrafters; 2:23 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Hallicrafters; 2:23 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/HallicraftersSR-42.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Hallicrafters; 2:23 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Hallicrafters; 2:23 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/HallicraftersSR-42.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Hallicrafters; 2:18 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . Hallicrafters; 2:18 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/HallicraftersS-38.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Hallicrafters; 2:18 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Hallicrafters; 2:18 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/HallicraftersS-38.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 2:17 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 2:17 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
25 November 2020
- (diff) (hist) . . Belar Electronics Laboratory; 16:37 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Belar Electronics Laboratory; 16:37 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
3 November 2020
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 5:00 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 5:00 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
2 November 2020
- (diff) (hist) . . Harris Corporation - Broadcast Division; 3:00 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (Added Harris Gates One Two Five. hh)
- (diff) (hist) . . Harris Corporation - Broadcast Division; 3:00 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (Added Harris Gates One Two Five. hh)
- (diff) (hist) . . Harris Corporation - Broadcast Division; 3:00 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/HarrisIntegratedCircuitTurntablePreamplifier.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Harris Corporation - Broadcast Division; 2:49 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/8435400543rB_Gates_ONE_TWO_FIVE_PDM_Amp_Silkscreen_IRFP350_9927220100.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Harris Corporation - Broadcast Division; 2:49 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/8435400171rE_Gates_ONE_TWO_FIVE_IPA_Board.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Harris Corporation - Broadcast Division; 2:49 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/8397920052rK_Gates_FIVE_1-Phase_Overall.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Harris Corporation - Broadcast Division; 2:49 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/8397920052rK_Gates_FIVE_1-Phase_Overall.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Harris Corporation - Broadcast Division; 2:49 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/8397920053rH_Gates_FIVE_3-Phase_Overall.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Harris Corporation - Broadcast Division; 2:49 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/8435400541rA_Gates_ONE_TWO_FIVE_PDM_Amp_Pull-Up_IRFP350_9927220100.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Harris Corporation - Broadcast Division; 2:49 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/8435400041rD_Gates_ONE_TWO_FIVE_Air_Flow_Sensor.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Harris Corporation - Broadcast Division; 2:49 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Harris Corporation - Broadcast Division; 2:49 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/8435400161rE_Gates_ONE_TWO_FIVE_PA_Module_TO-247.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Harris Corporation - Broadcast Division; 2:49 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/8435400041rD_Gates_ONE_TWO_FIVE_Air_Flow_Sensor.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Harris Corporation - Broadcast Division; 2:49 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/8435400171rE_Gates_ONE_TWO_FIVE_IPA_Board.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Harris Corporation - Broadcast Division; 2:49 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/8435400541rA_Gates_ONE_TWO_FIVE_PDM_Amp_Pull-Up_IRFP350_9927220100.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Harris Corporation - Broadcast Division; 2:49 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Harris Corporation - Broadcast Division; 2:49 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/8435400543rB_Gates_ONE_TWO_FIVE_PDM_Amp_Silkscreen_IRFP350_9927220100.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Harris Corporation - Broadcast Division; 2:49 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/8397920053rH_Gates_FIVE_3-Phase_Overall.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Harris Corporation - Broadcast Division; 2:49 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/8435400161rE_Gates_ONE_TWO_FIVE_PA_Module_TO-247.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . GatesAir; 2:47 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 2:42 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 2:42 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
24 October 2020
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 16:35 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 16:35 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . GeneralElectric; 16:21 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . GeneralElectric; 16:21 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . RCA; 16:17 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/RcaFLvol3.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . RCA; 16:17 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . RCA; 16:17 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
23 September 2020
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 4:39 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 4:39 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
31 August 2020
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 0:43 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 0:43 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Ampex; 0:41 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/Ampex history paper.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Ampex; 0:41 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Ampex; 0:41 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
5 August 2020
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 22:22 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 22:22 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
3 August 2020
- (diff) (hist) . . Broadcast Tools; 2:00 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Broadcast Tools; 2:00 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Broadcast Tools; 1:58 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/Manual_8x2D_ev.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Broadcast Tools; 1:58 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Broadcast Tools; 1:58 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/Manual_8x2D_ev.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Broadcast Tools; 1:58 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Broadcast Tools; 1:56 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Broadcast Tools; 1:56 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Broadcast Tools; 1:56 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/Manual_8x1DAS_3.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Broadcast Tools; 1:56 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/Manual_8x1DAS_3.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Broadcast Tools; 1:55 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/manual_6x1g.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Broadcast Tools; 1:55 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Broadcast Tools; 1:55 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/manual_6x1g.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Broadcast Tools; 1:55 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Broadcast Tools; 1:53 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Broadcast Tools; 1:53 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/manual_2x6DA.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Broadcast Tools; 1:53 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/manual_2x6DA.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Broadcast Tools; 1:53 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Broadcast Tools; 1:52 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Broadcast Tools; 1:52 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/DC-8Plus Manual.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Broadcast Tools; 1:52 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/DC-8Plus Manual.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Broadcast Tools; 1:52 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Broadcast Tools; 1:50 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Broadcast Tools; 1:50 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/BT ProMix 12.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Broadcast Tools; 1:50 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Broadcast Tools; 1:50 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/BT ProMix 12.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Symmetrix; 1:48 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Symmetrix; 1:48 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Symmetrix; 1:44 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/AIRTOOLS 6000 DELAY UNIT.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Symmetrix; 1:44 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Symmetrix; 1:44 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/AIRTOOLS 6000 DELAY UNIT.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Symmetrix; 1:44 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 1:43 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 1:43 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Broadcast Tools; 1:41 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Broadcast Tools; 1:41 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/BT 16 x 4 Switcher.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Broadcast Tools; 1:41 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Broadcast Tools; 1:41 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/BT 16 x 4 Switcher.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Broadcast Tools; 1:39 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/ACS 8.2 Plus.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Broadcast Tools; 1:39 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Broadcast Tools; 1:39 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/ACS 8.2 Plus.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Broadcast Tools; 1:39 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 1:38 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 1:38 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Harris Corporation - Broadcast Division; 1:34 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Harris Corporation - Broadcast Division; 1:34 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Marti Electronics, Inc.; 1:29 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Marti Electronics, Inc.; 1:29 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Broadcast Electronics; 1:29 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Broadcast Electronics; 1:29 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Broadcast Electronics; 0:41 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Broadcast Electronics; 0:41 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/marti obsolete.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Broadcast Electronics; 0:41 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Broadcast Electronics; 0:41 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/marti obsolete.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Broadcast Electronics; 0:37 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/FM-10S BE.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Broadcast Electronics; 0:37 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Broadcast Electronics; 0:37 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Broadcast Electronics; 0:37 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/FM-10S BE.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Broadcast Electronics; 0:36 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/FM-10A BE late.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Broadcast Electronics; 0:36 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/FM-10A BE late.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Broadcast Electronics; 0:36 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Broadcast Electronics; 0:36 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Broadcast Electronics; 0:33 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Broadcast Electronics; 0:33 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/FM-10A BE early.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Broadcast Electronics; 0:33 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Broadcast Electronics; 0:33 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/FM-10A BE early.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Broadcast Electronics; 0:31 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/FM5T.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Broadcast Electronics; 0:31 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/FM5T.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Broadcast Electronics; 0:31 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Broadcast Electronics; 0:31 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Broadcast Electronics; 0:25 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Broadcast Electronics; 0:25 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/FM5T HV Metering.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Broadcast Electronics; 0:25 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Broadcast Electronics; 0:25 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/FM5T HV Metering.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Broadcast Electronics; 0:22 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Broadcast Electronics; 0:22 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/FM5T Fwd-Rev Pwr Calibration.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Broadcast Electronics; 0:22 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Broadcast Electronics; 0:22 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/FM5T Fwd-Rev Pwr Calibration.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Broadcast Electronics; 0:18 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/FM5T BE.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Broadcast Electronics; 0:18 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Broadcast Electronics; 0:18 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Broadcast Electronics; 0:18 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/FM5T BE.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Broadcast Electronics; 0:16 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/FM-5B BE.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Broadcast Electronics; 0:16 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/FM-5B BE.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Broadcast Electronics; 0:16 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Broadcast Electronics; 0:16 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Broadcast Electronics; 0:13 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/FM-5A BE.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Broadcast Electronics; 0:13 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Broadcast Electronics; 0:13 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/FM-5A BE.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Broadcast Electronics; 0:13 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Broadcast Electronics; 0:03 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/FM 4C FM 5C.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Broadcast Electronics; 0:03 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Broadcast Electronics; 0:03 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/FM 4C FM 5C.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Broadcast Electronics; 0:03 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
2 August 2020
- (diff) (hist) . . Marti Electronics, Inc.; 23:05 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Marti Electronics, Inc.; 23:05 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Marti Electronics, Inc.; 23:03 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Marti Electronics, Inc.; 23:03 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Broadcast Electronics; 23:01 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/FM_500C1__FM_1C1_Transmitter_Manual.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Broadcast Electronics; 23:01 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/FM_500C1__FM_1C1_Transmitter_Manual.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Broadcast Electronics; 23:01 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Broadcast Electronics; 23:01 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Broadcast Electronics; 22:57 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/ME_40_FM_Exciter_Manual.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Broadcast Electronics; 22:57 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Broadcast Electronics; 22:57 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/ME_40_FM_Exciter_Manual.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Broadcast Electronics; 22:57 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Broadcast Electronics; 22:55 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Broadcast Electronics; 22:55 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Broadcast Electronics; 22:55 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/FX_50_Exciter__Transmitter_Manual.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Broadcast Electronics; 22:55 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/FX_50_Exciter__Transmitter_Manual.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Broadcast Electronics; 22:53 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Broadcast Electronics; 22:53 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Broadcast Electronics; 22:43 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Broadcast Electronics; 22:43 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/FX_50__FX_50E_FM_Exciter_Manual.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Broadcast Electronics; 22:43 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Broadcast Electronics; 22:43 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/FX_50__FX_50E_FM_Exciter_Manual.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Broadcast Electronics; 22:38 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/FX_50__FM_100C__FM_250C_N1B_Controller_Manual.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Broadcast Electronics; 22:38 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/FX_50__FM_100C__FM_250C_N1B_Controller_Manual.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Broadcast Electronics; 22:38 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Broadcast Electronics; 22:38 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Broadcast Electronics; 22:34 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Broadcast Electronics; 22:34 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/FX_30_FM_Exciter_Manual.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Broadcast Electronics; 22:34 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Broadcast Electronics; 22:34 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/FX_30_FM_Exciter_Manual.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Broadcast Electronics; 22:14 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/FM_250C_FM_ExciterTransmitter_Manual.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Broadcast Electronics; 22:14 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Broadcast Electronics; 22:14 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/FM_250C_FM_ExciterTransmitter_Manual.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Broadcast Electronics; 22:14 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Broadcast Electronics; 22:12 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Broadcast Electronics; 22:12 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/SL3110__ML3010_Audio_Console_Manual_D.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Broadcast Electronics; 22:12 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Broadcast Electronics; 22:12 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/SL3110__ML3010_Audio_Console_Manual_D.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Broadcast Electronics; 22:10 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/MT_100_Series_Modular_Audio_Consoles_Manual_-_Vol_II_Maintenance_D.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Broadcast Electronics; 22:10 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Broadcast Electronics; 22:10 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/MT_100_Series_Modular_Audio_Consoles_Manual_-_Vol_II_Maintenance_D.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Broadcast Electronics; 22:10 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Broadcast Electronics; 22:07 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Broadcast Electronics; 22:07 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Broadcast Electronics; 22:05 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/MT_100_Series_Modular_Audio_Consoles_Manual_-_Vol_I_Installation_and_Operation_D.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Broadcast Electronics; 22:05 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/MT_100_Series_Modular_Audio_Consoles_Manual_-_Vol_I_Installation_and_Operation_D.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Broadcast Electronics; 22:05 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Broadcast Electronics; 22:05 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Broadcast Electronics; 22:01 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/MT_90_Series_Modular_Audio_Consoles_Manual-_Vol_II_Maintenance_D.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Broadcast Electronics; 22:01 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Broadcast Electronics; 22:01 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Broadcast Electronics; 22:01 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/MT_90_Series_Modular_Audio_Consoles_Manual-_Vol_II_Maintenance_D.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Broadcast Electronics; 21:58 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/MT_90_Series_Modular_Audio_Consoles_Manual_D.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Broadcast Electronics; 21:58 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Broadcast Electronics; 21:58 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Broadcast Electronics; 21:58 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/MT_90_Series_Modular_Audio_Consoles_Manual_D.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Broadcast Electronics; 21:56 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/AT_100_Modules_Audio_Consoles_Manual_D.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Broadcast Electronics; 21:56 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Broadcast Electronics; 21:56 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Broadcast Electronics; 21:56 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/AT_100_Modules_Audio_Consoles_Manual_D.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Broadcast Electronics; 21:54 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Broadcast Electronics; 21:54 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Broadcast Electronics; 21:54 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/AT_90_Series_Audio_Consoles_Manual_D.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Broadcast Electronics; 21:54 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/AT_90_Series_Audio_Consoles_Manual_D.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Broadcast Electronics; 21:47 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Broadcast Electronics; 21:47 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Broadcast Electronics; 21:47 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/AT_90__AT_100_Series_Audio_Consoles_Manual_D.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Broadcast Electronics; 21:47 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/AT_90__AT_100_Series_Audio_Consoles_Manual_D.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Broadcast Electronics; 21:42 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/BE AM 2.5.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Broadcast Electronics; 21:42 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Broadcast Electronics; 21:42 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Broadcast Electronics; 21:42 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/BE AM 2.5.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Broadcast Electronics; 21:29 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Broadcast Electronics; 21:29 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Broadcast Electronics; 21:29 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/BE AM 1 kW.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Broadcast Electronics; 21:29 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/BE AM 1 kW.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Broadcast Electronics; 21:21 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/RIOT BE2.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Broadcast Electronics; 21:21 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/RIOT BE2.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Broadcast Electronics; 21:21 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Broadcast Electronics; 21:21 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 17:53 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 17:53 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 17:51 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/SA-2000 SA-2000A SA-2500A Site Analyzers.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 17:51 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 17:51 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 17:51 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/SA-2000 SA-2000A SA-2500A Site Analyzers.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 17:44 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/SA-1700 SA-1700P SA-2500A SA-4000- Site Analyzers.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 17:44 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 17:44 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/SA-1700 SA-1700P SA-2500A SA-4000- Site Analyzers.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 17:44 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 17:37 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/SA-1700 SA-1700-P- Public Safety Site Analyzers.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 17:37 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 17:37 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 17:37 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/SA-1700 SA-1700-P- Public Safety Site Analyzers.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 17:34 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 17:34 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/AT-400.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 17:34 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/AT-400.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 17:34 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 17:28 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 17:28 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 17:28 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/AT-100.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 17:28 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/AT-100.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 17:25 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/8930-400AS.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 17:25 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 17:25 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 17:25 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/8930-400AS.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 17:20 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/8920-400AS.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 17:20 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 17:20 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/8920-400AS.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 17:20 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 17:17 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/8910.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 17:17 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 17:17 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 17:17 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/8910.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 17:13 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/8898.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 17:13 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 17:13 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/8898.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 17:13 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 17:11 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 17:11 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 17:11 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/8890.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 17:11 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/8890.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 17:08 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/8890-510.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 17:08 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/8890-510.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 17:08 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 17:08 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 17:04 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 17:04 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/8890-400.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 17:04 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/8890-400.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 17:04 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 17:01 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 17:01 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/8890 with data sheet.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 17:01 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/8890 with data sheet.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 17:01 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 16:58 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 16:58 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/8890 1975.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 16:58 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/8890 1975.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 16:58 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 16:53 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 16:53 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 16:53 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/8882 8883 modification sheet.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 16:53 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/8882 8883 modification sheet.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 16:49 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 16:49 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/8860-400AS.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 16:49 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 16:49 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/8860-400AS.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 16:46 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 16:46 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/8841.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 16:46 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/8841.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 16:46 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 16:43 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 16:43 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/8841-300.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 16:43 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 16:43 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/8841-300.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 16:41 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/8834.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 16:41 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 16:41 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 16:41 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/8834.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 16:39 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/8833.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 16:39 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/8833.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 16:39 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 16:39 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 16:32 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 16:32 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/8832.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 16:32 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/8832.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 16:32 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
1 August 2020
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 5:52 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 5:52 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 5:52 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/8831.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 5:52 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/8831.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 5:49 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/8813.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 5:49 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 5:49 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/8813.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 5:49 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 5:45 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/8790.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 5:45 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/8790.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 5:45 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 5:45 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 5:43 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/8790 8791 repair.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 5:43 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/8790 8791 repair.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 5:43 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 5:43 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 5:39 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/8785.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 5:39 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 5:39 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 5:39 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/8785.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 5:34 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/8783.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 5:34 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 5:34 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/8783.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 5:34 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 5:31 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 5:31 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/8781.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 5:31 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 5:31 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/8781.pdf)
30 July 2020
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 5:14 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 5:14 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/8722 8723.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 5:14 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 5:14 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/8722 8723.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 5:11 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 5:11 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 5:11 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/8701.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 5:11 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/8701.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 5:06 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 5:06 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/8578a100gig.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 5:06 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/8578a100gig.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 5:06 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 2:51 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 2:51 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 2:46 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 2:46 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 2:46 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/8572-078-584.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 2:46 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/8572-078-584.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 2:41 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/8570-100.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 2:41 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 2:41 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 2:41 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/8570-100.pdf)
28 July 2020
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 19:28 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/8570 8571 8574.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 19:28 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 19:28 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 19:28 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/8570 8571 8574.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 19:23 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/8542 ADDENDUM.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 19:23 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 19:23 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/8542 ADDENDUM.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 19:23 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 19:11 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/8454 8455.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 19:11 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 19:11 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/8454 8455.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 19:11 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 19:05 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 19:05 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/8421 8422.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 19:05 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/8421 8422.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 19:05 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 18:58 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 18:58 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/8392.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 18:58 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 18:58 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/8392.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 18:55 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/8345.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 18:55 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 18:55 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/8345.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 18:55 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
26 July 2020
- (diff) (hist) . . Help/CommentPlugin; 17:48 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . SandBox; 17:48 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Help/AddCommentPlugin; 17:48 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Help/WikisUsingPhpWiki; 17:48 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Help/BlogJournalPlugin; 17:48 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Help/BlogArchivesPlugin; 17:48 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . DebugBackendInfo; 17:48 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 1:13 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/8340S.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 1:13 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 1:13 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/8340S.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 1:13 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 1:11 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/8329.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 1:11 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 1:11 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 1:11 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/8329.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 1:08 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/8329-310.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 1:08 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/8329-310.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 1:08 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 1:08 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 1:06 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 1:06 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/8253.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 1:06 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 1:06 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/8253.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 1:01 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 1:01 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 1:01 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/8251D208.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 1:01 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/8251D208.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 0:57 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 0:57 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/8251 8252 8255.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 0:57 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/8251 8252 8255.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 0:57 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 0:54 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 0:54 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/8230.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 0:54 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/8230.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 0:54 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 0:26 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/8221.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 0:26 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 0:26 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/8221.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 0:26 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
25 July 2020
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 23:09 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/8215.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 23:09 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 23:09 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/8215.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 23:09 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 23:05 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 23:05 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 5:40 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 5:40 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 5:34 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/8145.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 5:34 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 5:34 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 5:34 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/8145.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 5:28 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 5:28 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/8143.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 5:28 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 5:28 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/8143.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 5:23 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/8138.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 5:23 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 5:23 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 5:23 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/8138.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 5:20 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 5:20 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/8130.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 5:20 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/8130.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 5:20 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 5:17 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 5:17 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/8087 8088.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 5:17 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/8087 8088.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 5:17 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 5:13 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 5:13 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/8075.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 5:13 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/8075.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 5:13 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 5:09 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/8071-1 8071-2.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 5:09 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 5:09 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/8071-1 8071-2.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 5:09 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
23 July 2020
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 22:07 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 22:07 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 22:07 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/8040 8041.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 22:07 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/8040 8041.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 22:03 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/8000 SERIES.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 22:03 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 22:03 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/8000 SERIES.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 22:03 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 21:59 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 21:59 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/7420 - 7430 - 7440 COAXIAL SWITCH.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 21:59 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/7420 - 7430 - 7440 COAXIAL SWITCH.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 21:59 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 21:54 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 21:54 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 21:46 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 21:46 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/7002A.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 21:46 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 21:46 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/7002A.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 21:41 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/7000 HIGH POWER RF SOURCE.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 21:41 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/7000 HIGH POWER RF SOURCE.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 21:41 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 21:41 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 21:38 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/6835 WATTMETER.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 21:38 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 21:38 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/6835 WATTMETER.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 21:38 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 21:23 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 21:23 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/6765 WATTMETER Addendum.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 21:23 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 21:23 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/6765 WATTMETER Addendum.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 21:20 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/6734-030 - 6736-030 - 6737-030 SCHEMATIC.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 21:20 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 21:20 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/6734-030 - 6736-030 - 6737-030 SCHEMATIC.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 21:20 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 21:14 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/6730S-179 WATTMETER.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 21:14 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/6730S-179 WATTMETER.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 21:14 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 21:14 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
22 July 2020
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 1:24 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/6730 WATTMETER.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 1:24 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 1:24 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/6730 WATTMETER.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 1:24 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 1:20 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 1:20 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/6454 RF MILLIWATTMETER.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 1:20 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 1:20 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/6454 RF MILLIWATTMETER.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 1:14 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/6300 THERMAL WATTMETER.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 1:14 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 1:14 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/6300 THERMAL WATTMETER.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 1:14 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 1:09 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 1:09 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/6256 - 57 - 58 - 59 RF WATTMETER.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 1:09 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/6256 - 57 - 58 - 59 RF WATTMETER.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 1:09 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 1:05 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 1:05 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/6255 RF MILLIWATTMETER.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 1:05 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/6255 RF MILLIWATTMETER.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 1:05 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 1:00 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 1:00 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/6254 RF MILLIWATTMETER.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 1:00 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 1:00 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/6254 RF MILLIWATTMETER.pdf)
21 July 2020
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 16:19 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 16:19 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/6250 RF MILLIWATTMETER.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 16:19 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/6250 RF MILLIWATTMETER.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 16:19 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 16:14 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/6151 RF WATTMETER.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 16:14 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 16:14 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/6151 RF WATTMETER.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 16:14 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 16:04 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/6150 RF WATTMETER Addendum.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 16:04 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 16:04 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/6150 RF WATTMETER Addendum.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 16:04 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
16 July 2020
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 3:04 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 3:04 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 3:04 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/6140T-879 RF WATTMETER.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 3:04 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/6140T-879 RF WATTMETER.pdf)
8 July 2020
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 3:20 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 3:20 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/6104 - 6154 - 6155 - 6156 RF WATTMETER.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 3:20 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/6104 - 6154 - 6155 - 6156 RF WATTMETER.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 3:20 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 3:17 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 3:17 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/6104 RF WATTMETERS.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 3:17 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/6104 RF WATTMETERS.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 3:17 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 3:11 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 3:11 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/6100 Series RF WATTMETERS.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 3:11 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 3:11 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/6100 Series RF WATTMETERS.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 2:40 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 2:40 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 2:40 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/6100 Series RF WATTMETERS 611 - 612 - 61.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 2:40 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/6100 Series RF WATTMETERS 611 - 612 - 61.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 2:36 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 2:36 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/6091 - 6091P RF POWER CALORIMETER.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 2:36 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/6091 - 6091P RF POWER CALORIMETER.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 2:36 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 2:33 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 2:33 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/6090 RF DIGITAL CALORIMETER.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 2:33 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/6090 RF DIGITAL CALORIMETER.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 2:33 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 2:29 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 2:29 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/6080 - 6081A RF Calorimeter.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 2:29 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/6080 - 6081A RF Calorimeter.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 2:29 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 2:25 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/6070 Hi-Power RF Calorimeter.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 2:25 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 2:25 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 2:25 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/6070 Hi-Power RF Calorimeter.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 2:20 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 2:20 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/6030 Hi-Power RF Calorimeter.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 2:20 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 2:20 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/6030 Hi-Power RF Calorimeter.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 2:15 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 2:15 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 2:15 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/6020 HI-POWER RF CALORIMETER.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 2:15 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/6020 HI-POWER RF CALORIMETER.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 2:10 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/6010 HI-POWER RF CALORIMETER.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 2:10 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/6010 HI-POWER RF CALORIMETER.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 2:10 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 2:10 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 2:08 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/5000-EX DIGITAL RF WATTMETER.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 2:08 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 2:08 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 2:08 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/5000-EX DIGITAL RF WATTMETER.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 2:01 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 2:01 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/5000 DIGITAL RF WATTMETER.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 2:01 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/5000 DIGITAL RF WATTMETER.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 2:01 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
7 July 2020
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 23:58 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 23:58 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/4900 RF WATTMETER.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 23:58 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/4900 RF WATTMETER.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 23:58 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 23:54 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 23:54 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 23:54 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/4700 RF WATTMETER.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 23:54 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/4700 RF WATTMETER.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 17:40 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 17:40 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/4640_4840 ADDENDUM TO 4600-4800 BOOK.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 17:40 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/4640_4840 ADDENDUM TO 4600-4800 BOOK.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 17:40 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 17:38 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 17:38 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 17:38 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/4600-4800 SPECIFICATIONS.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 17:38 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/4600-4800 SPECIFICATIONS.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 17:34 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 17:34 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/4450 RF WATTMETER.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 17:34 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 17:34 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/4450 RF WATTMETER.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 17:32 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 17:32 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/4421-488 PROGRAMMING INFO.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 17:32 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 17:32 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/4421-488 PROGRAMMING INFO.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 17:27 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/4421-110 POWER METER.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 17:27 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 17:27 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 17:27 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/4421-110 POWER METER.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 17:21 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 17:21 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 17:21 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/4420 RF POWER METER.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 17:21 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/4420 RF POWER METER.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 1:48 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/4411- ADDENDUM TO 4410 BOOK.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 1:48 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 1:48 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 1:48 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/4411- ADDENDUM TO 4410 BOOK.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 1:41 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/4410 RF WATTMETER.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 1:41 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 1:41 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/4410 RF WATTMETER.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 1:41 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 1:39 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/4410 P PANEL MOUNTED WATTMETER.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 1:39 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 1:39 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 1:39 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/4410 P PANEL MOUNTED WATTMETER.pdf)
6 July 2020
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 16:40 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 16:40 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 16:40 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/4391RF POWER ANAYLST.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 16:40 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/4391RF POWER ANAYLST.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 16:35 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/4380A-488 BUS COMPATIBLE INTERFACE.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 16:35 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 16:35 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 16:35 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/4380A-488 BUS COMPATIBLE INTERFACE.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 16:22 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/4380A-232 BUS COMPATIBLE POWER ANALYST.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 16:22 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 16:22 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/4380A-232 BUS COMPATIBLE POWER ANALYST.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 16:22 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 16:12 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 16:12 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/4380 RF POWER ANALYST.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 16:12 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 16:12 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/4380 RF POWER ANALYST.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 16:09 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/4371 THRULINE WATTMETER.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 16:09 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 16:09 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 16:09 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/4371 THRULINE WATTMETER.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 15:58 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/4370 -HAM-MATE-.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 15:58 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/4370 -HAM-MATE-.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 15:58 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 15:58 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 4:01 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 4:01 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/4350 -HAM-MATE- SERIES WATTMETER.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 4:01 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/4350 -HAM-MATE- SERIES WATTMETER.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 4:01 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 3:57 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 3:57 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/4345 WATTMETER.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 3:57 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/4345 WATTMETER.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 3:57 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 3:50 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/4340 - 41 LAB STANDARD WATTMETER.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 3:50 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 3:50 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/4340 - 41 LAB STANDARD WATTMETER.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 3:50 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 3:47 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 3:47 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/4337-ADDENDUM TO 43 BOOK.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 3:47 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/4337-ADDENDUM TO 43 BOOK.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 3:47 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 3:43 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/4324 PEAK READING WATTMETER.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 3:43 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 3:43 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/4324 PEAK READING WATTMETER.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 3:43 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 3:42 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 3:42 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 2:31 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/4320-21 PEAK READING AMPLIFIERS.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 2:31 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 2:31 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/4320-21 PEAK READING AMPLIFIERS.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 2:31 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 2:26 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/4311-4314 WATTMETER.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 2:26 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 2:26 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/4311-4314 WATTMETER.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 2:26 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 2:14 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/4310 PEAK READING WATTMETER.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 2:14 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 2:14 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 2:14 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/4310 PEAK READING WATTMETER.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 2:10 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 2:10 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/4307 WATTMETER.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 2:10 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 2:10 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/4307 WATTMETER.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 2:07 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 2:07 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/4301-ADDENDUM TO 4301 INSTRUCTIONS.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 2:07 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 2:07 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/4301-ADDENDUM TO 4301 INSTRUCTIONS.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 2:03 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 2:03 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/4201 MULTI-CHANNEL RF WATTMETER.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 2:03 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 2:03 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/4201 MULTI-CHANNEL RF WATTMETER.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 1:56 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/4198 THRULINE DIRECTIONAL RF PROBE.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 1:56 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 1:56 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/4198 THRULINE DIRECTIONAL RF PROBE.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 1:56 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 1:53 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 1:53 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/4159 THRULINE DIRECTIONAL WATTMETER.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 1:53 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/4159 THRULINE DIRECTIONAL WATTMETER.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 1:53 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 1:45 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 1:45 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 1:45 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/4131 OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 1:45 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/4131 OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 1:40 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/4130B TEST SET DATA SHEET.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 1:40 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 1:40 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 1:40 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/4130B TEST SET DATA SHEET.pdf)
5 July 2020
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 21:28 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 21:28 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/4130 TACTICAL RADIO TEST SET.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 21:28 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/4130 TACTICAL RADIO TEST SET.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 21:28 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 21:19 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 21:19 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/4127 RF TEST SET FOR AN PRC-70 RADIO.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 21:19 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 21:19 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/4127 RF TEST SET FOR AN PRC-70 RADIO.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 21:13 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 21:13 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/4111 THRULINE WATTMETER.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 21:13 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/4111 THRULINE WATTMETER.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 21:13 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 21:05 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/4110-- - RF TEST SET.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 21:05 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 21:05 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/4110-- - RF TEST SET.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 21:05 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 20:07 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 20:07 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/4030 RELATIVE FIELD STRENGTH ELEMENT.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 20:07 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 20:07 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/4030 RELATIVE FIELD STRENGTH ELEMENT.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 19:58 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 19:58 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 19:58 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/4029 POWER SENSOR CALIBRATOR.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 19:58 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/4029 POWER SENSOR CALIBRATOR.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 19:55 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 19:55 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 19:55 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/3900 FREQUENCY COUNTER WATTMETER.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 19:55 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/3900 FREQUENCY COUNTER WATTMETER.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 19:47 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/3316A FILTER COUPLER.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 19:47 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 19:47 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/3316A FILTER COUPLER.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 19:47 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 19:41 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 19:41 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/3180 FM DEVIATION INDICATOR.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 19:41 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/3180 FM DEVIATION INDICATOR.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 19:41 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 18:17 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 18:17 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/3170_71 HIGH SPEED WATTCHER.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 18:17 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 18:17 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/3170_71 HIGH SPEED WATTCHER.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 18:10 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/3142 POWER REDUCTION TEST SET.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 18:10 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 18:10 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/3142 POWER REDUCTION TEST SET.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 18:10 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 17:59 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 17:59 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/3126 - 27 - 28 WATTCHER RF MONITOR - ALARM.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 17:59 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/3126 - 27 - 28 WATTCHER RF MONITOR - ALARM.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 17:59 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 17:52 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 17:52 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/3122_4342.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 17:52 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 17:52 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/3122_4342.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 17:43 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/920-at100.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 17:43 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 17:43 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 17:43 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/920-at100.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 17:41 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/889 LOAD 50 KW.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 17:41 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 17:41 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 17:41 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/889 LOAD 50 KW.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 17:38 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/888 LOAD 1 KW.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 17:38 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 17:38 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/888 LOAD 1 KW.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 17:38 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 17:19 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/887 LOAD 1 KW.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 17:19 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 17:19 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 17:19 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/887 LOAD 1 KW.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 17:17 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 17:17 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 17:17 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/884 LOAD 1 KW.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 17:17 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/884 LOAD 1 KW.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 17:13 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 17:13 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/883 LOAD 1 KW.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 17:13 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/883 LOAD 1 KW.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 17:13 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 17:09 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/694 WATTMETER.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 17:09 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 17:09 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/694 WATTMETER.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 17:09 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 16:57 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 16:57 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 16:57 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/693 WATTMETER TS-118A_AP.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 16:57 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/693 WATTMETER TS-118A_AP.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 16:53 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 16:53 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/670 WATTMETER.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 16:53 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 16:53 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/670 WATTMETER.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 16:46 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 16:46 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/640 PEAK WATTMETER.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 16:46 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 16:46 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/640 PEAK WATTMETER.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 16:39 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 16:39 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/611 - 612 - 61 - 67 - 67C RF Wattmeters.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 16:39 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 16:39 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/611 - 612 - 61 - 67 - 67C RF Wattmeters.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 16:36 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 16:36 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/502 RF Load Instructions.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 16:36 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/502 RF Load Instructions.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 16:36 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 16:32 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/502 - 890 RF LOAD RESISTOR.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 16:32 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 16:32 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/502 - 890 RF LOAD RESISTOR.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 16:32 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 16:30 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/81B.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 16:30 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 16:30 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/81B.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 16:30 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 15:59 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 15:59 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/81.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 15:59 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/81.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 15:59 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 15:56 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/80AS1.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 15:56 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 15:56 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 15:56 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/80AS1.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 15:54 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/80A.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 15:54 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 15:54 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/80A.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 15:54 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 15:37 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/80 SERIES LOAD RESISTOR.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 15:37 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 15:37 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/80 SERIES LOAD RESISTOR.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 15:37 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 15:34 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/67C WATTMETER Addendum.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 15:34 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 15:34 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 15:34 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/67C WATTMETER Addendum.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 15:31 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 15:31 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 15:28 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 15:28 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Continental Electronics; 2:04 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Continental Electronics; 2:04 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Microwave Radio Corporation; 0:27 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Microwave Radio Corporation; 0:27 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Microwave Radio Corporation; 0:27 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Microwave Radio Corporation; 0:27 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Microwave Radio Corporation; 0:25 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . Microwave Radio Corporation; 0:25 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Microwave Radio Corporation; 0:25 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/MicrowaveRadioCorpFLH.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Microwave Radio Corporation; 0:25 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/MicrowaveRadioCorpFLH.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 0:24 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/8160 8161.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 0:24 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/8160 8161.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 0:24 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 0:24 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
4 July 2020
- (diff) (hist) . . RCA; 21:11 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . RCA; 21:11 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . RCA; 21:09 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . RCA; 21:09 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . RCA; 19:21 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . RCA; 19:21 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/RcaBroadcastTransmissionLineEquipmentForTelevision1057.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . RCA; 19:21 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . RCA; 19:21 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/RcaBroadcastTransmissionLineEquipmentForTelevision1057.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . RCA; 19:20 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . RCA; 19:20 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . RCA; 1:47 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/RcaBroadcastAudioEquipment1974.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . RCA; 1:47 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . RCA; 1:47 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . RCA; 1:47 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/RcaBroadcastAudioEquipment1974.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Hughey & Phillips; 0:08 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Hughey & Phillips; 0:08 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Hughey & Phillips; 0:04 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/HugheyPhillipsFlashguard3000.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Hughey & Phillips; 0:04 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Hughey & Phillips; 0:04 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/HugheyPhillipsFlashguard3000.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Hughey & Phillips; 0:04 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 0:03 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 0:03 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
27 June 2020
- (diff) (hist) . . GatesRadioCompany; 0:37 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . GatesRadioCompany; 0:37 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . GatesRadioCompany; 0:37 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/GatesM5235.pdf)
26 June 2020
- (diff) (hist) . . Heathkit; 23:42 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Heathkit; 23:42 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Heathkit; 23:21 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/HeathIT-11asm.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Heathkit; 23:21 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Heathkit; 23:21 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/HeathIT-11asm.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Heathkit; 23:21 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Sparta Electronics; 22:30 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Sparta Electronics; 22:30 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 16:28 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 16:28 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
19 June 2020
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 20:23 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 20:23 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
10 May 2020
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 17:42 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 17:42 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 17:32 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 17:32 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
23 April 2020
- (diff) (hist) . . Historic Papers; 17:02 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Historic Papers; 17:02 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Historic Papers; 3:50 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Historic Papers; 3:50 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Historic Papers; 3:50 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/US3898590.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Historic Papers; 3:50 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/US3898590.pdf)
6 February 2020
- (diff) (hist) . . Historic Papers; 22:26 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Historic Papers; 22:26 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
4 February 2020
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 4:20 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 4:20 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 4:10 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 4:10 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 4:06 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 4:06 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
30 January 2020
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 17:02 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 17:02 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
28 January 2020
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 22:58 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 22:58 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
29 December 2019
- (diff) (hist) . . WesternElectric; 19:10 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . WesternElectric; 19:10 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . WesternElectric; 19:08 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . WesternElectric; 19:08 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . WesternElectric; 19:08 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/WE 101-A Test results from WWJ Detroit.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . WesternElectric; 19:08 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/WE 101-A Test results from WWJ Detroit.pdf)
28 December 2019
- (diff) (hist) . . Sony; 23:37 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Sony; 23:37 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Sony; 23:37 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Sony; 23:37 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
27 November 2019
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 20:50 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 20:50 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
31 October 2019
- (diff) (hist) . . RCA; 3:17 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . RCA; 3:17 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/RcaBroadcastAudioEquipment1967.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . RCA; 3:17 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/RcaBroadcastAudioEquipment1967.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . RCA; 3:17 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
21 October 2019
- (diff) (hist) . . RCA; 5:14 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (Added Radio Service Business Methods. hh)
- (diff) (hist) . . RCA; 5:14 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/RcaTT-30FL.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . RCA; 5:14 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/RcaTT-30FL.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . RCA; 5:14 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (Added Radio Service Business Methods. hh)
25 September 2019
- (diff) (hist) . . HallikainenAndFriends; 19:50 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . HallikainenAndFriends; 19:50 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . HallikainenAndFriends; 19:47 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . HallikainenAndFriends; 19:47 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
12 August 2019
- (diff) (hist) . . Fidelipac; 19:11 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Fidelipac; 19:11 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Fidelipac; 19:11 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Fidelipac; 19:11 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Fidelipac; 19:10 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Fidelipac; 19:10 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
10 August 2019
- (diff) (hist) . . Fidelipac; 23:32 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Fidelipac; 23:32 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 23:30 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 23:30 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
23 June 2019
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 17:28 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 17:28 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
20 May 2019
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 12:04 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 12:04 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
25 April 2019
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 21:32 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 21:32 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
18 March 2019
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 17:15 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 17:15 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
10 March 2019
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 18:44 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 18:44 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 18:41 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 18:41 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 18:02 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 18:02 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
9 March 2019
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 15:36 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 15:36 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
4 March 2019
- (diff) (hist) . . Frese and Kaping; 3:28 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Frese and Kaping; 3:28 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
3 March 2019
- (diff) (hist) . . Historic Papers; 16:36 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Historic Papers; 16:36 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Historic Papers; 16:36 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/800669.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Historic Papers; 16:36 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/800669.pdf)
23 January 2019
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 5:07 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 5:07 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
3 January 2019
- (diff) (hist) . . Radix; 21:36 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Radix; 21:36 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Radix; 21:35 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . Radix; 21:35 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/Radix DA-1600 Distribution Amp manual.PDF)
- (diff) (hist) . . Radix; 21:35 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Radix; 21:35 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/Radix DA-1600 Distribution Amp manual.PDF)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 21:34 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 21:34 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
26 December 2018
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 16:41 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 16:41 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
25 December 2018
- (diff) (hist) . . HallikainenAndFriends; 15:54 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . HallikainenAndFriends; 15:54 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
21 December 2018
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 0:01 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 0:01 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
20 December 2018
- (diff) (hist) . . MilitaryRadio; 23:56 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . MilitaryRadio; 23:56 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/ControlOfCryptomaterials.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . MilitaryRadio; 23:56 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
10 December 2018
- (diff) (hist) . . SMC; 1:56 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 1:54 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 1:54 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . IGM; 1:53 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/IgmInstacart.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . IGM; 1:53 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 1:49 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 1:49 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
9 December 2018
- (diff) (hist) . . CBS Labs; 21:15 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (Added CBS Labs Audimax memory unit schematic. hh)
- (diff) (hist) . . CBS Labs; 21:15 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (Added CBS Labs Audimax memory unit schematic. hh)
- (diff) (hist) . . GE Quadraphonic; 21:01 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (Updated Gallery links. hh)
- (diff) (hist) . . GE Quadraphonic; 21:01 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (Updated Gallery links. hh)
- (diff) (hist) . . MoseleyAssociatesInc; 20:46 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/MoseleyPCL-606C.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . MoseleyAssociatesInc; 20:46 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . MoseleyAssociatesInc; 20:46 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
25 November 2018
- (diff) (hist) . . Ampex; 5:40 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Ampex; 5:40 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Ampex; 5:37 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Ampex; 5:37 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/Ampex Nashville Bradley-s Barn case history.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Ampex; 5:37 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Ampex; 5:37 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/Ampex Nashville Bradley-s Barn case history.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Inovonics; 5:29 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Inovonics; 5:29 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Ampex; 5:14 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Ampex; 5:14 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Accurate Sound Corporation; 5:06 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Accurate Sound Corporation; 5:06 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Accurate Sound Corporation; 4:56 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/Accurate Sound Catalog.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Accurate Sound Corporation; 4:56 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . Accurate Sound Corporation; 4:56 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Accurate Sound Corporation; 4:56 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/Accurate Sound Catalog.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 4:55 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 4:55 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Ampex; 4:43 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/Ampex-352-International_version_manual-schematics.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Ampex; 4:43 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Ampex; 4:43 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/Ampex-352-International_version_manual-schematics.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Ampex; 4:43 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . LPB; 4:27 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . LPB; 4:27 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . LPB; 4:23 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/AM-25.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . LPB; 4:23 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . LPB; 4:23 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . LPB; 4:23 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/AM-25.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . GatesRadioCompany; 4:15 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/GatesBC-5P.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . GatesRadioCompany; 4:15 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . GatesRadioCompany; 4:15 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/GatesBC-5P.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . GatesRadioCompany; 4:15 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . GatesRadioCompany; 4:03 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . GatesRadioCompany; 4:03 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Dayton Industrial; 1:36 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Dayton Industrial; 1:36 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Dayton Industrial; 1:33 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/AFC3_Manual.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Dayton Industrial; 1:33 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Dayton Industrial; 1:33 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Dayton Industrial; 1:33 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/AFC3_Manual.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Dayton Industrial; 1:28 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/AF852_Manual.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Dayton Industrial; 1:28 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Dayton Industrial; 1:28 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Dayton Industrial; 1:28 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/AF852_Manual.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Dayton Industrial; 1:24 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/AF315_Manual.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Dayton Industrial; 1:24 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Dayton Industrial; 1:24 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/AF315_Manual.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Dayton Industrial; 1:24 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Dayton Industrial; 1:22 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Dayton Industrial; 1:22 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Dayton Industrial; 1:22 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/AF310_Manual.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Dayton Industrial; 1:22 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/AF310_Manual.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Dayton Industrial; 1:19 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Dayton Industrial; 1:19 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/AF225_DIP.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Dayton Industrial; 1:19 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/AF225_DIP.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Dayton Industrial; 1:19 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Dayton Industrial; 1:05 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Dayton Industrial; 1:05 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
20 October 2018
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 20:32 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 20:32 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . HallikainenAndFriends; 20:20 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . HallikainenAndFriends; 20:20 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/NabNorthHall1981.jpg)
- (diff) (hist) . . HallikainenAndFriends; 20:20 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . HallikainenAndFriends; 20:20 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/NabNorthHall1981.jpg)
4 October 2018
- (diff) (hist) . . Potomac Instruments; 23:46 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/PotomacRc16-.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Potomac Instruments; 23:46 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (Added Potomac MPC-11.)
- (diff) (hist) . . Potomac Instruments; 23:46 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (Added Potomac MPC-11.)
5 September 2018
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 23:30 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 23:30 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
21 July 2018
- (diff) (hist) . . Rust Industrial Company, Inc.; 20:12 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Rust Industrial Company, Inc.; 20:12 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Rust Industrial Company, Inc.; 19:33 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . Rust Industrial Company, Inc.; 19:33 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/1954-Rust.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Rust Industrial Company, Inc.; 19:33 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/Rust-Autolog-1964.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Rust Industrial Company, Inc.; 19:33 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Rust Industrial Company, Inc.; 19:33 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/1954-Rust.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Rust Industrial Company, Inc.; 19:33 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/Rust-Autolog-1964.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 19:32 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 19:32 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
30 June 2018
- (diff) (hist) . . HallikainenAndFriends; 17:50 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . HallikainenAndFriends; 17:50 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
29 June 2018
- (diff) (hist) . . Historic Papers; 18:31 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Historic Papers; 18:31 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
15 June 2018
- (diff) (hist) . . CCA; 21:28 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (Added FM-20000E. hh)
- (diff) (hist) . . CCA; 21:28 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (Added FM-20000E. hh)
- (diff) (hist) . . CCA; 21:26 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/CCA FM-20000E Schematic.jpg)
- (diff) (hist) . . CCA; 21:26 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . CCA; 21:26 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/CCA FM-20000E Schematic.jpg)
- (diff) (hist) . . CCA; 21:26 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
14 June 2018
- (diff) (hist) . . Gentner; 17:55 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/GentnerBarrierStripInterface.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Gentner; 17:55 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (Added Gentner fail safe accessory. hh)
- (diff) (hist) . . Gentner; 17:55 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (Added Gentner fail safe accessory. hh)
9 June 2018
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 16:45 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 16:45 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
19 April 2018
- (diff) (hist) . . Thompson-CSF; 22:58 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Thompson-CSF; 22:58 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Thompson-CSF; 22:55 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/Hypervapotron cooling catalog.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Thompson-CSF; 22:55 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . Thompson-CSF; 22:55 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/Hypervapotron cooling catalog.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Thompson-CSF; 22:55 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 22:54 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 22:54 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 15:06 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (Added Car Phone)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 15:06 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (Added Car Phone)
3 January 2018
- (diff) (hist) . . Historic Papers; 23:24 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (Added FM Tutorial. hh)
- (diff) (hist) . . Historic Papers; 23:24 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/RegHistory.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Historic Papers; 23:24 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/RegHistory.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Historic Papers; 23:24 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (Added FM Tutorial. hh)
2 January 2018
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 22:38 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (Added Internet Archive copy of BSTJ. hh)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 22:38 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (Added Internet Archive copy of BSTJ. hh)
15 December 2017
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 6:52 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 6:52 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
6 November 2017
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 19:02 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (Added Philips-Miller Film Recorder, Blattnerphone, and Wikipedia links to audio and video recording.)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 19:02 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (Added Philips-Miller Film Recorder, Blattnerphone, and Wikipedia links to audio and video recording.)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 18:41 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 18:41 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 18:36 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/dtmf_bell_labs.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 18:36 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/dtmf_bell_labs.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 18:36 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 18:36 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 18:35 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 18:35 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 1:36 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 1:36 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
4 November 2017
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 19:57 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (Added Manufacture Discontinued)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 19:57 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (Added Manufacture Discontinued)
4 September 2017
- (diff) (hist) . . Potomac Instruments; 2:16 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/Potomac Instruments MPC-11.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Potomac Instruments; 2:16 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Potomac Instruments; 2:16 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/Potomac Instruments MPC-11.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Potomac Instruments; 2:16 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
31 July 2017
- (diff) (hist) . . TFT, Inc.; 14:26 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . TFT, Inc.; 14:26 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . TFT, Inc.; 14:26 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/Tft730a.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . TFT, Inc.; 14:26 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/Tft730a.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . TFT, Inc.; 3:27 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . TFT, Inc.; 3:27 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
4 July 2017
- (diff) (hist) . . Auditronics; 16:14 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Auditronics; 16:14 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Auditronics; 15:54 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (Added Auditronics 210. hh)
- (diff) (hist) . . Auditronics; 15:54 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (Added Auditronics 210. hh)
2 July 2017
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 18:56 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 18:56 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
30 June 2017
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 16:55 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 16:55 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . TFT, Inc.; 15:15 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/TFT844_Manual.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . TFT, Inc.; 15:15 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . TFT, Inc.; 15:15 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/TFT844_Manual.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . TFT, Inc.; 15:15 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . TFT, Inc.; 14:56 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . TFT, Inc.; 14:56 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . TFT, Inc.; 14:52 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . TFT, Inc.; 14:52 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . TFT, Inc.; 14:51 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . TFT, Inc.; 14:51 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . TFT, Inc.; 14:49 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . TFT, Inc.; 14:49 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
4 May 2017
- (diff) (hist) . . Dayton Industrial; 4:04 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Dayton Industrial; 4:04 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/AF200_Manual.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Dayton Industrial; 4:04 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/AF200_Manual.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Dayton Industrial; 4:04 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Dayton Industrial; 3:59 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Dayton Industrial; 3:59 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Dayton Industrial; 3:55 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/Dayton AF210 Schematic.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Dayton Industrial; 3:55 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/Dayton 200A Man1.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Dayton Industrial; 3:55 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/Dayton_210FM_Man3.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Dayton Industrial; 3:55 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/Dayton 200A Man1.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Dayton Industrial; 3:55 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/Dayton_210FM_Man3.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Dayton Industrial; 3:55 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/Dayton AF210 Schematic.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Dayton Industrial; 3:55 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Dayton Industrial; 3:55 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 3:54 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 3:54 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
31 March 2017
- (diff) (hist) . . MoseleyAssociatesInc; 16:21 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . MoseleyAssociatesInc; 16:21 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
16 March 2017
- (diff) (hist) . . GatesRadioCompany; 3:07 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (Added Gates 99 price list. hh)
- (diff) (hist) . . GatesRadioCompany; 3:07 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (Added Gates 99 price list. hh)
17 February 2017
- (diff) (hist) . . QEI; 19:25 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (Added QEI 771)
- (diff) (hist) . . QEI; 19:25 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (Added QEI 771)
- (diff) (hist) . . QEI; 19:20 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . QEI; 19:20 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/QEI 771 Stereo Monitor Manual.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . QEI; 19:20 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . QEI; 19:20 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/QEI 771 Stereo Monitor Manual.pdf)
10 February 2017
- (diff) (hist) . . QEI; 21:03 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (Added QEI FMQ-10000)
- (diff) (hist) . . QEI; 21:03 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (Added QEI FMQ-10000)
- (diff) (hist) . . QEI; 21:03 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/QEI 771 Schematics.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . QEI; 21:03 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/QEI 771 Schematics.pdf)
9 January 2017
- (diff) (hist) . . Andrew Corporation; 2:14 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (Added Andrew Bulletin 793)
- (diff) (hist) . . Andrew Corporation; 2:14 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (Added Andrew Bulletin 793)
- (diff) (hist) . . Andrew Corporation; 0:26 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/AndrewBulletin793.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Andrew Corporation; 0:26 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (Added Andrew catalog 26.)
- (diff) (hist) . . Andrew Corporation; 0:26 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/AndrewBulletin793.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Andrew Corporation; 0:26 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (Added Andrew catalog 26.)
7 January 2017
- (diff) (hist) . . Jampro Antenna; 5:58 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Jampro Antenna; 5:58 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Jampro Antenna; 5:58 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/JamproJI-10.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Jampro Antenna; 5:54 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Jampro Antenna; 5:54 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/JamproJaa.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Jampro Antenna; 5:54 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . Jampro Antenna; 5:54 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/JamproJaa.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 5:53 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 5:53 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Potomac Instruments; 5:36 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/Potomac_AA-51_manual.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Potomac Instruments; 5:36 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Potomac Instruments; 5:36 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/Potomac_AA-51_manual.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Potomac Instruments; 5:36 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
26 December 2016
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 17:51 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (Added Luxorion)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 17:51 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (Added Luxorion)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 17:00 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (Added IPTA)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 17:00 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (Added IPTA)
16 December 2016
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 3:33 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (Added library of congress)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 3:33 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (Added library of congress)
28 November 2016
- (diff) (hist) . . Andrew Corporation; 4:02 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Andrew Corporation; 4:02 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Andrew Corporation; 4:02 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/AndrewCatalog26.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Andrew Corporation; 4:02 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/AndrewCatalog26.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Andrew Corporation; 3:54 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Andrew Corporation; 3:54 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
27 November 2016
- (diff) (hist) . . Ampex; 1:16 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Ampex; 1:16 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/Ampex head assy-s.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Ampex; 1:16 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Ampex; 1:16 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/Ampex head assy-s.pdf)
21 November 2016
- (diff) (hist) . . QEI; 19:39 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/QEI FMQ-10000 Manual.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . QEI; 19:39 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (Added 675T20 transmitter. hh)
- (diff) (hist) . . QEI; 19:39 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (Added 675T20 transmitter. hh)
- (diff) (hist) . . QEI; 19:39 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/QEI FMQ-10000 Manual.pdf)
20 November 2016
- (diff) (hist) . . 3M; 19:58 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . 3M; 19:58 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . 3M; 19:55 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . 3M; 19:55 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . 3M; 19:55 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/350heads.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . 3M; 19:55 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/350heads.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Ampex; 19:18 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Ampex; 19:18 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Ampex; 19:16 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Ampex; 19:16 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/30960 Schematic.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Ampex; 19:16 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/30960 Schematic.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Ampex; 19:16 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
19 November 2016
- (diff) (hist) . . Station Histories; 6:29 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Station Histories; 6:29 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
15 November 2016
- (diff) (hist) . . TFT, Inc.; 5:04 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/TFT 923A AM Modulation Meter.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . TFT, Inc.; 5:04 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . TFT, Inc.; 5:04 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/mm923-large02.jpg)
- (diff) (hist) . . TFT, Inc.; 5:04 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/TFT 923A User Guide.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . TFT, Inc.; 5:04 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/TFT Radio Monitor Options 0576A.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . TFT, Inc.; 5:04 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . TFT, Inc.; 5:04 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/TFT 923A AM Modulation Meter.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . TFT, Inc.; 5:04 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/mm923-large02.jpg)
- (diff) (hist) . . TFT, Inc.; 5:04 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/TFT 923A User Guide.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . TFT, Inc.; 5:04 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/TFT Radio Monitor Options 0576A.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . TFT, Inc.; 5:04 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/TFTInc mm844a.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . TFT, Inc.; 5:04 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/TFTInc mm844a.pdf)
30 October 2016
- (diff) (hist) . . 3M; 18:55 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . 3M; 18:55 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . 3M; 18:55 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . 3M; 18:55 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . 3M; 18:50 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . 3M; 18:50 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . 3M; 18:50 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/3M Technical Bulletin.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . 3M; 18:50 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/3M Technical Bulletin.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . 3M; 18:12 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . 3M; 18:12 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/3M Service Bulletins -Misc.-1970s-.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . 3M; 18:12 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . 3M; 18:12 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/3M Service Bulletins -Misc.-1970s-.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . 3M; 18:03 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . 3M; 18:03 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/3M Professional Audio Recorder Series 410.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . 3M; 18:03 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . 3M; 18:03 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/3M Professional Audio Recorder Series 410.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . 3M; 17:55 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/3M Operating Level Cross Reference Charts.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . 3M; 17:55 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . 3M; 17:55 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . 3M; 17:55 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/3M Operating Level Cross Reference Charts.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . 3M; 17:45 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . 3M; 17:45 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/3M Bulletins -misc.-.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . 3M; 17:45 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/3M Bulletins -misc.-.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . 3M; 17:45 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . 3M; 17:36 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . 3M; 17:36 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/3M Brand Prof. Tape Recording System--Meet the Pro-s Pro.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . 3M; 17:36 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . 3M; 17:36 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/3M Brand Prof. Tape Recording System--Meet the Pro-s Pro.pdf)
29 October 2016
- (diff) (hist) . . Broadcast Audio; 4:55 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Broadcast Audio; 4:55 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Broadcast Audio; 4:49 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Broadcast Audio; 4:49 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Broadcast Audio; 4:47 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Broadcast Audio; 4:47 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/BA System 20 Series IV C.doc)
- (diff) (hist) . . Broadcast Audio; 4:47 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Broadcast Audio; 4:47 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/BA System 20 Series IV C.doc)
- (diff) (hist) . . Broadcast Audio; 4:45 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Broadcast Audio; 4:45 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/BA System 20 Series IV B.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Broadcast Audio; 4:45 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Broadcast Audio; 4:45 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/BA System 20 Series IV B.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Arrakis Systems, Inc; 4:28 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Arrakis Systems, Inc; 4:28 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Arrakis Systems, Inc; 4:25 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Arrakis Systems, Inc; 4:25 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/1200manual.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Arrakis Systems, Inc; 4:25 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Arrakis Systems, Inc; 4:25 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/1200manual.pdf)
27 October 2016
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 13:12 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 13:12 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Auditronics; 2:48 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/Auditronics 210-Series Console System Service and Installation Manual.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Auditronics; 2:48 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Auditronics; 2:48 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Auditronics; 2:48 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/Auditronics 210-Series Console System Service and Installation Manual.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Auditronics; 2:19 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Auditronics; 2:19 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/Auditronics 220 2003-03.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Auditronics; 2:19 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . Auditronics; 2:19 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/Auditronics 2600 828.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Auditronics; 2:19 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/Auditronics 220 2000-03.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Auditronics; 2:19 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/Auditronics 220 2003-03.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Auditronics; 2:19 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/Auditronics 2600 828.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Auditronics; 2:19 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/Auditronics 220 2000-03.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 2:19 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 2:19 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Autogram; 2:07 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Autogram; 2:07 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
20 October 2016
- (diff) (hist) . . GeneralRadio; 3:49 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . GeneralRadio; 3:49 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
19 October 2016
- (diff) (hist) . . GatesRadioCompany; 20:51 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . GatesRadioCompany; 20:51 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . GatesRadioCompany; 20:51 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/Gates_99_Pricelist.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . GatesRadioCompany; 20:51 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/Gates_99_Pricelist.pdf)
18 October 2016
- (diff) (hist) . . GatesRadioCompany; 15:22 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . GatesRadioCompany; 15:22 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/161019_1314.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . GatesRadioCompany; 15:22 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . GatesRadioCompany; 15:22 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/161019_1314.pdf)
10 October 2016
- (diff) (hist) . . GatesRadioCompany; 1:08 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (Added BC-1G schematic. hh)
- (diff) (hist) . . GatesRadioCompany; 1:08 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (Added BC-1G schematic. hh)
- (diff) (hist) . . GatesRadioCompany; 1:08 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/20161018070604.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . GatesRadioCompany; 1:08 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/20161018070604.pdf)
4 September 2016
- (diff) (hist) . . GatesRadioCompany; 21:25 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/Gates_BC-1G_schematic.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . GatesRadioCompany; 21:25 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/Gates_BC-1G_schematic.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . GatesRadioCompany; 21:25 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . GatesRadioCompany; 21:25 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
21 August 2016
- (diff) (hist) . . Station Histories; 21:46 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Station Histories; 21:46 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
14 August 2016
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 18:44 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 18:44 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Burk Technology; 18:41 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Burk Technology; 18:41 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Burk Technology; 18:40 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Burk Technology; 18:40 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
7 August 2016
- (diff) (hist) . . Burk Technology; 18:14 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/rx4manual.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Burk Technology; 18:14 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Burk Technology; 18:14 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Burk Technology; 18:14 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/rx4manual.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Burk Technology; 18:12 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . Burk Technology; 18:12 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/LX-4.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Burk Technology; 18:12 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/LX-4.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Burk Technology; 18:12 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 18:11 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 18:11 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
25 July 2016
- (diff) (hist) . . dbx; 2:33 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . dbx; 2:33 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
23 July 2016
- (diff) (hist) . . Hewlett Packard; 4:43 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (Added H 400A-1 VTVM. hh)
- (diff) (hist) . . Hewlett Packard; 4:43 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (Added H 400A-1 VTVM. hh)
22 June 2016
- (diff) (hist) . . Modulation Sciences; 13:06 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Modulation Sciences; 13:06 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/ModSciSCA-186FreqSet.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Modulation Sciences; 13:06 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/ModSciSCA-186FreqSet.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Modulation Sciences; 13:06 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Modulation Sciences; 13:04 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . Modulation Sciences; 13:04 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/SCA-186_Manual.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Modulation Sciences; 13:04 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/SCA-186_Schematic.jpg)
- (diff) (hist) . . Modulation Sciences; 13:04 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/SCA-186_Schematic.jpg)
- (diff) (hist) . . Modulation Sciences; 13:04 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Modulation Sciences; 13:04 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/SCA-186_Manual.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 13:03 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 13:03 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
12 June 2016
- (diff) (hist) . . GeneralRadio; 23:03 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/GenRad_Experimenter_Jan-Feb_1934.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . GeneralRadio; 23:03 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/GenRad_Experimenter_May_1934.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . GeneralRadio; 23:03 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/GenRad_Experimenter_March_1934.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . GeneralRadio; 23:03 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/GenRad_Experimenter_Nov-Dec_1934.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . GeneralRadio; 23:03 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/GenRad_Experimenter_April_1934.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . GeneralRadio; 23:03 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/GenRad_Experimenter_May_1934.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . GeneralRadio; 23:03 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/GenRad_Experimenter_June_1934.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . GeneralRadio; 23:03 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/GenRad_Experimenter_Nov-Dec_1934.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . GeneralRadio; 23:03 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . GeneralRadio; 23:03 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/GenRad_Experimenter_April_1934.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . GeneralRadio; 23:03 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/GenRad_Experimenter_Jan-Feb_1934.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . GeneralRadio; 23:03 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/GenRad_Experimenter_July-Aug_1934.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . GeneralRadio; 23:03 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/GenRad_Experimenter_March_1934.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . GeneralRadio; 23:03 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/GenRad_Experimenter_Sept-Oct_1934.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . GeneralRadio; 23:03 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/GenRad_Experimenter_July-Aug_1934.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . GeneralRadio; 23:03 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/GenRad_Experimenter_June_1934.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . GeneralRadio; 23:03 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . GeneralRadio; 23:03 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/GenRad_Experimenter_Sept-Oct_1934.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . GeneralRadio; 22:56 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/GenRad_Experimenter_Dec_1933.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . GeneralRadio; 22:56 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . GeneralRadio; 22:56 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . GeneralRadio; 22:56 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/GenRad_Experimenter_Dec_1933.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . GeneralRadio; 22:18 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/GenRad_Experimenter_Jan_1933.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . GeneralRadio; 22:18 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/GenRad_Experimenter_Nov_1933.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . GeneralRadio; 22:18 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/GenRad_Experimenter_Feb_1933.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . GeneralRadio; 22:18 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/GenRad_Experimenter_March_1933.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . GeneralRadio; 22:18 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/GenRad_Experimenter_Apr-May_1933.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . GeneralRadio; 22:18 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/GenRad_Experimenter_June-July_1933.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . GeneralRadio; 22:18 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/GenRad_Experimenter_Oct_1933.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . GeneralRadio; 22:18 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . GeneralRadio; 22:18 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/GenRad_Experimenter_Aug-Sept_1933.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . GeneralRadio; 22:18 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/GenRad_Experimenter_Nov_1933.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . GeneralRadio; 22:18 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . GeneralRadio; 22:18 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/GenRad_Experimenter_Jan_1933.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . GeneralRadio; 22:18 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/GenRad_Experimenter_Feb_1933.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . GeneralRadio; 22:18 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/GenRad_Experimenter_March_1933.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . GeneralRadio; 22:18 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/GenRad_Experimenter_Apr-May_1933.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . GeneralRadio; 22:18 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/GenRad_Experimenter_June-July_1933.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . GeneralRadio; 22:18 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/GenRad_Experimenter_Aug-Sept_1933.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . GeneralRadio; 22:18 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/GenRad_Experimenter_Oct_1933.pdf)
11 June 2016
- (diff) (hist) . . GeneralRadio; 18:50 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/GenRad_Experimenter_Jan_1932.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . GeneralRadio; 18:50 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/GenRad_Experimenter_Dec_1932.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . GeneralRadio; 18:50 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/GenRad_Experimenter_Dec_1932.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . GeneralRadio; 18:50 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . GeneralRadio; 18:50 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/GenRad_Experimenter_Nov_1932.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . GeneralRadio; 18:50 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/GenRad_Experimenter_Oct_1932.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . GeneralRadio; 18:50 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/GenRad_Experimenter_Sept_1932.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . GeneralRadio; 18:50 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/GenRad_Experimenter_Aug_1932.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . GeneralRadio; 18:50 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/GenRad_Experimenter_July_1932.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . GeneralRadio; 18:50 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/GenRad_Experimenter_June_1932.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . GeneralRadio; 18:50 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/GenRad_Experimenter_May_1932.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . GeneralRadio; 18:50 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/GenRad_Experimenter_April_1932.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . GeneralRadio; 18:50 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/GenRad_Experimenter_March_1932.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . GeneralRadio; 18:50 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/GenRad_Experimenter_Feb_1932.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . GeneralRadio; 18:50 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/GenRad_Experimenter_Nov_1932.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . GeneralRadio; 18:50 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/GenRad_Experimenter_Oct_1932.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . GeneralRadio; 18:50 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/GenRad_Experimenter_Sept_1932.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . GeneralRadio; 18:50 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/GenRad_Experimenter_July_1932.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . GeneralRadio; 18:50 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/GenRad_Experimenter_June_1932.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . GeneralRadio; 18:50 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/GenRad_Experimenter_May_1932.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . GeneralRadio; 18:50 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/GenRad_Experimenter_April_1932.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . GeneralRadio; 18:50 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/GenRad_Experimenter_March_1932.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . GeneralRadio; 18:50 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/GenRad_Experimenter_Feb_1932.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . GeneralRadio; 18:50 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/GenRad_Experimenter_Jan_1932.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . GeneralRadio; 18:50 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . GeneralRadio; 18:50 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/GenRad_Experimenter_Aug_1932.pdf)
26 May 2016
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 18:43 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (Added hh)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 18:43 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (Added hh)
16 May 2016
- (diff) (hist) . . GeneralRadio; 2:24 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/GenRad_Experimenter_Feb_1931.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . GeneralRadio; 2:24 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/GenRad_Experimenter_April_1931.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . GeneralRadio; 2:24 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . GeneralRadio; 2:24 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/GenRad_Experimenter_Jan_1931.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . GeneralRadio; 2:24 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/GenRad_Experimenter_Aug_1931.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . GeneralRadio; 2:24 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/GenRad_Experimenter_April_1931.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . GeneralRadio; 2:24 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/GenRad_Experimenter_Nov_1931.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . GeneralRadio; 2:24 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/GenRad_Experimenter_May_1931.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . GeneralRadio; 2:24 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/GenRad_Experimenter_June_1931.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . GeneralRadio; 2:24 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/GenRad_Experimenter_July_1931.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . GeneralRadio; 2:24 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/GenRad_Experimenter_Sept_1931.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . GeneralRadio; 2:24 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/GenRad_Experimenter_Oct_1931.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . GeneralRadio; 2:24 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/GenRad_Experimenter_May_1931.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . GeneralRadio; 2:24 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/GenRad_Experimenter_March_1931.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . GeneralRadio; 2:24 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/GenRad_Experimenter_Dec_1931.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . GeneralRadio; 2:24 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/GenRad_Experimenter_Aug_1931.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . GeneralRadio; 2:24 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/GenRad_Experimenter_March_1931.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . GeneralRadio; 2:24 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/GenRad_Experimenter_Feb_1931.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . GeneralRadio; 2:24 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . GeneralRadio; 2:24 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/GenRad_Experimenter_June_1931.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . GeneralRadio; 2:24 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/GenRad_Experimenter_July_1931.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . GeneralRadio; 2:24 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/GenRad_Experimenter_Jan_1931.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . GeneralRadio; 2:24 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/GenRad_Experimenter_Sept_1931.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . GeneralRadio; 2:24 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/GenRad_Experimenter_Nov_1931.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . GeneralRadio; 2:24 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/GenRad_Experimenter_Dec_1931.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . GeneralRadio; 2:24 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/GenRad_Experimenter_Oct_1931.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . GeneralRadio; 0:13 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/GenRad_Experimenter_Oct_1930.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . GeneralRadio; 0:13 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/GenRad_Experimenter_Jan_1930.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . GeneralRadio; 0:13 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . GeneralRadio; 0:13 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . GeneralRadio; 0:13 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/GenRad_Experimenter_Jan_1930.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . GeneralRadio; 0:13 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/GenRad_Experimenter_Feb_1930.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . GeneralRadio; 0:13 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/GenRad_Experimenter_May_1930.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . GeneralRadio; 0:13 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/GenRad_Experimenter_March_1930.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . GeneralRadio; 0:13 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/GenRad_Experimenter_April_1930.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . GeneralRadio; 0:13 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/GenRad_Experimenter_March_1930.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . GeneralRadio; 0:13 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/GenRad_Experimenter_June_1930.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . GeneralRadio; 0:13 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/GenRad_Experimenter_July_1930.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . GeneralRadio; 0:13 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/GenRad_Experimenter_Aug_1930.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . GeneralRadio; 0:13 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/GenRad_Experimenter_Sept_1930.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . GeneralRadio; 0:13 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/GenRad_Experimenter_Feb_1930.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . GeneralRadio; 0:13 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/GenRad_Experimenter_April_1930.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . GeneralRadio; 0:13 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/GenRad_Experimenter_Dec_1930.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . GeneralRadio; 0:13 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/GenRad_Experimenter_June_1930.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . GeneralRadio; 0:13 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/GenRad_Experimenter_July_1930.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . GeneralRadio; 0:13 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/GenRad_Experimenter_Aug_1930.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . GeneralRadio; 0:13 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/GenRad_Experimenter_Sept_1930.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . GeneralRadio; 0:13 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/GenRad_Experimenter_Oct_1930.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . GeneralRadio; 0:13 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/GenRad_Experimenter_Nov_1930.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . GeneralRadio; 0:13 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/GenRad_Experimenter_May_1930.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . GeneralRadio; 0:13 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/GenRad_Experimenter_Dec_1930.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . GeneralRadio; 0:13 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/GenRad_Experimenter_Nov_1930.pdf)
15 May 2016
- (diff) (hist) . . GeneralRadio; 18:53 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . GeneralRadio; 18:53 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/GenRad_Experimenter_Feb_1929.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . GeneralRadio; 18:53 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/GenRad_Experimenter_May_1929.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . GeneralRadio; 18:53 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/GenRad_Experimenter_Sept_1929.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . GeneralRadio; 18:53 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/GenRad_Experimenter_June_1929.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . GeneralRadio; 18:53 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/GenRad_Experimenter_July-Aug_1929.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . GeneralRadio; 18:53 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/GenRad_Experimenter_Oct_1929.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . GeneralRadio; 18:53 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/GenRad_Experimenter_Nov_1929.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . GeneralRadio; 18:53 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/GenRad_Experimenter_Dec_1929.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . GeneralRadio; 18:53 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/GenRad_Experimenter_Jan_1929.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . GeneralRadio; 18:53 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/GenRad_Experimenter_April_1929.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . GeneralRadio; 18:53 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/GenRad_Experimenter_July-Aug_1929.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . GeneralRadio; 18:53 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/GenRad_Experimenter_March_1929.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . GeneralRadio; 18:53 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/GenRad_Experimenter_April_1929.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . GeneralRadio; 18:53 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/GenRad_Experimenter_March_1929.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . GeneralRadio; 18:53 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/GenRad_Experimenter_Feb_1929.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . GeneralRadio; 18:53 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/GenRad_Experimenter_Jan_1929.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . GeneralRadio; 18:53 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . GeneralRadio; 18:53 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/GenRad_Experimenter_June_1929.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . GeneralRadio; 18:53 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/GenRad_Experimenter_Dec_1929.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . GeneralRadio; 18:53 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/GenRad_Experimenter_Nov_1929.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . GeneralRadio; 18:53 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/GenRad_Experimenter_Oct_1929.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . GeneralRadio; 18:53 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/GenRad_Experimenter_May_1929.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . GeneralRadio; 18:53 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/GenRad_Experimenter_Sept_1929.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . GeneralRadio; 18:41 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/GenRad_Experimenter_Aug_1928.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . GeneralRadio; 18:41 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . GeneralRadio; 18:41 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/GenRad_Experimenter_Sept_1928.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . GeneralRadio; 18:41 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/GenRad_Experimenter_Feb_1928.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . GeneralRadio; 18:41 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/GenRad_Experimenter_Mar_1928.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . GeneralRadio; 18:41 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/GenRad_Experimenter_Apr_1928.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . GeneralRadio; 18:41 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/GenRad_Experimenter_May_1928.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . GeneralRadio; 18:41 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/GenRad_Experimenter_June_1928.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . GeneralRadio; 18:41 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/GenRad_Experimenter_July_1928.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . GeneralRadio; 18:41 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/GenRad_Experimenter_Dec_1928.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . GeneralRadio; 18:41 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/GenRad_Experimenter_Nov_1928.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . GeneralRadio; 18:41 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/GenRad_Experimenter_Oct_1928.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . GeneralRadio; 18:41 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/GenRad_Experimenter_Jan_1928.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . GeneralRadio; 18:41 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/GenRad_Experimenter_Aug_1928.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . GeneralRadio; 18:41 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/GenRad_Experimenter_May_1928.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . GeneralRadio; 18:41 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/GenRad_Experimenter_July_1928.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . GeneralRadio; 18:41 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/GenRad_Experimenter_June_1928.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . GeneralRadio; 18:41 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/GenRad_Experimenter_Nov_1928.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . GeneralRadio; 18:41 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/GenRad_Experimenter_Oct_1928.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . GeneralRadio; 18:41 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/GenRad_Experimenter_Sept_1928.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . GeneralRadio; 18:41 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/GenRad_Experimenter_Dec_1928.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . GeneralRadio; 18:41 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/GenRad_Experimenter_Jan_1928.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . GeneralRadio; 18:41 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/GenRad_Experimenter_Feb_1928.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . GeneralRadio; 18:41 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/GenRad_Experimenter_Mar_1928.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . GeneralRadio; 18:41 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/GenRad_Experimenter_Apr_1928.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . GeneralRadio; 18:41 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . GeneralRadio; 18:24 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/GenRad_Experimenter_ Dec_1927.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . GeneralRadio; 18:24 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/GenRad_Experimenter_ June_1927.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . GeneralRadio; 18:24 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . GeneralRadio; 18:24 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/GenRad_Experimenter_ Aug_1927.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . GeneralRadio; 18:24 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/GenRad_Experimenter_ July_1927.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . GeneralRadio; 18:24 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/GenRad_Experimenter_ April_1927.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . GeneralRadio; 18:24 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/GenRad_Experimenter_ May_1927.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . GeneralRadio; 18:24 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . GeneralRadio; 18:24 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/GenRad_Experimenter_ Mar_1927.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . GeneralRadio; 18:24 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/GenRad_Experimenter_ Feb_1927.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . GeneralRadio; 18:24 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/GenRad_Experimenter_ Jan_1927.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . GeneralRadio; 18:24 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/GenRad_Experimenter_ Mar_1927.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . GeneralRadio; 18:24 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/GenRad_Experimenter_ Jan_1927.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . GeneralRadio; 18:24 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/GenRad_Experimenter_ Feb_1927.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . GeneralRadio; 18:24 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/GenRad_Experimenter_ Oct_1927.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . GeneralRadio; 18:24 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/GenRad_Experimenter_ Sept_1927.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . GeneralRadio; 18:24 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/GenRad_Experimenter_ July_1927.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . GeneralRadio; 18:24 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/GenRad_Experimenter_ June_1927.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . GeneralRadio; 18:24 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/GenRad_Experimenter_ Aug_1927.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . GeneralRadio; 18:24 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/GenRad_Experimenter_ April_1927.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . GeneralRadio; 18:24 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/GenRad_Experimenter_ May_1927.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . GeneralRadio; 18:24 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/GenRad_Experimenter_ Sept_1927.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . GeneralRadio; 18:24 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/GenRad_Experimenter_ Oct_1927.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . GeneralRadio; 18:24 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/GenRad_Experimenter_ Nov_1927.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . GeneralRadio; 18:24 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/GenRad_Experimenter_ Nov_1927.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . GeneralRadio; 18:24 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/GenRad_Experimenter_ Dec_1927.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . GeneralRadio; 18:16 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . GeneralRadio; 18:16 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/GenRad_Experimenter_Aug_1926.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . GeneralRadio; 18:16 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/GenRad_Experimenter_November_1926.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . GeneralRadio; 18:16 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/GenRad_Experimenter_Dec_1926.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . GeneralRadio; 18:16 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . GeneralRadio; 18:16 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/GenRad_Expermenter_October_1926.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . GeneralRadio; 18:16 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/GenRad_Experimenter_November_1926.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . GeneralRadio; 18:16 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/GenRad_Experimenter_July_1926.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . GeneralRadio; 18:16 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/GenRad_Expermimenter_June_1926.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . GeneralRadio; 18:16 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/GenRad_Expermimenter_June_1926.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . GeneralRadio; 18:16 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/GenRad_Experimenter_July_1926.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . GeneralRadio; 18:16 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/GenRad_Experimenter_Aug_1926.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . GeneralRadio; 18:16 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/GenRad_Experimenter_Dec_1926.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . GeneralRadio; 18:16 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/GenRad_Expermenter_October_1926.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . GeneralRadio; 18:02 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . GeneralRadio; 18:02 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
12 May 2016
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 23:00 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 23:00 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 14:49 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 14:49 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 14:48 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (Added Semiconductor Museum. hh)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 14:48 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (Added Semiconductor Museum. hh)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 14:40 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 14:40 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
16 April 2016
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 16:17 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 16:17 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 16:15 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (Added Inland Marine Radio History Archive)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 16:15 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (Added Inland Marine Radio History Archive)
3 April 2016
- (diff) (hist) . . Station Histories; 18:48 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Station Histories; 18:48 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 18:47 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 18:47 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
30 March 2016
- (diff) (hist) . . HallikainenAndFriends; 21:09 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . HallikainenAndFriends; 21:09 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
27 March 2016
- (diff) (hist) . . Energy-Onix; 18:24 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Energy-Onix; 18:24 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . GatesRadioCompany; 16:08 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . GatesRadioCompany; 16:08 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/160904_1420.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . GatesRadioCompany; 16:08 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . GatesRadioCompany; 16:08 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/160904_1420.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Energy-Onix; 15:15 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/Pulsar 250-500-1000 -2002-.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Energy-Onix; 15:15 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Energy-Onix; 15:15 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/Pulsar 250-500-1000 -2002-.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Energy-Onix; 15:15 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Energy-Onix; 15:05 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/Pulsar_250-500-1000_-2003-.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Energy-Onix; 15:05 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . Energy-Onix; 15:05 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Energy-Onix; 15:05 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/Pulsar_250-500-1000_-2003-.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 15:04 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 15:04 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . GatesRadioCompany; 14:59 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/Gates_BF-250A_Brochure.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . GatesRadioCompany; 14:59 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/Gates_BF-250A_Brochure.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . GatesRadioCompany; 14:59 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . GatesRadioCompany; 14:59 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . GatesRadioCompany; 14:40 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . GatesRadioCompany; 14:40 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/Gates Xmtr Catalog ca1950.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . GatesRadioCompany; 14:40 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/Gates Xmtr Catalog ca1950.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . GatesRadioCompany; 14:40 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . GatesRadioCompany; 14:11 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . GatesRadioCompany; 14:11 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/Gates Speech Catalog ca1950.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . GatesRadioCompany; 14:11 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . GatesRadioCompany; 14:11 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/Gates Speech Catalog ca1950.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . GatesRadioCompany; 14:01 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . GatesRadioCompany; 14:01 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . GatesRadioCompany; 13:18 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . GatesRadioCompany; 13:18 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
26 March 2016
- (diff) (hist) . . GatesRadioCompany; 19:00 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . GatesRadioCompany; 19:00 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/GatesCommCatalog1950.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . GatesRadioCompany; 19:00 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . GatesRadioCompany; 19:00 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/GatesCommCatalog1950.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . GeneralElectric; 18:54 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . GeneralElectric; 18:54 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Proof of Performance; 18:32 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Proof of Performance; 18:32 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Proof of Performance; 18:30 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Proof of Performance; 18:30 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Proof of Performance; 18:25 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/NAB_Proof_Forms.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Proof of Performance; 18:25 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/NAB_Proof.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Proof of Performance; 18:25 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/NAB_Proof.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Proof of Performance; 18:25 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Proof of Performance; 18:25 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/BE_AM_Proof.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Proof of Performance; 18:25 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Proof of Performance; 18:25 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/BE_AM_Proof.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Proof of Performance; 18:25 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/NAB_Proof_Forms.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Proof of Performance; 18:04 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Proof of Performance; 18:04 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/BE_FM_Proof.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Proof of Performance; 18:04 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/BE_FM_Proof.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Proof of Performance; 18:04 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . Historic Papers; 18:04 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/FMTutorial.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Historic Papers; 18:04 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Historic Papers; 18:04 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/FMTutorial.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Historic Papers; 18:04 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
25 March 2016
- (diff) (hist) . . Station Histories; 16:11 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Station Histories; 16:11 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Station Histories; 16:09 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Station Histories; 16:09 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Detroit News Radiophone information (8MK WBL WWJ); 15:59 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Detroit News Radiophone information (8MK WBL WWJ); 15:59 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Detroit News Radiophone information (8MK WBL WWJ); 15:56 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Detroit News Radiophone information (8MK WBL WWJ); 15:56 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Detroit News Radiophone information (8MK WBL WWJ); 15:55 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Detroit News Radiophone information (8MK WBL WWJ); 15:55 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . Station Histories; 15:52 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Station Histories; 15:52 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Station Histories; 15:51 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Station Histories; 15:51 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Station Histories; 15:50 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Station Histories; 15:50 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Station Histories; 15:49 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Station Histories; 15:49 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . TFT, Inc.; 15:02 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (Added TFT 930A)
- (diff) (hist) . . TFT, Inc.; 15:02 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/TFT 730A SCA Operations Manual.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . TFT, Inc.; 15:02 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (Added TFT 930A)
- (diff) (hist) . . TFT, Inc.; 15:02 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/TFT 730A SCA Operations Manual.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 14:38 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (Added 60s and 70s semiconductor datasheets)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 14:38 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (Added 60s and 70s semiconductor datasheets)
14 March 2016
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 1:00 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 1:00 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Marconi Wireless Telegraph Company; 0:53 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 0:39 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 0:39 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
13 March 2016
- (diff) (hist) . . Station Histories; 22:46 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Station Histories; 22:46 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Station Histories; 22:38 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Station Histories; 22:38 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Historic Papers; 22:15 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Historic Papers; 22:15 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Historic Papers; 22:13 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Historic Papers; 22:13 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Historic Papers; 20:15 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Historic Papers; 20:15 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Historic Papers; 20:13 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Historic Papers; 20:13 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Historic Papers; 20:09 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Historic Papers; 20:09 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Historic Papers; 20:01 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Historic Papers; 20:01 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Historic Papers; 20:00 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Historic Papers; 20:00 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Historic Papers; 19:58 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Historic Papers; 19:58 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Historic Papers; 19:57 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Historic Papers; 19:57 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Historic Papers; 19:55 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Historic Papers; 19:55 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Historic Papers; 19:54 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Historic Papers; 19:54 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Historic Papers; 19:53 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Historic Papers; 19:53 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . TFT, Inc.; 19:07 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . TFT, Inc.; 19:07 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/TFT EAS 930A Receiver.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . TFT, Inc.; 19:07 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/TFT EAS 930A Receiver.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . TFT, Inc.; 19:07 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
8 March 2016
- (diff) (hist) . . TFT, Inc.; 4:02 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/TFT724A Manual-full.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . TFT, Inc.; 4:02 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . TFT, Inc.; 4:02 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/TFT724A Manual-full.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . TFT, Inc.; 4:02 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . TFT, Inc.; 4:01 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . TFT, Inc.; 4:01 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
16 February 2016
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 14:19 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 14:19 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
15 February 2016
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 17:39 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 17:39 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 17:36 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 17:36 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
13 February 2016
- (diff) (hist) . . Advanced Research & Technology; 6:05 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Advanced Research & Technology; 6:05 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
24 January 2016
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 17:40 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 17:40 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
11 January 2016
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 3:12 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 3:12 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 3:01 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 3:01 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
10 January 2016
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 3:37 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 3:37 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
22 December 2015
- (diff) (hist) . . Scala; 3:59 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 3:57 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (Added Scala)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 3:57 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (Added Scala)
21 December 2015
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 2:36 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (Added hh)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 2:36 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (Added hh)
19 December 2015
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 18:41 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (Added Star City Radio Tools)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 18:41 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (Added Star City Radio Tools)
24 November 2015
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 4:37 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (Added 3-D Film Archive. hh)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 4:37 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (Added 3-D Film Archive. hh)
14 September 2015
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 4:03 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 4:03 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
8 August 2015
- (diff) (hist) . . Schafer Automation; 4:15 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Schafer Automation; 4:15 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
3 August 2015
- (diff) (hist) . . QEI; 0:36 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . QEI; 0:36 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/QEI 675 T20 Manual.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . QEI; 0:36 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . QEI; 0:36 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/QEI 675 T20 Manual.pdf)
2 August 2015
- (diff) (hist) . . QEI; 22:59 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . QEI; 22:59 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . QEI; 22:56 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . QEI; 22:56 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 22:43 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 22:43 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Collins Radio; 22:31 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Collins Radio; 22:31 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Collins Radio; 22:30 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Collins Radio; 22:30 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Collins Radio; 22:28 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Collins Radio; 22:28 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 22:23 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 22:23 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 22:21 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 22:21 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 22:19 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 22:19 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
17 June 2015
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 3:38 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 3:38 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 3:36 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 3:36 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 3:34 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 3:34 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Advanced Research & Technology; 3:33 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Advanced Research & Technology; 3:33 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
9 June 2015
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 12:22 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 12:22 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
7 June 2015
- (diff) (hist) . . Harris Corporation - Broadcast Division; 18:00 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/-Harris- ProCast.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Harris Corporation - Broadcast Division; 18:00 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Harris Corporation - Broadcast Division; 18:00 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/-Harris- ProCast.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Harris Corporation - Broadcast Division; 18:00 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Harris Corporation - Broadcast Division; 17:51 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/MSP90_FM_Limiter_BlkDgm2.PDF)
- (diff) (hist) . . Harris Corporation - Broadcast Division; 17:51 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Harris Corporation - Broadcast Division; 17:51 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/MSP90_FM_Limiter_BlkDgm1.PDF)
- (diff) (hist) . . Harris Corporation - Broadcast Division; 17:51 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Harris Corporation - Broadcast Division; 17:51 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/MSP90_AM_Limiter_Schematic.PDF)
- (diff) (hist) . . Harris Corporation - Broadcast Division; 17:51 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/MSP90_FM_Limiter_PCBLayout.PDF)
- (diff) (hist) . . Harris Corporation - Broadcast Division; 17:51 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/MSP90_FM_Limiter_BlkDgm3.PDF)
- (diff) (hist) . . Harris Corporation - Broadcast Division; 17:51 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/MSP90_FM_Limiter_BlkDgm2.PDF)
- (diff) (hist) . . Harris Corporation - Broadcast Division; 17:51 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/MSP90_FM_Limiter_BlkDgm3.PDF)
- (diff) (hist) . . Harris Corporation - Broadcast Division; 17:51 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/MSP90_FM_Limiter_PCBLayout.PDF)
- (diff) (hist) . . Harris Corporation - Broadcast Division; 17:51 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/MSP90_AM_Limiter_Schematic.PDF)
- (diff) (hist) . . Harris Corporation - Broadcast Division; 17:51 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/MSP90_FM_Limiter_BlkDgm1.PDF)
- (diff) (hist) . . Harris Corporation - Broadcast Division; 17:48 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/MSP90_FM_Limiter.PDF)
- (diff) (hist) . . Harris Corporation - Broadcast Division; 17:48 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Harris Corporation - Broadcast Division; 17:48 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/MSP90_FM_Limiter.PDF)
- (diff) (hist) . . Harris Corporation - Broadcast Division; 17:48 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Harris Corporation - Broadcast Division; 17:47 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Harris Corporation - Broadcast Division; 17:47 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
2 June 2015
- (diff) (hist) . . Sparta Electronics; 19:54 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/SpartaA-20B.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Sparta Electronics; 19:54 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Sparta Electronics; 19:54 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/SpartaA-20B.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Sparta Electronics; 19:54 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Sparta Electronics; 19:53 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Sparta Electronics; 19:53 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Sparta Electronics; 19:53 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Sparta Electronics; 19:53 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Sparta Electronics; 19:48 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Sparta Electronics; 19:48 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/Sparta Dual Output Card.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Sparta Electronics; 19:48 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/Sparta A-15B Audio Console Schematic.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Sparta Electronics; 19:48 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/Sparta 1025A Monitor_Cue Amp.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Sparta Electronics; 19:48 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/Sparta 1018 Microphone Preamp.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Sparta Electronics; 19:48 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/Sparta 1018 Microphone Preamp.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Sparta Electronics; 19:48 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Sparta Electronics; 19:48 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/Sparta Dual Output Card.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Sparta Electronics; 19:48 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/Sparta A-15B Output Card.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Sparta Electronics; 19:48 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/Sparta A-15B Audio Console Schematic.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Sparta Electronics; 19:48 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/Sparta 1025A Monitor_Cue Amp.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Sparta Electronics; 19:48 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/Sparta 1020 line amp.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Sparta Electronics; 19:48 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/Sparta A-15B Output Card.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Sparta Electronics; 19:48 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/Sparta 1020 line amp.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Sparta Electronics; 19:47 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Sparta Electronics; 19:47 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Sparta Electronics; 19:46 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Sparta Electronics; 19:46 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 3:44 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 3:44 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
1 June 2015
- (diff) (hist) . . DeltaElectronics; 3:59 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . DeltaElectronics; 3:59 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . DeltaElectronics; 3:59 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . DeltaElectronics; 3:59 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . DeltaElectronics; 3:56 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . DeltaElectronics; 3:56 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/Delta ASM-1 Tech Manual -
- (diff) (hist) . . DeltaElectronics; 3:56 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/Delta ASM-1 Tech Manual -
- (diff) (hist) . . DeltaElectronics; 3:56 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 3:53 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 3:53 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Gentner; 3:28 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Gentner; 3:28 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Gentner; 3:28 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/VRC-1000 Accessory Fail Safe Unit.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Gentner; 3:28 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/VRC-1000 Accessory Fail Safe Unit.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Gentner; 3:25 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Gentner; 3:25 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Gentner; 3:25 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/LG-000-00009-Rev1.0_PrismII-FM-Man.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Gentner; 3:25 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/LG-000-00009-Rev1.0_PrismII-FM-Man.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Marti Electronics, Inc.; 3:22 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Marti Electronics, Inc.; 3:22 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Marti Electronics, Inc.; 2:52 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Marti Electronics, Inc.; 2:52 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Crown; 2:48 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Crown; 2:48 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Crown; 2:47 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Crown; 2:47 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Crown; 2:47 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Crown; 2:47 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Crown; 2:43 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Crown; 2:43 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/d60-sm.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Crown; 2:43 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/d60-sm.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Crown; 2:43 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Crown; 2:39 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Crown; 2:39 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Dorrough Electronics; 2:12 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Dorrough Electronics; 2:12 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Dorrough Electronics; 2:12 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/DorroughDap610.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Dorrough Electronics; 2:11 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Dorrough Electronics; 2:11 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Tapecaster; 1:52 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Tapecaster; 1:52 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Tapecaster; 1:47 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/Tapecaster Series 700 Manual.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Tapecaster; 1:47 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Tapecaster; 1:47 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/Tapecaster Series 700 Manual.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Tapecaster; 1:47 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Tapecaster; 0:30 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Tapecaster; 0:30 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
31 May 2015
- (diff) (hist) . . Tapecaster; 20:48 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Tapecaster; 20:48 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 2:12 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 2:12 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
30 May 2015
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 15:18 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 15:18 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 15:17 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 15:17 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
28 May 2015
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 3:36 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 3:36 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 3:33 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 3:33 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
27 May 2015
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 3:49 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 3:49 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 3:43 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 3:43 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
3 May 2015
2 May 2015
28 March 2015
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 2:56 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 2:56 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
9 March 2015
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 13:44 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 13:44 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
15 February 2015
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 17:41 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 17:41 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 6:25 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 6:25 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
13 February 2015
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 14:51 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 14:51 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 14:19 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 14:19 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 13:56 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 13:56 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
7 February 2015
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 18:49 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (Added American Marconi and Wireless Giant of the Pacific)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 18:49 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (Added American Marconi and Wireless Giant of the Pacific)
11 September 2014
- (diff) (hist) . . Sparta Electronics; 19:55 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Sparta Electronics; 19:55 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Sparta Electronics; 19:47 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/AS-30B%20Manual.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Sparta Electronics; 19:47 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Sparta Electronics; 19:47 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/AS-30B%20Manual.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Sparta Electronics; 19:47 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 19:46 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 19:46 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
5 September 2014
- (diff) (hist) . . Crown; 19:18 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Crown; 19:18 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
29 August 2014
- (diff) (hist) . . Sony; 19:34 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/SonyPVW2650v2.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Sony; 19:34 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (Added Sony PVW-2650. hh)
- (diff) (hist) . . Sony; 19:34 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/SonyPVW2650v2.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Sony; 19:34 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (Added Sony PVW-2650. hh)
- (diff) (hist) . . Sony; 19:34 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Sony; 19:34 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
25 August 2014
- (diff) (hist) . . Autogram; 19:38 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/Mini-Mix_Audio_Consoles.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Autogram; 19:38 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/Autoclock_Users_Manual.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Autogram; 19:38 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Autogram; 19:38 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/dda8_feature_sheet.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Autogram; 19:38 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/IC-10_LC-10_Audio_Console.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Autogram; 19:38 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/AC-8_Audio_Console.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Autogram; 19:38 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/AC-6_Audio_Console.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Autogram; 19:38 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/dda8_feature_sheet.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Autogram; 19:38 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/RTV20-12_Manual.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Autogram; 19:38 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/Mini-Mix_Audio_Consoles.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Autogram; 19:38 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Autogram; 19:38 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/RTV20-12_Manual.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Autogram; 19:38 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/IC-10_LC-10_Audio_Console.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Autogram; 19:38 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/AC-8_Audio_Console.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Autogram; 19:38 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/Autoclock_Users_Manual.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Autogram; 19:38 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/AC-6_Audio_Console.pdf)
22 August 2014
- (diff) (hist) . . Autogram; 19:55 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/20140825123201.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Autogram; 19:55 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Autogram; 19:55 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Autogram; 19:55 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/20140825123201.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Autogram; 19:54 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (Added Autogram brochures. hh)
- (diff) (hist) . . Autogram; 19:54 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (Added Autogram brochures. hh)
21 August 2014
- (diff) (hist) . . McMartin; 19:48 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/McMartinBfm2001.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . McMartin; 19:48 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . McMartin; 19:48 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . McMartin; 19:48 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (Added McMartin TBM-3700. hh)
- (diff) (hist) . . McMartin; 19:48 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (Added McMartin TBM-3700. hh)
18 August 2014
- (diff) (hist) . . Marti Electronics, Inc.; 20:38 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Marti Electronics, Inc.; 20:38 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
14 August 2014
- (diff) (hist) . . GatesRadioCompany; 20:29 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . GatesRadioCompany; 20:29 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/Gates Comm Catalog ca1950.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . GatesRadioCompany; 20:29 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . GatesRadioCompany; 20:29 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/Gates Comm Catalog ca1950.pdf)
13 August 2014
- (diff) (hist) . . Harris Corporation - Broadcast Division; 20:15 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (Added FM-20H3. hh)
- (diff) (hist) . . Harris Corporation - Broadcast Division; 20:15 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (Added FM-20H3. hh)
7 August 2014
- (diff) (hist) . . RCA; 20:09 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/RadioService BusinessMethods.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . RCA; 20:09 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (Added another copy of RCA BTF-10D. hh)
- (diff) (hist) . . RCA; 20:09 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (Added another copy of RCA BTF-10D. hh)
- (diff) (hist) . . RCA; 20:09 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/RadioService BusinessMethods.pdf)
5 August 2014
- (diff) (hist) . . ESE; 19:17 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . ESE; 19:17 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . ESE; 19:14 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . ESE; 19:14 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/20140805121716.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . ESE; 19:14 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/20140805121716.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . ESE; 19:14 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
4 August 2014
- (diff) (hist) . . ESE; 19:58 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/20140805121949.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . ESE; 19:58 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . ESE; 19:58 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/20140805121949.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . ESE; 19:58 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
25 July 2014
- (diff) (hist) . . Hewlett Packard; 20:48 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/HPSCAN_0723041735.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Hewlett Packard; 20:48 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (Added HP 652A. hh)
- (diff) (hist) . . Hewlett Packard; 20:48 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/HPSCAN_0723041735.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Hewlett Packard; 20:48 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (Added HP 652A. hh)
- (diff) (hist) . . Hewlett Packard; 20:45 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Hewlett Packard; 20:45 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/20140722120435.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Hewlett Packard; 20:45 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/20140722120435.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Hewlett Packard; 20:45 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 20:44 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 20:44 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
16 July 2014
- (diff) (hist) . . GeneralRadio; 20:05 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (Added GR 1181-A frequency deviation monitor.)
- (diff) (hist) . . GeneralRadio; 20:05 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (Added GR 1181-A frequency deviation monitor.)
15 July 2014
- (diff) (hist) . . UREI; 19:47 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . UREI; 19:47 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Pacific Recorders and Engineers; 12:52 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Pacific Recorders and Engineers; 12:52 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Pacific Recorders and Engineers; 12:26 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/PRE_EXP-11_ProcessorFrameManual.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Pacific Recorders and Engineers; 12:26 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Pacific Recorders and Engineers; 12:26 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/PRE_EXP-11_ProcessorFrameManual.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Pacific Recorders and Engineers; 12:26 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 12:25 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 12:25 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
14 July 2014
- (diff) (hist) . . Ampex; 20:48 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (Added Ampex 354)
- (diff) (hist) . . Ampex; 20:48 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/30960 replacement parts.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Ampex; 20:48 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (Added Ampex 354)
- (diff) (hist) . . Ampex; 20:48 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/30960 replacement parts.pdf)
13 July 2014
- (diff) (hist) . . GatesRadioCompany; 18:16 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . GatesRadioCompany; 18:16 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/20140814124717.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . GatesRadioCompany; 18:16 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . GatesRadioCompany; 18:16 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/20140814124717.pdf)
9 July 2014
- (diff) (hist) . . Bell Telephone Laboratories; 20:32 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bell Telephone Laboratories; 20:32 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bell Telephone Laboratories; 20:30 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/20140709133626.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bell Telephone Laboratories; 20:30 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/20140709133626.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bell Telephone Laboratories; 20:30 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bell Telephone Laboratories; 20:30 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 20:29 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 20:29 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
7 July 2014
- (diff) (hist) . . Heathkit; 19:40 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/HeathAG-9A_asm.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Heathkit; 19:40 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Heathkit; 19:40 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Heathkit; 19:40 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/HeathAG-9A_asm.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . GatesRadioCompany; 3:32 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/gates-vanguard-ii.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . GatesRadioCompany; 3:32 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . GatesRadioCompany; 3:32 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . GatesRadioCompany; 3:32 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/gates-vanguard-ii.pdf)
5 July 2014
- (diff) (hist) . . HallikainenAndFriends; 17:42 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . HallikainenAndFriends; 17:42 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 17:19 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 17:19 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
4 July 2014
- (diff) (hist) . . Heathkit; 0:37 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Heathkit; 0:37 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/20140707124031.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Heathkit; 0:37 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/20140707124031.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Heathkit; 0:37 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Heathkit; 0:37 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Heathkit; 0:37 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
1 July 2014
- (diff) (hist) . . Revox; 20:03 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Revox; 20:03 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/Revox1948-1979.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Revox; 20:03 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 12:48 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 12:48 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
19 June 2014
- (diff) (hist) . . dbx; 3:30 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/HPSCAN_0724222936.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . dbx; 3:30 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . dbx; 3:30 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . dbx; 3:30 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/HPSCAN_0724222936.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . dbx; 3:29 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/dbx160A-specs.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . dbx; 3:29 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . dbx; 3:29 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . dbx; 3:29 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/dbx160A-specs.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . dbx; 3:28 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . dbx; 3:28 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . dbx; 3:28 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/dbx160A-schematic.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . dbx; 3:28 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . dbx; 3:28 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/dbx160A-schematic.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . dbx; 3:28 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 3:09 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 3:09 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
16 June 2014
- (diff) (hist) . . Heathkit; 20:51 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/20140703125427.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Heathkit; 20:51 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Heathkit; 20:51 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/20140703125427.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Heathkit; 20:51 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . CSI; 2:23 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . CSI; 2:23 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . CSI; 2:13 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/20140615194201633.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . CSI; 2:13 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/20140615194201633.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . CSI; 2:13 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . CSI; 2:13 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . CSI; 2:01 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . CSI; 2:01 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/20140615192519774.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . CSI; 2:01 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . CSI; 2:01 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/20140615192519774.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 2:00 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 2:00 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
15 June 2014
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 17:57 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (Added Selectavision. hh)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 17:57 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (Added Selectavision. hh)
9 June 2014
- (diff) (hist) . . Heathkit; 19:54 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Heathkit; 19:54 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/20140613123033.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Heathkit; 19:54 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Heathkit; 19:54 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/20140613123033.pdf)
8 June 2014
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 17:24 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 17:24 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
6 June 2014
- (diff) (hist) . . Dolby Laboratories; 19:55 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Dolby Laboratories; 19:55 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
5 June 2014
- (diff) (hist) . . Belar Electronics Laboratory; 20:12 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Belar Electronics Laboratory; 20:12 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
1 June 2014
- (diff) (hist) . . Dolby Laboratories; 21:12 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Dolby Laboratories; 21:12 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/Dolby361.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Dolby Laboratories; 21:12 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Dolby Laboratories; 21:12 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/Dolby361.pdf)
26 May 2014
- (diff) (hist) . . HelpAddingPages; 19:47 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . HelpHowToUseWiki; 19:46 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . harold; 19:42 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Altec; 19:39 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Altec; 19:39 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 19:25 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 19:25 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 19:10 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 19:10 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . HAROLD; 19:02 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
22 May 2014
- (diff) (hist) . . Help/PluginManagerPlugin; 3:01 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Help/PreferenceAppPlugin; 3:01 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Template/Category; 3:01 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Help/PluginManagerPlugin; 3:01 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Help/AddingPages; 3:01 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 3:01 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Help/WikiPollPlugin; 3:01 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Help/IncludeTreePlugin; 3:01 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Help/RelatedChangesPlugin; 3:01 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Help/WantedPagesOldPlugin; 3:01 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . Help/WikiAdminChownPlugin; 3:01 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 3:01 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Help/WikiAdminChownPlugin; 3:01 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Help/MostPopularPlugin; 3:01 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Help/MostPopularPlugin; 3:01 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Help/WikiPollPlugin; 3:01 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . TitleSearch; 3:01 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . AllPagesCreatedByMe; 3:01 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . SemanticRelations; 3:01 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Help/text2pngPlugin; 3:01 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . PhpWikiAdministration/SetAclSimple; 3:01 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
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- (diff) (hist) . . Help/TextFormattingRules; 3:01 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . TitleSearch; 3:01 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Help/TextFormattingRules; 3:01 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
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- (diff) (hist) . . Help/NewPagesPerUserPlugin; 3:01 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
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21 May 2014
- (diff) (hist) . . TFT, Inc.; 20:14 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . TFT, Inc.; 20:14 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
20 May 2014
- (diff) (hist) . . Dolby Laboratories; 20:00 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (Added Dolby 334. hh)
- (diff) (hist) . . Dolby Laboratories; 20:00 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/Dolby360.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Dolby Laboratories; 20:00 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (Added Dolby 334. hh)
- (diff) (hist) . . Dolby Laboratories; 20:00 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/Dolby360.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 19:39 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 19:39 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
9 May 2014
6 May 2014
- (diff) (hist) . . Coastcom; 20:15 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (Add Rockwell and Pinzone notes on Coastcom 412. hh)
1 May 2014
- (diff) (hist) . . Revox; 20:38 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Revox; 20:38 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/RevoxA77.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Revox; 20:38 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . Revox; 20:38 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/RevoxA77.pdf)
30 April 2014
23 April 2014
- (diff) (hist) . . Collins Radio; 19:43 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . Collins Radio; 19:43 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
22 April 2014
- (diff) (hist) . . Harris Corporation - Broadcast Division; 20:12 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/20140808125331.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Harris Corporation - Broadcast Division; 20:12 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . Harris Corporation - Broadcast Division; 20:12 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/20140808125331.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Harris Corporation - Broadcast Division; 20:12 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
7 April 2014
- (diff) (hist) . . RCA; 3:37 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (revert to version 182)
- (diff) (hist) . . RCA; 3:37 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/20140806134030.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . RCA; 3:37 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (revert to version 182)
- (diff) (hist) . . RCA; 3:37 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/20140806134030.pdf)
28 March 2014
- (diff) (hist) . . McMartin; 20:03 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/20140821123233.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . McMartin; 20:03 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . McMartin; 20:03 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/20140821123233.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . McMartin; 20:03 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
27 March 2014
22 March 2014
- (diff) (hist) . . LPB; 19:01 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . LPB; 19:01 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/AM-100P_Sch.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . LPB; 19:01 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/AM-100P_Sch.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . LPB; 19:01 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
19 March 2014
13 March 2014
- (diff) (hist) . . Crown; 23:10 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/d75sm-Complete.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Crown; 23:10 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Crown; 23:10 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/d75sm-Complete.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Crown; 23:10 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
11 March 2014
- (diff) (hist) . . Orban; 19:58 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . Orban; 19:58 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/OrbanMaintainingAudioQualityInTheRadipPlant.pdf)
2 March 2014
- (diff) (hist) . . CBS Labs; 20:44 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/Audimax444-essentials.jpg)
- (diff) (hist) . . CBS Labs; 20:44 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (Removed link to schematic at Purple Audio)
- (diff) (hist) . . CBS Labs; 20:44 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/Audimax444-essentials.jpg)
- (diff) (hist) . . CBS Labs; 20:44 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (Removed link to schematic at Purple Audio)
- (diff) (hist) . . Continental Electronics; 20:43 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (Updated link to Continental manual page)
- (diff) (hist) . . Continental Electronics; 20:43 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/Continental_212P.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Continental Electronics; 20:43 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (Updated link to Continental manual page)
- (diff) (hist) . . Continental Electronics; 20:43 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/Continental_212P.pdf)
26 February 2014
- (diff) (hist) . . Historic Papers; 20:57 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (revert to version 170)
- (diff) (hist) . . Historic Papers; 20:57 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (revert to version 170)
- (diff) (hist) . . Historic Papers; 20:57 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (revert to version 170)
- (diff) (hist) . . Historic Papers; 20:57 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (revert to version 170)
12 February 2014
- (diff) (hist) . . Comtech Antenna Corporation; 20:37 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . ESE; 5:26 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (revert to version 15)
- (diff) (hist) . . ESE; 5:26 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/20140804130155.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . ESE; 5:26 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (revert to version 15)
- (diff) (hist) . . ESE; 5:26 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/20140804130155.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . QEI; 5:25 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (revert to version 18)
- (diff) (hist) . . QEI; 5:25 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (revert to version 18)
4 February 2014
- (diff) (hist) . . GatesRadioCompany; 20:36 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/gates-m6112-rf-diode.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . GatesRadioCompany; 20:36 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . GatesRadioCompany; 20:36 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/gates-m6112-rf-diode.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . GatesRadioCompany; 20:36 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
17 January 2014
- (diff) (hist) . . EditText; 11:09 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . AddingPages; 11:09 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
9 January 2014
- (diff) (hist) . . Tektronix; 20:34 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/Tek20w-7076.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Tektronix; 20:34 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
18 November 2013
19 October 2013
15 October 2013
- (diff) (hist) . . Gentner; 3:00 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . Gentner; 3:00 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
9 October 2013
- (diff) (hist) . . MoseleyAssociatesInc; 19:53 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . MoseleyAssociatesInc; 19:53 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
1 October 2013
30 September 2013
19 September 2013
23 August 2013
12 August 2013
- (diff) (hist) . . HallikainenAndFriends; 20:02 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . HallikainenAndFriends; 20:02 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/MsLicense801210.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . HallikainenAndFriends; 20:02 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . HallikainenAndFriends; 20:02 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/MsLicense801210.pdf)
9 August 2013
- (diff) (hist) . . Dorrough Electronics; 14:20 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Dorrough Electronics; 14:20 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
26 July 2013
25 July 2013
- (diff) (hist) . . [UploadStanleyAdams/Westinghouse 50Gv2 Intro Manual v2.pdf; 20:31 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
9 July 2013
- (diff) (hist) . . Neotek; 20:25 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Neotek; 20:25 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/NeotekSeries2.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Neotek; 20:25 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/NeotekSeries2.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Neotek; 20:25 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
29 May 2013
- (diff) (hist) . . Andrew Corporation; 20:12 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . Andrew Corporation; 20:12 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/AndrewCatalog22.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Andrew Corporation; 20:12 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Andrew Corporation; 20:12 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/AndrewCatalog22.pdf)
24 May 2013
- (diff) (hist) . . Heathkit; 3:28 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/20140609125521.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Heathkit; 3:28 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Heathkit; 3:28 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/20140609125521.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Heathkit; 3:28 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
18 May 2013
- (diff) (hist) . . Ampex; 3:16 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/20140710132548.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Ampex; 3:16 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . Ampex; 3:16 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/20140710132548.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Ampex; 3:16 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Inovonics; 3:12 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/Inovonics Model 405 Tentrol Operating and Maintenance Instruction Manual.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Inovonics; 3:12 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . Inovonics; 3:12 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/Inovonics Model 405 Tentrol Operating and Maintenance Instruction Manual.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Inovonics; 3:12 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
16 May 2013
15 May 2013
- (diff) (hist) . . 3M; 3:24 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . 3M; 3:24 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/3M Brand Prof. Audio Recorder Scheduled Maint..pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . 3M; 3:24 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . 3M; 3:24 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/3M Brand Prof. Audio Recorder Scheduled Maint..pdf)
13 May 2013
12 May 2013
- (diff) (hist) . . Marti Electronics, Inc.; 18:43 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Marti Electronics, Inc.; 18:43 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/20140818131556.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Marti Electronics, Inc.; 18:43 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . Marti Electronics, Inc.; 18:43 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/20140818131556.pdf)
6 May 2013
7 April 2013
9 February 2013
- (diff) (hist) . . Schafer Automation; 21:55 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Schafer Automation; 21:55 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
3 September 2012
- (diff) (hist) . . Frese and Kaping; 17:47 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (Added AP-4 manual)
- (diff) (hist) . . Frese and Kaping; 17:47 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (Added AP-4 manual)
3 August 2012
11 July 2012
29 June 2012
1 June 2012
- (diff) (hist) . . Help/EditText; 2:16 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (revert to version 7)
- (diff) (hist) . . Help/EditText; 2:16 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (revert to version 7)
23 May 2012
- (diff) (hist) . . Autogram; 20:01 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/20140822125305.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Autogram; 20:01 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . Autogram; 20:01 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/20140822125305.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Autogram; 20:01 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
18 May 2012
- (diff) (hist) . . Dumont; 15:54 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . GeneralElectric; 15:50 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . GeneralElectric; 15:50 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . GeneralElectric; 15:50 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/Locke Catalog Nov-1954.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . GeneralElectric; 15:50 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/Locke Catalog Nov-1954.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Raytheon; 15:39 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
8 February 2012
- (diff) (hist) . . Help/SearchHighlightPlugin; 13:28 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (revert to version 7)
- (diff) (hist) . . Help/SearchHighlightPlugin; 13:28 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (revert to version 7)
- (diff) (hist) . . MoreAboutMechanics; 10:10 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (revert to version 5)
- (diff) (hist) . . Help/PhotoAlbumPlugin; 8:43 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (revert to version 5)
- (diff) (hist) . . Help/PhotoAlbumPlugin; 8:43 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (revert to version 5)
6 February 2012
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 21:07 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 21:07 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/67 WATTMETER.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 21:07 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 21:07 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/67 WATTMETER.pdf)
27 January 2012
- (diff) (hist) . . Help/PopularNearbyPlugin; 3:30 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (revert to version 1)
- (diff) (hist) . . Help/PopularNearbyPlugin; 3:30 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (revert to version 1)
- (diff) (hist) . . MyRecentEdits; 3:19 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (revert to version 1)
- (diff) (hist) . . MyRecentEdits; 3:19 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (revert to version 1)
- (diff) (hist) . . Belar Electronics Laboratory; 3:03 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/AMM-3.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Belar Electronics Laboratory; 3:03 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (revert to version 26)
- (diff) (hist) . . Belar Electronics Laboratory; 3:03 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (revert to version 26)
- (diff) (hist) . . Belar Electronics Laboratory; 3:03 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/AMM-3.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Help/WikiFormPlugin; 2:48 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (revert to version 1)
- (diff) (hist) . . Help/WikiFormPlugin; 2:48 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (revert to version 1)
- (diff) (hist) . . UREI; 2:33 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (revert to version 4)
- (diff) (hist) . . UREI; 2:33 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (revert to version 4)
- (diff) (hist) . . UREI; 2:33 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/20140715125146.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . UREI; 2:33 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/20140715125146.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Hollyanne; 1:49 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (revert to version 2)
26 January 2012
- (diff) (hist) . . Multronics; 22:21 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (revert to version 3)
- (diff) (hist) . . Pultec; 21:51 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (revert to version 1)
- (diff) (hist) . . NewMarkupTestPage; 21:27 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (revert to version 4)
- (diff) (hist) . . Audio Arts; 21:23 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . Help/TextFormattingRules; 20:34 . . Das PhpWiki Programmierer-Team (contribs | new pages) (revert to version 4)
- (diff) (hist) . . Help/TextFormattingRules; 20:34 . . Das PhpWiki Programmierer-Team (contribs | new pages) (revert to version 4)
- (diff) (hist) . . Technics; 20:13 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (revert to version 24)
- (diff) (hist) . . Technics; 20:13 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/TechnicsSlpg340.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Trimax; 19:53 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (revert to version 7)
- (diff) (hist) . . Straight Wire Audio; 19:40 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (revert to version 5)
- (diff) (hist) . . ChercherUnePage; 18:53 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (revert to version 1)
- (diff) (hist) . . Potomac Instruments; 17:34 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/smr-11.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Potomac Instruments; 17:34 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/smr-11.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Potomac Instruments; 17:34 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (revert to version 5)
- (diff) (hist) . . Potomac Instruments; 17:34 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (revert to version 5)
- (diff) (hist) . . ModeratedPage; 17:27 . . Das PhpWiki Programmierer-Team (contribs | new pages) (revert to version 5)
- (diff) (hist) . . ModeratedPage; 17:27 . . Das PhpWiki Programmierer-Team (contribs | new pages) (revert to version 5)
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6 January 2012
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25 December 2011
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22 December 2011
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6 September 2011
- (diff) (hist) . . Harman Kardon; 20:26 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded HaroldHallikainen/906-HAO-HKTS-1______-O-A01.pdf)
26 July 2011
- (diff) (hist) . . Scully; 20:34 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . Scully; 20:34 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/Scully250-255.pdf)
16 July 2011
- (diff) (hist) . . Broadcast Electronics; 21:25 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/HOWTO_SETUP_PCIBEI.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Broadcast Electronics; 21:25 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/HOWTO_SETUP_PCIBEI.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Broadcast Electronics; 21:25 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Broadcast Electronics; 21:25 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
13 July 2011
12 July 2011
16 June 2011
26 May 2011
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- (diff) (hist) . . dbx; 20:13 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/dbx160A-manual.pdf)
25 May 2011
- (diff) (hist) . . Broadcast Television Systems; 20:30 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bosch; 20:29 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
28 April 2011
1 April 2011
17 March 2011
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21 February 2011
30 October 2010
17 October 2010
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20 May 2010
25 April 2010
7 February 2010
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18 January 2010
17 January 2010
12 January 2010
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- (diff) (hist) . . Altec; 19:37 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
29 November 2009
- (diff) (hist) . . Amalgamated Wireless (Australiasia) Ltd.; 16:47 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
29 October 2009
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28 October 2009
- (diff) (hist) . . Victoreen Instrument Company; 9:30 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (revert to version 11)
29 September 2009
- (diff) (hist) . . ITC; 5:36 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/Itc99B.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . ITC; 5:36 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
26 July 2009
- (diff) (hist) . . What Ever Happened to Channel 1; 18:10 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
2 July 2009
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- (diff) (hist) . . GeneralRadio; 3:32 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
13 June 2009
- (diff) (hist) . . GE Quadraphonic; 21:13 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . GE Quadraphonic; 21:13 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
28 May 2009
- (diff) (hist) . . American Electronic Laboratories; 2:57 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/AelFm25kg.pdf)
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11 April 2009
12 March 2009
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2 February 2009
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- (diff) (hist) . . Arrakis Systems, Inc; 16:22 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (Added 12000)
- (diff) (hist) . . Arrakis Systems, Inc; 16:22 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/ARC8manual.pdf)
23 January 2009
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28 December 2008
24 December 2008
- (diff) (hist) . . Standard Telephones & Cables. Australia; 18:14 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (Fixed link for 4-SU-55B. hh)
18 December 2008
9 September 2007
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29 July 2007
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4 July 2007
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27 June 2007
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19 June 2007
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17 June 2007
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- (diff) (hist) . . SeitenErzeugen; 13:57 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . PhpWikiUmfrage; 13:57 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . Hilfe/GraphVizPlugin; 13:57 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . PhpWikiSystemverwalten/Chown; 13:57 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
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- (diff) (hist) . . InhaltsVerzeichnisPlugin; 13:57 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . AlleSeitenImBesitzVonMir; 13:57 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . SeitenGruppenTest/Vier; 13:57 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . ; 13:57 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
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- (diff) (hist) . . HochLaden; 13:57 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . Vorlage/Beispiel; 13:57 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . TitelSuche; 13:57 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . AlleSeiten; 13:57 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . PhpWikiSystemverwalten/AclSetzen; 13:57 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . VorlagePlugin; 13:57 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . Hilfe/AutorenProtokollPlugin; 13:57 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
15 June 2007
- (diff) (hist) . . RicercaSuTutto; 19:04 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
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- (diff) (hist) . . PaginaPrincipale; 19:04 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . VarieSulFunzionamento; 19:04 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . UserPreferences; 19:04 . . The PhpWiki programming team (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . ModificaIlTesto; 19:04 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . UserPreferences; 19:04 . . The PhpWiki programming team (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . BuonStile; 19:04 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . RegoleDiFormattazioneDelTesto; 19:04 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . RegoleFormattazioneTesto; 19:04 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
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- (diff) (hist) . . ComeUsareWiki; 19:04 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . PaginaDiProva; 19:04 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . TrovaPagina; 19:04 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . CambiamentiRecenti; 19:04 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . PiuPopolari; 19:04 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . ScatolaDiSabbia; 19:04 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . RicercaDelTesto; 19:04 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . AmministrazioneDiPhpWiki/Rimuovi; 19:04 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . AggiungerePagine; 19:04 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . VisitatoriRecenti; 19:04 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
12 June 2007
- (diff) (hist) . . RelatedChanges; 13:53 . . (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . RecentEdits; 13:53 . . (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . RelatedChanges; 13:53 . . (contribs | new pages)
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- (diff) (hist) . . RandomPage; 13:53 . . (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . RandomPage; 13:53 . . (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . CreatePage; 13:53 . . (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . CreatePage; 13:53 . . (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . PageDump; 13:53 . . (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . AllPages; 13:53 . . (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . AllPages; 13:53 . . (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . ReglasDeFormatoDeTexto; 13:53 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . PageDump; 13:53 . . (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . ViejoReglasDeFormatoDeTexto; 13:53 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . AgregarPaginas; 13:53 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . TodasLasPaginas; 13:53 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . EditarElTexto; 13:52 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . ComoUsarWiki; 13:52 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . KBrown; 13:52 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . ; 13:52 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . MasPopulares; 13:52 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . CajaDeArena; 13:52 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . ; 13:52 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
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- (diff) (hist) . . MasAcercadeLaMecanica; 13:52 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
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- (diff) (hist) . . CambiosRecientes; 13:52 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
11 June 2007
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- (diff) (hist) . . LeastPopular; 8:12 . . (contribs | new pages)
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- (diff) (hist) . . PageAccueil; 8:12 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
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- (diff) (hist) . . ; 8:11 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
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- (diff) (hist) . . ; 8:11 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
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- (diff) (hist) . . ; 8:11 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . PagesSemblables; 8:11 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . ; 8:11 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
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- (diff) (hist) . . PageTestAnciennesMarques; 8:11 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
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- (diff) (hist) . . PgsrcTranslation_sv; 3:53 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
9 June 2007
19 May 2007
- (diff) (hist) . . MilitaryRadio; 23:15 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . MilitaryRadio; 23:15 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . United Transformer Corporation; 19:50 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
10 April 2007
5 March 2007
20 February 2007
29 January 2007
9 January 2007
- (diff) (hist) . . Sony; 5:03 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Sony; 5:03 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/20140826124528.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Sony; 5:03 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . Sony; 5:03 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/20140826124528.pdf)
4 January 2007
31 December 2006
19 November 2006
16 October 2006
17 August 2006
3 July 2006
22 June 2006
14 June 2006
9 June 2006
21 April 2006
15 December 2005
30 November 2005
- (diff) (hist) . . EfJohnson; 3:08 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . EFJohnson.pdf; 1:33 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
26 November 2005
15 October 2005
14 October 2005
25 September 2005
- (diff) (hist) . . AboutWiki; 5:40 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . InterWiki; 4:16 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
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- (diff) (hist) . . PhotoAlbumPlugin; 4:16 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
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- (diff) (hist) . . CalendarPlugin; 4:16 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . PhpWikiAdministration/Chown; 4:16 . . The PhpWiki programming team (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . PhpWikiAdministration/Chown; 4:16 . . The PhpWiki programming team (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . PhpWikiAdministration/Rename; 4:16 . . The PhpWiki programming team (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . PhpWikiAdministration/Rename; 4:16 . . The PhpWiki programming team (contribs | new pages)
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27 January 2004
15 February 2003
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