Diff: FullRecentChanges
Differences between current version and predecessor to the previous major change of FullRecentChanges.
Other diffs: Previous Revision, Previous Author
Newer page: | version 5 | Last edited on 17 January 2022 3:00 | by harold | |
Older page: | version 4 | Last edited on 25 September 2005 4:15 | by The PhpWiki programming team | Revert |
@@ -1,7 +1,10 @@
Here's a list of all recently changed pages on this wiki, not just the
-most recent ones found in RecentChanges. (See RecentEdits for all
+most recent ones found in [[
. (See [[
for all
recent minor edits and changes).
RecentChanges days||=3
show_all=1 daylist=1,3,7,30,90,-1 ?
RecentChanges days||=7
=1 daylist=1,3,7,30,90,0
current version
Here's a list of all recently changed pages on this wiki, not just the most recent ones found in RecentChanges. (See RecentEdits for all recent minor edits and changes).

All major edits are listed below.
19 February 2025
30 September 2024
22 July 2024
- (diff) (hist) . . FTGH; 22:02 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (Delete FTGH manuals shipped to WRH.)
4 July 2024
12 June 2024
14 April 2024
- (diff) (hist) . . ATI; 22:07 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/AtiDa208.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Harman Kardon; 22:00 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/HarmanKardonPm645.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . NAD Electronics; 21:56 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/Nad5330.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . NAD Electronics; 21:56 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . Marantz; 21:52 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/MarantzPmd201.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Goldline; 21:49 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/GoldLineAsa10.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Goldline; 21:49 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . Panasonic; 21:45 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/TechnicsSp10mk2.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Elgin Electronics; 21:41 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/ElginEc30a.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Elgin Electronics; 21:41 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . Aristocart; 21:38 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/AristocartFoneBox.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Aristocart; 21:38 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . Cablewave Systems; 19:38 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/Cablewave412399a.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Cablewave Systems; 19:38 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . Harman Kardon; 18:38 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Armstrong Transmitter Corporation; 4:20 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/ArmstrongFM500sc.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Armstrong Transmitter Corporation; 3:53 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 3:53 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
3 April 2024
- (diff) (hist) . . Autogram; 20:49 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/AutogramIc10Lc10.pdf)
27 March 2024
24 March 2024
- (diff) (hist) . . Inovonics; 23:41 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/Inovonics222.pdf)
20 March 2024
- (diff) (hist) . . Sparta Electronics; 17:44 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/SpartaAs30b.pdf)
19 March 2024
- (diff) (hist) . . UMC Beaucart; 18:27 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/Umc10-20.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . UMC Beaucart; 18:26 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 18:25 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
16 March 2024
- (diff) (hist) . . Dorrough Electronics; 23:11 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/DorroughDap310_78.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . FTGH; 1:15 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
29 February 2024
21 February 2024
- (diff) (hist) . . Radio Business Report; 2:24 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/RbrSourceGuide1994.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Radio Business Report; 2:20 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
19 February 2024
- (diff) (hist) . . BME - Broadcast Management Engineering Magazine; 20:37 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/bme7910.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . BME - Broadcast Management Engineering Magazine; 20:33 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
17 February 2024
- (diff) (hist) . . Historic Papers; 0:01 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/TelevisionTraining1-a.pdf)
16 February 2024
- (diff) (hist) . . Symmetrix; 20:03 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . FTGH; 3:23 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . Broadcasters General Store; 2:58 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 2:37 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
7 February 2024
5 February 2024
- (diff) (hist) . . QRK; 23:42 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/Qrk5.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . QRK; 23:42 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . MoseleyAssociatesInc; 0:22 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/MoseleyMrc160094.pdf)
4 February 2024
- (diff) (hist) . . Broadcasters General Store; 23:22 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/BroadcastersGeneralStoreCatalog.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Broadcasters General Store; 21:17 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
3 February 2024
- (diff) (hist) . . Harris Allied; 20:26 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/HarrisAlliedCatalog.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Harris Allied; 19:18 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . Telos; 19:09 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/TelosCsm.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Telos; 18:50 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
1 February 2024
- (diff) (hist) . . GeneralElectric; 22:33 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/Ge4bt50a1.pdf)
31 January 2024
- (diff) (hist) . . Sine Systems; 23:31 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/SineRfc1bProgramming.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Sine Systems; 23:27 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . Belar Electronics Laboratory; 3:12 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/BelarFmma-1.pdf)
30 January 2024
- (diff) (hist) . . DeltaElectronics; 23:46 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/DeltaOib1.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . ComStream; 22:18 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/ComStreamAbr202.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Marti Electronics, Inc.; 21:10 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/MartiRpt30.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . SMC; 19:26 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/Smc350.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Symmetrix; 18:47 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/Symetrix TI-101.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Symmetrix; 18:33 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Texar; 2:35 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/TexarAudioPrism.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Texar; 2:34 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
29 January 2024
- (diff) (hist) . . Otari; 2:22 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/OtariMx5050Bii.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Otari; 2:22 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
27 January 2024
- (diff) (hist) . . Wheatstone Corporation; 20:46 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/WheatstoneA-20new.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Wheatstone Corporation; 20:45 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Thordarson; 20:37 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/ThordarsonCatalog76.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Thordarson; 20:36 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . Realistic; 20:20 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/Realistic43-212.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Realistic; 20:20 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 20:19 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Burk Technology; 20:00 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/BurkARC-16.pdf)
17 November 2023
25 October 2023
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 19:05 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (Added history of computer communications.)
16 October 2023
- (diff) (hist) . . Historic Papers; 18:39 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (Added Kahn Patent 2,666,133 on amplification of SSB.)
23 September 2023
14 August 2023
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 17:33 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (Added Mullard CRT manufacturing video)
26 June 2023
- (diff) (hist) . . Telefile Computer Products, Inc.; 3:43 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/TelefileDc16c.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Telefile Computer Products, Inc.; 3:42 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
25 June 2023
- (diff) (hist) . . Broadcast Tools; 22:58 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/BtiUi4ii.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Johnson Electronics; 4:08 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/JohnsonSt4a.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Johnson Electronics; 4:08 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . Audi-Cord Corporation; 0:24 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/Audicord100.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Audi-Cord Corporation; 0:23 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
24 June 2023
- (diff) (hist) . . Larcan; 19:25 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/TtcXlfm.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Contel ASC; 19:12 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/ContelAscC100.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Contel ASC; 19:11 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 19:10 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . ITC; 19:06 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/Itc893-0064-003.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Wheatstone Corporation; 19:03 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/WheatstoneA-6000.pdf)
4 May 2023
2 May 2023
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 23:13 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . UREI; 22:58 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/UreiBL40.pdf)
20 April 2023
9 April 2023
9 February 2023
- (diff) (hist) . . IRC; 16:41 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/irc-1933-catalogue.pdf)
27 December 2022
- (diff) (hist) . . Ohmite Manufacturing Company; 5:06 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/Ohmite58.pdf)
18 December 2022
- (diff) (hist) . . Ohmite Manufacturing Company; 22:02 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . Boonton Radio Corporation; 20:41 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/Boonton245b.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Boonton Radio Corporation; 19:15 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . Triplett; 17:22 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/Triplett3490.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Triplett; 17:06 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
17 December 2022
- (diff) (hist) . . Simpson Electric Company; 4:18 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/Simpson389-3L.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Simpson Electric Company; 4:18 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
16 December 2022
- (diff) (hist) . . Video Systems of America; 23:05 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/VsaVm114.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Video Systems of America; 22:57 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
13 December 2022
- (diff) (hist) . . Leeds & Northrup Company; 23:13 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/LeedsNorthrupGalvonometers.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Leeds & Northrup Company; 23:06 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 23:05 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Dumont; 22:31 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/Dumont241.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Dumont; 22:31 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . RCA; 22:17 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/Rca69c4.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . RCA; 22:16 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Tektronix; 21:50 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/TekCircuitComputer.pdf)
5 December 2022
- (diff) (hist) . . Gregg Laboratories; 19:42 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/Gregg Laboratories TELEMIX.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Gregg Laboratories; 19:41 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 19:39 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
4 December 2022
- (diff) (hist) . . GE Quadraphonic; 22:25 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (Updated photo links in GE Quadraphonic)
- (diff) (hist) . . MoseleyAssociatesInc; 22:14 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
7 October 2022
4 October 2022
23 September 2022
- (diff) (hist) . . Fidelipac; 3:41 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/FidelipacDynamaxCtr10.pdf)
13 September 2022
10 September 2022
- (diff) (hist) . . GeneralRadio; 20:47 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/GR 916-A BRIDGE.pdf)
8 September 2022
- (diff) (hist) . . Hewlett Packard; 20:08 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/HP 200CD MANUAL.pdf)
28 August 2022
- (diff) (hist) . . Measurements; 17:29 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/Measurements111.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Measurements; 17:17 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . Yokogawa Electric Works; 6:07 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/YewL-3C.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Yokogawa Electric Works; 5:51 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 5:51 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
24 August 2022
11 August 2022
24 July 2022
17 July 2022
- (diff) (hist) . . Harris Corporation - Broadcast Division; 4:07 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/HarrisZ5CD.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Circuit Research Laboratories; 0:02 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/CrlSmp900aPrelim.pdf)
16 July 2022
15 July 2022
- (diff) (hist) . . GatesRadioCompany; 22:49 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/GatesFM-20B.pdf)
11 July 2022
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 3:13 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Collins Radio; 2:44 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/CollinsFundamentalsOfSingleSideband.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Collins Radio; 1:45 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
10 July 2022
22 June 2022
2 June 2022
- (diff) (hist) . . Dayton Industrial; 19:18 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/AF610NOAAManual.pdf)
3 May 2022
- (diff) (hist) . . Weston; 1:53 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/Weston772.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Weston; 1:53 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . Raytheon; 1:44 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/RaytheonTubeData1941.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . RCA; 0:16 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/Rca69c.pdf)
2 May 2022
- (diff) (hist) . . Link, Fred M; 23:30 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/LinkModelB.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Link, Fred M; 23:27 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 23:27 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
30 April 2022
18 April 2022
- (diff) (hist) . . GeneralElectric; 20:43 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/GE BC35.jpg)
29 March 2022
7 March 2022
- (diff) (hist) . . National Association of Broadcasters; 21:20 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/nab1983.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . National Association of Broadcasters; 21:17 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 21:16 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Dataworld; 5:04 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/dw98.pdf)
22 February 2022
- (diff) (hist) . . Dataworld; 0:03 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 0:02 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
14 February 2022
11 February 2022
- (diff) (hist) . . Station Histories; 4:19 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/wor5.pdf)
3 February 2022
- (diff) (hist) . . CBS Labs; 1:42 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/CbsFmVolumax4100_4110_1972.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Computer Concepts; 1:02 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/ComputerConceptsTSA.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Computer Concepts; 1:02 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
2 February 2022
- (diff) (hist) . . Broadcast Electronics; 22:53 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/BeControl16data.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Automated Broadcast Controls; 22:39 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Broadcast Controls; 22:36 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/BroadcastControls1600Sdata.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Broadcast Controls; 22:33 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
1 February 2022
- (diff) (hist) . . Cetec Broadcast Group; 21:31 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/Cetec7000.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Cetec Broadcast Group; 21:29 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 21:29 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Circuit Research Laboratories; 21:27 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
31 January 2022
- (diff) (hist) . . HallikainenAndFriends; 18:36 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/W1XBS.pdf)
30 January 2022
- (diff) (hist) . . MilitaryRadio; 4:33 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/UsafTO_31-1-141-12.pdf)
29 January 2022
- (diff) (hist) . . LPB; 1:43 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/Scan_0343-03.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Ampex; 1:24 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/Scan_0347-01.pdf)
24 January 2022
- (diff) (hist) . . Sony; 17:22 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/Sony777svc.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Kinght-kit; 4:18 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/KinghtKx60Assy.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Kinght-kit; 4:17 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . Lang Electronics; 3:51 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/LangPeq-2.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Lang Electronics; 3:42 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . American Data; 3:06 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/AmericanDataSeries900.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . McIntosh; 2:06 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/McIntoshCatalog.pdf)
20 January 2022
19 January 2022
- (diff) (hist) . . Metrotech; 0:16 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/Metrotech500-AseriesDs.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Metrotech; 0:15 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
18 January 2022
- (diff) (hist) . . MCI; 22:19 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/MciJH-100.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Minicom Division of 3M; 20:25 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/Minicom700.pdf)
17 January 2022
- (diff) (hist) . . harold; 18:35 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 18:35 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . Help/LinkSearchPlugin; 18:35 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . DebugBackendInfo; 18:35 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . PhpWikiRecentChanges; 18:35 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . Help/PluginManagerPlugin; 18:35 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . Help/SemanticSearchPlugin; 18:35 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . Help/FuzzyPagesPlugin; 18:35 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . Help/PageDumpPlugin; 18:35 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . Help/UnfoldSubpagesPlugin; 18:35 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . Help/RichTablePlugin; 18:35 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . Help/PopularTagsPlugin; 18:35 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . RandomPage; 18:35 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . Help/RedirectToPlugin; 18:35 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . ReleaseNotes; 18:35 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . PhpWikiAdministration/Purge; 18:35 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . Help/DiffPlugin; 18:35 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . Help/RecentCommentsPlugin; 18:35 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . Help/WikiAdminChownPlugin; 18:35 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . PhpWikiAdministration/SearchReplace; 18:35 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . Help/SemanticRelations; 18:35 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . Help/VisualWikiPlugin; 18:35 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . RelatedChanges; 18:35 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . InterWikiSearch; 18:35 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . Help/RandomPagePlugin; 18:35 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . Template/Attribute; 18:35 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . Help/LikePagesPlugin; 18:35 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . Help/PagePermissions; 18:35 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
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16 January 2022
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15 January 2022
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- (diff) (hist) . . MEI; 20:15 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
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- (diff) (hist) . . MEI; 4:20 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
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- (diff) (hist) . . MEI; 4:18 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
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- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 4:12 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . MEI; 4:11 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . MEI; 4:10 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/MeiLog2-4.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . MEI; 4:07 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . MEI; 4:04 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/Mei100b.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . MEI; 4:04 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 4:02 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . MCI; 3:56 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . MCI; 3:55 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/MciServiceBulletins.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . MCI; 3:54 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 3:53 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
14 January 2022
- (diff) (hist) . . Langevin; 3:41 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Langevin; 3:36 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/LangevinAudioEquipment1967.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Ampex; 1:13 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Ampex; 1:12 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/Ampex4010066.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Ampex; 1:09 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Ampex; 1:06 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/AmpexAg600b.pdf)
13 January 2022
- (diff) (hist) . . Ampex; 23:28 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Ampex; 23:26 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/AmpexTapeCareFeed.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Ampex; 23:11 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Ampex; 23:10 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/AmpexProfessionalAudioCatalog1970.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Ampex; 23:03 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Ampex; 23:02 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/AmpexMarkTen.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Ampex; 22:53 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Ampex; 22:52 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/AmpexAudioTestTape.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . HallikainenAndFriends; 18:22 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . HallikainenAndFriends; 18:14 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/Drc190-851114.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . HallikainenAndFriends; 17:48 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . HallikainenAndFriends; 4:13 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Ampex; 4:09 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Ampex; 4:06 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/AmpexAtr700.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Ampex; 1:50 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Ampex; 1:48 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/AmpexVr-1200GuideServoKit.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Ampex; 0:03 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
12 January 2022
11 January 2022
- (diff) (hist) . . Panasonic; 23:37 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Panasonic; 23:36 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/Scan_0333-04.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Panasonic; 23:33 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Panasonic; 23:32 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/Scan_0333-03.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Panasonic; 23:29 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Panasonic; 23:28 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/Scan_0333-02.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Panasonic; 23:26 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Panasonic; 23:24 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/Scan_0333-01.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Ampex; 23:18 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Ampex; 23:17 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/Scan_0332-04.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Ampex; 23:14 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Ampex; 23:13 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/Scan_0332-03.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Ampex; 23:11 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Ampex; 23:09 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/Scan_0332-02.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Ampex; 23:07 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Ampex; 23:05 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/Scan_0332-01.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Ampex; 23:03 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Ampex; 23:01 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/Scan_0334-02.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Ampex; 23:00 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Ampex; 22:58 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/Scan_0334-01.pdf)
10 January 2022
- (diff) (hist) . . Ampex; 3:45 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Ampex; 3:42 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/AmpexAutoTrackingKit.pdf)
9 January 2022
- (diff) (hist) . . Ampex; 4:43 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Ampex; 4:40 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/Ampex1058mk3.pdf)
6 January 2022
5 January 2022
- (diff) (hist) . . Gentner; 5:13 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Gentner; 5:12 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/GentnerDigitalHybrid.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Philips; 4:51 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Philips; 4:50 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/PhilipsPM6667-6668.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Soltec; 3:58 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Peak Audio; 3:58 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Peak Audio; 3:57 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/PeakAudioTimeSaver.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Peak Audio; 3:57 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 3:56 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Soltec; 3:05 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Soltec; 3:05 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/Soltec540PD.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Soltec; 3:02 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 3:01 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
1 January 2022
- (diff) (hist) . . Panasonic; 1:10 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Panasonic; 1:09 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/PanasonicSV3700svc.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Panasonic; 1:08 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
31 December 2021
- (diff) (hist) . . Sescom; 19:20 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Sescom; 19:19 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/SescomSB-1mk2.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Sescom; 19:18 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 19:18 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Garner Industries; 19:11 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Garner Industries; 19:10 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/GarnerDegaussers.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Garner Industries; 19:09 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 19:08 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
30 December 2021
- (diff) (hist) . . Panasonic; 0:12 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Panasonic; 0:10 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/SinglePDF0642-01.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Panasonic; 0:08 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Panasonic; 0:06 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/SinglePDF0641-01.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Panasonic; 0:04 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Panasonic; 0:02 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/SinglePDF0640-01.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Panasonic; 0:02 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
29 December 2021
- (diff) (hist) . . Panasonic; 23:58 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/SinglePDF0639-01.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Panasonic; 23:58 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Panasonic; 23:48 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/SinglePDF0638-01.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Panasonic; 23:47 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Panasonic; 23:44 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/SinglePDF0637-01.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Panasonic; 22:37 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Panasonic; 21:57 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/PanasonicSV-3500.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Panasonic; 18:43 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Panasonic; 18:41 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/PanasonicWV3110v4.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Panasonic; 18:34 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Panasonic; 18:32 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/PanasonicWV3110v3.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Panasonic; 18:15 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Panasonic; 18:14 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/PanasonicWV3110v2.pdf)
28 December 2021
- (diff) (hist) . . Panasonic; 3:29 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Panasonic; 3:27 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/PanasonicWV3110v1.pdf)
27 December 2021
- (diff) (hist) . . Dolby Laboratories; 22:45 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Dolby Laboratories; 22:19 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/Dolby422.pdf)
22 December 2021
10 December 2021
2 December 2021
- (diff) (hist) . . Jensen Transformers; 20:40 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Jensen Transformers; 20:39 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/JensenJE-11SSP-6M.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Jensen Transformers; 20:39 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 20:38 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . HallikainenAndFriends; 20:11 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . HallikainenAndFriends; 20:07 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/HfITO177.pdf)
30 November 2021
- (diff) (hist) . . Heathkit; 3:42 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Heathkit; 3:40 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/HeathIp27Assy.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Heathkit; 3:11 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Heathkit; 3:10 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/HeathIg72Schematic.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Heathkit; 3:06 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Lambda Electronics Corp.; 3:02 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Lambda Electronics Corp.; 3:01 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/LambdaOvervoltage.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Lambda Electronics Corp.; 2:57 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Lambda Electronics Corp.; 2:56 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/LambdaLra.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . US Audio; 2:47 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . US Audio; 2:45 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/UsAudioGateX.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . US Audio; 2:38 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 2:37 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Altec; 2:36 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . C & D Batteries; 2:33 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . C & D Batteries; 2:32 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/CdInstallationStationaryBatteries.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . C & D Batteries; 2:20 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . C & D Batteries; 2:19 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/CdBatterySingleCellCharger.pdf)
29 November 2021
- (diff) (hist) . . C & D Batteries; 4:58 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . C & D Batteries; 4:56 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/CdAutoregHandbook.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Lambda Electronics Corp.; 4:01 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Lambda Electronics Corp.; 3:54 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/LambdaLCS-B.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Lambda Electronics Corp.; 3:31 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 3:30 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . CBS Labs; 3:29 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
28 November 2021
- (diff) (hist) . . McMartin; 5:14 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . McMartin; 5:13 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . McMartin; 5:10 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/McMartinSMR-1.pdf)
26 November 2021
- (diff) (hist) . . Norcom; 4:33 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Norcom; 4:32 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/NorcomMaxitelDS.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Norcom; 4:28 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Norcom; 4:26 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/NorcomMaxitel.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Norcom; 4:26 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 4:25 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Nortronics; 4:11 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Nortronics; 4:03 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/Nortronics7213A.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Nortronics; 4:03 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/Nortronics7194.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Nortronics; 4:03 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/Nortronics7077B.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Nortronics; 4:02 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/Nortronics7145C.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Nortronics; 4:02 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/Nortronics7079L.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Nortronics; 4:01 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 4:00 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . CBS Labs; 3:44 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . CBS Labs; 3:42 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/Cbs4100-4110.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . CBS Labs; 3:08 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Nova Systems, Inc.; 3:04 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Nova Systems, Inc.; 3:01 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/Nova620s.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Nova Systems, Inc.; 2:24 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 2:23 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
24 November 2021
- (diff) (hist) . . Panasonic; 23:34 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Panasonic; 23:32 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/SinglePDF0621-01.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Panasonic; 23:30 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Panasonic; 23:28 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/SinglePDF0622-01.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . C & D Batteries; 22:45 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . C & D Batteries; 22:43 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/SinglePDF0623-01.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Panasonic; 18:37 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Panasonic; 18:29 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/PanasonicSV-DA10.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . C & D Batteries; 2:22 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . C & D Batteries; 2:21 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/CdAutoreg.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . C & D Batteries; 2:21 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 2:20 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
22 November 2021
- (diff) (hist) . . Lorain Products Corporation; 4:44 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Lorain Products Corporation; 4:42 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/LorainFlotrolU2500A.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Lorain Products Corporation; 4:32 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 4:31 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Fidelipac; 4:08 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Fidelipac; 4:07 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/FidelipacAudiomax.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Fidelipac; 4:01 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Fidelipac; 3:59 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/FidelipacBroadcastTapeProducts.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Fidelipac; 3:49 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Fidelipac; 3:48 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/DynamaxTapeCartridges.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Fidelipac; 3:42 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Fidelipac; 3:39 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Fidelipac; 3:38 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/DynamaxDcr1000.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Fidelipac; 3:21 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Fidelipac; 3:19 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/FidelipacMxSeries.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Electronic Signal Products; 2:41 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Electronic Signal Products; 2:28 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/Esp2015.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Electronic Signal Products; 2:18 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 2:17 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Multi-technical Services; 2:03 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Multi-technical Services; 0:50 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/MTS1000.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Multi-technical Services; 0:27 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 0:26 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
21 November 2021
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 22:37 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 18:42 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
19 November 2021
- (diff) (hist) . . Denon; 4:26 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Denon; 4:24 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/DenonDn961FA.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Denon; 4:15 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 4:13 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Panasonic; 3:57 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Panasonic; 3:54 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/PanasonicSV3700.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Broadcast Tools; 3:39 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 3:35 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 3:31 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/Bird8085.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Conex Electro Systems; 2:41 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Conex Electro Systems; 2:39 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/ConexDt40.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Conex Electro Systems; 2:38 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 2:36 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
18 November 2021
- (diff) (hist) . . Hughey & Phillips; 20:46 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Hughey & Phillips; 20:36 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/HugheyPhillipsMBD4423F46S.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . ComStream; 4:34 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . ComStream; 4:30 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/ComstreamAbr700.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . ComStream; 4:03 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . ComStream; 4:02 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/ComstreamDac700.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . ComStream; 3:23 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 3:22 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Crown; 2:14 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Crown; 2:13 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/CrownD75.pdf)
17 November 2021
- (diff) (hist) . . Gentner; 23:40 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Gentner; 23:39 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Gentner; 23:37 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/Gentner10a.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Continental Satellite Systems; 4:51 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Continental Satellite Systems; 4:50 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/ContinentalSatellite12.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Continental Satellite Systems; 4:50 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 4:49 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . J. G. S. Engineering Inc.; 4:42 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . J. G. S. Engineering Inc.; 4:41 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/JgsSA.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . J. G. S. Engineering Inc.; 4:41 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 4:40 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Kenneth A. Bacon Associates; 4:35 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Kenneth A. Bacon Associates; 4:35 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/Kaba4track.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Kenneth A. Bacon Associates; 4:35 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 4:33 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Farallon; 4:26 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Farallon; 4:25 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/Farallon6120142-00-04.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Farallon; 4:25 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 4:23 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 4:23 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Aston; 4:18 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Aston; 4:17 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/Aston108.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Aston; 4:16 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 4:15 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
16 November 2021
- (diff) (hist) . . Midwest Communications; 2:58 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Midwest Communications; 2:56 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/Saturn3.1.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Midwest Communications; 2:44 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 2:42 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Comtech Antenna Corporation; 2:35 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Comtech Antenna Corporation; 2:34 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/Comtech750.pdf)
15 November 2021
- (diff) (hist) . . Ampex; 3:09 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Ampex; 3:04 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Ampex; 3:03 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/SinglePDF0592-01.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Ampex; 3:01 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Ampex; 2:56 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/SinglePDF0591-01.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Ampex; 2:53 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Ampex; 2:49 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/SinglePDF0590-01.pdf)
11 November 2021
- (diff) (hist) . . Microwave Radio Corporation; 22:07 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Microwave Radio Corporation; 21:56 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Microwave Radio Corporation; 21:55 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/MicrowaveAssociates8932.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Ampex; 18:51 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Ampex; 18:49 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/AmpexVr-1200VideoHeadOptimizerKit.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Help/PopularTagsPlugin; 18:21 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Help/WikiAdminDeleteAclPlugin; 18:21 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Help/WikiAdminSetExternalPlugin; 18:21 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
10 November 2021
- (diff) (hist) . . Ampex; 0:04 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Ampex; 0:03 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/SinglePDF0573-01.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Ampex; 0:01 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Ampex; 0:00 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/SinglePDF0574-01.pdf)
9 November 2021
- (diff) (hist) . . Ampex; 22:54 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Ampex; 22:36 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/Ampex1090.pdf)
8 November 2021
- (diff) (hist) . . Collins Radio; 19:03 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Collins Radio; 19:01 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/SinglePDF0565-01.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Collins Radio; 18:59 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Collins Radio; 18:58 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/SinglePDF0566-01.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Collins Radio; 18:56 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Collins Radio; 18:55 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/SinglePDF0567-01.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Collins Radio; 18:51 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Collins Radio; 18:50 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/SinglePDF0568-01.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Collins Radio; 18:48 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Collins Radio; 18:46 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/SinglePDF0569-01.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . HallikainenAndFriends; 18:45 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . HallikainenAndFriends; 18:43 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/SinglePDF0570-01.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Collins Radio; 5:03 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Collins Radio; 5:02 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Collins Radio; 4:59 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/Collins831G-1.pdf)
7 November 2021
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 23:54 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 23:54 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/BirdPrice19880620.pdf.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 23:50 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 23:49 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/BirdPrice19880401.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 23:48 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 23:47 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/Bird4300-400-11-88.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 23:45 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 23:44 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/Bird4304A-4-88.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 23:42 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 23:41 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/Bird4308-4-88.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 23:39 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 23:38 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/Bird4278-1287.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 23:36 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 23:35 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/Bird43--11-88.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 23:32 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 23:31 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/Bird8891-415_488.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 23:30 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 4:26 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 4:21 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/BirdCatalogGC-86A.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 3:56 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . MilitaryRadio; 3:53 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . MilitaryRadio; 3:51 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/LegalAspectsCounterinsurgency.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . MilitaryRadio; 3:35 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . MilitaryRadio; 3:33 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/Subcourse_100.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . MilitaryRadio; 3:05 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . MilitaryRadio; 3:03 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/SSTS56008A.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . MilitaryRadio; 2:43 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . MilitaryRadio; 2:28 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/Subcourse106.pdf)
6 November 2021
- (diff) (hist) . . MilitaryRadio; 23:31 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . MilitaryRadio; 23:27 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/ST11-674.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . MilitaryRadio; 21:54 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . MilitaryRadio; 21:52 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/IB511-1.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . MilitaryRadio; 21:13 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . MilitaryRadio; 21:10 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/SSTS56007.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . MilitaryRadio; 5:33 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . MilitaryRadio; 5:21 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/SIG660-85.pdf)
5 November 2021
- (diff) (hist) . . MilitaryRadio; 20:53 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . MilitaryRadio; 20:52 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/SSTS56000C.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . MilitaryRadio; 20:16 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . MilitaryRadio; 20:14 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/SSTS56001F.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . MilitaryRadio; 5:00 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . MilitaryRadio; 4:52 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/SSTS56002A.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . MilitaryRadio; 4:09 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . MilitaryRadio; 4:08 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/STSS56004A.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . HallikainenAndFriends; 3:26 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . HallikainenAndFriends; 3:24 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/Hf1241psSchematic.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . HallikainenAndFriends; 3:09 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . HallikainenAndFriends; 3:07 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/HfLog121Tapetronics.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . HallikainenAndFriends; 2:51 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . HallikainenAndFriends; 2:49 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/Tva142addendum.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . HallikainenAndFriends; 2:44 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . HallikainenAndFriends; 2:43 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/Sescom66JD120.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . HallikainenAndFriends; 2:38 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . HallikainenAndFriends; 2:36 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/Hf0040-1429.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . HallikainenAndFriends; 2:18 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . HallikainenAndFriends; 2:17 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/Hf1351psLayout.pdf)
3 November 2021
- (diff) (hist) . . HallikainenAndFriends; 4:56 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . HallikainenAndFriends; 4:55 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/TEL-171ProductionTestProcedure.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . HallikainenAndFriends; 4:47 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . HallikainenAndFriends; 4:43 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . HallikainenAndFriends; 4:42 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/HfTxDisplayComponentPlacement.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . HallikainenAndFriends; 4:36 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . HallikainenAndFriends; 4:34 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/Hf1221TRcomponentPlacement.pdf)
2 November 2021
- (diff) (hist) . . HallikainenAndFriends; 4:53 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . HallikainenAndFriends; 4:52 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/1231TDcomponentPlacement.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . HallikainenAndFriends; 4:45 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . HallikainenAndFriends; 4:44 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/HfPriceList810701.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . HallikainenAndFriends; 4:38 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . HallikainenAndFriends; 4:24 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
30 October 2021
29 October 2021
- (diff) (hist) . . GatesRadioCompany; 23:59 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/SinglePDF0564-01.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . GatesRadioCompany; 23:57 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . GatesRadioCompany; 23:55 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/GatesCB-11turntable45.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . SMC; 23:47 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . SMC; 23:46 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/SinglePDF0563-01.pdf)
27 October 2021
- (diff) (hist) . . HallikainenAndFriends; 23:44 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . HallikainenAndFriends; 23:08 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . HallikainenAndFriends; 23:07 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/HfTvaSeries.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . HallikainenAndFriends; 23:03 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . HallikainenAndFriends; 23:01 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/HfNetworkControl.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . HallikainenAndFriends; 22:45 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . HallikainenAndFriends; 22:44 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/HfPriceList790201.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . HallikainenAndFriends; 22:38 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . HallikainenAndFriends; 22:37 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/HfNewsletter7812.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . HallikainenAndFriends; 22:13 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . HallikainenAndFriends; 22:08 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/ITO-178.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . HallikainenAndFriends; 22:04 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . HallikainenAndFriends; 21:56 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/Tel171Data2.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . HallikainenAndFriends; 21:38 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . HallikainenAndFriends; 21:36 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/AN7901.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . HallikainenAndFriends; 21:22 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . HallikainenAndFriends; 21:21 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/PriceList780401.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . HallikainenAndFriends; 21:17 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . HallikainenAndFriends; 21:15 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/TvaSeriesData.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . HallikainenAndFriends; 20:39 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . HallikainenAndFriends; 20:38 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/TEL171data.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . HallikainenAndFriends; 20:28 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . HallikainenAndFriends; 20:28 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/Tax161.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . HallikainenAndFriends; 20:19 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . HallikainenAndFriends; 20:18 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/ProgramLoggingSystem.pdf)
26 October 2021
- (diff) (hist) . . HallikainenAndFriends; 22:29 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . HallikainenAndFriends; 22:28 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/HfProfile1990.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . HallikainenAndFriends; 21:17 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . HallikainenAndFriends; 21:12 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/Drc200.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . HallikainenAndFriends; 19:27 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . HallikainenAndFriends; 19:22 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . HallikainenAndFriends; 19:21 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/Drc190Data.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . HallikainenAndFriends; 18:27 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . HallikainenAndFriends; 18:25 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/TvaDataSheet.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . HallikainenAndFriends; 5:22 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
24 October 2021
- (diff) (hist) . . HallikainenAndFriends; 15:42 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . HallikainenAndFriends; 4:41 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
23 October 2021
21 October 2021
- (diff) (hist) . . Sam's Photofact; 4:54 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Sam's Photofact; 4:45 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Sam's Photofact; 4:38 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Sam's Photofact; 4:33 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Sam's Photofact; 4:28 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Sam's Photofact; 4:13 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Sam's Photofact; 3:46 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Sam's Photofact; 3:38 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
20 October 2021
- (diff) (hist) . . Sam's Photofact; 22:48 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Sam's Photofact; 22:40 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Sam's Photofact; 4:56 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Sam's Photofact; 4:37 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Sam's Photofact; 4:31 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Sam's Photofact; 4:13 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Sam's Photofact; 4:04 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Sam's Photofact; 3:53 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Sam's Photofact; 3:43 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Sam's Photofact; 3:36 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
18 October 2021
- (diff) (hist) . . Sam's Photofact; 4:19 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Sam's Photofact; 4:05 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Sam's Photofact; 0:10 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
17 October 2021
- (diff) (hist) . . Sam's Photofact; 23:45 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Sam's Photofact; 23:34 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Sam's Photofact; 22:52 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Sam's Photofact; 22:39 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Sam's Photofact; 22:34 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Sam's Photofact; 22:28 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Sam's Photofact; 21:13 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Sam's Photofact; 21:04 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Sam's Photofact; 5:04 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Sam's Photofact; 4:55 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Sam's Photofact; 4:50 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Sam's Photofact; 4:44 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Sam's Photofact; 4:38 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Sam's Photofact; 4:33 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Sam's Photofact; 4:27 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Sam's Photofact; 4:13 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Sam's Photofact; 3:57 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Sam's Photofact; 3:32 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Sam's Photofact; 3:26 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Sam's Photofact; 3:21 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Sam's Photofact; 2:59 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . HallikainenAndFriends; 2:56 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
15 October 2021
12 October 2021
- (diff) (hist) . . HallikainenAndFriends; 23:11 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . HallikainenAndFriends; 22:56 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . HallikainenAndFriends; 22:53 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
11 October 2021
9 October 2021
- (diff) (hist) . . Sam's Photofact; 5:28 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Sam's Photofact; 5:00 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Sam's Photofact; 4:34 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
8 October 2021
20 September 2021
- (diff) (hist) . . Collins Radio; 17:30 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (Updated link to manual archive at Collins Collectors Association)
14 September 2021
- (diff) (hist) . . Historic Papers; 19:49 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (Replaced link to Kahn patent 3,060,389.)
4 September 2021
2 September 2021
1 September 2021
31 August 2021
- (diff) (hist) . . Sam's Photofact; 23:45 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Sam's Photofact; 22:26 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
29 August 2021
- (diff) (hist) . . Sam's Photofact; 2:27 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Sam's Photofact; 1:38 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Sam's Photofact; 0:44 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Sam's Photofact; 0:10 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
28 August 2021
- (diff) (hist) . . Sam's Photofact; 22:41 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Sam's Photofact; 22:30 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Sam's Photofact; 22:04 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Sam's Photofact; 21:35 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Sam's Photofact; 20:41 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Sam's Photofact; 19:52 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 19:49 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
21 August 2021
17 August 2021
30 July 2021
- (diff) (hist) . . MilitaryRadio; 21:33 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (Added Tape Relay Operations.)
28 July 2021
- (diff) (hist) . . MilitaryRadio; 1:29 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (Added Manual Teletypewriter Procedures.)
- (diff) (hist) . . MilitaryRadio; 1:29 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/TapeRelayOperations.pdf)
25 July 2021
- (diff) (hist) . . MilitaryRadio; 22:26 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (Added US Army Introduction to Automatic Data Processing.)
- (diff) (hist) . . MilitaryRadio; 22:26 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/ManualTeletypewriterProcedures.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . MilitaryRadio; 21:14 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (Added Control of Cryptomaterial.)
- (diff) (hist) . . MilitaryRadio; 21:14 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/IntroductionToAutomaticDataProcessing.pdf)
21 July 2021
- (diff) (hist) . . Dorrough Electronics; 20:55 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (Added Dorroigh DAP610.)
20 July 2021
19 July 2021
- (diff) (hist) . . RCA; 3:50 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (Added RCA BA-4A monitoring and recording amplifier.)
- (diff) (hist) . . RCA; 3:33 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (Added RCA BA-2A booster amplifier.)
- (diff) (hist) . . RCA; 3:33 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/RcaBa4a.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 2:54 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 2:42 . . test (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . TEST; 2:41 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
18 July 2021
- (diff) (hist) . . RCA; 23:16 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (Added RCA BX-1A preamp power supply.)
- (diff) (hist) . . RCA; 23:16 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/RcaBa2a.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . RCA; 23:04 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (Added RCA BA-3A.)
- (diff) (hist) . . RCA; 23:04 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/RcaBx1a.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . RCA; 22:04 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/RcaBa3a.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . RCA; 22:04 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (Added RCA BA-13A program amplifier.)
- (diff) (hist) . . Wegener Communications; 21:44 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (Added Wegener 1601, 1651 Mainframe.)
- (diff) (hist) . . Wegener Communications; 21:38 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/Wegener1601-1651.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Wegener Communications; 21:38 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 21:38 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Hallicrafters; 20:52 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (Added Hallicrafters SX-28-A.)
- (diff) (hist) . . RCA; 20:08 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (Added RCA BTF3-B.)
- (diff) (hist) . . RCA; 20:08 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/RcaBa13a.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Jennings; 1:17 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (Added Jennings catalog CAP105.)
17 July 2021
- (diff) (hist) . . Jennings; 2:14 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . Jennings; 2:14 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/JenningsCap105.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 2:13 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Accurate Sound Corporation; 2:13 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . American Electronic Laboratories; 1:59 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (Added AEL FM-25KG.)
- (diff) (hist) . . Technics; 1:38 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (Added Technics SL-PG340 Compact Disk Player Operating Instructions.)
- (diff) (hist) . . GatesRadioCompany; 1:08 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (Added Gates 5235 turntable preamp.)
16 July 2021
- (diff) (hist) . . Electrovoice; 18:38 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Electrovoice; 18:33 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/Electrovoice664.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Electrovoice; 18:33 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 18:33 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Automated Broadcast Controls; 18:25 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (Added Automated Broadcast Controls 2500S (VT).)
- (diff) (hist) . . Automated Broadcast Controls; 18:04 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/AutomatedBroadcastControls2500SVT.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Automated Broadcast Controls; 18:04 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 18:03 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Russco; 17:58 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (Added Russco T112.)
- (diff) (hist) . . Russco; 17:50 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/RusscoT112.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Russco; 17:50 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 17:49 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Extel; 17:42 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (Added Extel AE/AF teleprinters.)
- (diff) (hist) . . Extel; 17:02 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/ExtelAeAf.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Extel; 17:02 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 16:59 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 16:59 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . MoseleyAssociatesInc; 4:43 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (Added Moseley MRC-1600.)
- (diff) (hist) . . Ampex; 1:59 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (Added Ampex 351.)
15 July 2021
- (diff) (hist) . . IGM; 23:03 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (Added IGM Instacart.)
- (diff) (hist) . . Potomac Instruments; 21:32 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (Added Potomac RC16+.)
- (diff) (hist) . . MoseleyAssociatesInc; 20:20 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/MoseleyMrc1600revC.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . MoseleyAssociatesInc; 20:20 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (Added Mosley MRC 1620LP.)
- (diff) (hist) . . MoseleyAssociatesInc; 18:29 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (Added Moseley MRC1600 to 1620 conversion.)
- (diff) (hist) . . MoseleyAssociatesInc; 18:29 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/MoseleyMrc1620LPrevC.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Gentner; 18:11 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (Added Gentner VRC code card.)
14 July 2021
- (diff) (hist) . . Gentner; 1:28 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/GentnerVrcCodeCard.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Gentner; 1:28 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (Added Gentner VRC-100 Technical Manual.)
13 July 2021
- (diff) (hist) . . Gentner; 2:14 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (Added Gentner VRC-1000.)
- (diff) (hist) . . Gentner; 2:14 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/GentnerVrc1000TechB.pdf)
12 July 2021
- (diff) (hist) . . dbx; 23:19 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . ITC; 23:17 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (Added ITC RP Series.)
- (diff) (hist) . . ITC; 22:38 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (Added ITC 811-0055-001 New reproduce amplifier for SP, WP, RP, RPD, and 3D machines.)
- (diff) (hist) . . ITC; 22:38 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/ItcRpSeries.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . ITC; 22:27 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/ItcNewReproduceAmp.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . ITC; 22:27 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (Added ITC RA/WRA Addendum.)
- (diff) (hist) . . ITC; 22:20 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/ItcRaWraAddendum.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . ITC; 22:20 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (Added ITC RA and WRA Record Amplifiers.)
- (diff) (hist) . . ITC; 21:47 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/ItcRaWra.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . ITC; 21:47 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (Added ITC PD-II series.)
- (diff) (hist) . . Jampro Antenna; 21:21 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (Added Jampro DI-10 deicer.)
- (diff) (hist) . . Harris Corporation - Broadcast Division; 21:02 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (Added Harris external SCA module for MS-15.)
- (diff) (hist) . . Gentner; 20:54 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (Added Gentner VRC-100 command relay accessory.)
- (diff) (hist) . . Gentner; 20:54 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/GentnerVrc1000.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Gentner; 20:43 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (Added Gentner VRC-1000 barrier strip assembly.)
- (diff) (hist) . . Gentner; 20:43 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/GentnerCommandRelay.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . McMartin; 20:30 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (Added McMartin BFM-2001.)
- (diff) (hist) . . Orban; 18:01 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (Added Maintaining Audio Quality in the Radio Plant by Bob Orban.)
- (diff) (hist) . . MoseleyAssociatesInc; 17:32 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (Added Moseley TCS-2A.)
- (diff) (hist) . . MoseleyAssociatesInc; 17:32 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/MoseleyMrc1600to1620Conversion.pdf)
11 July 2021
- (diff) (hist) . . MoseleyAssociatesInc; 22:43 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (Added Mosley PCL-606/C.)
- (diff) (hist) . . MoseleyAssociatesInc; 22:43 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/MoseleyTcs2a.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Tektronix; 0:24 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (Added Tek AX-3266 AM Broadcast Measurements Using The Spectrum Analyzer..)
- (diff) (hist) . . Tektronix; 0:11 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/TekAX-3266.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Tektronix; 0:11 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (Added 1977 version of Tek FM Broadcast Measurements Using The Spectrum Analyzer.)
10 July 2021
- (diff) (hist) . . Tektronix; 23:55 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (Added Tek FM Broadcast Measurements Using The Spectrum Analyzer.)
- (diff) (hist) . . Tektronix; 23:55 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/TekAX-3582-1.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Tektronix; 23:38 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/TekFmBroadcastMeasurementsUsingTheSpectrumAnalyzer.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Tektronix; 23:38 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (Added The Tektronix Cookbook of Standard Audio Tests using the 5L4N frequency spectrum analyzer.)
- (diff) (hist) . . Harris Corporation - Broadcast Division; 23:12 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/HarrisExternalScaModule.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Harris Corporation - Broadcast Division; 23:12 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (Added Harris Integrated Circuit Turntable Preamplifier.)
- (diff) (hist) . . Scully; 6:02 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (Added Scully 250/255 series.)
9 July 2021
- (diff) (hist) . . Standart Tape Laboratory; 23:52 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (Added Standard Tape Laboratory catalog 886.)
- (diff) (hist) . . Standart Tape Laboratory; 23:46 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Standart Tape Laboratory; 23:46 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/StandardTapeLaboratory886.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Standart Tape Laboratory; 23:44 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 23:43 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Taber Manufacturing and Engineering Company; 23:42 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Taber Manufacturing and Engineering Company; 23:40 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . Taber Manufacturing and Engineering Company; 23:40 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/TaberBrochure.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 23:39 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Tapecaster; 21:50 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Tapecaster; 21:47 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Tapecaster; 21:47 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/TapecasterRelays.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Tapecaster; 21:38 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (Added Tapecaster parts price lists.)
- (diff) (hist) . . Tapecaster; 21:38 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/TapecasterPartsPriceList1984.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Tapecaster; 21:33 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Tapecaster; 21:33 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/TapecasterPartsList1970.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Teac; 21:15 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (Added Teac A-650 Parts List.)
- (diff) (hist) . . Teac; 21:01 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/TeacA-650PartsList.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Teac; 21:01 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (Added Teac A-650 Service Manual.)
7 July 2021
- (diff) (hist) . . Teac; 4:10 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (Added Teac A-100 Owner's Manual)
- (diff) (hist) . . Teac; 4:10 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/TeacA-650ServiceManual.pdf)
6 July 2021
- (diff) (hist) . . Teac; 23:43 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (Added Teac 450 instructions.)
- (diff) (hist) . . Teac; 23:43 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/TeacA-100OwnersManual.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Teac; 23:27 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/Teac450InstructionManual.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Teac; 23:27 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Teac; 23:16 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/TeacA-450OwnersManual.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Teac; 23:16 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (Added Teac A-450 Parts List.)
- (diff) (hist) . . Teac; 20:47 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (Added Teac A-450 Electrical Checks and Adjustments.)
- (diff) (hist) . . Teac; 20:47 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/TeacA-450PartsList.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Teac; 20:30 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/TeacA-450ElectricalChecksAndAdjustments.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Teac; 20:30 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (Added Teac Stereo Cassette Deck Information Supplement.)
- (diff) (hist) . . Teac; 1:08 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/TeacCassetteDeckInformationSupplement.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Teac; 1:08 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (Added Teac A-450 service manual.)
- (diff) (hist) . . Tentel; 0:53 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Tentel; 0:50 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/TentelCatalog.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Tentel; 0:50 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 0:50 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Teletronix Engineering Company; 0:49 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Teletronix Engineering Company; 0:31 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (Added Teletronix LA-2.)
- (diff) (hist) . . Teletronix Engineering Company; 0:30 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . Teletronix Engineering Company; 0:30 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/TeletronixLA-2.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 0:30 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Revox; 0:11 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
5 July 2021
- (diff) (hist) . . Revox; 23:09 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Revox; 23:09 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/RevoxB77SpecialVersions2.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Revox; 23:02 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Revox; 23:02 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/RevoxB77-HS.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Revox; 22:52 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Revox; 22:52 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/RevoxB77-Sync.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Revox; 22:38 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/RevoxB77-auto.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Revox; 22:38 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
3 July 2021
- (diff) (hist) . . Revox; 23:40 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/RevoxB77-SLS.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Revox; 23:40 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Revox; 23:31 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Revox; 23:31 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/RevoxB77-LS.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Tektronix; 22:35 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (Added Tek 26W-4889.)
- (diff) (hist) . . Tektronix; 22:35 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/TekCookbookStandardAudioTests.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Tektronix; 22:19 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (Added Tek 20W-7058)
- (diff) (hist) . . Tektronix; 22:19 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/Tek26W-4889.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Tektronix; 18:28 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (Added Tek 26W-5256)
- (diff) (hist) . . Tektronix; 18:28 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/Tek20W-7058.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Tektronix; 5:25 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/Tek26W-5256.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Tektronix; 5:25 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (Added Tek 26W-7037-1)
1 July 2021
- (diff) (hist) . . Ampex; 18:10 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/Ampex351.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Ampex; 18:10 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Ampex; 18:08 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
30 June 2021
- (diff) (hist) . . Tektronix; 22:31 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/Tek26W-7037-1.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Tektronix; 22:31 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (Added Tek 26W-5360 - Fundamentals of Spectrum Analysis)
- (diff) (hist) . . Tektronix; 2:11 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Tektronix; 2:11 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/Tek26W-5360.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Tektronix; 2:11 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (Added Tek application note 20W-7076)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 2:03 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 2:01 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
29 June 2021
- (diff) (hist) . . American Data; 23:49 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (Added American Data 558.)
- (diff) (hist) . . American Data; 23:47 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/AmericanData558.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . American Data; 23:47 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 23:46 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Revox; 23:26 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/RevoxB77SpecialVersions.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Revox; 23:26 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (Added Revox PR99)
- (diff) (hist) . . RCA; 22:52 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . RCA; 22:52 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/RcaBtf-3b.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . RCA; 22:51 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (Added RCA FL Line Operating Instructions.)
- (diff) (hist) . . Dana Electronics; 18:33 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (Added Dana Price List 1976.)
- (diff) (hist) . . Dana Electronics; 18:28 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/ExactPriceList1976.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Dana Electronics; 18:28 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (Added Dana 121.)
- (diff) (hist) . . Dana Electronics; 18:23 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (Added Dana 822)
- (diff) (hist) . . Dana Electronics; 18:23 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/Dana121.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Dana Electronics; 18:17 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/Dana822.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Dana Electronics; 18:17 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Dana Electronics; 18:14 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/DanaExactCatalog.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Dana Electronics; 18:14 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 18:13 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Data Systems Design; 4:35 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Data Systems Design; 4:34 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (Added DSD 440/480 Service Manual.)
- (diff) (hist) . . Data Systems Design; 4:32 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/Dsd440-480ServiceManual.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Data Systems Design; 4:32 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 4:31 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
28 June 2021
- (diff) (hist) . . Revox; 2:38 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/RevoxPR99.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Revox; 2:38 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Revox; 2:37 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (Added Revox 1948 - 1979.)
- (diff) (hist) . . Studer International AG; 0:43 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (Added Studer Telephone Hybrid.)
- (diff) (hist) . . Studer International AG; 0:41 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . Studer International AG; 0:41 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/StuderTelephone Hybrid.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 0:40 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
27 June 2021
- (diff) (hist) . . ITC; 23:36 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/ItcPd2.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . ITC; 23:36 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (Added ITC 3D.)
- (diff) (hist) . . ITC; 22:52 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/Itc3D.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . ITC; 22:52 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (Added original ITC Delta manual.)
- (diff) (hist) . . ITC; 22:02 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/ItcDelta.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . ITC; 22:02 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . ITC; 21:51 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . ITC; 21:49 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (Added ITC 99B tape cartridge macine.)
27 March 2021
- (diff) (hist) . . Gorman-Redlich; 14:45 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Gorman-Redlich; 14:40 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . Gorman-Redlich; 14:40 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/Gorman-Redlich Model CEB.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 14:39 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
28 December 2020
22 December 2020
- (diff) (hist) . . Wheatstone Corporation; 2:58 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Wheatstone Corporation; 2:58 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Wheatstone Corporation; 2:56 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/WheatstoneA32-A20.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Wheatstone Corporation; 2:56 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . Wheatstone Corporation; 2:56 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/WheatstoneA32-A20.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Wheatstone Corporation; 2:56 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 2:56 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 2:56 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . TFT, Inc.; 2:53 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . TFT, Inc.; 2:53 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Teac; 2:51 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Teac; 2:51 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/TeacA-450.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Teac; 2:51 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Teac; 2:49 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/Teac3.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Teac; 2:49 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Teac; 2:49 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/Teac3.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Teac; 2:49 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 2:49 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 2:49 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Neotek; 2:48 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Neotek; 2:48 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Neotek; 2:47 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/NeotekSeries3.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Neotek; 2:47 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Neotek; 2:47 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/NeotekSeries3.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Neotek; 2:47 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Modulation Sciences; 2:44 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Modulation Sciences; 2:44 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Kyocera; 2:42 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Kyocera; 2:42 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Kyocera; 2:40 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Kyocera; 2:40 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/KyoceraDA-01svc.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Kyocera; 2:40 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Kyocera; 2:40 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/KyoceraDA-01svc.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Kyocera; 2:35 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/KyoceraDA-01op.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Kyocera; 2:35 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Kyocera; 2:35 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . Kyocera; 2:35 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/KyoceraDA-01op.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 2:35 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 2:35 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Kenwood; 2:33 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Kenwood; 2:33 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Kenwood; 2:30 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/KenwoodDA-3500.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Kenwood; 2:30 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . Kenwood; 2:30 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Kenwood; 2:30 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/KenwoodDA-3500.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 2:28 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 2:28 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Hallicrafters; 2:28 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Hallicrafters; 2:28 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/HallicraftersSX28A.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Hallicrafters; 2:28 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Hallicrafters; 2:23 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Hallicrafters; 2:23 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/HallicraftersSR-42.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Hallicrafters; 2:23 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Hallicrafters; 2:23 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/HallicraftersSR-42.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Hallicrafters; 2:18 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . Hallicrafters; 2:18 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/HallicraftersS-38.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Hallicrafters; 2:18 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Hallicrafters; 2:18 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/HallicraftersS-38.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 2:17 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 2:17 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
25 November 2020
- (diff) (hist) . . Belar Electronics Laboratory; 16:37 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Belar Electronics Laboratory; 16:37 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
3 November 2020
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 5:00 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 5:00 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
2 November 2020
- (diff) (hist) . . Harris Corporation - Broadcast Division; 3:00 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (Added Harris Gates One Two Five. hh)
- (diff) (hist) . . Harris Corporation - Broadcast Division; 3:00 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (Added Harris Gates One Two Five. hh)
- (diff) (hist) . . Harris Corporation - Broadcast Division; 3:00 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/HarrisIntegratedCircuitTurntablePreamplifier.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Harris Corporation - Broadcast Division; 2:49 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/8435400543rB_Gates_ONE_TWO_FIVE_PDM_Amp_Silkscreen_IRFP350_9927220100.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Harris Corporation - Broadcast Division; 2:49 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/8435400171rE_Gates_ONE_TWO_FIVE_IPA_Board.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Harris Corporation - Broadcast Division; 2:49 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/8397920052rK_Gates_FIVE_1-Phase_Overall.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Harris Corporation - Broadcast Division; 2:49 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/8397920052rK_Gates_FIVE_1-Phase_Overall.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Harris Corporation - Broadcast Division; 2:49 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/8397920053rH_Gates_FIVE_3-Phase_Overall.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Harris Corporation - Broadcast Division; 2:49 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/8435400541rA_Gates_ONE_TWO_FIVE_PDM_Amp_Pull-Up_IRFP350_9927220100.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Harris Corporation - Broadcast Division; 2:49 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/8435400041rD_Gates_ONE_TWO_FIVE_Air_Flow_Sensor.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Harris Corporation - Broadcast Division; 2:49 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Harris Corporation - Broadcast Division; 2:49 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/8435400161rE_Gates_ONE_TWO_FIVE_PA_Module_TO-247.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Harris Corporation - Broadcast Division; 2:49 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/8435400041rD_Gates_ONE_TWO_FIVE_Air_Flow_Sensor.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Harris Corporation - Broadcast Division; 2:49 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/8435400171rE_Gates_ONE_TWO_FIVE_IPA_Board.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Harris Corporation - Broadcast Division; 2:49 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/8435400541rA_Gates_ONE_TWO_FIVE_PDM_Amp_Pull-Up_IRFP350_9927220100.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Harris Corporation - Broadcast Division; 2:49 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Harris Corporation - Broadcast Division; 2:49 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/8435400543rB_Gates_ONE_TWO_FIVE_PDM_Amp_Silkscreen_IRFP350_9927220100.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Harris Corporation - Broadcast Division; 2:49 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/8397920053rH_Gates_FIVE_3-Phase_Overall.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Harris Corporation - Broadcast Division; 2:49 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/8435400161rE_Gates_ONE_TWO_FIVE_PA_Module_TO-247.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . GatesAir; 2:47 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 2:42 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 2:42 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
24 October 2020
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 16:35 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 16:35 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . GeneralElectric; 16:21 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . GeneralElectric; 16:21 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . RCA; 16:17 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/RcaFLvol3.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . RCA; 16:17 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . RCA; 16:17 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
23 September 2020
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 4:39 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 4:39 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
31 August 2020
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 0:43 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 0:43 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Ampex; 0:41 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/Ampex history paper.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Ampex; 0:41 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Ampex; 0:41 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
5 August 2020
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 22:22 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 22:22 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
3 August 2020
- (diff) (hist) . . Broadcast Tools; 2:00 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Broadcast Tools; 2:00 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Broadcast Tools; 1:58 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/Manual_8x2D_ev.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Broadcast Tools; 1:58 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Broadcast Tools; 1:58 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/Manual_8x2D_ev.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Broadcast Tools; 1:58 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Broadcast Tools; 1:56 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Broadcast Tools; 1:56 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Broadcast Tools; 1:56 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/Manual_8x1DAS_3.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Broadcast Tools; 1:56 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/Manual_8x1DAS_3.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Broadcast Tools; 1:55 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/manual_6x1g.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Broadcast Tools; 1:55 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Broadcast Tools; 1:55 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/manual_6x1g.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Broadcast Tools; 1:55 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Broadcast Tools; 1:53 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Broadcast Tools; 1:53 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/manual_2x6DA.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Broadcast Tools; 1:53 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/manual_2x6DA.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Broadcast Tools; 1:53 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Broadcast Tools; 1:52 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Broadcast Tools; 1:52 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/DC-8Plus Manual.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Broadcast Tools; 1:52 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/DC-8Plus Manual.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Broadcast Tools; 1:52 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Broadcast Tools; 1:50 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Broadcast Tools; 1:50 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/BT ProMix 12.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Broadcast Tools; 1:50 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Broadcast Tools; 1:50 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/BT ProMix 12.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Symmetrix; 1:48 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Symmetrix; 1:48 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Symmetrix; 1:44 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/AIRTOOLS 6000 DELAY UNIT.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Symmetrix; 1:44 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Symmetrix; 1:44 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/AIRTOOLS 6000 DELAY UNIT.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Symmetrix; 1:44 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 1:43 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 1:43 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Broadcast Tools; 1:41 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Broadcast Tools; 1:41 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/BT 16 x 4 Switcher.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Broadcast Tools; 1:41 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Broadcast Tools; 1:41 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/BT 16 x 4 Switcher.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Broadcast Tools; 1:39 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/ACS 8.2 Plus.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Broadcast Tools; 1:39 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Broadcast Tools; 1:39 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/ACS 8.2 Plus.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Broadcast Tools; 1:39 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 1:38 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 1:38 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Harris Corporation - Broadcast Division; 1:34 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Harris Corporation - Broadcast Division; 1:34 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Marti Electronics, Inc.; 1:29 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Marti Electronics, Inc.; 1:29 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Broadcast Electronics; 1:29 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Broadcast Electronics; 1:29 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Broadcast Electronics; 0:41 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Broadcast Electronics; 0:41 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/marti obsolete.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Broadcast Electronics; 0:41 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Broadcast Electronics; 0:41 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/marti obsolete.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Broadcast Electronics; 0:37 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/FM-10S BE.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Broadcast Electronics; 0:37 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Broadcast Electronics; 0:37 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Broadcast Electronics; 0:37 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/FM-10S BE.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Broadcast Electronics; 0:36 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/FM-10A BE late.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Broadcast Electronics; 0:36 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/FM-10A BE late.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Broadcast Electronics; 0:36 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Broadcast Electronics; 0:36 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Broadcast Electronics; 0:33 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Broadcast Electronics; 0:33 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/FM-10A BE early.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Broadcast Electronics; 0:33 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Broadcast Electronics; 0:33 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/FM-10A BE early.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Broadcast Electronics; 0:31 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/FM5T.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Broadcast Electronics; 0:31 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/FM5T.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Broadcast Electronics; 0:31 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Broadcast Electronics; 0:31 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Broadcast Electronics; 0:25 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Broadcast Electronics; 0:25 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/FM5T HV Metering.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Broadcast Electronics; 0:25 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Broadcast Electronics; 0:25 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/FM5T HV Metering.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Broadcast Electronics; 0:22 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Broadcast Electronics; 0:22 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/FM5T Fwd-Rev Pwr Calibration.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Broadcast Electronics; 0:22 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Broadcast Electronics; 0:22 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/FM5T Fwd-Rev Pwr Calibration.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Broadcast Electronics; 0:18 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/FM5T BE.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Broadcast Electronics; 0:18 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Broadcast Electronics; 0:18 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Broadcast Electronics; 0:18 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/FM5T BE.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Broadcast Electronics; 0:16 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/FM-5B BE.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Broadcast Electronics; 0:16 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/FM-5B BE.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Broadcast Electronics; 0:16 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Broadcast Electronics; 0:16 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Broadcast Electronics; 0:13 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/FM-5A BE.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Broadcast Electronics; 0:13 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Broadcast Electronics; 0:13 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/FM-5A BE.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Broadcast Electronics; 0:13 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Broadcast Electronics; 0:03 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/FM 4C FM 5C.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Broadcast Electronics; 0:03 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Broadcast Electronics; 0:03 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/FM 4C FM 5C.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Broadcast Electronics; 0:03 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
2 August 2020
- (diff) (hist) . . Marti Electronics, Inc.; 23:05 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Marti Electronics, Inc.; 23:05 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Marti Electronics, Inc.; 23:03 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Marti Electronics, Inc.; 23:03 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Broadcast Electronics; 23:01 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/FM_500C1__FM_1C1_Transmitter_Manual.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Broadcast Electronics; 23:01 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/FM_500C1__FM_1C1_Transmitter_Manual.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Broadcast Electronics; 23:01 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Broadcast Electronics; 23:01 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Broadcast Electronics; 22:57 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/ME_40_FM_Exciter_Manual.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Broadcast Electronics; 22:57 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Broadcast Electronics; 22:57 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/ME_40_FM_Exciter_Manual.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Broadcast Electronics; 22:57 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Broadcast Electronics; 22:55 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Broadcast Electronics; 22:55 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Broadcast Electronics; 22:55 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/FX_50_Exciter__Transmitter_Manual.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Broadcast Electronics; 22:55 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/FX_50_Exciter__Transmitter_Manual.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Broadcast Electronics; 22:53 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Broadcast Electronics; 22:53 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Broadcast Electronics; 22:43 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Broadcast Electronics; 22:43 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/FX_50__FX_50E_FM_Exciter_Manual.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Broadcast Electronics; 22:43 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Broadcast Electronics; 22:43 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/FX_50__FX_50E_FM_Exciter_Manual.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Broadcast Electronics; 22:38 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/FX_50__FM_100C__FM_250C_N1B_Controller_Manual.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Broadcast Electronics; 22:38 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/FX_50__FM_100C__FM_250C_N1B_Controller_Manual.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Broadcast Electronics; 22:38 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Broadcast Electronics; 22:38 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Broadcast Electronics; 22:34 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Broadcast Electronics; 22:34 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/FX_30_FM_Exciter_Manual.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Broadcast Electronics; 22:34 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Broadcast Electronics; 22:34 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/FX_30_FM_Exciter_Manual.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Broadcast Electronics; 22:14 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/FM_250C_FM_ExciterTransmitter_Manual.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Broadcast Electronics; 22:14 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Broadcast Electronics; 22:14 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/FM_250C_FM_ExciterTransmitter_Manual.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Broadcast Electronics; 22:14 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Broadcast Electronics; 22:12 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Broadcast Electronics; 22:12 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/SL3110__ML3010_Audio_Console_Manual_D.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Broadcast Electronics; 22:12 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Broadcast Electronics; 22:12 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/SL3110__ML3010_Audio_Console_Manual_D.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Broadcast Electronics; 22:10 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/MT_100_Series_Modular_Audio_Consoles_Manual_-_Vol_II_Maintenance_D.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Broadcast Electronics; 22:10 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Broadcast Electronics; 22:10 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/MT_100_Series_Modular_Audio_Consoles_Manual_-_Vol_II_Maintenance_D.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Broadcast Electronics; 22:10 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Broadcast Electronics; 22:07 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Broadcast Electronics; 22:07 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Broadcast Electronics; 22:05 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/MT_100_Series_Modular_Audio_Consoles_Manual_-_Vol_I_Installation_and_Operation_D.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Broadcast Electronics; 22:05 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/MT_100_Series_Modular_Audio_Consoles_Manual_-_Vol_I_Installation_and_Operation_D.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Broadcast Electronics; 22:05 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Broadcast Electronics; 22:05 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Broadcast Electronics; 22:01 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/MT_90_Series_Modular_Audio_Consoles_Manual-_Vol_II_Maintenance_D.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Broadcast Electronics; 22:01 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Broadcast Electronics; 22:01 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Broadcast Electronics; 22:01 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/MT_90_Series_Modular_Audio_Consoles_Manual-_Vol_II_Maintenance_D.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Broadcast Electronics; 21:58 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/MT_90_Series_Modular_Audio_Consoles_Manual_D.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Broadcast Electronics; 21:58 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Broadcast Electronics; 21:58 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Broadcast Electronics; 21:58 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/MT_90_Series_Modular_Audio_Consoles_Manual_D.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Broadcast Electronics; 21:56 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/AT_100_Modules_Audio_Consoles_Manual_D.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Broadcast Electronics; 21:56 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Broadcast Electronics; 21:56 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Broadcast Electronics; 21:56 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/AT_100_Modules_Audio_Consoles_Manual_D.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Broadcast Electronics; 21:54 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Broadcast Electronics; 21:54 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Broadcast Electronics; 21:54 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/AT_90_Series_Audio_Consoles_Manual_D.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Broadcast Electronics; 21:54 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/AT_90_Series_Audio_Consoles_Manual_D.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Broadcast Electronics; 21:47 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Broadcast Electronics; 21:47 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Broadcast Electronics; 21:47 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/AT_90__AT_100_Series_Audio_Consoles_Manual_D.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Broadcast Electronics; 21:47 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/AT_90__AT_100_Series_Audio_Consoles_Manual_D.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Broadcast Electronics; 21:42 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/BE AM 2.5.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Broadcast Electronics; 21:42 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Broadcast Electronics; 21:42 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Broadcast Electronics; 21:42 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/BE AM 2.5.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Broadcast Electronics; 21:29 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Broadcast Electronics; 21:29 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Broadcast Electronics; 21:29 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/BE AM 1 kW.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Broadcast Electronics; 21:29 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/BE AM 1 kW.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Broadcast Electronics; 21:21 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/RIOT BE2.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Broadcast Electronics; 21:21 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/RIOT BE2.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Broadcast Electronics; 21:21 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Broadcast Electronics; 21:21 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 17:53 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 17:53 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 17:51 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/SA-2000 SA-2000A SA-2500A Site Analyzers.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 17:51 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 17:51 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 17:51 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/SA-2000 SA-2000A SA-2500A Site Analyzers.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 17:44 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/SA-1700 SA-1700P SA-2500A SA-4000- Site Analyzers.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 17:44 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 17:44 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/SA-1700 SA-1700P SA-2500A SA-4000- Site Analyzers.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 17:44 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 17:37 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/SA-1700 SA-1700-P- Public Safety Site Analyzers.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 17:37 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 17:37 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 17:37 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/SA-1700 SA-1700-P- Public Safety Site Analyzers.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 17:34 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 17:34 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/AT-400.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 17:34 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/AT-400.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 17:34 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 17:28 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 17:28 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 17:28 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/AT-100.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 17:28 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/AT-100.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 17:25 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/8930-400AS.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 17:25 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 17:25 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 17:25 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/8930-400AS.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 17:20 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/8920-400AS.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 17:20 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 17:20 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/8920-400AS.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 17:20 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 17:17 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/8910.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 17:17 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 17:17 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 17:17 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/8910.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 17:13 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/8898.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 17:13 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 17:13 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/8898.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 17:13 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 17:11 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 17:11 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 17:11 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/8890.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 17:11 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/8890.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 17:08 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/8890-510.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 17:08 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/8890-510.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 17:08 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 17:08 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 17:04 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 17:04 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/8890-400.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 17:04 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/8890-400.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 17:04 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 17:01 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 17:01 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/8890 with data sheet.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 17:01 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/8890 with data sheet.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 17:01 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 16:58 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 16:58 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/8890 1975.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 16:58 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/8890 1975.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 16:58 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 16:53 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 16:53 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 16:53 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/8882 8883 modification sheet.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 16:53 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/8882 8883 modification sheet.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 16:49 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 16:49 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/8860-400AS.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 16:49 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 16:49 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/8860-400AS.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 16:46 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 16:46 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/8841.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 16:46 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/8841.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 16:46 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 16:43 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 16:43 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/8841-300.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 16:43 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 16:43 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/8841-300.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 16:41 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/8834.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 16:41 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 16:41 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 16:41 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/8834.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 16:39 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/8833.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 16:39 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/8833.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 16:39 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 16:39 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 16:32 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 16:32 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/8832.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 16:32 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/8832.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 16:32 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
1 August 2020
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 5:52 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 5:52 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 5:52 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/8831.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 5:52 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/8831.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 5:49 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/8813.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 5:49 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 5:49 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/8813.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 5:49 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 5:45 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/8790.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 5:45 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/8790.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 5:45 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 5:45 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 5:43 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/8790 8791 repair.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 5:43 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/8790 8791 repair.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 5:43 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 5:43 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 5:39 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/8785.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 5:39 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 5:39 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 5:39 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/8785.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 5:34 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/8783.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 5:34 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 5:34 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/8783.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 5:34 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 5:31 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 5:31 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/8781.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 5:31 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 5:31 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/8781.pdf)
30 July 2020
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 5:14 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 5:14 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/8722 8723.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 5:14 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 5:14 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/8722 8723.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 5:11 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 5:11 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 5:11 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/8701.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 5:11 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/8701.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 5:06 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 5:06 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/8578a100gig.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 5:06 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/8578a100gig.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 5:06 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 2:51 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 2:51 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 2:46 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 2:46 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 2:46 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/8572-078-584.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 2:46 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/8572-078-584.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 2:41 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/8570-100.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 2:41 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 2:41 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 2:41 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/8570-100.pdf)
28 July 2020
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 19:28 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/8570 8571 8574.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 19:28 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 19:28 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 19:28 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/8570 8571 8574.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 19:23 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/8542 ADDENDUM.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 19:23 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 19:23 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/8542 ADDENDUM.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 19:23 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 19:11 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/8454 8455.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 19:11 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 19:11 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/8454 8455.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 19:11 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 19:05 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 19:05 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/8421 8422.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 19:05 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/8421 8422.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 19:05 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 18:58 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 18:58 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/8392.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 18:58 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 18:58 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/8392.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 18:55 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/8345.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 18:55 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 18:55 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/8345.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 18:55 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
26 July 2020
- (diff) (hist) . . Help/CommentPlugin; 17:48 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . SandBox; 17:48 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Help/AddCommentPlugin; 17:48 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Help/WikisUsingPhpWiki; 17:48 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Help/BlogJournalPlugin; 17:48 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Help/BlogArchivesPlugin; 17:48 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . DebugBackendInfo; 17:48 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 1:13 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/8340S.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 1:13 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 1:13 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/8340S.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 1:13 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 1:11 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/8329.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 1:11 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 1:11 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 1:11 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/8329.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 1:08 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/8329-310.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 1:08 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/8329-310.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 1:08 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 1:08 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 1:06 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 1:06 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/8253.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 1:06 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 1:06 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/8253.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 1:01 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 1:01 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 1:01 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/8251D208.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 1:01 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/8251D208.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 0:57 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 0:57 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/8251 8252 8255.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 0:57 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/8251 8252 8255.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 0:57 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 0:54 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 0:54 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/8230.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 0:54 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/8230.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 0:54 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 0:26 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/8221.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 0:26 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 0:26 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/8221.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 0:26 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
25 July 2020
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 23:09 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/8215.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 23:09 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 23:09 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/8215.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 23:09 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 23:05 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 23:05 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 5:40 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 5:40 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 5:34 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/8145.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 5:34 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 5:34 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 5:34 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/8145.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 5:28 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 5:28 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/8143.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 5:28 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 5:28 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/8143.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 5:23 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/8138.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 5:23 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 5:23 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 5:23 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/8138.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 5:20 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 5:20 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/8130.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 5:20 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/8130.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 5:20 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 5:17 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 5:17 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/8087 8088.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 5:17 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/8087 8088.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 5:17 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 5:13 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 5:13 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/8075.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 5:13 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/8075.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 5:13 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 5:09 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/8071-1 8071-2.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 5:09 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 5:09 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/8071-1 8071-2.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 5:09 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
23 July 2020
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 22:07 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 22:07 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 22:07 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/8040 8041.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 22:07 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/8040 8041.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 22:03 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/8000 SERIES.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 22:03 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 22:03 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/8000 SERIES.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 22:03 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 21:59 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 21:59 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/7420 - 7430 - 7440 COAXIAL SWITCH.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 21:59 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/7420 - 7430 - 7440 COAXIAL SWITCH.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 21:59 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 21:54 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 21:54 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 21:46 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 21:46 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/7002A.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 21:46 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 21:46 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/7002A.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 21:41 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/7000 HIGH POWER RF SOURCE.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 21:41 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/7000 HIGH POWER RF SOURCE.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 21:41 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 21:41 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 21:38 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/6835 WATTMETER.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 21:38 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 21:38 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/6835 WATTMETER.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 21:38 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 21:23 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 21:23 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/6765 WATTMETER Addendum.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 21:23 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 21:23 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/6765 WATTMETER Addendum.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 21:20 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/6734-030 - 6736-030 - 6737-030 SCHEMATIC.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 21:20 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 21:20 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/6734-030 - 6736-030 - 6737-030 SCHEMATIC.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 21:20 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 21:14 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/6730S-179 WATTMETER.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 21:14 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/6730S-179 WATTMETER.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 21:14 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 21:14 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
22 July 2020
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 1:24 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/6730 WATTMETER.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 1:24 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 1:24 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/6730 WATTMETER.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 1:24 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 1:20 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 1:20 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/6454 RF MILLIWATTMETER.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 1:20 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 1:20 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/6454 RF MILLIWATTMETER.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 1:14 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/6300 THERMAL WATTMETER.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 1:14 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 1:14 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/6300 THERMAL WATTMETER.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 1:14 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 1:09 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 1:09 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/6256 - 57 - 58 - 59 RF WATTMETER.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 1:09 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/6256 - 57 - 58 - 59 RF WATTMETER.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 1:09 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 1:05 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 1:05 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/6255 RF MILLIWATTMETER.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 1:05 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/6255 RF MILLIWATTMETER.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 1:05 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 1:00 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 1:00 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/6254 RF MILLIWATTMETER.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 1:00 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 1:00 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/6254 RF MILLIWATTMETER.pdf)
21 July 2020
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 16:19 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 16:19 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/6250 RF MILLIWATTMETER.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 16:19 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/6250 RF MILLIWATTMETER.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 16:19 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 16:14 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/6151 RF WATTMETER.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 16:14 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 16:14 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/6151 RF WATTMETER.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 16:14 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 16:04 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/6150 RF WATTMETER Addendum.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 16:04 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 16:04 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/6150 RF WATTMETER Addendum.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 16:04 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
16 July 2020
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 3:04 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 3:04 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 3:04 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/6140T-879 RF WATTMETER.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 3:04 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/6140T-879 RF WATTMETER.pdf)
8 July 2020
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 3:20 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 3:20 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/6104 - 6154 - 6155 - 6156 RF WATTMETER.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 3:20 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/6104 - 6154 - 6155 - 6156 RF WATTMETER.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 3:20 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 3:17 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 3:17 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/6104 RF WATTMETERS.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 3:17 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/6104 RF WATTMETERS.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 3:17 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 3:11 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 3:11 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/6100 Series RF WATTMETERS.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 3:11 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 3:11 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/6100 Series RF WATTMETERS.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 2:40 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 2:40 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 2:40 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/6100 Series RF WATTMETERS 611 - 612 - 61.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 2:40 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/6100 Series RF WATTMETERS 611 - 612 - 61.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 2:36 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 2:36 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/6091 - 6091P RF POWER CALORIMETER.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 2:36 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/6091 - 6091P RF POWER CALORIMETER.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 2:36 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 2:33 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 2:33 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/6090 RF DIGITAL CALORIMETER.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 2:33 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/6090 RF DIGITAL CALORIMETER.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 2:33 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 2:29 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 2:29 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/6080 - 6081A RF Calorimeter.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 2:29 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/6080 - 6081A RF Calorimeter.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 2:29 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 2:25 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/6070 Hi-Power RF Calorimeter.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 2:25 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 2:25 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 2:25 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/6070 Hi-Power RF Calorimeter.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 2:20 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 2:20 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/6030 Hi-Power RF Calorimeter.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 2:20 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 2:20 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/6030 Hi-Power RF Calorimeter.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 2:15 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 2:15 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 2:15 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/6020 HI-POWER RF CALORIMETER.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 2:15 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/6020 HI-POWER RF CALORIMETER.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 2:10 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/6010 HI-POWER RF CALORIMETER.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 2:10 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/6010 HI-POWER RF CALORIMETER.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 2:10 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 2:10 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 2:08 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/5000-EX DIGITAL RF WATTMETER.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 2:08 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 2:08 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 2:08 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/5000-EX DIGITAL RF WATTMETER.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 2:01 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 2:01 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/5000 DIGITAL RF WATTMETER.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 2:01 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/5000 DIGITAL RF WATTMETER.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 2:01 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
7 July 2020
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 23:58 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 23:58 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/4900 RF WATTMETER.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 23:58 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/4900 RF WATTMETER.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 23:58 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 23:54 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 23:54 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 23:54 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/4700 RF WATTMETER.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 23:54 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/4700 RF WATTMETER.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 17:40 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 17:40 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/4640_4840 ADDENDUM TO 4600-4800 BOOK.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 17:40 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/4640_4840 ADDENDUM TO 4600-4800 BOOK.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 17:40 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 17:38 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 17:38 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 17:38 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/4600-4800 SPECIFICATIONS.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 17:38 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/4600-4800 SPECIFICATIONS.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 17:34 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 17:34 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/4450 RF WATTMETER.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 17:34 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 17:34 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/4450 RF WATTMETER.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 17:32 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 17:32 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/4421-488 PROGRAMMING INFO.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 17:32 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 17:32 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/4421-488 PROGRAMMING INFO.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 17:27 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/4421-110 POWER METER.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 17:27 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 17:27 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 17:27 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/4421-110 POWER METER.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 17:21 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 17:21 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 17:21 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/4420 RF POWER METER.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 17:21 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/4420 RF POWER METER.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 1:48 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/4411- ADDENDUM TO 4410 BOOK.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 1:48 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 1:48 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 1:48 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/4411- ADDENDUM TO 4410 BOOK.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 1:41 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/4410 RF WATTMETER.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 1:41 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 1:41 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/4410 RF WATTMETER.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 1:41 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 1:39 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/4410 P PANEL MOUNTED WATTMETER.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 1:39 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 1:39 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 1:39 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/4410 P PANEL MOUNTED WATTMETER.pdf)
6 July 2020
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 16:40 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 16:40 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 16:40 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/4391RF POWER ANAYLST.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 16:40 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/4391RF POWER ANAYLST.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 16:35 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/4380A-488 BUS COMPATIBLE INTERFACE.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 16:35 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 16:35 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 16:35 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/4380A-488 BUS COMPATIBLE INTERFACE.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 16:22 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/4380A-232 BUS COMPATIBLE POWER ANALYST.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 16:22 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 16:22 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/4380A-232 BUS COMPATIBLE POWER ANALYST.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 16:22 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 16:12 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 16:12 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/4380 RF POWER ANALYST.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 16:12 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 16:12 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/4380 RF POWER ANALYST.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 16:09 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/4371 THRULINE WATTMETER.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 16:09 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 16:09 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 16:09 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/4371 THRULINE WATTMETER.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 15:58 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/4370 -HAM-MATE-.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 15:58 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/4370 -HAM-MATE-.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 15:58 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 15:58 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 4:01 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 4:01 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/4350 -HAM-MATE- SERIES WATTMETER.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 4:01 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/4350 -HAM-MATE- SERIES WATTMETER.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 4:01 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 3:57 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 3:57 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/4345 WATTMETER.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 3:57 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/4345 WATTMETER.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 3:57 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 3:50 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/4340 - 41 LAB STANDARD WATTMETER.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 3:50 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 3:50 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/4340 - 41 LAB STANDARD WATTMETER.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 3:50 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 3:47 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 3:47 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/4337-ADDENDUM TO 43 BOOK.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 3:47 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/4337-ADDENDUM TO 43 BOOK.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 3:47 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 3:43 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/4324 PEAK READING WATTMETER.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 3:43 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 3:43 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/4324 PEAK READING WATTMETER.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 3:43 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 3:42 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 3:42 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 2:31 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/4320-21 PEAK READING AMPLIFIERS.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 2:31 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 2:31 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/4320-21 PEAK READING AMPLIFIERS.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 2:31 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 2:26 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/4311-4314 WATTMETER.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 2:26 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 2:26 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/4311-4314 WATTMETER.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 2:26 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 2:14 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/4310 PEAK READING WATTMETER.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 2:14 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 2:14 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 2:14 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/4310 PEAK READING WATTMETER.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 2:10 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 2:10 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/4307 WATTMETER.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 2:10 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 2:10 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/4307 WATTMETER.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 2:07 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 2:07 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/4301-ADDENDUM TO 4301 INSTRUCTIONS.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 2:07 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 2:07 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/4301-ADDENDUM TO 4301 INSTRUCTIONS.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 2:03 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 2:03 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/4201 MULTI-CHANNEL RF WATTMETER.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 2:03 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 2:03 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/4201 MULTI-CHANNEL RF WATTMETER.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 1:56 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/4198 THRULINE DIRECTIONAL RF PROBE.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 1:56 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 1:56 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/4198 THRULINE DIRECTIONAL RF PROBE.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 1:56 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 1:53 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 1:53 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/4159 THRULINE DIRECTIONAL WATTMETER.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 1:53 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/4159 THRULINE DIRECTIONAL WATTMETER.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 1:53 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 1:45 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 1:45 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 1:45 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/4131 OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 1:45 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/4131 OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 1:40 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/4130B TEST SET DATA SHEET.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 1:40 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 1:40 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 1:40 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/4130B TEST SET DATA SHEET.pdf)
5 July 2020
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 21:28 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 21:28 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/4130 TACTICAL RADIO TEST SET.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 21:28 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/4130 TACTICAL RADIO TEST SET.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 21:28 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 21:19 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 21:19 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/4127 RF TEST SET FOR AN PRC-70 RADIO.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 21:19 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 21:19 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/4127 RF TEST SET FOR AN PRC-70 RADIO.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 21:13 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 21:13 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/4111 THRULINE WATTMETER.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 21:13 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/4111 THRULINE WATTMETER.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 21:13 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 21:05 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/4110-- - RF TEST SET.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 21:05 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 21:05 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/4110-- - RF TEST SET.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 21:05 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 20:07 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 20:07 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/4030 RELATIVE FIELD STRENGTH ELEMENT.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 20:07 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 20:07 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/4030 RELATIVE FIELD STRENGTH ELEMENT.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 19:58 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 19:58 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 19:58 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/4029 POWER SENSOR CALIBRATOR.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 19:58 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/4029 POWER SENSOR CALIBRATOR.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 19:55 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 19:55 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 19:55 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/3900 FREQUENCY COUNTER WATTMETER.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 19:55 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/3900 FREQUENCY COUNTER WATTMETER.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 19:47 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/3316A FILTER COUPLER.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 19:47 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 19:47 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/3316A FILTER COUPLER.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 19:47 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 19:41 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 19:41 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/3180 FM DEVIATION INDICATOR.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 19:41 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/3180 FM DEVIATION INDICATOR.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 19:41 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 18:17 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 18:17 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/3170_71 HIGH SPEED WATTCHER.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 18:17 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 18:17 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/3170_71 HIGH SPEED WATTCHER.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 18:10 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/3142 POWER REDUCTION TEST SET.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 18:10 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 18:10 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/3142 POWER REDUCTION TEST SET.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 18:10 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 17:59 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 17:59 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/3126 - 27 - 28 WATTCHER RF MONITOR - ALARM.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 17:59 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/3126 - 27 - 28 WATTCHER RF MONITOR - ALARM.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 17:59 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 17:52 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 17:52 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/3122_4342.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 17:52 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 17:52 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/3122_4342.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 17:43 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/920-at100.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 17:43 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 17:43 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 17:43 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/920-at100.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 17:41 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/889 LOAD 50 KW.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 17:41 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 17:41 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 17:41 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/889 LOAD 50 KW.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 17:38 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/888 LOAD 1 KW.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 17:38 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 17:38 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/888 LOAD 1 KW.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 17:38 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 17:19 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/887 LOAD 1 KW.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 17:19 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 17:19 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 17:19 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/887 LOAD 1 KW.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 17:17 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 17:17 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 17:17 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/884 LOAD 1 KW.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 17:17 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/884 LOAD 1 KW.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 17:13 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 17:13 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/883 LOAD 1 KW.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 17:13 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/883 LOAD 1 KW.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 17:13 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 17:09 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/694 WATTMETER.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 17:09 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 17:09 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/694 WATTMETER.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 17:09 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 16:57 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 16:57 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 16:57 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/693 WATTMETER TS-118A_AP.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 16:57 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/693 WATTMETER TS-118A_AP.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 16:53 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 16:53 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/670 WATTMETER.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 16:53 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 16:53 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/670 WATTMETER.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 16:46 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 16:46 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/640 PEAK WATTMETER.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 16:46 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 16:46 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/640 PEAK WATTMETER.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 16:39 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 16:39 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/611 - 612 - 61 - 67 - 67C RF Wattmeters.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 16:39 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 16:39 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/611 - 612 - 61 - 67 - 67C RF Wattmeters.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 16:36 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 16:36 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/502 RF Load Instructions.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 16:36 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/502 RF Load Instructions.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 16:36 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 16:32 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/502 - 890 RF LOAD RESISTOR.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 16:32 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 16:32 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/502 - 890 RF LOAD RESISTOR.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 16:32 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 16:30 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/81B.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 16:30 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 16:30 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/81B.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 16:30 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 15:59 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 15:59 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/81.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 15:59 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/81.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 15:59 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 15:56 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/80AS1.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 15:56 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 15:56 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 15:56 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/80AS1.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 15:54 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/80A.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 15:54 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 15:54 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/80A.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 15:54 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 15:37 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/80 SERIES LOAD RESISTOR.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 15:37 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 15:37 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/80 SERIES LOAD RESISTOR.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 15:37 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 15:34 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/67C WATTMETER Addendum.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 15:34 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 15:34 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 15:34 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/67C WATTMETER Addendum.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 15:31 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 15:31 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 15:28 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 15:28 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Continental Electronics; 2:04 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Continental Electronics; 2:04 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Microwave Radio Corporation; 0:27 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Microwave Radio Corporation; 0:27 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Microwave Radio Corporation; 0:27 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Microwave Radio Corporation; 0:27 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Microwave Radio Corporation; 0:25 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . Microwave Radio Corporation; 0:25 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Microwave Radio Corporation; 0:25 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/MicrowaveRadioCorpFLH.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Microwave Radio Corporation; 0:25 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/MicrowaveRadioCorpFLH.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 0:24 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/8160 8161.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 0:24 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/8160 8161.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 0:24 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 0:24 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
4 July 2020
- (diff) (hist) . . RCA; 21:11 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . RCA; 21:11 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . RCA; 21:09 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . RCA; 21:09 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . RCA; 19:21 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . RCA; 19:21 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/RcaBroadcastTransmissionLineEquipmentForTelevision1057.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . RCA; 19:21 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . RCA; 19:21 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/RcaBroadcastTransmissionLineEquipmentForTelevision1057.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . RCA; 19:20 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . RCA; 19:20 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . RCA; 1:47 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/RcaBroadcastAudioEquipment1974.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . RCA; 1:47 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . RCA; 1:47 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . RCA; 1:47 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/RcaBroadcastAudioEquipment1974.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Hughey & Phillips; 0:08 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Hughey & Phillips; 0:08 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Hughey & Phillips; 0:04 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/HugheyPhillipsFlashguard3000.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Hughey & Phillips; 0:04 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Hughey & Phillips; 0:04 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/HugheyPhillipsFlashguard3000.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Hughey & Phillips; 0:04 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 0:03 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 0:03 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
27 June 2020
- (diff) (hist) . . GatesRadioCompany; 0:37 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . GatesRadioCompany; 0:37 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . GatesRadioCompany; 0:37 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/GatesM5235.pdf)
26 June 2020
- (diff) (hist) . . Heathkit; 23:42 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Heathkit; 23:42 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Heathkit; 23:21 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/HeathIT-11asm.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Heathkit; 23:21 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Heathkit; 23:21 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/HeathIT-11asm.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Heathkit; 23:21 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Sparta Electronics; 22:30 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Sparta Electronics; 22:30 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 16:28 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 16:28 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
19 June 2020
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 20:23 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 20:23 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
10 May 2020
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 17:42 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 17:42 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 17:32 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 17:32 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
23 April 2020
- (diff) (hist) . . Historic Papers; 17:02 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Historic Papers; 17:02 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Historic Papers; 3:50 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Historic Papers; 3:50 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Historic Papers; 3:50 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/US3898590.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Historic Papers; 3:50 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/US3898590.pdf)
6 February 2020
- (diff) (hist) . . Historic Papers; 22:26 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Historic Papers; 22:26 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
4 February 2020
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 4:20 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 4:20 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 4:10 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 4:10 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 4:06 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 4:06 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
30 January 2020
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 17:02 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 17:02 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
28 January 2020
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 22:58 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 22:58 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
29 December 2019
- (diff) (hist) . . WesternElectric; 19:10 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . WesternElectric; 19:10 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . WesternElectric; 19:08 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . WesternElectric; 19:08 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . WesternElectric; 19:08 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/WE 101-A Test results from WWJ Detroit.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . WesternElectric; 19:08 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/WE 101-A Test results from WWJ Detroit.pdf)
28 December 2019
- (diff) (hist) . . Sony; 23:37 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Sony; 23:37 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Sony; 23:37 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Sony; 23:37 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
27 November 2019
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 20:50 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 20:50 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
31 October 2019
- (diff) (hist) . . RCA; 3:17 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . RCA; 3:17 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/RcaBroadcastAudioEquipment1967.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . RCA; 3:17 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/RcaBroadcastAudioEquipment1967.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . RCA; 3:17 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
21 October 2019
- (diff) (hist) . . RCA; 5:14 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (Added Radio Service Business Methods. hh)
- (diff) (hist) . . RCA; 5:14 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/RcaTT-30FL.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . RCA; 5:14 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/RcaTT-30FL.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . RCA; 5:14 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (Added Radio Service Business Methods. hh)
25 September 2019
- (diff) (hist) . . HallikainenAndFriends; 19:50 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . HallikainenAndFriends; 19:50 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . HallikainenAndFriends; 19:47 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . HallikainenAndFriends; 19:47 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
12 August 2019
- (diff) (hist) . . Fidelipac; 19:11 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Fidelipac; 19:11 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Fidelipac; 19:11 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Fidelipac; 19:11 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Fidelipac; 19:10 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Fidelipac; 19:10 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
10 August 2019
- (diff) (hist) . . Fidelipac; 23:32 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Fidelipac; 23:32 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 23:30 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 23:30 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
23 June 2019
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 17:28 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 17:28 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
20 May 2019
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 12:04 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 12:04 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
25 April 2019
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 21:32 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 21:32 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
18 March 2019
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 17:15 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 17:15 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
10 March 2019
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 18:44 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 18:44 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 18:41 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 18:41 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 18:02 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 18:02 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
9 March 2019
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 15:36 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 15:36 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
4 March 2019
- (diff) (hist) . . Frese and Kaping; 3:28 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Frese and Kaping; 3:28 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
3 March 2019
- (diff) (hist) . . Historic Papers; 16:36 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Historic Papers; 16:36 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Historic Papers; 16:36 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/800669.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Historic Papers; 16:36 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/800669.pdf)
23 January 2019
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 5:07 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 5:07 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
3 January 2019
- (diff) (hist) . . Radix; 21:36 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Radix; 21:36 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Radix; 21:35 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . Radix; 21:35 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/Radix DA-1600 Distribution Amp manual.PDF)
- (diff) (hist) . . Radix; 21:35 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Radix; 21:35 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/Radix DA-1600 Distribution Amp manual.PDF)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 21:34 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 21:34 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
26 December 2018
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 16:41 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 16:41 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
25 December 2018
- (diff) (hist) . . HallikainenAndFriends; 15:54 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . HallikainenAndFriends; 15:54 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
21 December 2018
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 0:01 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 0:01 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
20 December 2018
- (diff) (hist) . . MilitaryRadio; 23:56 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . MilitaryRadio; 23:56 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/ControlOfCryptomaterials.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . MilitaryRadio; 23:56 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
10 December 2018
- (diff) (hist) . . SMC; 1:56 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 1:54 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 1:54 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . IGM; 1:53 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/IgmInstacart.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . IGM; 1:53 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 1:49 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 1:49 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
9 December 2018
- (diff) (hist) . . CBS Labs; 21:15 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (Added CBS Labs Audimax memory unit schematic. hh)
- (diff) (hist) . . CBS Labs; 21:15 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (Added CBS Labs Audimax memory unit schematic. hh)
- (diff) (hist) . . GE Quadraphonic; 21:01 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (Updated Gallery links. hh)
- (diff) (hist) . . GE Quadraphonic; 21:01 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (Updated Gallery links. hh)
- (diff) (hist) . . MoseleyAssociatesInc; 20:46 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/MoseleyPCL-606C.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . MoseleyAssociatesInc; 20:46 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . MoseleyAssociatesInc; 20:46 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
25 November 2018
- (diff) (hist) . . Ampex; 5:40 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Ampex; 5:40 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Ampex; 5:37 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Ampex; 5:37 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/Ampex Nashville Bradley-s Barn case history.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Ampex; 5:37 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Ampex; 5:37 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/Ampex Nashville Bradley-s Barn case history.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Inovonics; 5:29 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Inovonics; 5:29 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Ampex; 5:14 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Ampex; 5:14 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Accurate Sound Corporation; 5:06 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Accurate Sound Corporation; 5:06 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Accurate Sound Corporation; 4:56 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/Accurate Sound Catalog.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Accurate Sound Corporation; 4:56 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . Accurate Sound Corporation; 4:56 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Accurate Sound Corporation; 4:56 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/Accurate Sound Catalog.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 4:55 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 4:55 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Ampex; 4:43 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/Ampex-352-International_version_manual-schematics.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Ampex; 4:43 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Ampex; 4:43 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/Ampex-352-International_version_manual-schematics.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Ampex; 4:43 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . LPB; 4:27 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . LPB; 4:27 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . LPB; 4:23 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/AM-25.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . LPB; 4:23 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . LPB; 4:23 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . LPB; 4:23 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/AM-25.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . GatesRadioCompany; 4:15 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/GatesBC-5P.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . GatesRadioCompany; 4:15 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . GatesRadioCompany; 4:15 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/GatesBC-5P.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . GatesRadioCompany; 4:15 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . GatesRadioCompany; 4:03 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . GatesRadioCompany; 4:03 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Dayton Industrial; 1:36 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Dayton Industrial; 1:36 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Dayton Industrial; 1:33 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/AFC3_Manual.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Dayton Industrial; 1:33 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Dayton Industrial; 1:33 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Dayton Industrial; 1:33 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/AFC3_Manual.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Dayton Industrial; 1:28 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/AF852_Manual.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Dayton Industrial; 1:28 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Dayton Industrial; 1:28 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Dayton Industrial; 1:28 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/AF852_Manual.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Dayton Industrial; 1:24 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/AF315_Manual.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Dayton Industrial; 1:24 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Dayton Industrial; 1:24 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/AF315_Manual.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Dayton Industrial; 1:24 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Dayton Industrial; 1:22 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Dayton Industrial; 1:22 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Dayton Industrial; 1:22 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/AF310_Manual.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Dayton Industrial; 1:22 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/AF310_Manual.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Dayton Industrial; 1:19 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Dayton Industrial; 1:19 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/AF225_DIP.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Dayton Industrial; 1:19 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/AF225_DIP.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Dayton Industrial; 1:19 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Dayton Industrial; 1:05 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Dayton Industrial; 1:05 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
20 October 2018
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 20:32 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 20:32 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . HallikainenAndFriends; 20:20 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . HallikainenAndFriends; 20:20 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/NabNorthHall1981.jpg)
- (diff) (hist) . . HallikainenAndFriends; 20:20 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . HallikainenAndFriends; 20:20 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/NabNorthHall1981.jpg)
4 October 2018
- (diff) (hist) . . Potomac Instruments; 23:46 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/PotomacRc16-.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Potomac Instruments; 23:46 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (Added Potomac MPC-11.)
- (diff) (hist) . . Potomac Instruments; 23:46 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (Added Potomac MPC-11.)
5 September 2018
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 23:30 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 23:30 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
21 July 2018
- (diff) (hist) . . Rust Industrial Company, Inc.; 20:12 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Rust Industrial Company, Inc.; 20:12 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Rust Industrial Company, Inc.; 19:33 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . Rust Industrial Company, Inc.; 19:33 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/1954-Rust.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Rust Industrial Company, Inc.; 19:33 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/Rust-Autolog-1964.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Rust Industrial Company, Inc.; 19:33 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Rust Industrial Company, Inc.; 19:33 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/1954-Rust.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Rust Industrial Company, Inc.; 19:33 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/Rust-Autolog-1964.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 19:32 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 19:32 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
30 June 2018
- (diff) (hist) . . HallikainenAndFriends; 17:50 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . HallikainenAndFriends; 17:50 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
29 June 2018
- (diff) (hist) . . Historic Papers; 18:31 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Historic Papers; 18:31 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
15 June 2018
- (diff) (hist) . . CCA; 21:28 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (Added FM-20000E. hh)
- (diff) (hist) . . CCA; 21:28 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (Added FM-20000E. hh)
- (diff) (hist) . . CCA; 21:26 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/CCA FM-20000E Schematic.jpg)
- (diff) (hist) . . CCA; 21:26 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . CCA; 21:26 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/CCA FM-20000E Schematic.jpg)
- (diff) (hist) . . CCA; 21:26 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
14 June 2018
- (diff) (hist) . . Gentner; 17:55 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/GentnerBarrierStripInterface.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Gentner; 17:55 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (Added Gentner fail safe accessory. hh)
- (diff) (hist) . . Gentner; 17:55 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (Added Gentner fail safe accessory. hh)
9 June 2018
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 16:45 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 16:45 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
19 April 2018
- (diff) (hist) . . Thompson-CSF; 22:58 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Thompson-CSF; 22:58 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Thompson-CSF; 22:55 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/Hypervapotron cooling catalog.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Thompson-CSF; 22:55 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . Thompson-CSF; 22:55 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/Hypervapotron cooling catalog.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Thompson-CSF; 22:55 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 22:54 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 22:54 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 15:06 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (Added Car Phone)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 15:06 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (Added Car Phone)
3 January 2018
- (diff) (hist) . . Historic Papers; 23:24 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (Added FM Tutorial. hh)
- (diff) (hist) . . Historic Papers; 23:24 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/RegHistory.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Historic Papers; 23:24 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/RegHistory.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Historic Papers; 23:24 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (Added FM Tutorial. hh)
2 January 2018
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 22:38 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (Added Internet Archive copy of BSTJ. hh)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 22:38 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (Added Internet Archive copy of BSTJ. hh)
15 December 2017
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 6:52 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 6:52 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
6 November 2017
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 19:02 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (Added Philips-Miller Film Recorder, Blattnerphone, and Wikipedia links to audio and video recording.)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 19:02 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (Added Philips-Miller Film Recorder, Blattnerphone, and Wikipedia links to audio and video recording.)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 18:41 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 18:41 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 18:36 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/dtmf_bell_labs.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 18:36 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/dtmf_bell_labs.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 18:36 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 18:36 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 18:35 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 18:35 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 1:36 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 1:36 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
4 November 2017
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 19:57 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (Added Manufacture Discontinued)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 19:57 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (Added Manufacture Discontinued)
4 September 2017
- (diff) (hist) . . Potomac Instruments; 2:16 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/Potomac Instruments MPC-11.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Potomac Instruments; 2:16 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Potomac Instruments; 2:16 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/Potomac Instruments MPC-11.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Potomac Instruments; 2:16 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
31 July 2017
- (diff) (hist) . . TFT, Inc.; 14:26 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . TFT, Inc.; 14:26 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . TFT, Inc.; 14:26 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/Tft730a.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . TFT, Inc.; 14:26 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/Tft730a.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . TFT, Inc.; 3:27 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . TFT, Inc.; 3:27 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
4 July 2017
- (diff) (hist) . . Auditronics; 16:14 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Auditronics; 16:14 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Auditronics; 15:54 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (Added Auditronics 210. hh)
- (diff) (hist) . . Auditronics; 15:54 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (Added Auditronics 210. hh)
2 July 2017
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 18:56 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 18:56 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
30 June 2017
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 16:55 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 16:55 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . TFT, Inc.; 15:15 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/TFT844_Manual.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . TFT, Inc.; 15:15 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . TFT, Inc.; 15:15 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/TFT844_Manual.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . TFT, Inc.; 15:15 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . TFT, Inc.; 14:56 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . TFT, Inc.; 14:56 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . TFT, Inc.; 14:52 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . TFT, Inc.; 14:52 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . TFT, Inc.; 14:51 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . TFT, Inc.; 14:51 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . TFT, Inc.; 14:49 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . TFT, Inc.; 14:49 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
4 May 2017
- (diff) (hist) . . Dayton Industrial; 4:04 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Dayton Industrial; 4:04 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/AF200_Manual.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Dayton Industrial; 4:04 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/AF200_Manual.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Dayton Industrial; 4:04 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Dayton Industrial; 3:59 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Dayton Industrial; 3:59 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Dayton Industrial; 3:55 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/Dayton AF210 Schematic.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Dayton Industrial; 3:55 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/Dayton 200A Man1.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Dayton Industrial; 3:55 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/Dayton_210FM_Man3.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Dayton Industrial; 3:55 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/Dayton 200A Man1.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Dayton Industrial; 3:55 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/Dayton_210FM_Man3.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Dayton Industrial; 3:55 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/Dayton AF210 Schematic.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Dayton Industrial; 3:55 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Dayton Industrial; 3:55 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 3:54 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 3:54 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
31 March 2017
- (diff) (hist) . . MoseleyAssociatesInc; 16:21 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . MoseleyAssociatesInc; 16:21 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
16 March 2017
- (diff) (hist) . . GatesRadioCompany; 3:07 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (Added Gates 99 price list. hh)
- (diff) (hist) . . GatesRadioCompany; 3:07 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (Added Gates 99 price list. hh)
17 February 2017
- (diff) (hist) . . QEI; 19:25 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (Added QEI 771)
- (diff) (hist) . . QEI; 19:25 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (Added QEI 771)
- (diff) (hist) . . QEI; 19:20 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . QEI; 19:20 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/QEI 771 Stereo Monitor Manual.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . QEI; 19:20 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . QEI; 19:20 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/QEI 771 Stereo Monitor Manual.pdf)
10 February 2017
- (diff) (hist) . . QEI; 21:03 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (Added QEI FMQ-10000)
- (diff) (hist) . . QEI; 21:03 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (Added QEI FMQ-10000)
- (diff) (hist) . . QEI; 21:03 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/QEI 771 Schematics.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . QEI; 21:03 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/QEI 771 Schematics.pdf)
9 January 2017
- (diff) (hist) . . Andrew Corporation; 2:14 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (Added Andrew Bulletin 793)
- (diff) (hist) . . Andrew Corporation; 2:14 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (Added Andrew Bulletin 793)
- (diff) (hist) . . Andrew Corporation; 0:26 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/AndrewBulletin793.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Andrew Corporation; 0:26 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (Added Andrew catalog 26.)
- (diff) (hist) . . Andrew Corporation; 0:26 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/AndrewBulletin793.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Andrew Corporation; 0:26 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (Added Andrew catalog 26.)
7 January 2017
- (diff) (hist) . . Jampro Antenna; 5:58 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Jampro Antenna; 5:58 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Jampro Antenna; 5:58 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/JamproJI-10.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Jampro Antenna; 5:54 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Jampro Antenna; 5:54 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/JamproJaa.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Jampro Antenna; 5:54 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . Jampro Antenna; 5:54 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/JamproJaa.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 5:53 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 5:53 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Potomac Instruments; 5:36 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/Potomac_AA-51_manual.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Potomac Instruments; 5:36 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Potomac Instruments; 5:36 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/Potomac_AA-51_manual.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Potomac Instruments; 5:36 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
26 December 2016
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 17:51 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (Added Luxorion)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 17:51 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (Added Luxorion)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 17:00 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (Added IPTA)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 17:00 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (Added IPTA)
16 December 2016
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 3:33 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (Added library of congress)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 3:33 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (Added library of congress)
28 November 2016
- (diff) (hist) . . Andrew Corporation; 4:02 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Andrew Corporation; 4:02 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Andrew Corporation; 4:02 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/AndrewCatalog26.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Andrew Corporation; 4:02 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/AndrewCatalog26.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Andrew Corporation; 3:54 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Andrew Corporation; 3:54 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
27 November 2016
- (diff) (hist) . . Ampex; 1:16 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Ampex; 1:16 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/Ampex head assy-s.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Ampex; 1:16 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Ampex; 1:16 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/Ampex head assy-s.pdf)
21 November 2016
- (diff) (hist) . . QEI; 19:39 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/QEI FMQ-10000 Manual.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . QEI; 19:39 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (Added 675T20 transmitter. hh)
- (diff) (hist) . . QEI; 19:39 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (Added 675T20 transmitter. hh)
- (diff) (hist) . . QEI; 19:39 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/QEI FMQ-10000 Manual.pdf)
20 November 2016
- (diff) (hist) . . 3M; 19:58 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . 3M; 19:58 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . 3M; 19:55 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . 3M; 19:55 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . 3M; 19:55 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/350heads.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . 3M; 19:55 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/350heads.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Ampex; 19:18 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Ampex; 19:18 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Ampex; 19:16 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Ampex; 19:16 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/30960 Schematic.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Ampex; 19:16 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/30960 Schematic.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Ampex; 19:16 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
19 November 2016
- (diff) (hist) . . Station Histories; 6:29 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Station Histories; 6:29 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
15 November 2016
- (diff) (hist) . . TFT, Inc.; 5:04 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/TFT 923A AM Modulation Meter.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . TFT, Inc.; 5:04 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . TFT, Inc.; 5:04 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/mm923-large02.jpg)
- (diff) (hist) . . TFT, Inc.; 5:04 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/TFT 923A User Guide.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . TFT, Inc.; 5:04 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/TFT Radio Monitor Options 0576A.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . TFT, Inc.; 5:04 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . TFT, Inc.; 5:04 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/TFT 923A AM Modulation Meter.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . TFT, Inc.; 5:04 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/mm923-large02.jpg)
- (diff) (hist) . . TFT, Inc.; 5:04 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/TFT 923A User Guide.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . TFT, Inc.; 5:04 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/TFT Radio Monitor Options 0576A.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . TFT, Inc.; 5:04 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/TFTInc mm844a.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . TFT, Inc.; 5:04 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/TFTInc mm844a.pdf)
30 October 2016
- (diff) (hist) . . 3M; 18:55 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . 3M; 18:55 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . 3M; 18:55 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . 3M; 18:55 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . 3M; 18:50 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . 3M; 18:50 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . 3M; 18:50 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/3M Technical Bulletin.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . 3M; 18:50 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/3M Technical Bulletin.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . 3M; 18:12 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . 3M; 18:12 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/3M Service Bulletins -Misc.-1970s-.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . 3M; 18:12 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . 3M; 18:12 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/3M Service Bulletins -Misc.-1970s-.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . 3M; 18:03 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . 3M; 18:03 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/3M Professional Audio Recorder Series 410.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . 3M; 18:03 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . 3M; 18:03 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/3M Professional Audio Recorder Series 410.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . 3M; 17:55 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/3M Operating Level Cross Reference Charts.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . 3M; 17:55 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . 3M; 17:55 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . 3M; 17:55 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/3M Operating Level Cross Reference Charts.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . 3M; 17:45 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . 3M; 17:45 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/3M Bulletins -misc.-.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . 3M; 17:45 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/3M Bulletins -misc.-.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . 3M; 17:45 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . 3M; 17:36 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . 3M; 17:36 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/3M Brand Prof. Tape Recording System--Meet the Pro-s Pro.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . 3M; 17:36 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . 3M; 17:36 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/3M Brand Prof. Tape Recording System--Meet the Pro-s Pro.pdf)
29 October 2016
- (diff) (hist) . . Broadcast Audio; 4:55 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Broadcast Audio; 4:55 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Broadcast Audio; 4:49 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Broadcast Audio; 4:49 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Broadcast Audio; 4:47 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Broadcast Audio; 4:47 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/BA System 20 Series IV C.doc)
- (diff) (hist) . . Broadcast Audio; 4:47 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Broadcast Audio; 4:47 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/BA System 20 Series IV C.doc)
- (diff) (hist) . . Broadcast Audio; 4:45 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Broadcast Audio; 4:45 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/BA System 20 Series IV B.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Broadcast Audio; 4:45 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Broadcast Audio; 4:45 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/BA System 20 Series IV B.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Arrakis Systems, Inc; 4:28 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Arrakis Systems, Inc; 4:28 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Arrakis Systems, Inc; 4:25 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Arrakis Systems, Inc; 4:25 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/1200manual.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Arrakis Systems, Inc; 4:25 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Arrakis Systems, Inc; 4:25 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/1200manual.pdf)
27 October 2016
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 13:12 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 13:12 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Auditronics; 2:48 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/Auditronics 210-Series Console System Service and Installation Manual.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Auditronics; 2:48 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Auditronics; 2:48 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Auditronics; 2:48 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/Auditronics 210-Series Console System Service and Installation Manual.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Auditronics; 2:19 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Auditronics; 2:19 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/Auditronics 220 2003-03.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Auditronics; 2:19 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . Auditronics; 2:19 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/Auditronics 2600 828.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Auditronics; 2:19 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/Auditronics 220 2000-03.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Auditronics; 2:19 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/Auditronics 220 2003-03.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Auditronics; 2:19 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/Auditronics 2600 828.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Auditronics; 2:19 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/Auditronics 220 2000-03.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 2:19 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 2:19 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Autogram; 2:07 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Autogram; 2:07 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
20 October 2016
- (diff) (hist) . . GeneralRadio; 3:49 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . GeneralRadio; 3:49 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
19 October 2016
- (diff) (hist) . . GatesRadioCompany; 20:51 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . GatesRadioCompany; 20:51 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . GatesRadioCompany; 20:51 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/Gates_99_Pricelist.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . GatesRadioCompany; 20:51 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/Gates_99_Pricelist.pdf)
18 October 2016
- (diff) (hist) . . GatesRadioCompany; 15:22 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . GatesRadioCompany; 15:22 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/161019_1314.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . GatesRadioCompany; 15:22 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . GatesRadioCompany; 15:22 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/161019_1314.pdf)
10 October 2016
- (diff) (hist) . . GatesRadioCompany; 1:08 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (Added BC-1G schematic. hh)
- (diff) (hist) . . GatesRadioCompany; 1:08 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (Added BC-1G schematic. hh)
- (diff) (hist) . . GatesRadioCompany; 1:08 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/20161018070604.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . GatesRadioCompany; 1:08 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/20161018070604.pdf)
4 September 2016
- (diff) (hist) . . GatesRadioCompany; 21:25 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/Gates_BC-1G_schematic.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . GatesRadioCompany; 21:25 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/Gates_BC-1G_schematic.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . GatesRadioCompany; 21:25 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . GatesRadioCompany; 21:25 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
21 August 2016
- (diff) (hist) . . Station Histories; 21:46 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Station Histories; 21:46 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
14 August 2016
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 18:44 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 18:44 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Burk Technology; 18:41 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Burk Technology; 18:41 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Burk Technology; 18:40 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Burk Technology; 18:40 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
7 August 2016
- (diff) (hist) . . Burk Technology; 18:14 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/rx4manual.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Burk Technology; 18:14 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Burk Technology; 18:14 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Burk Technology; 18:14 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/rx4manual.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Burk Technology; 18:12 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . Burk Technology; 18:12 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/LX-4.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Burk Technology; 18:12 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/LX-4.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Burk Technology; 18:12 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 18:11 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 18:11 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
25 July 2016
- (diff) (hist) . . dbx; 2:33 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . dbx; 2:33 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
23 July 2016
- (diff) (hist) . . Hewlett Packard; 4:43 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (Added H 400A-1 VTVM. hh)
- (diff) (hist) . . Hewlett Packard; 4:43 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (Added H 400A-1 VTVM. hh)
22 June 2016
- (diff) (hist) . . Modulation Sciences; 13:06 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Modulation Sciences; 13:06 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/ModSciSCA-186FreqSet.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Modulation Sciences; 13:06 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/ModSciSCA-186FreqSet.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Modulation Sciences; 13:06 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Modulation Sciences; 13:04 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . Modulation Sciences; 13:04 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/SCA-186_Manual.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Modulation Sciences; 13:04 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/SCA-186_Schematic.jpg)
- (diff) (hist) . . Modulation Sciences; 13:04 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/SCA-186_Schematic.jpg)
- (diff) (hist) . . Modulation Sciences; 13:04 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Modulation Sciences; 13:04 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/SCA-186_Manual.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 13:03 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 13:03 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
12 June 2016
- (diff) (hist) . . GeneralRadio; 23:03 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/GenRad_Experimenter_Jan-Feb_1934.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . GeneralRadio; 23:03 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/GenRad_Experimenter_May_1934.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . GeneralRadio; 23:03 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/GenRad_Experimenter_March_1934.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . GeneralRadio; 23:03 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/GenRad_Experimenter_Nov-Dec_1934.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . GeneralRadio; 23:03 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/GenRad_Experimenter_April_1934.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . GeneralRadio; 23:03 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/GenRad_Experimenter_May_1934.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . GeneralRadio; 23:03 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/GenRad_Experimenter_June_1934.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . GeneralRadio; 23:03 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/GenRad_Experimenter_Nov-Dec_1934.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . GeneralRadio; 23:03 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . GeneralRadio; 23:03 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/GenRad_Experimenter_April_1934.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . GeneralRadio; 23:03 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/GenRad_Experimenter_Jan-Feb_1934.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . GeneralRadio; 23:03 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/GenRad_Experimenter_July-Aug_1934.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . GeneralRadio; 23:03 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/GenRad_Experimenter_March_1934.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . GeneralRadio; 23:03 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/GenRad_Experimenter_Sept-Oct_1934.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . GeneralRadio; 23:03 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/GenRad_Experimenter_July-Aug_1934.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . GeneralRadio; 23:03 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/GenRad_Experimenter_June_1934.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . GeneralRadio; 23:03 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . GeneralRadio; 23:03 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/GenRad_Experimenter_Sept-Oct_1934.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . GeneralRadio; 22:56 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/GenRad_Experimenter_Dec_1933.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . GeneralRadio; 22:56 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . GeneralRadio; 22:56 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . GeneralRadio; 22:56 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/GenRad_Experimenter_Dec_1933.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . GeneralRadio; 22:18 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/GenRad_Experimenter_Jan_1933.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . GeneralRadio; 22:18 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/GenRad_Experimenter_Nov_1933.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . GeneralRadio; 22:18 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/GenRad_Experimenter_Feb_1933.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . GeneralRadio; 22:18 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/GenRad_Experimenter_March_1933.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . GeneralRadio; 22:18 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/GenRad_Experimenter_Apr-May_1933.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . GeneralRadio; 22:18 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/GenRad_Experimenter_June-July_1933.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . GeneralRadio; 22:18 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/GenRad_Experimenter_Oct_1933.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . GeneralRadio; 22:18 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . GeneralRadio; 22:18 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/GenRad_Experimenter_Aug-Sept_1933.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . GeneralRadio; 22:18 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/GenRad_Experimenter_Nov_1933.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . GeneralRadio; 22:18 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . GeneralRadio; 22:18 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/GenRad_Experimenter_Jan_1933.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . GeneralRadio; 22:18 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/GenRad_Experimenter_Feb_1933.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . GeneralRadio; 22:18 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/GenRad_Experimenter_March_1933.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . GeneralRadio; 22:18 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/GenRad_Experimenter_Apr-May_1933.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . GeneralRadio; 22:18 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/GenRad_Experimenter_June-July_1933.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . GeneralRadio; 22:18 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/GenRad_Experimenter_Aug-Sept_1933.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . GeneralRadio; 22:18 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/GenRad_Experimenter_Oct_1933.pdf)
11 June 2016
- (diff) (hist) . . GeneralRadio; 18:50 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/GenRad_Experimenter_Jan_1932.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . GeneralRadio; 18:50 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/GenRad_Experimenter_Dec_1932.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . GeneralRadio; 18:50 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/GenRad_Experimenter_Dec_1932.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . GeneralRadio; 18:50 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . GeneralRadio; 18:50 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/GenRad_Experimenter_Nov_1932.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . GeneralRadio; 18:50 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/GenRad_Experimenter_Oct_1932.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . GeneralRadio; 18:50 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/GenRad_Experimenter_Sept_1932.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . GeneralRadio; 18:50 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/GenRad_Experimenter_Aug_1932.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . GeneralRadio; 18:50 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/GenRad_Experimenter_July_1932.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . GeneralRadio; 18:50 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/GenRad_Experimenter_June_1932.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . GeneralRadio; 18:50 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/GenRad_Experimenter_May_1932.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . GeneralRadio; 18:50 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/GenRad_Experimenter_April_1932.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . GeneralRadio; 18:50 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/GenRad_Experimenter_March_1932.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . GeneralRadio; 18:50 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/GenRad_Experimenter_Feb_1932.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . GeneralRadio; 18:50 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/GenRad_Experimenter_Nov_1932.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . GeneralRadio; 18:50 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/GenRad_Experimenter_Oct_1932.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . GeneralRadio; 18:50 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/GenRad_Experimenter_Sept_1932.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . GeneralRadio; 18:50 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/GenRad_Experimenter_July_1932.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . GeneralRadio; 18:50 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/GenRad_Experimenter_June_1932.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . GeneralRadio; 18:50 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/GenRad_Experimenter_May_1932.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . GeneralRadio; 18:50 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/GenRad_Experimenter_April_1932.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . GeneralRadio; 18:50 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/GenRad_Experimenter_March_1932.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . GeneralRadio; 18:50 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/GenRad_Experimenter_Feb_1932.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . GeneralRadio; 18:50 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/GenRad_Experimenter_Jan_1932.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . GeneralRadio; 18:50 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . GeneralRadio; 18:50 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/GenRad_Experimenter_Aug_1932.pdf)
26 May 2016
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 18:43 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (Added tubebooks.org. hh)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 18:43 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (Added tubebooks.org. hh)
16 May 2016
- (diff) (hist) . . GeneralRadio; 2:24 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/GenRad_Experimenter_Feb_1931.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . GeneralRadio; 2:24 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/GenRad_Experimenter_April_1931.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . GeneralRadio; 2:24 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . GeneralRadio; 2:24 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/GenRad_Experimenter_Jan_1931.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . GeneralRadio; 2:24 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/GenRad_Experimenter_Aug_1931.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . GeneralRadio; 2:24 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/GenRad_Experimenter_April_1931.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . GeneralRadio; 2:24 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/GenRad_Experimenter_Nov_1931.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . GeneralRadio; 2:24 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/GenRad_Experimenter_May_1931.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . GeneralRadio; 2:24 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/GenRad_Experimenter_June_1931.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . GeneralRadio; 2:24 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/GenRad_Experimenter_July_1931.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . GeneralRadio; 2:24 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/GenRad_Experimenter_Sept_1931.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . GeneralRadio; 2:24 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/GenRad_Experimenter_Oct_1931.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . GeneralRadio; 2:24 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/GenRad_Experimenter_May_1931.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . GeneralRadio; 2:24 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/GenRad_Experimenter_March_1931.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . GeneralRadio; 2:24 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/GenRad_Experimenter_Dec_1931.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . GeneralRadio; 2:24 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/GenRad_Experimenter_Aug_1931.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . GeneralRadio; 2:24 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/GenRad_Experimenter_March_1931.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . GeneralRadio; 2:24 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/GenRad_Experimenter_Feb_1931.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . GeneralRadio; 2:24 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . GeneralRadio; 2:24 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/GenRad_Experimenter_June_1931.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . GeneralRadio; 2:24 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/GenRad_Experimenter_July_1931.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . GeneralRadio; 2:24 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/GenRad_Experimenter_Jan_1931.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . GeneralRadio; 2:24 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/GenRad_Experimenter_Sept_1931.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . GeneralRadio; 2:24 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/GenRad_Experimenter_Nov_1931.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . GeneralRadio; 2:24 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/GenRad_Experimenter_Dec_1931.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . GeneralRadio; 2:24 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/GenRad_Experimenter_Oct_1931.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . GeneralRadio; 0:13 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/GenRad_Experimenter_Oct_1930.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . GeneralRadio; 0:13 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/GenRad_Experimenter_Jan_1930.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . GeneralRadio; 0:13 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . GeneralRadio; 0:13 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . GeneralRadio; 0:13 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/GenRad_Experimenter_Jan_1930.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . GeneralRadio; 0:13 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/GenRad_Experimenter_Feb_1930.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . GeneralRadio; 0:13 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/GenRad_Experimenter_May_1930.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . GeneralRadio; 0:13 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/GenRad_Experimenter_March_1930.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . GeneralRadio; 0:13 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/GenRad_Experimenter_April_1930.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . GeneralRadio; 0:13 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/GenRad_Experimenter_March_1930.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . GeneralRadio; 0:13 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/GenRad_Experimenter_June_1930.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . GeneralRadio; 0:13 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/GenRad_Experimenter_July_1930.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . GeneralRadio; 0:13 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/GenRad_Experimenter_Aug_1930.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . GeneralRadio; 0:13 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/GenRad_Experimenter_Sept_1930.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . GeneralRadio; 0:13 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/GenRad_Experimenter_Feb_1930.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . GeneralRadio; 0:13 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/GenRad_Experimenter_April_1930.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . GeneralRadio; 0:13 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/GenRad_Experimenter_Dec_1930.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . GeneralRadio; 0:13 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/GenRad_Experimenter_June_1930.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . GeneralRadio; 0:13 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/GenRad_Experimenter_July_1930.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . GeneralRadio; 0:13 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/GenRad_Experimenter_Aug_1930.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . GeneralRadio; 0:13 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/GenRad_Experimenter_Sept_1930.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . GeneralRadio; 0:13 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/GenRad_Experimenter_Oct_1930.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . GeneralRadio; 0:13 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/GenRad_Experimenter_Nov_1930.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . GeneralRadio; 0:13 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/GenRad_Experimenter_May_1930.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . GeneralRadio; 0:13 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/GenRad_Experimenter_Dec_1930.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . GeneralRadio; 0:13 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/GenRad_Experimenter_Nov_1930.pdf)
15 May 2016
- (diff) (hist) . . GeneralRadio; 18:53 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . GeneralRadio; 18:53 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/GenRad_Experimenter_Feb_1929.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . GeneralRadio; 18:53 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/GenRad_Experimenter_May_1929.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . GeneralRadio; 18:53 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/GenRad_Experimenter_Sept_1929.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . GeneralRadio; 18:53 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/GenRad_Experimenter_June_1929.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . GeneralRadio; 18:53 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/GenRad_Experimenter_July-Aug_1929.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . GeneralRadio; 18:53 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/GenRad_Experimenter_Oct_1929.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . GeneralRadio; 18:53 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/GenRad_Experimenter_Nov_1929.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . GeneralRadio; 18:53 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/GenRad_Experimenter_Dec_1929.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . GeneralRadio; 18:53 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/GenRad_Experimenter_Jan_1929.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . GeneralRadio; 18:53 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/GenRad_Experimenter_April_1929.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . GeneralRadio; 18:53 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/GenRad_Experimenter_July-Aug_1929.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . GeneralRadio; 18:53 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/GenRad_Experimenter_March_1929.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . GeneralRadio; 18:53 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/GenRad_Experimenter_April_1929.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . GeneralRadio; 18:53 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/GenRad_Experimenter_March_1929.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . GeneralRadio; 18:53 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/GenRad_Experimenter_Feb_1929.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . GeneralRadio; 18:53 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/GenRad_Experimenter_Jan_1929.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . GeneralRadio; 18:53 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . GeneralRadio; 18:53 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/GenRad_Experimenter_June_1929.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . GeneralRadio; 18:53 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/GenRad_Experimenter_Dec_1929.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . GeneralRadio; 18:53 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/GenRad_Experimenter_Nov_1929.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . GeneralRadio; 18:53 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/GenRad_Experimenter_Oct_1929.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . GeneralRadio; 18:53 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/GenRad_Experimenter_May_1929.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . GeneralRadio; 18:53 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/GenRad_Experimenter_Sept_1929.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . GeneralRadio; 18:41 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/GenRad_Experimenter_Aug_1928.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . GeneralRadio; 18:41 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . GeneralRadio; 18:41 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/GenRad_Experimenter_Sept_1928.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . GeneralRadio; 18:41 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/GenRad_Experimenter_Feb_1928.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . GeneralRadio; 18:41 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/GenRad_Experimenter_Mar_1928.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . GeneralRadio; 18:41 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/GenRad_Experimenter_Apr_1928.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . GeneralRadio; 18:41 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/GenRad_Experimenter_May_1928.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . GeneralRadio; 18:41 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/GenRad_Experimenter_June_1928.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . GeneralRadio; 18:41 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/GenRad_Experimenter_July_1928.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . GeneralRadio; 18:41 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/GenRad_Experimenter_Dec_1928.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . GeneralRadio; 18:41 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/GenRad_Experimenter_Nov_1928.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . GeneralRadio; 18:41 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/GenRad_Experimenter_Oct_1928.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . GeneralRadio; 18:41 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/GenRad_Experimenter_Jan_1928.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . GeneralRadio; 18:41 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/GenRad_Experimenter_Aug_1928.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . GeneralRadio; 18:41 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/GenRad_Experimenter_May_1928.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . GeneralRadio; 18:41 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/GenRad_Experimenter_July_1928.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . GeneralRadio; 18:41 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/GenRad_Experimenter_June_1928.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . GeneralRadio; 18:41 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/GenRad_Experimenter_Nov_1928.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . GeneralRadio; 18:41 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/GenRad_Experimenter_Oct_1928.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . GeneralRadio; 18:41 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/GenRad_Experimenter_Sept_1928.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . GeneralRadio; 18:41 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/GenRad_Experimenter_Dec_1928.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . GeneralRadio; 18:41 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/GenRad_Experimenter_Jan_1928.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . GeneralRadio; 18:41 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/GenRad_Experimenter_Feb_1928.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . GeneralRadio; 18:41 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/GenRad_Experimenter_Mar_1928.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . GeneralRadio; 18:41 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/GenRad_Experimenter_Apr_1928.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . GeneralRadio; 18:41 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . GeneralRadio; 18:24 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/GenRad_Experimenter_ Dec_1927.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . GeneralRadio; 18:24 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/GenRad_Experimenter_ June_1927.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . GeneralRadio; 18:24 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . GeneralRadio; 18:24 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/GenRad_Experimenter_ Aug_1927.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . GeneralRadio; 18:24 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/GenRad_Experimenter_ July_1927.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . GeneralRadio; 18:24 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/GenRad_Experimenter_ April_1927.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . GeneralRadio; 18:24 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/GenRad_Experimenter_ May_1927.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . GeneralRadio; 18:24 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . GeneralRadio; 18:24 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/GenRad_Experimenter_ Mar_1927.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . GeneralRadio; 18:24 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/GenRad_Experimenter_ Feb_1927.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . GeneralRadio; 18:24 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/GenRad_Experimenter_ Jan_1927.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . GeneralRadio; 18:24 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/GenRad_Experimenter_ Mar_1927.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . GeneralRadio; 18:24 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/GenRad_Experimenter_ Jan_1927.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . GeneralRadio; 18:24 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/GenRad_Experimenter_ Feb_1927.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . GeneralRadio; 18:24 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/GenRad_Experimenter_ Oct_1927.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . GeneralRadio; 18:24 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/GenRad_Experimenter_ Sept_1927.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . GeneralRadio; 18:24 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/GenRad_Experimenter_ July_1927.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . GeneralRadio; 18:24 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/GenRad_Experimenter_ June_1927.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . GeneralRadio; 18:24 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/GenRad_Experimenter_ Aug_1927.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . GeneralRadio; 18:24 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/GenRad_Experimenter_ April_1927.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . GeneralRadio; 18:24 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/GenRad_Experimenter_ May_1927.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . GeneralRadio; 18:24 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/GenRad_Experimenter_ Sept_1927.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . GeneralRadio; 18:24 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/GenRad_Experimenter_ Oct_1927.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . GeneralRadio; 18:24 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/GenRad_Experimenter_ Nov_1927.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . GeneralRadio; 18:24 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/GenRad_Experimenter_ Nov_1927.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . GeneralRadio; 18:24 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/GenRad_Experimenter_ Dec_1927.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . GeneralRadio; 18:16 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . GeneralRadio; 18:16 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/GenRad_Experimenter_Aug_1926.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . GeneralRadio; 18:16 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/GenRad_Experimenter_November_1926.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . GeneralRadio; 18:16 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/GenRad_Experimenter_Dec_1926.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . GeneralRadio; 18:16 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . GeneralRadio; 18:16 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/GenRad_Expermenter_October_1926.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . GeneralRadio; 18:16 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/GenRad_Experimenter_November_1926.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . GeneralRadio; 18:16 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/GenRad_Experimenter_July_1926.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . GeneralRadio; 18:16 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/GenRad_Expermimenter_June_1926.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . GeneralRadio; 18:16 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/GenRad_Expermimenter_June_1926.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . GeneralRadio; 18:16 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/GenRad_Experimenter_July_1926.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . GeneralRadio; 18:16 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/GenRad_Experimenter_Aug_1926.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . GeneralRadio; 18:16 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/GenRad_Experimenter_Dec_1926.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . GeneralRadio; 18:16 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/GenRad_Expermenter_October_1926.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . GeneralRadio; 18:02 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . GeneralRadio; 18:02 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
12 May 2016
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 23:00 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 23:00 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 14:49 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 14:49 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 14:48 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (Added Semiconductor Museum. hh)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 14:48 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (Added Semiconductor Museum. hh)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 14:40 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 14:40 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
16 April 2016
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 16:17 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 16:17 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 16:15 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (Added Inland Marine Radio History Archive)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 16:15 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (Added Inland Marine Radio History Archive)
3 April 2016
- (diff) (hist) . . Station Histories; 18:48 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Station Histories; 18:48 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 18:47 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 18:47 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
30 March 2016
- (diff) (hist) . . HallikainenAndFriends; 21:09 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . HallikainenAndFriends; 21:09 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
27 March 2016
- (diff) (hist) . . Energy-Onix; 18:24 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Energy-Onix; 18:24 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . GatesRadioCompany; 16:08 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . GatesRadioCompany; 16:08 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/160904_1420.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . GatesRadioCompany; 16:08 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . GatesRadioCompany; 16:08 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/160904_1420.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Energy-Onix; 15:15 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/Pulsar 250-500-1000 -2002-.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Energy-Onix; 15:15 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Energy-Onix; 15:15 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/Pulsar 250-500-1000 -2002-.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Energy-Onix; 15:15 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Energy-Onix; 15:05 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/Pulsar_250-500-1000_-2003-.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Energy-Onix; 15:05 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . Energy-Onix; 15:05 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Energy-Onix; 15:05 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/Pulsar_250-500-1000_-2003-.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 15:04 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 15:04 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . GatesRadioCompany; 14:59 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/Gates_BF-250A_Brochure.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . GatesRadioCompany; 14:59 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/Gates_BF-250A_Brochure.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . GatesRadioCompany; 14:59 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . GatesRadioCompany; 14:59 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . GatesRadioCompany; 14:40 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . GatesRadioCompany; 14:40 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/Gates Xmtr Catalog ca1950.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . GatesRadioCompany; 14:40 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/Gates Xmtr Catalog ca1950.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . GatesRadioCompany; 14:40 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . GatesRadioCompany; 14:11 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . GatesRadioCompany; 14:11 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/Gates Speech Catalog ca1950.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . GatesRadioCompany; 14:11 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . GatesRadioCompany; 14:11 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/Gates Speech Catalog ca1950.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . GatesRadioCompany; 14:01 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . GatesRadioCompany; 14:01 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . GatesRadioCompany; 13:18 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . GatesRadioCompany; 13:18 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
26 March 2016
- (diff) (hist) . . GatesRadioCompany; 19:00 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . GatesRadioCompany; 19:00 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/GatesCommCatalog1950.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . GatesRadioCompany; 19:00 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . GatesRadioCompany; 19:00 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/GatesCommCatalog1950.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . GeneralElectric; 18:54 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . GeneralElectric; 18:54 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Proof of Performance; 18:32 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Proof of Performance; 18:32 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Proof of Performance; 18:30 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Proof of Performance; 18:30 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Proof of Performance; 18:25 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/NAB_Proof_Forms.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Proof of Performance; 18:25 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/NAB_Proof.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Proof of Performance; 18:25 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/NAB_Proof.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Proof of Performance; 18:25 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Proof of Performance; 18:25 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/BE_AM_Proof.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Proof of Performance; 18:25 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Proof of Performance; 18:25 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/BE_AM_Proof.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Proof of Performance; 18:25 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/NAB_Proof_Forms.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Proof of Performance; 18:04 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Proof of Performance; 18:04 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/BE_FM_Proof.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Proof of Performance; 18:04 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/BE_FM_Proof.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Proof of Performance; 18:04 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . Historic Papers; 18:04 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/FMTutorial.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Historic Papers; 18:04 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Historic Papers; 18:04 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/FMTutorial.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Historic Papers; 18:04 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
25 March 2016
- (diff) (hist) . . Station Histories; 16:11 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Station Histories; 16:11 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Station Histories; 16:09 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Station Histories; 16:09 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Detroit News Radiophone information (8MK WBL WWJ); 15:59 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Detroit News Radiophone information (8MK WBL WWJ); 15:59 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Detroit News Radiophone information (8MK WBL WWJ); 15:56 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Detroit News Radiophone information (8MK WBL WWJ); 15:56 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Detroit News Radiophone information (8MK WBL WWJ); 15:55 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Detroit News Radiophone information (8MK WBL WWJ); 15:55 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . Station Histories; 15:52 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Station Histories; 15:52 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Station Histories; 15:51 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Station Histories; 15:51 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Station Histories; 15:50 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Station Histories; 15:50 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Station Histories; 15:49 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Station Histories; 15:49 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . TFT, Inc.; 15:02 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (Added TFT 930A)
- (diff) (hist) . . TFT, Inc.; 15:02 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/TFT 730A SCA Operations Manual.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . TFT, Inc.; 15:02 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (Added TFT 930A)
- (diff) (hist) . . TFT, Inc.; 15:02 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/TFT 730A SCA Operations Manual.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 14:38 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (Added 60s and 70s semiconductor datasheets)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 14:38 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (Added 60s and 70s semiconductor datasheets)
14 March 2016
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 1:00 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 1:00 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Marconi Wireless Telegraph Company; 0:53 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 0:39 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 0:39 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
13 March 2016
- (diff) (hist) . . Station Histories; 22:46 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Station Histories; 22:46 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Station Histories; 22:38 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Station Histories; 22:38 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Historic Papers; 22:15 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Historic Papers; 22:15 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Historic Papers; 22:13 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Historic Papers; 22:13 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Historic Papers; 20:15 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Historic Papers; 20:15 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Historic Papers; 20:13 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Historic Papers; 20:13 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Historic Papers; 20:09 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Historic Papers; 20:09 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Historic Papers; 20:01 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Historic Papers; 20:01 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Historic Papers; 20:00 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Historic Papers; 20:00 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Historic Papers; 19:58 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Historic Papers; 19:58 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Historic Papers; 19:57 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Historic Papers; 19:57 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Historic Papers; 19:55 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Historic Papers; 19:55 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Historic Papers; 19:54 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Historic Papers; 19:54 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Historic Papers; 19:53 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Historic Papers; 19:53 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . TFT, Inc.; 19:07 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . TFT, Inc.; 19:07 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/TFT EAS 930A Receiver.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . TFT, Inc.; 19:07 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/TFT EAS 930A Receiver.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . TFT, Inc.; 19:07 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
8 March 2016
- (diff) (hist) . . TFT, Inc.; 4:02 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/TFT724A Manual-full.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . TFT, Inc.; 4:02 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . TFT, Inc.; 4:02 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/TFT724A Manual-full.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . TFT, Inc.; 4:02 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . TFT, Inc.; 4:01 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . TFT, Inc.; 4:01 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
16 February 2016
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 14:19 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 14:19 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
15 February 2016
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 17:39 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 17:39 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 17:36 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 17:36 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
13 February 2016
- (diff) (hist) . . Advanced Research & Technology; 6:05 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Advanced Research & Technology; 6:05 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
24 January 2016
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 17:40 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 17:40 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
11 January 2016
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 3:12 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 3:12 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 3:01 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 3:01 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
10 January 2016
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 3:37 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 3:37 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
22 December 2015
- (diff) (hist) . . Scala; 3:59 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 3:57 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (Added Scala)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 3:57 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (Added Scala)
21 December 2015
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 2:36 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (Added tubebooks.org. hh)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 2:36 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (Added tubebooks.org. hh)
19 December 2015
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 18:41 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (Added Star City Radio Tools)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 18:41 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (Added Star City Radio Tools)
24 November 2015
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 4:37 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (Added 3-D Film Archive. hh)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 4:37 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (Added 3-D Film Archive. hh)
14 September 2015
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 4:03 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 4:03 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
8 August 2015
- (diff) (hist) . . Schafer Automation; 4:15 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Schafer Automation; 4:15 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
3 August 2015
- (diff) (hist) . . QEI; 0:36 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . QEI; 0:36 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/QEI 675 T20 Manual.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . QEI; 0:36 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . QEI; 0:36 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/QEI 675 T20 Manual.pdf)
2 August 2015
- (diff) (hist) . . QEI; 22:59 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . QEI; 22:59 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . QEI; 22:56 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . QEI; 22:56 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 22:43 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 22:43 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Collins Radio; 22:31 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Collins Radio; 22:31 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Collins Radio; 22:30 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Collins Radio; 22:30 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Collins Radio; 22:28 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Collins Radio; 22:28 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 22:23 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 22:23 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 22:21 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 22:21 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 22:19 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 22:19 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
17 June 2015
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 3:38 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 3:38 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 3:36 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 3:36 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 3:34 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 3:34 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Advanced Research & Technology; 3:33 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Advanced Research & Technology; 3:33 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
9 June 2015
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 12:22 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 12:22 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
7 June 2015
- (diff) (hist) . . Harris Corporation - Broadcast Division; 18:00 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/-Harris- ProCast.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Harris Corporation - Broadcast Division; 18:00 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Harris Corporation - Broadcast Division; 18:00 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/-Harris- ProCast.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Harris Corporation - Broadcast Division; 18:00 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Harris Corporation - Broadcast Division; 17:51 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/MSP90_FM_Limiter_BlkDgm2.PDF)
- (diff) (hist) . . Harris Corporation - Broadcast Division; 17:51 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Harris Corporation - Broadcast Division; 17:51 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/MSP90_FM_Limiter_BlkDgm1.PDF)
- (diff) (hist) . . Harris Corporation - Broadcast Division; 17:51 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Harris Corporation - Broadcast Division; 17:51 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/MSP90_AM_Limiter_Schematic.PDF)
- (diff) (hist) . . Harris Corporation - Broadcast Division; 17:51 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/MSP90_FM_Limiter_PCBLayout.PDF)
- (diff) (hist) . . Harris Corporation - Broadcast Division; 17:51 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/MSP90_FM_Limiter_BlkDgm3.PDF)
- (diff) (hist) . . Harris Corporation - Broadcast Division; 17:51 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/MSP90_FM_Limiter_BlkDgm2.PDF)
- (diff) (hist) . . Harris Corporation - Broadcast Division; 17:51 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/MSP90_FM_Limiter_BlkDgm3.PDF)
- (diff) (hist) . . Harris Corporation - Broadcast Division; 17:51 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/MSP90_FM_Limiter_PCBLayout.PDF)
- (diff) (hist) . . Harris Corporation - Broadcast Division; 17:51 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/MSP90_AM_Limiter_Schematic.PDF)
- (diff) (hist) . . Harris Corporation - Broadcast Division; 17:51 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/MSP90_FM_Limiter_BlkDgm1.PDF)
- (diff) (hist) . . Harris Corporation - Broadcast Division; 17:48 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/MSP90_FM_Limiter.PDF)
- (diff) (hist) . . Harris Corporation - Broadcast Division; 17:48 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Harris Corporation - Broadcast Division; 17:48 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/MSP90_FM_Limiter.PDF)
- (diff) (hist) . . Harris Corporation - Broadcast Division; 17:48 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Harris Corporation - Broadcast Division; 17:47 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Harris Corporation - Broadcast Division; 17:47 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
2 June 2015
- (diff) (hist) . . Sparta Electronics; 19:54 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/SpartaA-20B.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Sparta Electronics; 19:54 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Sparta Electronics; 19:54 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/SpartaA-20B.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Sparta Electronics; 19:54 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Sparta Electronics; 19:53 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Sparta Electronics; 19:53 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Sparta Electronics; 19:53 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Sparta Electronics; 19:53 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Sparta Electronics; 19:48 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Sparta Electronics; 19:48 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/Sparta Dual Output Card.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Sparta Electronics; 19:48 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/Sparta A-15B Audio Console Schematic.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Sparta Electronics; 19:48 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/Sparta 1025A Monitor_Cue Amp.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Sparta Electronics; 19:48 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/Sparta 1018 Microphone Preamp.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Sparta Electronics; 19:48 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/Sparta 1018 Microphone Preamp.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Sparta Electronics; 19:48 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Sparta Electronics; 19:48 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/Sparta Dual Output Card.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Sparta Electronics; 19:48 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/Sparta A-15B Output Card.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Sparta Electronics; 19:48 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/Sparta A-15B Audio Console Schematic.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Sparta Electronics; 19:48 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/Sparta 1025A Monitor_Cue Amp.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Sparta Electronics; 19:48 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/Sparta 1020 line amp.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Sparta Electronics; 19:48 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/Sparta A-15B Output Card.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Sparta Electronics; 19:48 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/Sparta 1020 line amp.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Sparta Electronics; 19:47 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Sparta Electronics; 19:47 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Sparta Electronics; 19:46 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Sparta Electronics; 19:46 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 3:44 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 3:44 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
1 June 2015
- (diff) (hist) . . DeltaElectronics; 3:59 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . DeltaElectronics; 3:59 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . DeltaElectronics; 3:59 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . DeltaElectronics; 3:59 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . DeltaElectronics; 3:56 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . DeltaElectronics; 3:56 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/Delta ASM-1 Tech Manual - schematics.zip)
- (diff) (hist) . . DeltaElectronics; 3:56 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/Delta ASM-1 Tech Manual - schematics.zip)
- (diff) (hist) . . DeltaElectronics; 3:56 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 3:53 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 3:53 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Gentner; 3:28 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Gentner; 3:28 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Gentner; 3:28 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/VRC-1000 Accessory Fail Safe Unit.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Gentner; 3:28 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/VRC-1000 Accessory Fail Safe Unit.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Gentner; 3:25 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Gentner; 3:25 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Gentner; 3:25 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/LG-000-00009-Rev1.0_PrismII-FM-Man.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Gentner; 3:25 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/LG-000-00009-Rev1.0_PrismII-FM-Man.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Marti Electronics, Inc.; 3:22 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Marti Electronics, Inc.; 3:22 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Marti Electronics, Inc.; 2:52 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Marti Electronics, Inc.; 2:52 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Crown; 2:48 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Crown; 2:48 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Crown; 2:47 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Crown; 2:47 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Crown; 2:47 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Crown; 2:47 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Crown; 2:43 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Crown; 2:43 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/d60-sm.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Crown; 2:43 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/d60-sm.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Crown; 2:43 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Crown; 2:39 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Crown; 2:39 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Dorrough Electronics; 2:12 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Dorrough Electronics; 2:12 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Dorrough Electronics; 2:12 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/DorroughDap610.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Dorrough Electronics; 2:11 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Dorrough Electronics; 2:11 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Tapecaster; 1:52 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Tapecaster; 1:52 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Tapecaster; 1:47 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/Tapecaster Series 700 Manual.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Tapecaster; 1:47 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Tapecaster; 1:47 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/Tapecaster Series 700 Manual.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Tapecaster; 1:47 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Tapecaster; 0:30 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Tapecaster; 0:30 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
31 May 2015
- (diff) (hist) . . Tapecaster; 20:48 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Tapecaster; 20:48 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 2:12 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 2:12 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
30 May 2015
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 15:18 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 15:18 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 15:17 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 15:17 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
28 May 2015
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 3:36 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 3:36 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 3:33 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 3:33 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
27 May 2015
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 3:49 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 3:49 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 3:43 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 3:43 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
3 May 2015
2 May 2015
28 March 2015
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 2:56 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 2:56 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
9 March 2015
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 13:44 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 13:44 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
15 February 2015
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 17:41 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 17:41 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 6:25 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 6:25 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
13 February 2015
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 14:51 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 14:51 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 14:19 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 14:19 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 13:56 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 13:56 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
7 February 2015
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 18:49 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (Added American Marconi and Wireless Giant of the Pacific)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 18:49 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (Added American Marconi and Wireless Giant of the Pacific)
11 September 2014
- (diff) (hist) . . Sparta Electronics; 19:55 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Sparta Electronics; 19:55 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Sparta Electronics; 19:47 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/AS-30B%20Manual.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Sparta Electronics; 19:47 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Sparta Electronics; 19:47 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/AS-30B%20Manual.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Sparta Electronics; 19:47 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 19:46 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 19:46 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
5 September 2014
- (diff) (hist) . . Crown; 19:18 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Crown; 19:18 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
29 August 2014
- (diff) (hist) . . Sony; 19:34 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/SonyPVW2650v2.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Sony; 19:34 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (Added Sony PVW-2650. hh)
- (diff) (hist) . . Sony; 19:34 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/SonyPVW2650v2.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Sony; 19:34 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (Added Sony PVW-2650. hh)
- (diff) (hist) . . Sony; 19:34 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Sony; 19:34 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
25 August 2014
- (diff) (hist) . . Autogram; 19:38 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/Mini-Mix_Audio_Consoles.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Autogram; 19:38 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/Autoclock_Users_Manual.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Autogram; 19:38 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Autogram; 19:38 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/dda8_feature_sheet.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Autogram; 19:38 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/IC-10_LC-10_Audio_Console.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Autogram; 19:38 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/AC-8_Audio_Console.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Autogram; 19:38 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/AC-6_Audio_Console.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Autogram; 19:38 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/dda8_feature_sheet.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Autogram; 19:38 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/RTV20-12_Manual.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Autogram; 19:38 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/Mini-Mix_Audio_Consoles.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Autogram; 19:38 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Autogram; 19:38 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/RTV20-12_Manual.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Autogram; 19:38 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/IC-10_LC-10_Audio_Console.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Autogram; 19:38 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/AC-8_Audio_Console.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Autogram; 19:38 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/Autoclock_Users_Manual.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Autogram; 19:38 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/AC-6_Audio_Console.pdf)
22 August 2014
- (diff) (hist) . . Autogram; 19:55 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/20140825123201.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Autogram; 19:55 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Autogram; 19:55 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Autogram; 19:55 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/20140825123201.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Autogram; 19:54 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (Added Autogram brochures. hh)
- (diff) (hist) . . Autogram; 19:54 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (Added Autogram brochures. hh)
21 August 2014
- (diff) (hist) . . McMartin; 19:48 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/McMartinBfm2001.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . McMartin; 19:48 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . McMartin; 19:48 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . McMartin; 19:48 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (Added McMartin TBM-3700. hh)
- (diff) (hist) . . McMartin; 19:48 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (Added McMartin TBM-3700. hh)
18 August 2014
- (diff) (hist) . . Marti Electronics, Inc.; 20:38 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Marti Electronics, Inc.; 20:38 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
14 August 2014
- (diff) (hist) . . GatesRadioCompany; 20:29 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . GatesRadioCompany; 20:29 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/Gates Comm Catalog ca1950.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . GatesRadioCompany; 20:29 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . GatesRadioCompany; 20:29 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/Gates Comm Catalog ca1950.pdf)
13 August 2014
- (diff) (hist) . . Harris Corporation - Broadcast Division; 20:15 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (Added FM-20H3. hh)
- (diff) (hist) . . Harris Corporation - Broadcast Division; 20:15 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (Added FM-20H3. hh)
7 August 2014
- (diff) (hist) . . RCA; 20:09 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/RadioService BusinessMethods.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . RCA; 20:09 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (Added another copy of RCA BTF-10D. hh)
- (diff) (hist) . . RCA; 20:09 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (Added another copy of RCA BTF-10D. hh)
- (diff) (hist) . . RCA; 20:09 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/RadioService BusinessMethods.pdf)
5 August 2014
- (diff) (hist) . . ESE; 19:17 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . ESE; 19:17 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . ESE; 19:14 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . ESE; 19:14 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/20140805121716.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . ESE; 19:14 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/20140805121716.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . ESE; 19:14 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
4 August 2014
- (diff) (hist) . . ESE; 19:58 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/20140805121949.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . ESE; 19:58 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . ESE; 19:58 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/20140805121949.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . ESE; 19:58 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
25 July 2014
- (diff) (hist) . . Hewlett Packard; 20:48 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/HPSCAN_0723041735.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Hewlett Packard; 20:48 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (Added HP 652A. hh)
- (diff) (hist) . . Hewlett Packard; 20:48 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/HPSCAN_0723041735.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Hewlett Packard; 20:48 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (Added HP 652A. hh)
- (diff) (hist) . . Hewlett Packard; 20:45 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Hewlett Packard; 20:45 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/20140722120435.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Hewlett Packard; 20:45 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/20140722120435.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Hewlett Packard; 20:45 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 20:44 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 20:44 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
16 July 2014
- (diff) (hist) . . GeneralRadio; 20:05 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (Added GR 1181-A frequency deviation monitor.)
- (diff) (hist) . . GeneralRadio; 20:05 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (Added GR 1181-A frequency deviation monitor.)
15 July 2014
- (diff) (hist) . . UREI; 19:47 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . UREI; 19:47 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Pacific Recorders and Engineers; 12:52 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Pacific Recorders and Engineers; 12:52 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Pacific Recorders and Engineers; 12:26 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/PRE_EXP-11_ProcessorFrameManual.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Pacific Recorders and Engineers; 12:26 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Pacific Recorders and Engineers; 12:26 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/PRE_EXP-11_ProcessorFrameManual.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Pacific Recorders and Engineers; 12:26 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 12:25 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 12:25 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
14 July 2014
- (diff) (hist) . . Ampex; 20:48 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (Added Ampex 354)
- (diff) (hist) . . Ampex; 20:48 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/30960 replacement parts.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Ampex; 20:48 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (Added Ampex 354)
- (diff) (hist) . . Ampex; 20:48 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/30960 replacement parts.pdf)
13 July 2014
- (diff) (hist) . . GatesRadioCompany; 18:16 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . GatesRadioCompany; 18:16 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/20140814124717.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . GatesRadioCompany; 18:16 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . GatesRadioCompany; 18:16 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/20140814124717.pdf)
9 July 2014
- (diff) (hist) . . Bell Telephone Laboratories; 20:32 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bell Telephone Laboratories; 20:32 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bell Telephone Laboratories; 20:30 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/20140709133626.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bell Telephone Laboratories; 20:30 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/20140709133626.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bell Telephone Laboratories; 20:30 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bell Telephone Laboratories; 20:30 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 20:29 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 20:29 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
7 July 2014
- (diff) (hist) . . Heathkit; 19:40 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/HeathAG-9A_asm.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Heathkit; 19:40 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Heathkit; 19:40 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Heathkit; 19:40 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/HeathAG-9A_asm.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . GatesRadioCompany; 3:32 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/gates-vanguard-ii.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . GatesRadioCompany; 3:32 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . GatesRadioCompany; 3:32 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . GatesRadioCompany; 3:32 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/gates-vanguard-ii.pdf)
5 July 2014
- (diff) (hist) . . HallikainenAndFriends; 17:42 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . HallikainenAndFriends; 17:42 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 17:19 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 17:19 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
4 July 2014
- (diff) (hist) . . Heathkit; 0:37 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Heathkit; 0:37 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/20140707124031.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Heathkit; 0:37 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/20140707124031.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Heathkit; 0:37 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Heathkit; 0:37 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Heathkit; 0:37 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
1 July 2014
- (diff) (hist) . . Revox; 20:03 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Revox; 20:03 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/Revox1948-1979.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Revox; 20:03 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 12:48 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 12:48 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
19 June 2014
- (diff) (hist) . . dbx; 3:30 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/HPSCAN_0724222936.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . dbx; 3:30 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . dbx; 3:30 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . dbx; 3:30 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/HPSCAN_0724222936.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . dbx; 3:29 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/dbx160A-specs.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . dbx; 3:29 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . dbx; 3:29 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . dbx; 3:29 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/dbx160A-specs.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . dbx; 3:28 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . dbx; 3:28 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . dbx; 3:28 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/dbx160A-schematic.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . dbx; 3:28 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . dbx; 3:28 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/dbx160A-schematic.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . dbx; 3:28 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 3:09 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 3:09 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
16 June 2014
- (diff) (hist) . . Heathkit; 20:51 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/20140703125427.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Heathkit; 20:51 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Heathkit; 20:51 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/20140703125427.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Heathkit; 20:51 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . CSI; 2:23 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . CSI; 2:23 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . CSI; 2:13 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/20140615194201633.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . CSI; 2:13 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/20140615194201633.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . CSI; 2:13 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . CSI; 2:13 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . CSI; 2:01 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . CSI; 2:01 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/20140615192519774.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . CSI; 2:01 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . CSI; 2:01 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/20140615192519774.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 2:00 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 2:00 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
15 June 2014
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 17:57 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (Added Selectavision. hh)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 17:57 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (Added Selectavision. hh)
9 June 2014
- (diff) (hist) . . Heathkit; 19:54 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Heathkit; 19:54 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/20140613123033.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Heathkit; 19:54 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Heathkit; 19:54 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/20140613123033.pdf)
8 June 2014
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 17:24 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 17:24 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
6 June 2014
- (diff) (hist) . . Dolby Laboratories; 19:55 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Dolby Laboratories; 19:55 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
5 June 2014
- (diff) (hist) . . Belar Electronics Laboratory; 20:12 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Belar Electronics Laboratory; 20:12 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
1 June 2014
- (diff) (hist) . . Dolby Laboratories; 21:12 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Dolby Laboratories; 21:12 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/Dolby361.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Dolby Laboratories; 21:12 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Dolby Laboratories; 21:12 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/Dolby361.pdf)
26 May 2014
- (diff) (hist) . . HelpAddingPages; 19:47 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . HelpHowToUseWiki; 19:46 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . harold; 19:42 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Altec; 19:39 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Altec; 19:39 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 19:25 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 19:25 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 19:10 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 19:10 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . HAROLD; 19:02 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
22 May 2014
- (diff) (hist) . . Help/PluginManagerPlugin; 3:01 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Help/PreferenceAppPlugin; 3:01 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Template/Category; 3:01 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Help/PluginManagerPlugin; 3:01 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Help/AddingPages; 3:01 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 3:01 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Help/WikiPollPlugin; 3:01 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Help/IncludeTreePlugin; 3:01 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Help/RelatedChangesPlugin; 3:01 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Help/WantedPagesOldPlugin; 3:01 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . Help/WikiAdminChownPlugin; 3:01 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 3:01 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Help/WikiAdminChownPlugin; 3:01 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Help/MostPopularPlugin; 3:01 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Help/MostPopularPlugin; 3:01 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Help/WikiPollPlugin; 3:01 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . TitleSearch; 3:01 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . AllPagesCreatedByMe; 3:01 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . SemanticRelations; 3:01 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Help/text2pngPlugin; 3:01 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . PhpWikiAdministration/SetAclSimple; 3:01 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Help/PopularNearbyPlugin; 3:01 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Help/TextFormattingRules; 3:01 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
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- (diff) (hist) . . Help/SemanticRelations; 3:01 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
21 May 2014
- (diff) (hist) . . TFT, Inc.; 20:14 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . TFT, Inc.; 20:14 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
20 May 2014
- (diff) (hist) . . Dolby Laboratories; 20:00 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (Added Dolby 334. hh)
- (diff) (hist) . . Dolby Laboratories; 20:00 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/Dolby360.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Dolby Laboratories; 20:00 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (Added Dolby 334. hh)
- (diff) (hist) . . Dolby Laboratories; 20:00 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/Dolby360.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 19:39 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . HomePage; 19:39 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
9 May 2014
6 May 2014
- (diff) (hist) . . Coastcom; 20:15 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (Add Rockwell and Pinzone notes on Coastcom 412. hh)
1 May 2014
- (diff) (hist) . . Revox; 20:38 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Revox; 20:38 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/RevoxA77.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Revox; 20:38 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . Revox; 20:38 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/RevoxA77.pdf)
30 April 2014
23 April 2014
- (diff) (hist) . . Collins Radio; 19:43 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . Collins Radio; 19:43 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
22 April 2014
- (diff) (hist) . . Harris Corporation - Broadcast Division; 20:12 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/20140808125331.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Harris Corporation - Broadcast Division; 20:12 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . Harris Corporation - Broadcast Division; 20:12 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/20140808125331.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Harris Corporation - Broadcast Division; 20:12 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
7 April 2014
- (diff) (hist) . . RCA; 3:37 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (revert to version 182)
- (diff) (hist) . . RCA; 3:37 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/20140806134030.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . RCA; 3:37 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (revert to version 182)
- (diff) (hist) . . RCA; 3:37 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/20140806134030.pdf)
28 March 2014
- (diff) (hist) . . McMartin; 20:03 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/20140821123233.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . McMartin; 20:03 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . McMartin; 20:03 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/20140821123233.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . McMartin; 20:03 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
27 March 2014
22 March 2014
- (diff) (hist) . . LPB; 19:01 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . LPB; 19:01 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/AM-100P_Sch.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . LPB; 19:01 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/AM-100P_Sch.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . LPB; 19:01 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
19 March 2014
13 March 2014
- (diff) (hist) . . Crown; 23:10 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/d75sm-Complete.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Crown; 23:10 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Crown; 23:10 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/d75sm-Complete.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Crown; 23:10 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
11 March 2014
- (diff) (hist) . . Orban; 19:58 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . Orban; 19:58 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/OrbanMaintainingAudioQualityInTheRadipPlant.pdf)
2 March 2014
- (diff) (hist) . . CBS Labs; 20:44 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/Audimax444-essentials.jpg)
- (diff) (hist) . . CBS Labs; 20:44 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (Removed link to schematic at Purple Audio)
- (diff) (hist) . . CBS Labs; 20:44 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/Audimax444-essentials.jpg)
- (diff) (hist) . . CBS Labs; 20:44 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (Removed link to schematic at Purple Audio)
- (diff) (hist) . . Continental Electronics; 20:43 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (Updated link to Continental manual page)
- (diff) (hist) . . Continental Electronics; 20:43 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/Continental_212P.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Continental Electronics; 20:43 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (Updated link to Continental manual page)
- (diff) (hist) . . Continental Electronics; 20:43 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/Continental_212P.pdf)
26 February 2014
- (diff) (hist) . . Historic Papers; 20:57 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (revert to version 170)
- (diff) (hist) . . Historic Papers; 20:57 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (revert to version 170)
- (diff) (hist) . . Historic Papers; 20:57 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (revert to version 170)
- (diff) (hist) . . Historic Papers; 20:57 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (revert to version 170)
12 February 2014
- (diff) (hist) . . Comtech Antenna Corporation; 20:37 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . ESE; 5:26 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (revert to version 15)
- (diff) (hist) . . ESE; 5:26 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/20140804130155.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . ESE; 5:26 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (revert to version 15)
- (diff) (hist) . . ESE; 5:26 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/20140804130155.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . QEI; 5:25 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (revert to version 18)
- (diff) (hist) . . QEI; 5:25 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (revert to version 18)
4 February 2014
- (diff) (hist) . . GatesRadioCompany; 20:36 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/gates-m6112-rf-diode.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . GatesRadioCompany; 20:36 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . GatesRadioCompany; 20:36 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/gates-m6112-rf-diode.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . GatesRadioCompany; 20:36 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
17 January 2014
- (diff) (hist) . . EditText; 11:09 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . AddingPages; 11:09 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
9 January 2014
- (diff) (hist) . . Tektronix; 20:34 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/Tek20w-7076.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Tektronix; 20:34 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
18 November 2013
19 October 2013
15 October 2013
- (diff) (hist) . . Gentner; 3:00 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . Gentner; 3:00 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
9 October 2013
- (diff) (hist) . . MoseleyAssociatesInc; 19:53 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . MoseleyAssociatesInc; 19:53 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
1 October 2013
30 September 2013
19 September 2013
23 August 2013
12 August 2013
- (diff) (hist) . . HallikainenAndFriends; 20:02 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . HallikainenAndFriends; 20:02 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/MsLicense801210.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . HallikainenAndFriends; 20:02 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . HallikainenAndFriends; 20:02 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/MsLicense801210.pdf)
9 August 2013
- (diff) (hist) . . Dorrough Electronics; 14:20 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Dorrough Electronics; 14:20 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
26 July 2013
25 July 2013
- (diff) (hist) . . [UploadStanleyAdams/Westinghouse 50Gv2 Intro Manual v2.pdf; 20:31 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
9 July 2013
- (diff) (hist) . . Neotek; 20:25 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Neotek; 20:25 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/NeotekSeries2.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Neotek; 20:25 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/NeotekSeries2.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Neotek; 20:25 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
29 May 2013
- (diff) (hist) . . Andrew Corporation; 20:12 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . Andrew Corporation; 20:12 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/AndrewCatalog22.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Andrew Corporation; 20:12 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Andrew Corporation; 20:12 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/AndrewCatalog22.pdf)
24 May 2013
- (diff) (hist) . . Heathkit; 3:28 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/20140609125521.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Heathkit; 3:28 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Heathkit; 3:28 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/20140609125521.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Heathkit; 3:28 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
18 May 2013
- (diff) (hist) . . Ampex; 3:16 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/20140710132548.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Ampex; 3:16 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . Ampex; 3:16 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/20140710132548.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Ampex; 3:16 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Inovonics; 3:12 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/Inovonics Model 405 Tentrol Operating and Maintenance Instruction Manual.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Inovonics; 3:12 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . Inovonics; 3:12 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/Inovonics Model 405 Tentrol Operating and Maintenance Instruction Manual.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Inovonics; 3:12 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
16 May 2013
15 May 2013
- (diff) (hist) . . 3M; 3:24 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . 3M; 3:24 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/3M Brand Prof. Audio Recorder Scheduled Maint..pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . 3M; 3:24 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . 3M; 3:24 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/3M Brand Prof. Audio Recorder Scheduled Maint..pdf)
13 May 2013
12 May 2013
- (diff) (hist) . . Marti Electronics, Inc.; 18:43 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Marti Electronics, Inc.; 18:43 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/20140818131556.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Marti Electronics, Inc.; 18:43 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . Marti Electronics, Inc.; 18:43 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/20140818131556.pdf)
6 May 2013
7 April 2013
9 February 2013
- (diff) (hist) . . Schafer Automation; 21:55 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Schafer Automation; 21:55 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
3 September 2012
- (diff) (hist) . . Frese and Kaping; 17:47 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (Added AP-4 manual)
- (diff) (hist) . . Frese and Kaping; 17:47 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (Added AP-4 manual)
3 August 2012
11 July 2012
29 June 2012
1 June 2012
- (diff) (hist) . . Help/EditText; 2:16 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (revert to version 7)
- (diff) (hist) . . Help/EditText; 2:16 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (revert to version 7)
23 May 2012
- (diff) (hist) . . Autogram; 20:01 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/20140822125305.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Autogram; 20:01 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . Autogram; 20:01 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/20140822125305.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Autogram; 20:01 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
18 May 2012
- (diff) (hist) . . Dumont; 15:54 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . GeneralElectric; 15:50 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . GeneralElectric; 15:50 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . GeneralElectric; 15:50 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/Locke Catalog Nov-1954.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . GeneralElectric; 15:50 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/Locke Catalog Nov-1954.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Raytheon; 15:39 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
8 February 2012
- (diff) (hist) . . Help/SearchHighlightPlugin; 13:28 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (revert to version 7)
- (diff) (hist) . . Help/SearchHighlightPlugin; 13:28 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (revert to version 7)
- (diff) (hist) . . MoreAboutMechanics; 10:10 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (revert to version 5)
- (diff) (hist) . . Help/PhotoAlbumPlugin; 8:43 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (revert to version 5)
- (diff) (hist) . . Help/PhotoAlbumPlugin; 8:43 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (revert to version 5)
6 February 2012
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 21:07 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 21:07 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/67 WATTMETER.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 21:07 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bird Electronic Corporation; 21:07 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/67 WATTMETER.pdf)
27 January 2012
- (diff) (hist) . . Help/PopularNearbyPlugin; 3:30 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (revert to version 1)
- (diff) (hist) . . Help/PopularNearbyPlugin; 3:30 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (revert to version 1)
- (diff) (hist) . . MyRecentEdits; 3:19 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (revert to version 1)
- (diff) (hist) . . MyRecentEdits; 3:19 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (revert to version 1)
- (diff) (hist) . . Belar Electronics Laboratory; 3:03 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/AMM-3.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Belar Electronics Laboratory; 3:03 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (revert to version 26)
- (diff) (hist) . . Belar Electronics Laboratory; 3:03 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (revert to version 26)
- (diff) (hist) . . Belar Electronics Laboratory; 3:03 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/AMM-3.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Help/WikiFormPlugin; 2:48 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (revert to version 1)
- (diff) (hist) . . Help/WikiFormPlugin; 2:48 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (revert to version 1)
- (diff) (hist) . . UREI; 2:33 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (revert to version 4)
- (diff) (hist) . . UREI; 2:33 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (revert to version 4)
- (diff) (hist) . . UREI; 2:33 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/20140715125146.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . UREI; 2:33 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/20140715125146.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Hollyanne; 1:49 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (revert to version 2)
26 January 2012
- (diff) (hist) . . Multronics; 22:21 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (revert to version 3)
- (diff) (hist) . . Pultec; 21:51 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (revert to version 1)
- (diff) (hist) . . NewMarkupTestPage; 21:27 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (revert to version 4)
- (diff) (hist) . . Audio Arts; 21:23 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . Help/TextFormattingRules; 20:34 . . Das PhpWiki Programmierer-Team (contribs | new pages) (revert to version 4)
- (diff) (hist) . . Help/TextFormattingRules; 20:34 . . Das PhpWiki Programmierer-Team (contribs | new pages) (revert to version 4)
- (diff) (hist) . . Technics; 20:13 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (revert to version 24)
- (diff) (hist) . . Technics; 20:13 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/TechnicsSlpg340.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Trimax; 19:53 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (revert to version 7)
- (diff) (hist) . . Straight Wire Audio; 19:40 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (revert to version 5)
- (diff) (hist) . . ChercherUnePage; 18:53 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (revert to version 1)
- (diff) (hist) . . Potomac Instruments; 17:34 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/smr-11.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Potomac Instruments; 17:34 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/smr-11.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Potomac Instruments; 17:34 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (revert to version 5)
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6 January 2012
- (diff) (hist) . . Broadcast Audio; 15:08 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
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- (diff) (hist) . . Broadcast Audio; 15:08 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/BA System 20 Series IV A.pdf)
25 December 2011
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22 December 2011
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6 September 2011
- (diff) (hist) . . Harman Kardon; 20:26 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded HaroldHallikainen/906-HAO-HKTS-1______-O-A01.pdf)
26 July 2011
- (diff) (hist) . . Scully; 20:34 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . Scully; 20:34 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/Scully250-255.pdf)
16 July 2011
- (diff) (hist) . . Broadcast Electronics; 21:25 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/HOWTO_SETUP_PCIBEI.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Broadcast Electronics; 21:25 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/HOWTO_SETUP_PCIBEI.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Broadcast Electronics; 21:25 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Broadcast Electronics; 21:25 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
13 July 2011
12 July 2011
16 June 2011
26 May 2011
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- (diff) (hist) . . dbx; 20:13 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/dbx160A-manual.pdf)
25 May 2011
- (diff) (hist) . . Broadcast Television Systems; 20:30 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . Bosch; 20:29 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
28 April 2011
1 April 2011
17 March 2011
- (diff) (hist) . . DeltaElectronics; 15:09 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . DeltaElectronics; 15:09 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
21 February 2011
30 October 2010
17 October 2010
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- (diff) (hist) . . Station Histories; 4:50 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
20 May 2010
25 April 2010
7 February 2010
- (diff) (hist) . . CCA; 19:04 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/CCA FM20000E manual.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . CCA; 19:04 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . CCA; 19:04 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . CCA; 19:04 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/CCA FM20000E manual.pdf)
18 January 2010
17 January 2010
12 January 2010
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- (diff) (hist) . . Altec; 19:37 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
29 November 2009
- (diff) (hist) . . Amalgamated Wireless (Australiasia) Ltd.; 16:47 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
29 October 2009
- (diff) (hist) . . ; 7:51 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (pGEdnc <a href="http://esonsgopjioi.com/">esonsgopjioi</a>, [url=http://ciivyeoorjrh.com/]ciivyeoorjrh[/url], [link=http://ltoapilxlamd.com/]ltoapilxlamd[/link], http://xmmvmwisltir.com/)
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28 October 2009
- (diff) (hist) . . Victoreen Instrument Company; 9:30 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (revert to version 11)
29 September 2009
- (diff) (hist) . . ITC; 5:36 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/Itc99B.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . ITC; 5:36 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
26 July 2009
- (diff) (hist) . . What Ever Happened to Channel 1; 18:10 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
2 July 2009
- (diff) (hist) . . GeneralRadio; 3:32 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/20140716125223.pdf)
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- (diff) (hist) . . GeneralRadio; 3:32 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/20140716125223.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . GeneralRadio; 3:32 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
13 June 2009
- (diff) (hist) . . GE Quadraphonic; 21:13 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . GE Quadraphonic; 21:13 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
28 May 2009
- (diff) (hist) . . American Electronic Laboratories; 2:57 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/AelFm25kg.pdf)
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11 April 2009
12 March 2009
- (diff) (hist) . . Consolidated Electronic Industries; 5:39 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
2 February 2009
- (diff) (hist) . . Arrakis Systems, Inc; 16:22 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/ARC8manual.pdf)
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- (diff) (hist) . . Arrakis Systems, Inc; 16:22 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (Added 12000)
- (diff) (hist) . . Arrakis Systems, Inc; 16:22 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/ARC8manual.pdf)
23 January 2009
- (diff) (hist) . . RecentComments; 19:29 . . PhpWiki ???? (contribs | new pages)
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28 December 2008
24 December 2008
- (diff) (hist) . . Standard Telephones & Cables. Australia; 18:14 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (Fixed link for 4-SU-55B. hh)
18 December 2008
9 September 2007
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29 July 2007
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4 July 2007
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27 June 2007
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19 June 2007
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17 June 2007
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- (diff) (hist) . . DebugGruppenInfo; 13:57 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . SeitenProtokoll; 13:57 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . GuterStil; 13:57 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . SeitenInfo; 13:57 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . SeitenGruppenTest; 13:57 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . SeitenErzeugen; 13:57 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . PhpWikiUmfrage; 13:57 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . Hilfe/GraphVizPlugin; 13:57 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . PhpWikiSystemverwalten/Chown; 13:57 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
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- (diff) (hist) . . InhaltsVerzeichnisPlugin; 13:57 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . AlleSeitenImBesitzVonMir; 13:57 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . SeitenGruppenTest/Vier; 13:57 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . ; 13:57 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
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- (diff) (hist) . . HalloWeltPlugin; 13:57 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . HochLaden; 13:57 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . Vorlage/Beispiel; 13:57 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . TitelSuche; 13:57 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . AlleSeiten; 13:57 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . PhpWikiSystemverwalten/AclSetzen; 13:57 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . VorlagePlugin; 13:57 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . Hilfe/AutorenProtokollPlugin; 13:57 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
15 June 2007
- (diff) (hist) . . RicercaSuTutto; 19:04 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
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- (diff) (hist) . . PaginaPrincipale; 19:04 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . VarieSulFunzionamento; 19:04 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . UserPreferences; 19:04 . . The PhpWiki programming team (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . ModificaIlTesto; 19:04 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . UserPreferences; 19:04 . . The PhpWiki programming team (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . BuonStile; 19:04 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . RegoleDiFormattazioneDelTesto; 19:04 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . RegoleFormattazioneTesto; 19:04 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
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- (diff) (hist) . . ComeUsareWiki; 19:04 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . PaginaDiProva; 19:04 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . TrovaPagina; 19:04 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . CambiamentiRecenti; 19:04 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . PiuPopolari; 19:04 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . ScatolaDiSabbia; 19:04 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . RicercaDelTesto; 19:04 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . AmministrazioneDiPhpWiki/Rimuovi; 19:04 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . AggiungerePagine; 19:04 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . VisitatoriRecenti; 19:04 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
12 June 2007
- (diff) (hist) . . RelatedChanges; 13:53 . . (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . RecentEdits; 13:53 . . (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . RelatedChanges; 13:53 . . (contribs | new pages)
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- (diff) (hist) . . RandomPage; 13:53 . . (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . RandomPage; 13:53 . . (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . CreatePage; 13:53 . . (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . CreatePage; 13:53 . . (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . PageDump; 13:53 . . (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . AllPages; 13:53 . . (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . AllPages; 13:53 . . (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . ReglasDeFormatoDeTexto; 13:53 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . PageDump; 13:53 . . (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . ViejoReglasDeFormatoDeTexto; 13:53 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . AgregarPaginas; 13:53 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . TodasLasPaginas; 13:53 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . EditarElTexto; 13:52 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . ComoUsarWiki; 13:52 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . KBrown; 13:52 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . ; 13:52 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . MasPopulares; 13:52 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . CajaDeArena; 13:52 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . ; 13:52 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
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- (diff) (hist) . . MasAcercadeLaMecanica; 13:52 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
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- (diff) (hist) . . CambiosRecientes; 13:52 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
11 June 2007
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- (diff) (hist) . . PageAccueil; 8:12 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
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- (diff) (hist) . . ; 8:11 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
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- (diff) (hist) . . ; 8:11 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . PagesSemblables; 8:11 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . ; 8:11 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
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- (diff) (hist) . . PageTestAnciennesMarques; 8:11 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
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- (diff) (hist) . . PgsrcTranslation_sv; 3:53 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
9 June 2007
19 May 2007
- (diff) (hist) . . MilitaryRadio; 23:15 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . MilitaryRadio; 23:15 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . United Transformer Corporation; 19:50 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
10 April 2007
5 March 2007
20 February 2007
29 January 2007
9 January 2007
- (diff) (hist) . . Sony; 5:03 . . harold (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . Sony; 5:03 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/20140826124528.pdf)
- (diff) (hist) . . Sony; 5:03 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . Sony; 5:03 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (uploaded harold/20140826124528.pdf)
4 January 2007
31 December 2006
19 November 2006
16 October 2006
17 August 2006
3 July 2006
22 June 2006
14 June 2006
9 June 2006
21 April 2006
15 December 2005
30 November 2005
- (diff) (hist) . . EfJohnson; 3:08 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . EFJohnson.pdf; 1:33 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
26 November 2005
15 October 2005
14 October 2005
25 September 2005
- (diff) (hist) . . AboutWiki; 5:40 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
- (diff) (hist) . . InterWiki; 4:16 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
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- (diff) (hist) . . PhotoAlbumPlugin; 4:16 . . harold (contribs | new pages) (New page)
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- (diff) (hist) . . PhpWikiAdministration/Chown; 4:16 . . The PhpWiki programming team (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . PhpWikiAdministration/Chown; 4:16 . . The PhpWiki programming team (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . PhpWikiAdministration/Rename; 4:16 . . The PhpWiki programming team (contribs | new pages)
- (diff) (hist) . . PhpWikiAdministration/Rename; 4:16 . . The PhpWiki programming team (contribs | new pages)
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27 January 2004
15 February 2003
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