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Newer page: | version 14 | Last edited on 12 June 2024 21:21 | by harold | Revert |
Older page: | version 13 | Last edited on 18 March 2024 2:44 | by harold | Revert |
@@ -114,11 +114,11 @@
* <strike>[Gates M5735 Spot Tape|Upload:harold/GatesM5735.pdf], 101 tracks on 13 inch wide, 45 foot long tape. Head moves to select spot to play. Each spot can be up to 90 seconds long. Tape runs at 5.25 inches per second. 1960.</strike>
* [Heathkit SG-8|Upload:harold/Heathsg8.pdf] Signal Generator. 100 kHz to 220 Mhz with harmonics to 220 MHz.
* [Measurements 111 Crystal Calibrator|Upload:harold/Measurements111.pdf]. 1950
* [Moseley MRC-1602LP|Upload:harold/MoseleyMrc1620LP93.pdf], Remote Control System. 1993
-* [Moseley PCL-606/C|Upload:harold/MoseleyPCL-606C_87.pdf] Comosite STL. 1987.
+* <strike>
[Moseley PCL-606/C|Upload:harold/MoseleyPCL-606C_87.pdf] Comosite STL. 1987.</strike>
* [Moseley SL9003Q|Upload:harold/MoseleySL9003Q.pdf] Digital Studio Transmitter Link. 1998.
* [Moseley TRC-15A|Upload:MoseleyTrc15a.pdf] remote control system. about 1975
* [Television Training, Television Tests, Measurements, Maintenance Text|Upload:harold/TelevisionTraining1-a.pdf]
* [Television Training, Television Tests, Measurements, Maintenance Illustrations|Upload:harold/TelevisionTests1.pdf] - Training for analog television. Includes Audio-Video Hall.
* [Yokogawa Electric Works L-3C|Upload:harold/YewL-3C.pdf] Portable Wheatstone Bridge.
version 14
Free To Good Home
Hard copies of these manuals are available for the cost of shipping (typically USPS Media Mail).If they are not claimed by the date listed, they will be put out for recycling. This is your opportunity to save history from the dumpster! Please send requests to harold@hallikainen.org.
Recycle May 1, 2024
Ampex VR-1200BC Training Manual
Audi-Cord 100 Series Tape Cartridge Recorder-Reproducer 1982
Belar AMM-3 AM Modulation Monitor.
Bext Catalog and Price List, 1992 - 2 copies
Broadcast Electronics Series 2000 Tape Cartridge Machine. 1977
Broadcast Electronics FC-30 SCA Generator. 1984.
Broadcast Electronics Practical RFI Elimination Techniques for the Broadcast Engineer, William L. Ammons
Broadcasters General Store 1997 Catalog
Burk ARC-16 Remote Control System, Rev A, 1997. Includes CDL (Control, Display, Logging) AutoPilot (1994), ESI (Enhanced Speech Interface, Rev A 1998), BDT-15 Wireless Data Transceiver (2001),
CBS Laboratories Audimax III 1965 Manual
Collins Collins 54N-1 FM Frequency Monitor, 1968
Collins 310Z-1 FM Exciter
Collins Automatic Tape Control tape cartridge machine. 1959
Contel ASC C-100 Series Micro Earth Station Installation Manual. 1987
Gentner Digital Hybrid ANA, 1987
Harris 6550 Satellite Receiver. 1983.
Harris Allied Undated Catalog
International Tapetronics Corporation PD-II Series tape cartridge macines. 1974. 4 MB.
Johnson Electronics ST-4A SCA Receiver. 1979.
Moseley MRC-1600 Remote Control System. Fourth Edition, 1984
Ohmite Catalog 58 - Resistors, rheostats, tap switches, relays, tantalum capacitors, variable transformers, RF chokes.
Moseley PCL-505-C Composite STL, 1978
Orban 8100A/XT2 Six Band Limiter Accessory Chassis for use with Model 8100A/1. 1987
Orban RET-041 Retrofit Kit adds NRSC pre-emphasis and 10 kHz low pass filter to Optimod-AM 9100A/1.
QEI 695 FM Exciter. 1994. 7.2MB,
QRK 5 Audio Console, 1970
Sony Broadcast Technical Bulletins from the early 1980s
Telefile DC-16-C Disk Controller for use with Data General processors and Ampex, CDC, Memorex or Calcom T302 drives. 1977.
Telos Call Screen Manager, 1994.. Includes software on 3.5 and 5.25 inch floppies
Thordarson Catalog 76
TTC XLFM Series 1 and 10 watt FM translators. 1984.
UREI 535, 533 Dual Graphic Equalizer. 1979.
UREI BL-40 Broadcast Limiter, 1974
Wheatstone A-6000 Audio Console. 1994
Wheatstone New Arrival - The Wheatstone A-20
Recycle June 1, 2024
AM Stereo, The National AM Stereophonic Radio Committee, 1977. Extensive analysis of the proposed systems for AM stereo.
Belar AMM-3 AM Modulation Monitor.
Belar FMMA-1 Wizard Precision Digital FM Modulation Monitor / Analyzer. 2001
Belar FMMSA-1 Precision Digital FM Stereo Modulation Monitor / Analyzer. 1998
Broadcast Tools UI-4II Universal Interface. 1998.
Broadcast Tools USN-1616L Universal Serial I/O Controller. 1997
Collins - Electrical Safety, 1962
Collins 26J-1 Limiting Amplifier. 1960. - 2 copies
Collins 212E-1 Stereo Broadcast Console. 1963
Collins 212F-2 Broadcast Console, 1962
Collins 212G-1 Broadcast Console. 1960
Collins 212G-1 Broadcast Console. Fourth Edition, 1961 - 2 copies
Collins 212Z-1 Remote Amplifier. 1964
Collins 808A-1 Console, 1963
Collins 820E/F-1 Manual
Collins 820E-1 6 kW AM Transmitter Type Acceptance Application, 1965
Collins 830 Series. Includes 830F-1A 10 kW FM transmitter, A830-2 FM exciter, 786M-1 stereo generator, B830-1 250 watt FM amplifier, 830D-1A 1 kW FM transmitter, D830-1 1 kW FM amplifier, 830E-1A 5kW FM amplifier, E830-1 5 kW FM amplifier, 830F-1A 10 kW FM transmitter, F830-1 10 kW FM amplifier. About 1966.
Comstream ABR202 Audio Broadcast Receiver, Installation and Operation Guide, 1998
Delta OIB-1 Operating Impedance Bridge. 1966
Delta Application Bulletin 1 - New measurements you can make with the OIB-1 Operating Impedance Bridge.
Delta Application Bulletin 3 - Use of the Operating Impedance Bridge.
241 Cathode Ray Oscillograph. 1943
Gates RDC-10-C transmitter remote control. Uses two DC phone lines. One line carries the meter sample. The other line carries DC voltages and pulses to ground for control and stepper relay control. 1962
GE 4BT50A 50 kW AM transmitter. 1959.
General Radio 617-C Interpolation Oscillator
General Radio 631-B Strobotac
General Radio 648A Strobolux
General Radio 1650-A Impedance Bridge. 1961
General Radio Service and Maintenance Notes
HP 120A / AR Oscilloscope. Serial numbers 101 and above. 1958.
HP 200 Series Resistance Tuned Audio Oscillators.
HP 400A Vacuum Tube Voltmeter.
HP 425A Microvolt-Ammeter. 1958
Gentner Audio Prism Phoenix Digitally Controlled Audio Processor. 1989
Leeds and Northrup Galvanometers and Dynamometers, 1946
Marti RPT-30 Remote Pickup Transmitter. 1986.
Measurements Corporation 62 Vacuum Tube Voltmeter, 1945
Measurements Corporation 78B Standard Signal Generator
Measurements Corporation 111 Crystal Calibrator. 1950
Otari MX-5050BII Series Professional Recorders. Edition 7, 1987.
Radio Shack 43-12 FM Wireless Intercom. - 2 copies
RCA RCA 69-C Distortion and Noise Meter IB-32021-4
RCA TF-12AH Superturnstile Antennas
RCA - an historical perspective discusses RCA from its formation in 1919 through 1976
Simpson 389-3L Temperature Meter. 1958
Sine Systems RFC-1/B Remote Facilities Controller Programming Book
Sine Systems RP-8 Relay Panel
Sonomag 350 Series Carousel, 1976.
Symetrix TI-101 Telephone Interface, 1982.
Tektronix Circuit Computer - A circular slide rule for calculating reactance, resonance, rise time, filter cutoff frequency. 1961 - 2 copies
Texar Audio Prism multiband audio processor. 1986
Triplett 3490 Transistor Analyzer. 1961
TTC FM 10000J, TTC/Wilkinson 10 kW FM transmitter. 1985
Video Systems VM114 Video Monitor. 1963.
Recycle July 1, 2024
Collins 20V Libro De Instrucciones
Collins 20V-3 1 kW AM Broadcast Transmitter. Operates at 250, 500, or 1,000 watts from 550 kHz to 12 MHz. 1962
Collins 231D-20 3 kW communications transmitter. 10 crystal controlled channels 3 MHz to 26 MHz with autotune. CW, MCW, and AM. FSK with external FSK exciters. 1956.
Collins 732A Manual
Collins Catalog 48, June 1976
Continental 802A FM Broadcast Solid State Exciter. 1985.
Continental 816R Training Manual, 1998. 2 copies
Continental 816R Pre-Installation Manual
Continental 816R-5 FM Transmitter with Solid State Exciter 802A. 1987.
Continental 1989 Catalog - Radio Broadcast Equipment, Continental Electronics Division of Varian. 1989.
Electronics Digest, Volume 3, Number 5, March/April 1970.
Electronics Digest, Volume 4, Number 2, September/October 1970.
Electronics Digest, Volume 4, Number 3, November/December 1970.
Fidelipac Dynamax CTR10 Series
Gates M5735 Spot Tape, 101 tracks on 13 inch wide, 45 foot long tape. Head moves to select spot to play. Each spot can be up to 90 seconds long. Tape runs at 5.25 inches per second. 1960.
Heathkit SG-8 Signal Generator. 100 kHz to 220 Mhz with harmonics to 220 MHz.
Measurements 111 Crystal Calibrator. 1950
Moseley MRC-1602LP, Remote Control System. 1993
Moseley PCL-606/C Comosite STL. 1987.
Moseley SL9003Q Digital Studio Transmitter Link. 1998.
Moseley TRC-15A remote control system. about 1975
Television Training, Television Tests, Measurements, Maintenance Text
Television Training, Television Tests, Measurements, Maintenance Illustrations - Training for analog television. Includes Audio-Video Hall.
Yokogawa Electric Works L-3C Portable Wheatstone Bridge.